Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Society and Empire (Open to Empire of the Lost and Allies)


Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom

As was the case in most ecumenopolis worlds, space was at a premium on a world like Lianna, one of the core planets in Imperial space. Maldor Mecetti could have purchased a capital ship for the price of these apartments on the upper levels. He could have outfitted a battalion for the cost of its 1,000 square-meter ballroom. The expensive food and drink he'd stockpiled for this event was worth enough to pay for the twenty servitor droids he'd purchased to serve his guests. And the entertainment was the finest that could be acquired from throughout the known systems.

To say that a stupid amount of money was on display was an understatement. And that was the point. Ostensibly egalitarian, social status and social networking meant as much in the Empire as personal accomplishments. House Mecetti had transferred a huge sum of money through multiple intermediaries and shell companies just so that Maldor Mecetti could purchase and outfit this lavish space. It was a down-payment on his advancement in his new career as an officer of the Empire.

The most recent of many down-payments.

His buy-in had been the 'stolen' ships of House Mecetti. Five vessels to give him a flotilla and make him valuable to the Imperial forces. That had been enough to make him a Captain. A sixth arrival had recently come, with the hopes it might see him promoted to Commodore. But that buy-in would only go so far. He'd been striving to excel in every military campaign the Empire waged, proving his utility. But that also would only go so far. This was the final component.

He had to advance himself socially, as he'd begun to do militarily.

Only in such a way could he truly achieve his aspirations.

So he'd prepared the space. Bought the food and drink. Hired the staff. And then invited the luminaries and important figures of the Empire to the lavish social soiree.

Now all he could do was wait, and hope that those invited actually deigned to attend. If they did not, and he was snubbed, it would all be in vain. He'd have spent a fortune only for the sake of personal embarrassment.

The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost The Battalion The Battalion Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen @open

When Ethen heard he was personally given invitation to a fine wine-and-dine event, he was a bit ecstatic. These were things House Lecerson were always invited to, and his parents were famous for going to any in the Kuat Sector. Ethen never had a chance to however. In true Lecerson fashion, he would dress in his cleaned and pressed Moff uniform, with the ancient yet well taken care of placard, and his shined Mpff boots. Though admittedly he was quite tired, the same day he joined the Empire of the Lost, was the same day he went to battle. Then another battle after that, which was extremely physically demanding. He wasn't going to miss this, though he was going to have a bit of back up, to keep his... back... up, from falling to make him sleep.

He entered the ballroom with a single TK Trooper, who wasn't even really armed. They had their sidearm, and it was holstered. He wasn't here to fight, he was here for another purpose... He was Ethens... back up. His armor was also cleaned and kept pristine, he and Ethen may be the only Imperial representation here as everyone else might be in fancy suits or dresses.

Ethen greeted those at the entrance, but was particularly interested in finding Lord Mecetti, as there were things he wanted to speak to him about.
Wearing: Channeler's Skin, Consort's Ring

Armed With: Elaine Tear's Lightsaber (Corrupted)

Days Earlier...

The Battalion savored moments like this.

The Jedi had tried to get one over on the EOTL, setting up a small listening post close to their territory. Not quite in their territory, but close.

House Io was having exactly none of that chit.

It was a small outpost of Jedi and Alliance Soldiers. No need to send Nuetralizers, especially when the Matriarch of The Cult of The Brain Demon was perfectly willing and eager to solve the Issue herself.

She had cloaked her presence with Sith Magic as she descended the atmosphere of the rocky planet in her TIE Echelon, slipping out of the assault craft.

Her face bubbled violently on her skull a few seconds, switching between her regular, carved and fine features and the exotic features of Darth Phyre (See Bio) and back again before her flesh reset on her face as she began moving to the outpost, lightsaber in hand. Unlike most Matriarchs of the Cult she had yet to construct a ceremonial Violet Lightsaber that would signify her absolute mastery, the way her immediate Predecessor, The Amalgam had.

She spotted the simple outpost easily at this distance, though she did give the enemy credit for building it into the rock and camouflaging it from above: if their spies had not scouted the place and identified it's exact location, she might have actually had a little trouble tracking it down.

She sensed a number of Jedi here. This was where the fun began.

She stopped hiding her presence with magic and felt the reverberation of her horrible, rotting aura in the Force travel to the Jedi inside the listening post, felt them stir in shock.

Her hand reached out, and with great contempt, it turned into a clawed grip, crushing the transmission array at the top of the spire, destroying any chance of them getting a communication out.

She walked at a casual pace, skintight white catsuit with black gloves and boots clinging to a muscled frame so tightly it looked painted on, her red blade sliding out of her hilt as she approached the entrance, brandishing it in a Makashi Salute as three Jedi rushed out to meet her, lightsabers active, one being double bladed. All blue. Guardians. The Battalion, before her forced conversion into a Cultist, had once been considered a Jedi Guardian.

The Battalion smiled, taking a step closer.

"So, who wants to be the canary?" She asked maliciously.

