Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Banshee needs to create a line cybernetics, to make help argument her slaves. The plan was to stimulate there natural hormones, this could make more aggressive for her slave troops. Then again if the slaves where for pleasure, she needed to make them more willing. She contacted [member="Darth Filiae"] as she was only person she knew, who had any knowledge of cybernetics. She had decided to make a new product line, as she wanted control of it for her slaves. She was going to pay them well, as their expertise in the design process was far too important.

Her first job was to set up a research and development site, so they could design the prototype. Also it would serve for other cybernetic components, she may have in the future. She gave him a budget so she could design the new research facility to there personal specifications, so they have no excuses. Today was the first meeting, on Serenno her homeworld.
The request had taken a few days to process, but Darth Filiae was not about to pass up on a chance to display her affinity and push the limits of her creativity. Even as she came to meet [member="Darth Banshee"] , the Chiss mentally revised the necessary chemical components and approximate dosages needed. Of course, there is no such thing as "approximate" when it comes to such chemistry. One nano-litre too much and the subject might go into shock, too little and it may not have the desired effect.

Darth Filiae was consumed by the idea, and she was certain of their success.

Nethil arrived on Serenno in her own ship and travelled by speeder to Banshee's residence. The domed palaces of Serenno, with their intricate inlays and bold features, jutted out from the lush garden-forests. It was a pretty sight, but Filiae was far too immersed in the numbers running through her own cerebral cybernetic enhancements to really notice or appreciate the nature.

Arriving at Darth Banshee's residence, Darth Filiae wasted no time in admiring the scenery, but came in a quick stride. Her face was tied in a face of intense concentration and her hands were clasped behind her back, flesh fingers fiddling and tapping on the metal wrist as she did the math.

"Lord Banshee"

Nethil gave a courtly nod, bowing slightly at the waist before straightening back up. She did not wish to waste time at pleasantries; they had work to do, after all.
This was the first time she had met [member="Darth Filiae"], she was chiss a little taller than her, who obviously had an infinite with cybernetics, may a little too much for her good. Though that was her concern, her was can she do the job, and the answer to that yes. She gave her a full bow as they met, it was something she liked, she gave her a nod a sign of respect. She then walked over to a table, it had possible design for new research labs. As her chiss cyborg looked at them, she then spoke as she was happy just to get down to it, ​These as possible designs for new research center, they will be linked to an area where we can do small production runs, and scale them up if successful. Also you have as many test subjects as you need, and they are located here, though let me know when they need to disposed off, so I can get more in the storage area. She was unconcerned about fate of the slaves, as if she was not she not sell them, but she does and so does not care one iota. She then stepped back, so chiss could look them over, and decide how she would like to proceed after all that why she was hired.
Straight to business, Darth Filiae could appreciate this approach.Since she arrived on Serenno, too many had wasted time on flattery and flatulence. She was not there to socialise, but to research, discover, and produce. She was a Chiss, and even if she had grown up outside of Ascendancy space, she was taught by Chiss tutors in the ways of electronics and cybernetics.

"I appreciate the opportunity to choose. An ineffective lab will always produce sub-par results."

She quickly sifted through the options weighing each of their strengths and flaws. It did not take her long to find what she considered to be the best option available, and it was one of the more spartan designs. It was spacious, cost effective, clean-cut even.

"This will do."

She took half a step back, hands clasping behind her back again.

"Before I begin, Lord Banshee, I am obligated to mention that this research will be costly. It will claim many of your" she paused, looking for the proper word "-Resources. Not to mention the cybernetics themselves. That being said, I am confident we can make this cost-effective in the long run."

