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Approved Starship Singularity Class Interdiction Frigate

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  • Classification: Customs Frigate
  • Length: 369m
  • Width: 84m
  • Height: 79m
  • Armament: Very Low
    • Two twin heavy ion cannon turrets on each side
    • Four single heavy laser cannon turrets
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space: Extreme: 5
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 5 squadrons - 60 dedicated launch tubes on each side of the hull for Ashwing drones
    • Support Craft: 0 squadrons
  • Single Craft Hangar: Yes - Ventral Hangar
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating:
    • Average
    • While jumpmaster subdrive active: Extreme - maximum speed around 0.98c but renders armaments and maneuverability to none
  • Hyperdrive: Yes
  • Hyperdrive:
    • Class 1.01 Jumpmaster microdrive
    • Backup class 5 hyperdrive


The ship has all the standard features that would normally be expected on a ship of this size and class.


  • David and Goliath: The Singularity class has an advanced gravity well generator and use magnite enhanced tractor beams giving it the ability to engage ships many times its own size with these systems. The engine configuration of the singularity allows it to have a suprising amount of torque power when wrestling with larger vessels
  • Fighter support: The fighters it brings may be puny individually, but the capability of rapidly launching 120 of them makes the vessel very dangerous to its opponents, particularly pirates and smugglers that are typically poorly equipped to deal with a swarm of fighters.
  • Ludicrous speed: The Jumpmaster device gives the ship the capability of reaching very close to the speed of light (0.98c) without entering hyperspace allowing it outposition many opponents.
  • Tough little ship: As an interdictor it is almost certainly going to be a prime target so it is built with defence in mind and comes with powerful multi-layered shields.

  • Weak Armament: The ship is not designed to go toe to toe with other vessels and only packs a token Armament. It's primary offensive weaponry is also ion based as its primary role is to disable and board, not destroy.
  • Inflexible fighter loadout: Specifically designed to operate with the ashwing drones, the launch tubes would require a major overhaul of the ship to reconfigure.
  • Fight or Flight: The Jumpmaster is a powerful piece of mobility technology but the sensitive nature and power stresses mean no weapons can be fired while it is active and the ship is unable to change course. It also prevents launch or retrieval of any deployed droid fighters.
  • Nose mounted bridge: Unusually for combat ships the command bridge is right at the front and provides an obvious target for the enemy to attack. This is necessity because of the positioning of the gravity well generator and the hangar facilities. The bridge is connected via two narrow corridors to the engineering and crew quarters at the rear.


The singularity class interdictor frigate was commissioned on the orders of Anja Rydder and was one of a series of ships made by various Denon companies to allow her to showcase the home grown talent from the prosperous corpocracy that is Denon.

The ship's primary role is mobility control of vessels that require customs and border inspection or capture. To this end it has a state of the art gravity well projector, capable of restraining large ships within a wide area. On top of that it also has a powerful enhanced tractor beam suite that can allow it to hold on to large vessels effectively.

Once alongside, the ship can use boarding tubes and force cylinders to quickly deploy c-bop inspectors alongside corpsec marines as necesary into the target vessel.​
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Anja Rydder Anja Rydder

Nicely made!
  • Please link the first art to the Image source, you only linked the second one, but not the first.
  • The Jumpmaster sub didn't have a similar feature to what you write here. So how is it possible? And if it is true, why is the speed only Normal and not Extreme? The Jumpmaster is a hyperdrive, not an ion engine. Please explain or edit it.
    Ludicrous speed: The Jumpmaster device gives the ship the capability of reaching very close to the speed of light (0.98c) without entering hyperspace allowing it outposition many opponents.

Hi, thank you for taking the time to look at this.

I have added the second image source, I found them on the same page but one was in the related images section so I have directly linked that now.

It has both a jumpmaster brand hyperdrive and the attached jumpmaster subdrive module. I have added the hyperdrive to the propulsion systems and also added the subdrive effect to the speed section of the technical specs to make it clearer rather than just having it in strengths and weaknesses.

I have also swapped durasteel for hexalloy as it is preferred by Globex shipwrights

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Anja Rydder Anja Rydder

Thank you! However I cannot accept this as balanced. Hangar rating is always the same. Those will not disappear when your ship is using the jumpmaster subdrive. Or this means, your ship ejects the ships into space or these spaces are destroyed? Otherwise the ship still has Extreme hangar space and it is still able to keep squadrons just not able to launch them. So I suggest you to try to find different places where you can deduct ratings when your ship is using this subdrive, or remove it. For example, usually every time someone uses SLAM (which is similar) the Maneuverability Rating is always worse. If you modify the Maneuverability Rating and Armament to None while the ship uses the subdrive, it is a good solution too.
While jumpmaster subdrive active: Extreme - maximum speed around 0.98c but renders armaments and usable hangar capacity to none (see weaknesses)
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