The hooded double bladed user, a woman, rushed forward, and the Battalion stood her ground, red blade almost casually swatting aside ghost like stabs and slices for three seconds until her red blade lashed out, slicing through the hilt, and the face of her opponent, who fell into a crumpled heap.

The Battalion lazily stepped on the body to get closer to the others.

"Tweet. Tweet." she taunted them cruelly, drawing on their feelings of outrage.

They both rushed her, and she was almost Ballerina-like in her movements the way she fenced, dodging, side stepping, red blade swishing about in swift, serpent like patterns that parried and struck in equal measure. The duel with both lasted five seconds combined, and ended with both decapitated, and the Battalion walking past their corpses without so much as a scratch. Her Lightsaber slashed through the hatch, and she stepped inside, the red glow illuminating her carved visage and the curls of a rather sizable puffy looking perm.

More Inside. Alliance Soldiers.

Elaine's style switched to Form Five as she began deflecting and redirecting Blasterfire, a blast of purple flames erupting from her throat, a sort of Pyrokinesis infused by the Dark Side.

They were not at full strength. The point was to cause suffering.

The flames were designed to induce fear and hopelessness, to sap moral, and the will of the soldiers failed as they were enveloped in purple flames that could not kill, or even physically wound, but instead destroy their hope. They dropped, succumbing to despair even as The Battalion ruthlessly butchered them, so utterly in a state of mental defeat that they did not try to resist.

A green Lightsaber Blade lashed out in the flames, and the Battalion's style shifted once again to Djem So, her natural crushing strength meeting the heavy blows of her attacker a Nautolan Jedi Master who attacked her very fiercely with Form One.

"An actual Form One stylist. I rarely encounter them! My compliments!" she said sincerely.

She hissed, her flesh warping violently everywhere on her body as his hand stretched out and manifested Force Light and she instinctively retreated, even as pieces of her face fell off and burst into purple flames from the exposure, pig like, metallic squeals erupting from her throat.

Summoning the suffering and fear she had created hear into her, she powered through the light, forcing him to break it off as he had to defend against now feral and highly aggressive attacks that came at him in the form of a Falling Avalanche, delivered by a creature whose glamour had been removed, revealing her true status as an abomination of The Dark Side as her skin destabilized, still warping and bubbling horribly on her body.

A blast of high intensity purple flames from the deformed abominations throat engulfed him as he thrashed about, these flames set to kill as well as cause despair.

The Battalion greedily drank in his suffering as he screamed violently, her body rapidly repairing itself to its previous, unblemished state, just as more soldiers arrived.

She lashed out, gripping the whole crowd , a feral smile on her face as she crushed their necks, draining them all of their life force, her flesh warping violently everywhere as it drank in the life energy, before casting aside now mummified corpses as she proceeded deeper, her blade crashing through vibroblades and desperately set up barriers, sending blaster bolts back into faces, or just ruthlessly butchering someone up close with her blade, until she reached the control center. There, she spotted a master, a Chagrian and his Padawan, a human boy, armed with green lightsabers.

"Destroying this one outpost means nothing in the scheme of things, Sith!" The Master said to her, pointing his blade at the Witch.

"There will be others!"

"Of course there will. And I promise, I'll have just as much fun wiping those out as I did this one." she sneered back before brandishing her blade, preparing to attack.

Before she could though, the Padawan whipped his blade through his own Master's mid section and he cried out in shock and surprise before he fell in two pieces.

The Battalion stared in genuine surprise at the corpse, then the Padawan, before breaking out into a far more pleasant, almost motherly smile.

"Not that I'm objecting, mind you...but why?" she asked intrigued.

The boy pulled down his right sleeve and The Battalion hissed in delight as she saw the knife scars in the shape of a jagged moon.

"A believer! What an unexpected delight!" she gushed enthusiastically as she approached.

"And how long has the Brain Demon spoken to you, child?" she asked in a friendly manner, ruffling the hair on his head playfully.

"Only a few weeks...but she told me I would have to kill my master in front of a Witch to prove my faith..." The boy answered, nervous.

"And so you have! This is a major step for you, freeing yourself from Jedi Shackles at such a young age! I'm very impressed, and very proud of you!" she proclaimed. "What's your name?"

"Donothas, milady."

"Well, Donothas, you are going straight home with me once we are done here! Get you some proper clothes, anoint you in Witch you need help bleeding your crystal?"

"Uh...I've no idea how to do that."

She smiled sympathetically. "Well, here...on the house." she said, reaching into her belt and pulling out a spare red Synth Crystal, to the boy's surprise.

"You swap that green one out and later on, I'll show you how to bleed it personally! How's that work for you!?" The Battalion asked.

"Your will is paramount, milady." Donothas answered, stunned by the total change in her demeanor.

"Oh, no need for such formal language, child! Call me Batty! Everyone does." The Battalion replied as she began downloading the files and records from the computer before slicing through it's innards with a lightsaber.

"And before I forget..." She trailed once she was done.