In her personal opinion, beings of flesh could not truly compete with droids in terms of stamina and accuracy in conducting menial tasks. At least with these designs, Nethil could make slaves as compliant as a droid without sacrificing creativity. With these resources at her disposal, she could make the breakthrough she needed.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Darth Filiae"]

She picked the lab she wished to be built, and she handed it to an assistant, it take couple weeks but not long. She then explained about the cost, it was going to be expensive but all research projects where. She just hoped it was successful, not all research was, but they had to be done as otherwise no new stuff. She listened carefully to the woman, then replied Well the cybernetics that fail, can be recycled and the well the lives slaves, so what we breed them and capture them, so it is not an issue. She then made sure she understood the brief, Now the cybernetic implant, I like it easy to install, and it just to use the natural hormones in the slave's body, and stimulate it as required. So for warrior slave, testosterone and adrenal gland. Say for a pleasure slave's dopamine and oxytocin. Also any other combination of two natural hormones in the body, to be able to make it as any client wishes. She paused and then explained about the lab, It should take two weeks for lab to be built for you, though I suspect it can be done quicker. While you waiting, please decide you first test subjects you wish to use, and feel free to use the other facilities available if you wish. She waited to see if her chiss scientist, had any questions. Also to see if she like any lab assistance, which she was more than willing to let her have. If there was not she leave, and wait till next week, to see the new lab, also any preliminary results. Though she doubt there would be, after all two weeks was not long enough.
[member="Darth Banshee"]

Darth Filiae simply nodded as the human explained, in simple terms, what she desired from the product. It was all fairly clear: Easy to install; easy to run; local produce and ought not weigh a ton. Nethil had already concluded that using the body's own chemistry would be the more cost-effective way of producing these items, once the research was complete.

"Good, then we have an accord."

She continued sifting through the papers available to her, looking through options and resources available. It was all up to standard, and in the typical flavour of a company run by slavers. Slavery was a fact of life for those who grew up in or around the Sith. Their lax relationship with sentient beings' rights swayed from 'flexible' through 'blatant disregard' all the way to 'in outright rebellion against'. Filiae herself? She had not taken time to formulate an opinion of it.

"I am going to need a temporary facility and a few individuals to do preliminary tests on. Stocked for both biopsies and cybernetic engineering, of course."

She slid one page out of the pile. It was a small, but fairly new facility, and clearly a request.

"There is an Arkania neurosurgeon, Jura Marqoz, I would like consulting with him. His knowledge and assistance will expedite the process tremendously."

But she knew he would not be swayed easily. The Arkanians were so fond of science, and so willing to use it. they rivalled the Chiss in excellence and humans in tenacity. Yet they hoarded their secrets like a paranoid Jedi. Jura had spent his entire life researching fields of the brain and how they worked. Filiae knew better than to assume she knew all there was to know about such an extensive field of study.

"That should be all I require for the moment."
[member="Darth Filiae"]

She listened to her speak, and her desire to get started stright away, this made her happy. She understood the parameters of the project, and then she looked at a temporary research facilities. She picked one and hand it her, as it was the one she wanted to use. She hoped she would not go for that one, as it did have other work in it, but that project could be put on hold for a week or two. It shall be arranged. One of her aids ran off, to tell them they a fully paid two week holiday starting now, as well as explanation so they did not think it was down to them failing somehow. She then asked for an assistant, she not heard of him but then why would she, she does not follow every scientist in the galaxy. She deicide if it helped the project so be it, Yes we will hire Jura Marqoz, can you contact with him, and one my assistance will negotiate his fee. She then dismissed her, it was unusual for her to be dismissed, she smiled and put it down to amount of cybernetics she has. I contact you in a fortnight or so when the new facilities are made. She then turned, leaving her other assistant behind to make arrangements she needed. She set out to make sure the building was ready soon, so she could get the other project back up and running, though it would probably cost them a month in time to catch up.
Darth Filiae nodded as she sat down, fingers intertwining on the desk and nose resting in the index fingers. Her eyes closed while she nodded, listened, calculated the possibilities with help from her cerebral cybernetics. A breath escaped her lips, drawn out, completely emptying her lungs before they filled anew. Her shoulders dropped a little, mind refocusing while Lord Banshee left.

Eyes still closed, the Chiss mentally reached into the com unit implanted in her skull. She wired a call through her own ship to a proxy-number that then bounced her call through shells to the secured number of her Master.

"Csen'ai, Ch'ah ch'urci bacin'bah ch'a k'izur. Ch'ah bapun to recoi bah 'Jura Marqoz', vi vio'pi sir ten ch'at vatt'i." "Mar, ch'a tiket g'enrazah ten vim reo k'ihn." "Tah bapun ch'at rsah tah viz nah catavcu'im."

