Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Resident | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "I claimed you so proud and openly."

How can you tell?

"Just-- How he is, I guess. The showrunners made him like that. Villainous." Lyn's gaze didn't leave the holographic screen now, frowning, brows pushed together as she considered that. Had the villain asked to be designed as a villain? A beyond stupid question; it was a character on a child's show, what did that matter?

Maybe it did matter. Kole, after all, hadn't had a stake in his own design -- Not like either of them knew that, of course. Lyn's own design was different, more organic, nurture over nature, but similar too. Both types of programming, both shaping of their end result.

A deep-chested sigh left the Zeltron and she went for the remote, "...I can change it, I guess. Maybe see the local news. We might have made it, who knows." Or they kept watching cyclical characters go in cycles. If this entire conundrum of a case was just another of such 'cycles' in the universe's motions, then she rather fancied breaking it, if it meant they'd be free. Without it they might tactfully avoid more shootouts and false leads.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
The Good Villain | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

That might have given Kole the answers he desired if he was treating the questions at face value, as to what they really should be. Instead? It troubled him and it was evident by the fading and eventual disappearance of the smile that rest so plainly across his face. It wasn't necessarily a scowl that had taken it's place, but instead a soft frown as the Zeltron remained leant against his side. Vacant eyes, once more, stared forwards into something frivolous. As his body was still, his mind ran wild whilst seemingly unresponsive.


It was that singular word, above all else, that stuck with him. It spoke to him in a way that he didn't see coming, nor did Lyn- he was to presume. They may have made him in such a way, and so was it within his nature to act in such a way? He could not change, he could not be helped, permanently filling that role of someone objectively bad. Kole's artificiality, even if aware, wasn't even to play within this line of thought. Kole had lived a diversified life as a farmer, a military man, a criminal, and now limbo. Yet, did he make those decisions by himself, or was there something influencing him from the outside?

"Sure." Kole said in response. It certainly paid to be an HRD when his thoughts took a direction that was bound to make Lyn think twice about this partnership, however temporary.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
The Bad Hero | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "And when times were rough, when times were rough."

In silence, Lyn flicked a switch and the channels cycled. Away from the cartoons, everything, to the local news coverage. Which, as to be expected, was swarmed -- They were in the underworld, after all, and local reporters could only 'report' so much of what happened down here. The blonde, prim, utterly annoying reporter droned on about taxing increases (Hooray), continued repair efforts (Eh...) and the nightly corpse report (Bleh). Nothing about a pair of misfits going up in a fireball in 1313. Must be too often to make the news, then.

Was this how normal people spent the day? Sitting on the couch together, in near-embrace, enjoying each other, ignoring television? She doubted Kole was enjoying it very much, all things considering. And Lyn wasn't born to things have like normal folk. No, she learned that early. So they sat in awkward silence, waiting for one or the other to start steering their leaking ship to safe harbour, determine what they would do next.

Would they even do anything next? Or just remain here in purgatory waiting for a devil's reaping?

"What are we gonna do." She whispered, mostly to herself, a hand reaching up to briefly rub her eye with the heel of her palm.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Anti-Hero | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

Kole struggled to really enjoy anything in the moment. His head continued to ring, his eyelids felt heavy and only increasingly so, every moment that passed allowed a sensation of drowning as he slinked further and further into the cushions, and his own thoughts painted him as nothing more than a villain without any chance of redemption. Forever roaming independently, hurting, destroying, but not only other people; himself too.

​His eyes had drifted downwards, a spot in the flooring had consumed his attention or so it seemed. That frown persisted, yet had gone unnoticed. It was for the best- Kole was only going to have to lie about it being 'nothing'. The HRD had heard her subtle questioning, and he hadn't an answer, so maybe it was fitting that he didn't give it one. His eyes had slowly come to a close, and his head had slinked backwards as to rest on the couch itself. It seemed as if he was staring into the ceiling, but maybe this concussion had left him a state that was too irritating to sit through, to endure. May as well rest.

"I don't know." He murmured throughout the process.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Femme Fatale | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "I made sure I held you close to me."

