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Character Siyndacha Karolle Aerin



Lady Siyndacha Aerin
The Snow Wraith
ClassesImperial Knight
AgeMid-Late Forties [900s ABY]
Birthdate856 ABY
Personality TraitsDiligent
Education TraitsEchani Upbringing
Jedi Training
Sith Training
Imperial Re-Education
Imperial Re-Training
Life Experience
Lifestyle Traits Martial Artist
Rank(s)Imperial Knight-Commander
Faction(s)Imperial Military Protectorate
The Order of Imperial Knights
LanguagesGalactic Basic
- Bastion Dialect
- Galidraani Dialect
Force SensitiveY
Force AlignmentNeutral
Character AlignmentLawful Neutral
Height5’9” [175.26 cm]
Weight146 lbs [66.2 kg]

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    Lady Siyndacha Aerin is a polymath, martial artist, technomancer, and Imperial Knight-Commander.

    With the rise of the Sith, and news of the death of a respected former political contemporary while in their service reaching her ears, Aerin has been disturbed out of the lot she has accepted in life these past two decades, and come to some stark realisations: she no more belonged where she was than a fish belonged in the deserts of Tatooine, and her life was not at all what she thought it would be, or perhaps, what it should have been. She was being wasted, stagnating, propping up the dead horse of an Imperial Dream.

    So great was this disturbance that she vacated the post of Warden and split from the Imperial Military Protectorate and her husband, leaving little more than a letter, and vanishing to the stars. To make good on old oaths, and employ her intellect, skills and blade to once again spill the tainted blood of the Sith.

    And any Jedi should they be found wanting.

    Born in 856 ABY as a scion of the ancient Echani house of Aerin - a member of the former ruling councils of their people, prior to the investiture of a single figurehead, a Queen - Siyndacha Karolle had a childhood steeped in the tenets and institutions of her warrior culture, the teachings and wisdom of her grandfather Marezius (a former Jedi and mate of the clan matriarch, Adithi) and the fostering of her technological and mechanical aptitudes and interests, both in the Force and by intellect.

    Then everything began to change when conflict came to Eshan, claiming the lives of her mother, Karolle, and father, Torr, and opening her to the sway of darkness as an eventual result of her grief. Seduced as a young girl with the promise of power to protect her house and her people from the further ravages of the galaxy, Siyndacha was lured away from the ruin and pain, when kidnapped from her home at the age of seven.

    It was easy at first. This Sith, one of her own people, no less... he appealed to her mind and reasoned with her questions and doubts, carefully leading her down the dark path and moulding her into a willing servant of the darkness, or so he believed.

    At her core, the reality of such a path - its uncompromising hatred and the senseless need of the dark and light to wipe each other from existence - in brutal campaign after brutal campaign, was hard to shake, and it became a source of increasing disillusionment and trauma that eventually awakened her to the only truth: there was no security, no peace, in a chaotic, unending conflict of two extremes.

    At the age of eleven in 867 ABY, the path of her life changed again, when her 'master' was slain by the blade of a Imperial Knight, who then turned to her and brought their blade to bear... yet hesitated, feeling the melange of fear and... relief wafting off of the girl. The Knight spoke of the truth she had only just begun to feel, and offered her a choice: Die here, or go with them and live.

    The young Echani heir willingly turned herself in to Imperial forces, and the decade that followed was spent in Imperial re-education, psychological recovery, assimilation into Imperial culture, as well as re-training and further training as an initiate of the Order of Imperial Knights, until she was old enough to become an Imperial Knight herself. In the years prior to her ascension, she was a squire for the Imperial Knight that first took her in - Knight-Commander Rafael 'Rafe' Therian - until his untimely demise at the Battle of Tython in 876 ABY.

    After a period of grieving and assessment, Aerin was accorded the rank of Knight-Errant in the early spring of 877 ABY. Her primary combat assignment at the time was as an attaché to the 501st Stormtrooper Legion, with her deployment posting aboard the NIV Dissident Aggressor; this was part of an effort to stem further losses, as the bloody events at Ilum highlighted a need for Knights at the forefront once again in an erupting cold war with the Galactic Alliance and their New Jedi Order.