The Battalion took a piece of shrapnel she had made and cut open her own forehead slightly, white blood leaking out as she took some of it and traced a moon crescent on the fallen Padawan's forehead, effectively baptizing him.

"Now, come along, there's nothing left for either of us here. Gosh, you're just gonna love Khemost!" she said happily as he followed her out through the terrible carnage she had made.

The boy would make a fine follower of the Cult.


The Dark Side had called her here, to this gathering of Nobles, to the invitation of Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti . The Brain Demon saw potential in him, not as a Cultist, but simply as someone worth training up into a powerful Sith.

The Battalion had obliged, and shown up in a red lambda class shuttle bearing House Io's blue and black triangle insignia, and bearing a simple amulet of bled Kybers as her only adornment besides her skintight catsuit, she had proceeded daintily into the ballroom on this ecumenopolis, any Force User present would have picked up on her rotting aura, that almost seemed to be on the verge of being a Nexus. Of course, they also would have picked up on her highly curvy and athletic physique on full display through the skintight armor.

The Battalion was just as much a Diplomat as the Countess Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko was, and in fact, while Arianna was considered the chief diplomat of House Io, The Battalion was chief diplomat of the Cult that supported it.

Either way, both had the authority to speak for the House and it's interests.

She plucked a small candied treat and plopped it into her mouth as she walked past stuffy imperial nobles, drawing stares of lust and fear in equal measure when they saw her lightsaber.

It was when she spotted Mecetti that she turned on the charm, smoothly gliding towards him on the expensive floor, almost silent, the amulet draped around a covered neck glowing as it got closer,creating to his aura.

"Captain Mecetti. Quite a party you've thrown..." she trailed, studying his aura more than his handsome features.

"I couldn't resist showing, of course...I am The Battalion...a pleasure to make your acquaintance..."

Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen

The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost
Matriarch of Santhe Family


Objective: Welcome new Imperial aristocrats
Location: Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom, Lianna City, Lianna
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen | The Battalion The Battalion | OPEN


A great deal of jealousy wafted over the matriarch of the Santhe family. They had been the richest and most powerful family on Lianna for many generations. Several coming with governmental leadership. While Vyllia had no desire to take an active part in Imperial politics she liked to pull at strings and make things happen. As she walked into Maldor’s holdings on Lianna she realized that someone with a lot of credits behind them had arrived threatening Vyllia’s ability to buy whatever she desired.

There was a bit of a shrug as she straightened her form fitting azure gown. Her security had fallen back to a respectable distance after entering the building. It would not do to be seen as insecure when greeting newcomers to her planet. The number of visitors present was a challenge that Vyllia gladly accepted. As a frequent hostess herself, she knew that Lord Maldor would have quite a few vying for his attention, so Vyllia decided it was much better to casually flow through the party, stopping at random intervals to speak with whoever might be at her side. Some were known Imperial dignitaries that Vyllia had worked with for a while now, and others were strangers that she started to get to know for future encounters.

After several brief conversations Vyllia settled in one spot and procured a tall glass of bubbly Daruvvian champagne, she took slow small sips as her eyes looked out over the crowd for just a moment before she changed her visage to one more demure yet welcoming hoping that someone would take the chance to step up and talk to her. Her patience would only last so long, but seeing who had the guts to approach her was a good test in these situations.

Maldor had retreated into the corridor that linked his apartments to the ballroom, waiting for the opportune moment to emerge.

Hoping there would be an opportune moment to emerge.

But then people started to arrive. Not just any people, but some very important people.

There was Ethan Lacersen, whose forces he had coordinated with in a recent campaign. The man had taken the aspirational title of 'Moff,' which was not unlike Maldor's own title as 'Lord.' But they both had deep roots that gave a foundation to the lie. Maldor was a member of House Mecetti, one of the prime ruling noble families of the Tapani Sector. Technically, he was exiled and disowned, but it did not take a detective to figure out that his loss of family status was only as deep as the photons with which news releases were displayed.

In Ethan's case, his family had roots in past Imperial endeavors. It was only a matter of time before his aspirational title became one of fact. He was someone to watch, and to make alliances with.

Ah, and there was Vyllia Santhe. She was everything on Lianna which Maldor was pretending to be. Her family held soirees like this regularly, and they didn't have to funnel money through six intermediaries to make it happen. Their pockets were rumored to be so deep and massive that they had an event horizon. More importantly, they were old money here, with the status that House Mecetti held in the Tapani sector. He would have to use care not to rub her the wrong way. He did not have the juice to win a war of social combat with her family. Not yet, anyway.

And now... The Battalion. A mystery spawned from the House Io... or perhaps the mystery which had given birth to it. Much was said publicly about House Io's purpose and aspirations. Supposedly comprised of angry and powerful survivors of past Galactic conflicts, they were rumored to hold antipathy towards the major powers. Yet they had recently worked with the Empire of the Lost, and The Battalion was rumored to be an expert in Sith teachings. That fact alone made her desirable to Maldor. He had faced exile for collecting Sith artifacts- a fugitive from Galactic Alliance Law. But he would have taken far more chances for the opportunity to learn Sith techniques from a practitioner of her reputed caliber.