She ought to let him recover. He deserved that much. A faint nod, just a bob of the head really, and the Zeltron quieted. She hushed to listen to the faint drone of the ever-pessimistic news, listening to the creaks of her apartment complex as people shuffled around it at their own speed, going through their own lives. Something she wished she could be doing right now.

Credits were credits. Kole was Kole. And Lynnori was Lynnori. They were stuck.

Moments passed by like that before she finally moved, probably unintentionally causing a stir as their possibly-peaceful sitting session was disturbed, "I think I'll go find something to do." It was spoken in a manner that had a double-meaning, sounding more like 'You seem to want to be alone and I'll leave for now to give you that', than what she'd actually said. Easier to mask words behind facades than actually spit them out. Lyn swung her legs off the arm of her worn couch, sitting upright next to Kole before leaning down to wrestle with her boots, a soft exhale leaving her flared nostrils.

What was she going to do? Eat, maybe. See if anyone in the lobby had either seen a famous Clawdite actor or gangsters in the area. Smoke a little. Try to breathe.

The usual.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Quiet Contemplation | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

He could feel her leave before he understand any of the words that came from those parted, pink lips. His eyelids had released their hold over those artificial blue orbs that found respite within his skull. The subtlety of the fabrics shifting, the movements he was forced to make as weight was relieved from a portion of the lounge, and the warmth -- physical or not -- had gone. Kole's head had rolled over, only to catch a glimpse of her rear, well, the entirety of her back-side (which admittedly didn't sound any better) considering the Zeltron wasn't facing him. His chest rose, his chest fell. Kole didn't reach out to stop her. He needed that rest.

​It was strange to think that the only time he truly had to be alone since the day before was the brief moments a shower was had. Even then, he wasn't truly alone. Lyn remained a toxin on his mind, and he hadn't the antidote. It's what he deserve for getting himself wrapped up with a Zeltron, no? They were known for their... ways. It was to be expected, but maybe he hadn't seen it until after those pheromones ensnared him.

Now, at the very least, he was able to dwell on the scenario- or sleep. Either or.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment Complex, Day 2 Of The Job, Afternoon
Stuck In Time | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "So call out my name, call out my name."

In the end, the Zeltron found herself near the doors of the lobby. Still inside the building, to take cover in the shelter offered, but far away enough to clear her own head of pheromones and-- Other white noise.

She'd considered a smoke, but decided against it eventually. Those things rot the mind after a while, and she'd been using for a few years now, ever since she left Zeltros. Maybe it was time to finally kick that habit, put it to bed. Either way. She simply leaned against the old, rusting wall, and looked to her shoes in placid boredom. Kole needed to rest, which left her to this, the watching, the waiting. Golden eyes briefly flicking up to every individual to wander by, assess their likelihood of being enemies, look away before they got a chance to stare back. People-watching was one of her favourite pastimes, honestly. You could learn quite a bit about someone with observation alone; something she suspected her injured companion knew something about. Her Zeltron abilities gave her an edge in that regard. Reading a room is easy when you can literally read a room.

Nonetheless. Getting wrapped up with an ex-cop, how terribly unlike her. Then again, these nights were starting to look less and less like the usual sort of business Lynnori engaged in. Her actions seeming less and less like the usual. A shift, perhaps?
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Rest | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

Then, she was gone. He didn't want her to go, but he couldn't stand another second of the silence this pain thrust him into. It was too awkward, tension filled, and his seemingly damaged mind wasn't capable of processing it anymore. Kole absolutely, without a doubt, required a moment of 'powering down'. And so once that door closed behind Lyn, having her disappear from sight (but not his mind), he rotated his head forwards in a slow, sluggish manoeuvre. The television, terminal, whatever it may be continued to softly play. His eyes stuck to it, but the lids above them felt heavy. A blink, another, and one more, then he was gone.

Wherever Lyn had gone, Kole hadn't a clue. Whenever Lyn would be back, Kole hadn't a clue. Although, it was safe to determine that -- without a doubt -- he was still be to here when she returned. It was likely too dangerous to venture alone, especially with his current wound that found itself healing far faster than any regular individual.

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