    However, as the Empire shifted more of its Knights in that direction, so too did her assignments change: as an uncommon Knight with political rank (that of the noble class) and in particular with her acumen, education, and abilities, she saw more assignments of a diplomatic nature as her first year as an active Knight has progressed. As the second year of her tenure as a Knight-Errant encroached, and with the disappearance of the Warden of the Empire and Heir to the Throne, Lord Dooku, she further sunk herself into the politics of the Empire and threw her lot behind the nomination of Michael Barran for the post of Warden... seeing him as the best option, the only option for the sake of the Empire's stability at that point in time, mere hours after having pulled his unconscious person from the blizzard conditions of Concordia in late 877 ABY.

    In late 878 ABY, after pulling the Warden Michael Barran from certain freezing death - though the locale was in this instance Galidraan III - for a second time, a year on after the first, she started to feel doubt in her decisions that lead to him being assigned the post he occupied. Though she was assigned as the Warden's aide after that day on Concordia, it seemed far too often that she was his handler, a sort of babysitter, and these doubts became unexpectedly quickly aired to the man's cousin, one Denniston Thrast, as the very person they both watched over laid unconscious in a room at Milicent Military Hospital. Yet the Hunter turned out to be a good ear and a welcome perspective that eased her concerns.

    In 879 ABY came her ascension to full Knight and shortly thereafter, the assignment of her first student: the fifteen-year-old Martin S. Senée. And so, as the years wore on, circumstance drew her ever-further from her adopted home of Ravelin, as the Empire split into remnants and carried on as best they could, and she found a new home in the snows of Galidraan III, and with it, a growing love with that Hunter, that in time resulted in children: Silthe 'Silya' Thrast was the first, and like her mother, a force sensitive. More children followed. Siyndacha ultimately adapted to the snows, finding them at times to her advantage given her chalk-pale colouration, and learned to loosen up, eventually, spending so much time amongst the Goidels. Her ascencion to Knight-Commander, then subsequently, the Order's highest rank of Warden, came also in the two decades since the Empire's downfall.

    More to be added.

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    Herein lie the stories of the life of the Warden of the Protectorate, Lady Siyndacha Aerin, around the turn of the century
    Ghosts of the Empire | The Imperial Conference at Tion
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    Words Words Words
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    Michael Barran Michael Barran Lord-Regent | Silya's Master
    Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Imperial Knight-Commander | Friend
    Martin S. Senée Martin S. Senée Imperial Knight | Officer | First Student
    Denniston Thrast II Denniston Thrast II Husband - Separated
    Silya Thrast Silya Thrast Imperial Knight-Errant | Daughter
    +other offspring


    Adithi Aerin Grandmother | Deceased
    Marezius Aerin Grandfather | Deceased
    Karolle and Torr Aerin Parents | Deceased
    + various aunts, uncles, and cousins



    Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar Former Lover
    Jorus Fel Childhood Intended [post-867 ABY]
    Zorah Fel Zorah Fel Childhood Friend [post-867 ABY]
    Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Former Mentor
    Rafael Therian Former Mentor | Deceased

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Lady Siyndacha Aerin of Eshan
AgeEarly - Mid Twenties
[870s - 880s ABY]
Personality TraitsAmbitious
Education TraitsEchani Upbringing
Jedi Training
Sith Training
Lifestyle TraitsAthletic
Life-long Martial Artist
Rank(s)Imperial Knight-Errant
Faction(s)The Empire
The Order of the Imperial Knights
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Imperial Basic
Force SensitiveY
Force AlignmentNeutral
Character AlignmentLawful Neutral
Weight140 lbs

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    ( This bio concerns the period prior to 880 ABY)

    Lady Siyndacha Aerin is an Imperial Knight-Errant, technomancer, polymath, martial artist, and aide to the Warden of the Empire, Michael Barran.