More people continued to arrive, but Maldor had seen enough. It was time to make an appearance of his own.

He stepped forth from the corridor, entering the Ballroom proper. Then he ascended to the stage which overlooked the room, his voice collected by hidden directional microphones and amplified in such a way as to make it sound as though it was naturally close to each listener, rather than booming from obvious speakers.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and Otherbeings, welcome to my home. I thank you for coming, and for those of you native to Lianna, I thank you for receiving me into your community."

He gave a pointed glance and smile to Vyllia.

"I know of some of you through my profession as a humble servant of the Empire," he looked to Ethen, "and others by your formidable reputation." Now he looked to The Battalion.

"All of you are noted friends, allies, and members of the greatest movement the Galaxy has ever seen. Some have mistakenly called us 'remnants.' Others disparagingly choose the word 'fragments.' But the truth is that we are the Survivors. We are the ones who could not be killed, could not be caught, and could not be silenced. And now we will make a roar that shall see the stars themselves quake in appreciation.

But first! We will celebrate what has been accomplished yesterday and what we shall accomplish tomorrow.

Eat, Drink, make Merry, for tomorrow we Conquer.

Now I present some light background entertainment. I have brought eight renowned members of The Celestine Orchestra to provide aural pleasure this evening. Singers of renown will periodically cycle onto the stage, but feel free to request any style of music you may like from any of the servitor droids tending you."



"Lady Santhe!"

The words came from Corzana Mez, who pretended to be noticing Vyllia by accident after glancing over one shoulder. Corzana was the youngest child of the wealthy Mez family, who had roots on Lianna going back three generations. They were not nearly as powerful or wealthy as the Santhe family, but they had one rare tool at their disposal: They controlled a local media empire, with three Holonet channels and four Holonet publications. Corzana herself was the Editor for 'Obsidian Mirror,' one of the most influential Society holomags of the galaxy.

"I wasn't sure that anyone from your family would be attending this groundbreaking ceremony,"
she went on, smiling the disingenuous smile common to her class.

She drew nearer, "I suppose no one can accuse you of being jealous at the new kid on the block. I couldn't resist, myself. Criminal on the run. Lord in Exile. Black Sheep. And now, Naval Captain who contributed to three Imperial victories. Putting him on the cover is worth a billion copies, easy.

I wonder, though. Is little Lord Mecetti a friend of the Santhe family... or a rival? Inquiring minds."
Now her smile was more genuine, and more predatory.


"The Battalion, I presume?"

The words came from an elegantly dressed woman who had oddly chosen to wear sun-shades indoors. But no... not sun-shades. Rather, tech-specs. They were technological innovations that provided the wearer with an interactive data-display overlay much like the Head's Up Display in starfighter cockpits. The wearer might be reviewing all sorts of information behind the shield of the shades over their eyes.

No socialite would wear such a thing at a party like this. This woman was likely some employee of Lord Mecetti. Security? Assistant?

The Battalion did not have to wait long to find out.

"Forgive me, I do not know your proper name. I am Velda Praz, of the Ministry of Inquiry. Lord Mecetti asked me to be on the lookout for you, in case you arrived. He has a particular interest in speaking with someone of your... noted abilities."

The Ministry of Inquiry was an institution of House Mecetti in the Tapani Sector. It was the Intelligence branch of the Noble family. The presence of such an individual here was... interesting. It could be that this operative had merely been among the assets Lord Mecetti had 'stolen' when he fled Galactic Alliance space. Or it could be a sign that House Mecetti maintained a thread of official connection to their disowned son's affairs.

"Lord Mecetti asked me to show you to this table, in a place of honor, and to get anything you might need until he could sit with you."

She gestured to a table that was well-placed, in the array of tables assigned to the most notable nobles and popular personages. Apparently, he had wanted The Battalion to know that he considered her important.


Maldor approached the place where Ethen Lecerson was situated.

"Moff Lecerson, a pleasure to meet you in person. I was impressed with the performance of your forces in the battlefield. And glad to have someone of such esteem as a customer of my family's businesses. Disowned though I am."

It was a lie so thin that speaking it aloud was almost a joke. Still, what was known and what could be proven were two different things.

Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe The Battalion The Battalion Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen
Matriarch of Santhe Family


Objective: Welcome new Imperial aristocrats
Location: Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom, Lianna City, Lianna
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen | The Battalion The Battalion | OPEN


Vyllia listened intently to Lord Maldor’s speech. She did her best to try to learn his intentions. His very early attention in Vyllia’s direction was intriguing to the woman. Was he acknowledging her as the welcome committee for Lianna? Did he want her to officially make that welcome? Or was he making it known that the Santhe family was the cream of the crop and he intended to topple them? All the possible drama was quite delectable to Vyllia.