Her lips thinned as she waited.

"Mar. Bin'vah vah. N'n. Mar."

The call ended and Filiae opened her eyes. A shadowy hand would soon seize the life of Jura Marqoz and point him to an offer he could not refuse. Her hands moved, remaining intertwined but falling gently into her lap as she leaned back. Meanwhile, an order was issued that a blaster would be aimed on Jura Marqoz family and a ransom called in: If he wanted his family to remain safe, he would take the job offer he was about to receive. If he tried to run, tried to call anyone else, or otherwise tried to escape his fate: Then someone would die.

"You." She looked straight at the assistant Banshee had left behind. "Wait exactly four hours, then call this number. Do not negotiate. Do not hesistate. Give the offer and then give me his reply. Is that understood"

Darth Filiae stared at the assistant with unwavering eyes. Her voice left no question to be asked, just orders to be obeyed. She transferred a contact number to a chip and placed it on the desk for the assistant to take.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
As she left [member="Darth Filiae"], she head stright to architect and gave him the plans, she had chosen. She then said Get on with it, I want done as soon as possible. She then head to back home, she was going for a swim. As lets be honest, all these wars combat dueling require a decent amount of fitness, otherwise you're dead. She tried to keep herself physically fit, so she could stay the pace of battle.

Meanwhile her assistant gave Darth Filiae, a look as to say okay. She then put sat down, and did as she was told to ring in exactly four hours. While she waited, she read a book from the wind and loon range, it was a trashy romance book, though it entertained her while she waited. She also made the odd cup of tea, and had a cheese and onion sandwich. Then the alarm went after three hours and fifty five minutes, she then got her phone ready to ring, so she did it on the mark of four hours. He answered and said Who is it? his voice sounded nervous. She replied I am Gemma, Darth Banshee assistant I have been told to make you an offer. He interrupted her and simply said Yes I agree. She had not even told him the terms, he just agreed. She was confused but then said Cool I send transport stright to you, and pick you up. Then the phone went dead, and she looked a chiss woman and replied ​He said yes, never even waited to hear the offer. She then paused, and asked Is there anything else you need from me?
Darth Filiae shook her head slowly when asked if she needed anything else.

"Good. I will call on you when I have further requests. For now, leave me be."

The Chiss leaned back, letting out a breath of relief as she stared into the ceiling. Laughter bubbled up through her body as she mentally reviewed the day, checking off each of the tasks she had set for herself. Some she had completed, most even, some she had not. Were they necessary? Not right now: Wait for it.

"Ch'ah cavrehn ch'a ch'ittoci'iren'usi to ren'mur. Csen'ai csarcican't ch'uscehah ch'ah."

She leaned forward in the chair again, hands going to the desk. Something seemed to loosen in her mind and Nethil scrambled to open her blueprints. An idea! She could not define it, not right away, but she was on to something. It could be the answer to the ciphers she had been running earlier that day, finally processed.

"Yes. Yes, that will work."

Hours passed, Darth Filiae intense at work in designing the software that would control the delivery system of hormone control in these chips. She dived deep into the code and worked long into the night. When she realised time had passed, the sun had risen once again. She stretched, bones popping in her back and shoulders.

"Uhn. That will do."

She would have some hours of rest before Jura arrived and they could begin the preliminary work properly. Hopefully, she could apply the code without too many alterations. That they would not know until they began trials. Time; time would pass in a blur for the next few weeks.

[member="Darth Filiae"]

Seventeen days later

The new research facility had been made, behind schedule and yes some was punished for it. She came back to tell her it was ready, Would you like tour of your new facility, or should we just start moving things across? She was unsure which she would like, as she may want to look at it, and decide where to put things first. Then again she may just want to organise it as she goes, after all each person had their own way doing things. She wanted to get the old users of the facility back on track, and to do that meant the move had to be done. She had all the people here to help with the move, to make sure it was smooth as possible, and if was not she kill someone. As she asked she picked up the research notes, she had made some good progress already, she was indeed the right person to ask. She then added It was all made to the exact detail of the plans, so you should know where everything is.
"I have the blueprint, I'll find my way. The sooner we get this started, the better."