    As a scion of the ancient Echani house of Aerin - a member of the former ruling councils of their people, prior to the investiture of a single figurehead, a Queen - Siyndacha Karolle Aerin had a childhood steeped in the tenets and institutions of her warrior culture, the teachings and wisdom of her grandfather Marezius (a former Jedi and mate of the clan matriarch, Adithi) and the fostering of her technological and mechanical aptitudes and interests, both in the Force and by intellect.

    Then everything began to change when conflict came to Eshan, claiming the lives of her mother, Karolle, and father, Torr, and opening her to the sway of darkness as an eventual result of her grief. Seduced as a young girl with the promise of power to protect her house and her people from the further ravages of the galaxy, Siyndacha was lured away from the ruin and pain, when kidnapped from her home at the age of seven.

    It was easy at first. This Sith, one of her own people, no less... he appealed to her mind and reasoned with her questions and doubts, carefully leading her down the dark path and moulding her into a willing servant of the darkness, or so he believed.

    At her core, the reality of such a path - its uncompromising hatred and the senseless need of the dark and light to wipe each other from existence - in brutal campaign after brutal campaign, was hard to shake, and it became a source of increasing disillusionment and trauma that eventually awakened her to the only truth: there was no security, no peace, in a chaotic, unending conflict of two extremes.

    At the age of eleven, the path of her life changed again, when her 'master' was slain by the blade of a Imperial Knight, who then turned to her and brought their blade to bear... yet hesitated, feeling the melange of fear and... relief wafting off of the girl. The Knight spoke of the truth she had only just begun to feel, and offered her a choice: Die here, or go with them and live.

    It has been more than a decade since the young Echani heir willingly turned herself in to Imperial forces, a decade that was spent in Imperial re-education, psychological recovery, assimilation into Imperial culture, as well as re-training and further training as an initiate of the Order of Imperial Knights, until she was old enough to become an Imperial Knight herself. In recent years, she was squire for the Imperial Knight that first took her in - Knight-Commander Rafael 'Rafe' Therian - until his untimely demise at the Battle of Tython.

    After a period of grieving and assessment, Aerin was accorded the rank of Knight-Errant in the early spring of 877 ABY. Her primary combat assignment has been as an attaché to the 501st Stormtrooper Legion, with her deployment posting aboard the NIV Dissident Aggressor; this was part of an effort to stem further losses, as the bloody events at Ilum highlighted a need for Knights at the forefront once again in an erupting cold war with the Galactic Alliance and their New Jedi Order.

    However, as the Empire has shifted more of its Knights in this direction, so too have her assignments changed: as an uncommon Knight with political rank (that of the noble class) and in particular with her acumen, education, and abilities, she has seen more assignments of a diplomatic nature as her first year as an active Knight has progressed.

    Now as her second year as a Knight closes in, and with the disappearance of the Warden of the Empire and Heir to the Throne, Lord Dooku - this the most recent in a series of unexpected events - it has become more than apparent that something stinks in the Empire.

    The future is as nebulous as ever...

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    This details Aerin's missions and pursuits as a Knight-Errant of the Empire, attaché to the 501st Stormtrooper Legion alongside 2LT Kriegan Tavlar, subsequent assignment as an aide to the new Warden of the Empire, Knight-Commander Michael Barran, and other events.

    Crawl Away | Sons of the Empire | Operation Scimitar | The Hollow
    Oh Lorrd, What Is Happening? | Under The Stars | Allegiances | Argent
    A Quiet Commendation | Upheaval | Hostile Takeover | Final Eclipse
    Home of the Brave II


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    Rafael Therian Mentor | Deceased
    Zorah Fel Zorah Fel Friend
    Jorus Fel Deplorable Jackass
    Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar Close Associate


    Adithi Aerin Grandmother | Matriarch
    Marezius Aerin Grandfather
    Karolle and Torr Aerin Parents | Deceased
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