When the speech got moving in full it was stated that everyone present was a friend and that they were all working for the same goals. Vyllia wasn’t quite sure if that would always stand true. The Santhe family had seen several Empires inhabit Lianna. They had provided their wares with pride to whoever held power, but ultimately their loyalty was to Lianna. When one Empire fell the Santhe family was still there moving forward. To that Vyllia was happy to hear Maldor call this group survivors. Though Vyllia knew that the goal was to turn from survivors to conquerors. That was a fine goal, and one that the Santhe family could help facilitate, but she knew better than to spread her family too thin in expansion. She was quite comfortable keeping her influence on Lianna.

As the speech concluded Vyllia gave a brief appreciative applause before turning her attention towards refreshments. She was interested in hearing the hired musicians. The Grand Imperial Opera House had just opened and Vyllia would be glad to book some talent if Maldor’s ear was good. She waited for the beginning of the music when Vyllia was noticed by a familiar face. Corzana Mez was hard to categorize in Vyllia’s contact list. She was a good source of information, so Vyllia liked to keep her close, but she knew that one misspoken word was going to be distributed to the entire Empire, so Vyllia kept Corzana at a safe distance as well. ”Corzana!” Vyllia exclaimed in feigned excitement. ”It is good to see you. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Vyllia?” Vyllia responded. She frowned just a bit as Corzana suggested that Santhe might not be represented at such an event. ”You think that the Santhe family would miss out on such a social coming out as this is?”

As Corzana took a step closer, Vyllia closed the distance as well, giving a fake hug and kiss to the cheek that befell their position as social acquaintances. ”Jealous? Oh this place is certainly easy on the eyes, but Lord Mecetti has not yet done anything that I should be jealous of. Who is it that calls him a criminal? I am not aware of any Imperial laws that have been broken. I see him as quite the upstanding citizen in fact. The Alliance’s loss.”

Vyllia chuckled at the last question. Corzana was digging for a story. Maldor on the cover of her magazine and a quote from the Santhe family in the article would see her distribution numbers soar. Vyllia didn’t really know what the Santhe family’s relationship with House Mecetti would be. She was hopeful, but the Santhe name had not survived this long by following hope. ”You heard the Lord, Corzana. We’re all friends here. We have not met personally yet, but I’m quite sure that we will be able to work together for the glory of the Empire.”

Just as Ethen was preparing himself to speak to Maldor, his Back Up stormtrooper nudged him in the back. Ethen had been waiting for the speech and the introductions, then waiting for his turn to speak to Maldor. His exhaustion was beginning to show. Sure, Ethen was a noble, but his noble family behaved more imperial than noble, so the normal nobility shpeel tended to bore him.

Shaken to attention from the nudge, he cleared his throat, "Lord Maldor, you speak to me as if you are not worthy of your titles again, and I'll strip your ballroom of its riches," an abrupt, rude response he gave with a serious face, before slowly smiling. His mouth opened wide with a bit of a chuckle, pointing finger guns at the man. "You almost took me seriously, didn't you? No, no, here's something serious, don't belittle yourself with me. You're a Lord," he took a breath as he continued, "you absolutely must forgive me. While you and Captain Ihago were sitting pretty on the command deck in our last engagement, I was on the ground, fist fighting armies. So I'm quite exhausted after all these battles. Mentally and physically drained. But when you have a moment, I'd like to speak to you in private. I'll partake in the luxuries while you partake in your audience, just come find me when you're all done, would you?"

Ethen never having been part of these wonderful parties yet only his parents being able to attend them, Ethen was quite interested in the lavish offers. It's unknown if he might end up passing out from the luxuries overwhelming him, but he would do his best not to be so rude, and his Storntrooper would keep him in check.
The Battalion nodded graciously to Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti in acknowledgment of his recognition.

"The pleasure is all mine, of course..."

He hungers... all the personalities within her hissed, The desire for greater power is written in his very eyes...

Yes...yes, this was a man worth paying attention to... guiding..."

He knew the Worth of a Sith Master, for not long after his introductions, she was introduced to an agent of his. A special table had been set up. She obliged with a smile, and took a seat at the table.

When he finally found time to meet with her on a more personal level she wasted no time. They were both busy people.

"My House was greatly impressed by the boldness of your defection and subsequent theft of a Flotilla. And for seeking Sith Artifacts at that." she said politely. "You risked...and lost...all for seeking knowledge. For seeking the Wisdom of Sith, you are made a criminal. The Dark Side is always willing to show those who seek it sincerely it's truths...the question is, is your search for the Sith an academic search...or do you seek the Dark to truly be the best, most fulfilled version of yourself? Think carefully on my question before you answer it..." she advised Mecetti politely. "Because for me, I am it's vessel. And to truly take such wisdom means to become a vessel yourself, yet greater than any fleet you could command..."