Darth Filiae looked at the room, hands clasped behind her back like before. In her downtime, she had uploaded the blueprint and plans to her cerebral enhancements, giving her an overlay of what was and what it was supposed to be like. As it were, she was pleased with the work space.

Jura the Arkanian shuffled past, not looking at either of them. In fact it seemed like he looked at nothing but the air. The reality of his situation was still disturbing for him, but he had not lost efficiency in his work - Only his social skills.

"I will need some subjects for preliminary testing as soon as the facility is up. I assume you have some on hand, Lord Banshee."

The Chiss leaned on one of the tables yet to be filled, her hands detaching from their clasped position on her back and instead crossing in front of her chest. They still needed to map the correct neural pathways and thereby find the perfect shape and placement of the chip. Their progress was better than first expected, thanks to a few nights of inspired coding. However, for it to be inexpensive and easily installed - as required - They still had ways to go.

"We need a wide variety of species in order to find the most common paths for the appropriate hormones. Unless you would like us to focus on one species. That would cut time, but also the product's ultimate utility."

She shrugged. Even if they restricted it to humans, it would be applicable to all near humans, but not the greater alien spectrum.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Darth Filiae"]

She looked at the both, it was the bit where they start some dissection of the slaves, and tests. She then replied to both of them, ​Yes we can get you a variety of slaves, at variety of different stages of life. Though start with prisoners, who have been sentenced to death. She wanted to make sure it worked, and the younger may show different pathways as they develop. Though she did not want to watch herself, not that she was squeamish, it was she had better thing to do, than watch thing suffer. She then filed in a requisition form, to give them the authority to get any slave they wished. They also had access to death row prisoners. This one privileges of being queen, she access to prisons who spending their time at her leisure, until their death sentence was carried out. She can decide their death sentence, they should be the first to be experimented on. Them then the rest of slaves, and know they had a writ to get what they needed. She then said whilst giving it to chiss woman, Do you need anything else? She hoped not, as her favourite TV show was on soon, Jedi Lives it was about jedi trying to stick light side, whilst falling in love. She always liked as she saw hints of the darkside, and she knew one day they will be sith.
Darth Filiae nodded in agreement about Banshee's decision to use prisoners first.

"Prudent. Slaves are valuable, prisoners less so."

The Chiss took an itinerary from one of the delivered crates and flipped through its contents before nodding, putting the document down and gesturing for the deliverer to transport the items to a specific location.

"I believe I have everything I need. I will send one of your servants should I require further resources. Thank you, Lord Banshee. Or is it 'Your Majesty' now?"

Her smile was wry, just a shade short of mocking, and eerily familiar to anyone who had spoken more than two words with Filiae's master. The smile quickly faded over into a sharpened attention to the details around her. She gave a nod of respect to the recently crowned queen then resumed her rounds, familiarising herself with the locale and her assistants.

The following months, Darth Filiae, Dr. Marqoz, and a handful of assistants worked around the clock. The first two weeks went to mapping the necessary neural pathways and hormone centres. Then a month to figure out the appropriate dosages while working on the delivery system. The fine-tunings and tests took another six weeks, but they were able to drastically slim down the product and breach limits they originally thought beyond reach. Even Dr. Marqoz seemed invested near the end; helped along with Filiae's suggestions to use them for treatment.

Of course, she never suggested how inhuman that treatment would be. Convenient little lies.

And with each breakthrough, Darth Filiae made a preliminary copy.

[member="Darth Filiae"]

Darth Banshee was made aware the slave chip had been finished, she came research lab. She saw it being fitted to slaves, and the procedure seemed relatively easy. She had no questions for her researcher, as her report was highly accurate. The cybernetic device had been tested, and now gone to manufacturing. She did say You done a good job, thank you. Also if you ever wish to use a this lab, let me know and it is yours. Also thanks for helping with the assistance, they may be as good as you, but they help with other projects. I am sorry I have to a budget meeting, if you need anything, just make my assistant know. She then left as she had a meeting a court, it came her new postion, she liked it. As it meant she now wield some real power, but with power came work, as it need making better.

She headed out happy, as she as she paid the person who made her new chip.

The End

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