Yoryn Darnur

Krykna Legate of Allied Tion

Objective: Social Espionage
Location: Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom
Outfit: Black Cocktail Dress
Equipment:Model J1 "Happy Surprise" Palm Blaster
Tags: OPEN | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe | The Battalion The Battalion | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen


Yoryn was getting quite annoyed at the fact that her business continued to take her to more and more social engagements. The fact that she now kept an office in a hoity toity lounge her group owned in the newly opened Santhe Cultural District would have made the old Yoryn throw things and then shoot them. She wasn’t sure what the old her would do when it turned out she spent five nights a week in the club and actually hob-nobbed with the rich snobs that gave the place patronage. That she had started sipping champagne and developed a fake laugh to make influential figures feel like their humor had hit would make the sniper who had deserted the Imperial Army think long and hard about ending things.

Even though social obligations were becoming less tedious Yoryn was glad that she didn’t have a standard invitation to the party. She might have an artificially clean record and a growing reputation as a business owner, but Yoryn did not belong on the red carpet arrival list of the Liann elite. The sniper turned underworld boss learned of the gathering from a contact within the Santhe family. As luck would have it one of the musicians at Yoryn’s club was invited to play. She gave him an “advance” in his salary and he agreed to sneak Yoryn inside the party.

The timing of Yoryn’s entry couldn’t have been better. The host’s welcoming speech was complete by the time she had made it to the ballroom. Now she just needed to circulate around and take note of what the important people were doing. It was important to know who talked to who. When mistakes were made she had to be sure they weren’t obvious, but that she was in a position to benefit from them. And most of all she needed to be sure that her gang remained at the top of the underworld food chain within the Empire of the Lost. There were disturbing stories of deals being made with the Hutts. The Krykna were pretty well diversified when it came to illegal activities, but the last thing Yoryn could deal with was a pipeline of contraband being formed from Hutt Space to the Empire. For now Yoryn didn’t seek out conversation. If it came to her she would do her best not to dwell too long with one person, but she wasn’t in a position that she could refuse any of the dignitaries present.

In Conversation with Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen

"Lord Maldor, you speak to me as if you are not worthy of your titles again, and I'll strip your ballroom of its riches,"

Maldor paused, as though struck by a time-freezing ray.

Had he made a misjudgment? Forged an enemy through some unintended slight? Was this splash into the scene on Lianna a misstep, roiling a hornet's nest against him?

What sort of enemy would Lecersen prove to be?

But then the man smiled, chuckled, pointed in a playful manner. "You almost took me seriously, didn't you? No, no, here's something serious, don't belittle yourself with me. You're a Lord." A pause, then, "You absolutely must forgive me. While you and Captain Ihago were sitting pretty on the command deck in our last engagement, I was on the ground, fist fighting armies. So I'm quite exhausted after all these battles. Mentally and physically drained. But when you have a moment, I'd like to speak to you in private. I'll partake in the luxuries while you partake in your audience, just come find me when you're all done, would you?"

Maldor allowed a tentative smile of his own to spread across his features, but not a deep one. "Ah. Eheh."

He made mental notes. Lecersen thought of himself as Maldor's social superior... which was undoubtedly true. He also held ground action as superior to naval action. Hence, he saw himself as a superior contributor to the battle. Maldor had seen this attitude in others. Captains and Admirals were men playing with toys in the sanitized vacuum of space. Meanwhile, Generals and their men faced blood, mud, and the heat of fire.

In fact, Maldor shared the man's appraisal, if not his position. It was far better to direct the movement of ships than to be stuck in the dirt. His silk robes would get quite mussed on a battlefield.

"Of course, Moff Lecersen. I will look forward to continuing our conversation soon, in quieter surrounds..."

That was when Maldor might find out Lecersen's true positions and intentions. Everything else was the gentle tapping of foil-tips in a friendly bout. The true nature of their relationship would only be revealed when the foils were lowered and the masks removed. Maldor hoped it would be an amicable one... or at least a beneficial one.


Passing by Yoryn Darnur Yoryn Darnur

Upon departing from Lacersen's table, Maldor walked across the room, his gaze flitting across the various forms and faces. He paused briefly, turning aside to see a beautiful woman in the sort of black dress that ended marriages. He stared for a bit too long, betraying an interest that went beyond that of the friendly host.

Who was she? She looked familiar, but that was likely to be wishful thinking. There were many more people here than Maldor knew of personally.

Perhaps he'd be able to become familiar with her, soon... once business was settled.

With one last lingering look, he moved on through the crowds, smiling and making gentle bows as appropriate to various persons of power as he moved towards The Battalion.


In conversation with The Battalion The Battalion
"...the question is, is your search for the Sith an academic search...or do you seek the Dark to truly be the best, most fulfilled version of yourself? Think carefully on my question before you answer it..." she advised Mecetti politely. "Because for me, I am it's vessel. And to truly take such wisdom means to become a vessel yourself, yet greater than any fleet you could command..."

The Battalion.

A high-ranking figure among House Io, whose sultry healers had alleviated much pain in a recent campaign.

There was much Maldor wanted to know about House Io. About the Battalion. And about the Sith secrets she was rumored to keep. More than a rumor, it seemed, based on her speech and question. But there was often a price to such knowledge.

What would she demand for it?

"You waste no time in getting to the heart of the matter," Maldor said to her, "though I wager you've gotten to more than a few hearts in your time."

Whether he meant that was because of her estimable looks or ruthless nature, he left for her to decide.

"If we were in Galactic Alliance space, and I was still a Senator there, I'd tell you that I was researching the Sith as a mere Academic who happened to be interested in forbidden lore. But fortunately, Imperial space allows for more honesty."

In many ways, that was actually true. He could speak of topics here openly that would see him imprisoned in the Alliance. But in other ways, it was a far cry from reality. Saying the wrong thing here would get you killed... perhaps without ever knowing what you'd said wrong. It was more akin to the politics on Obulette, his family's Throne World.

As Maldor spoke, Velda Praz melted away, back into the crowds of the ballroom. She was good at her job. Maldor wondered if she was truly loyal to him, or if she still reported to his mother.

Probably a bit from column A, and a bit from column B...

"Here, I can tell you honestly that I seek the power such knowledge would grant me. But as for becoming a vessel... there I hesitate. More than knowledge can seep into you if you open yourself up. Thus far, I have managed to learn about the Sith without surrendering anything of myself.

But I have learned enough to know that the Sith is not an organization of generous teachings. They are a society of Masters, and Apprentices. A society that advances through obedience... and through assassination.

If I made myself a vessel, what would you pour into me besides knowledge? What would you demand as a price to power?"


Corzana and Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe
Corzana blinked as Vyllia spoke, and one could almost imagine her taking mental photographs.

Or... perhaps not merely mental ones. She could afford a prosthetic eye that would seem to be a human one. The only question was whether she'd consent to dig her own eye out just to become a better reporter.

It would be a bit much for a wealthy editor... but Corzana had always been a bit much.

"Of course, all friends here," she smiled faintly at the party line, repeated endlessly by all people at all functions, regardless of the lie of it.

She moved slightly closer, though.

"Some say that House Mecetti has maintained their ties to the little Lordling, despite his public shaming by his father in front of the Senate and on newscasts. They even say that a House Mecetti factory ship is parked just outside of Imperial space, churning out Gods knows What in service to Imperial clients.

Aren't you a little worried that with Lord Mecetti here, on Lianna, he intends to undercut Santhe business interests? As a power with Nationalized Industries, House Mecetti can afford to run without profit- or even at a loss- for some time, in order to gain market share."

A push, in an attempt to get some response that would be juicy for the readership. Or even something that could be quoted out of context.

She was good at her job... but then, so was Santhe.
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The Battalion patiently listened to Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , even smiling slightly when he mentioned she must have gotten to more than a few hearts. It was for both reasons.

"As long as you nibble at the Dark Side, you'll always get minimal results. But look at what even it's small morsels have given you..." she pointed out.

"A chance at success, a captaincy. Most people, faced with expulsion and public shaming on the scale you experienced would have given up and died or just gone into hiding. You have displayed a willingness to sacrifice much to follow it, even if you are not fully aware of it."

The Battalion calmly folded her hands on the table. "Why the concern about a cutthroat workplace? Isn't that what you are already in? If anything, the Path of a Sith...or Dark Jedi...has less hoops to jump through than the path of your common Imperial."

"With the Dark Side, Power is Knowledge and Knowledge is Power. To gain more, sacrificing something of yourself will always be required if you want it's secrets, Lord Mecetti...if you are satisfied with a few morsels, then by all means stick with that. But tiny morsels will only take you so far, especially in your new situation. At your current level...pardon my bluntness but you are easy pickings for the very people you use your considerable wealth to appeal to."

She gestured to the lavish Ballroom.

"Once you comprehend that all of this is crude matter, that the Dark Side is true wealth and prosperity...then all your riches, I promise you, will become vastly less important to you. Because adhering to the Dark Side will easily enable you to obtain such things whenever you wish. As for my price, were I to devote my time to you..."

She sat back.

"My primary price for teaching the Dark Side is the same price the rest of my particular Order asks...that you use it. Always. Actively. To change yourself, or others, provided you can summon the strength to. My secondary price would be getting trade going between House Mecetti, and House Io. Who knows...if someone else in your House is might send them to us for refinement..."
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Matriarch of Santhe Family


Objective: Welcome new Imperial aristocrats
Location: Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom, Lianna City, Lianna
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen | The Battalion The Battalion | OPEN


The party’s host started off his duties speaking with a young man that Vyllia knew to be of the Lecersen family. Vyllia paid little attention to that conversation as Corzana prodded for a scoop. It was much more important for the Santhe family not to be portrayed ill in future media than it was to discover what two recent arrivals to the Empire were discussing.

As Corzana digested what Vyllia said and formulated her follow up response, Vyllia noticed that Mecetti finished his conversation with Lecersen and moved on to another party goer. This was a woman that Vyllia did not know. Something that she would have to note for future knowledge and somewhere in the party she hoped one of her other family members would be in a position to get some documentation of the meeting. With a subtle blink Vyllia’s attention turned completely back to Corzana as the media mogul started to speak again.

The aristocrat rolled her eyes at the suggestion that the party line wasn’t true. As far as Vyllia knew there was no competition between the Santhe family and House Mecetti, so she wasn’t going to pour any fuel on Corzana’s rumor sparks. As the young lady moved closer, Vyllia smiled knowing the Corzana was going to divulge a version of what she knew. It would be an opportunity to test Vyllia’s own knowledge.

”The Imperial war machine has plenty of work to be passed around,” Vyllia responded with a shrug. She didn’t involve herself in the day to day workings of Santhe-Sienar, as long as the bottom line stayed in the black she allowed people who knew a thing or two about warships to handle the rest. If the numbers turned red she would find new experts. Perhaps Mecetti would be one of them if things fell a certain way.

”Do you think that a factory ship is going to out produce our facilities here in the heart of the Empire?” Vyllia made a tisking sound. ”I think you’re looking for me to make a story where one does not exist. If Lord Maldor wishes to impress our newly crowned Emperor by selling a few ships at a discount, that’s good on him. The Lord will have to do some work in order to compete with Santhe-Sienar in volume. And this Emperor is going to value volume when it comes to warships.”

Vyllia may have said too much. She may have taken too hard a stance against Mecetti’s capabilities. She had every confidence that she would get a chance to speak with the Lord in time. When that happened she would easily explain that the statements were to make sure her family was viewed with great strength. That was important on Lianna and within most Empires.

In conversation with The Battalion The Battalion

The things she was telling him seemed like foreign ideas.

To his mind, riches were much of what made the galaxy turn. It was hard to conceive that any other component in the panoply of power could possibly rival 'money' as a tool for acquiring more of it.

Yet, there was the compelling idea that there might be some inner reservoir of strength that he might tap into. A strength that could help him acquire riches, if he needed them. Or anything else he might desire.

That was a very alluring thought.

But with temptation often came deception. She was surely not here selling this while thinking to gain nothing in return.

No... he had learned long ago that when he didn't know what the payment was in any transaction, then the payment was him.

What part of him would she, or the secretive organization she served, demand in exchange for teaching him this power?

What piece of himself was he willing to carve away and hand over in order to gain new knowledge?

When all was said and done, would there be enough of him left to enjoy the power he gained?

And he wondered what 'refinement' meant? It sounded chilling.

Still... this was the first good lead to learning more Force abilities he'd come across in some time...

"The Ministry of Inquiry often makes note of people on Obulette and nearby worlds who have Force potential. And we often neglect to mention these potentials to the Jedi. We don't have a Force-sensitive military unit, yet. There has heretofore been no way to build one without the Galactic Alliance noticing.

But perhaps these potentials could be shunted outside of GA space. To a... government-funded retreat in territory House Io controls."

Even as he spoke, part of him was appalled at what he was proposing. A force-sensitive army for House Mecetti? That would be invaluable. Yet it all felt much more like selling souls to a devil. 'Refinement...'

Better them than me...

"We should meet again to discuss it in detail... and to begin the other arrangements you spoke of."

He could taste at least some of what she offered, couldn't he?

Surely a taste wouldn't cost too much of himself...

Perhaps he could sell the Obulette citizenry to her, subjecting them to anything nefarious she wanted, as the price of keeping himself... Himself.

"I'll send Velda back this way. Give her a time and place where we can become more intimately acquainted.

We can call it ...a first date."

He smiled, then stood again, "Now, if I don't see to some of my other guests, tongues will wag. And I think our tongues should be the only ones involved in this arrangement."


Corzana and Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe

Corzana smiled like the cat who'd eaten the canary.

"Well, I won't harrangue you. I'm not here in an official capacity, after all," she lied with practiced smoothness. Perhaps it helped that the lie was mutually understood.

"I hope to attend one of your own soirees soon. It's fun to see new people, but nobody can compete with House Santhe when it comes to a party."

Flattery- some sugar to sweeten any bitterness of the encounter.

But whatever she had gained from this conversation, the timing of her departure was terrible.

For Maldor Mecetti made his way here just after she left, and she'd have paid real money to listen in on whatever conversation might follow.


"Lady Santhe," he said as he approached, giving a little bow, "This entire affair is improved by your presence. Thank you for coming."
Matriarch of Santhe Family


Objective: Welcome new Imperial aristocrats
Location: Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom, Lianna City, Lianna
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen | The Battalion The Battalion | OPEN


Vyllia was not quite sure if she had given something that would play into Ms. Mez’ story, if it was apparent that Vyllia was just going to give the company line for now and Corzana wasn’t willing to push it. Or if the brief conversation truly was just a matter of being in the same place at the same time and it had run its course. Vyllia very much doubted the latter. ”It was good to chat Corzana. I’m sure there will be some sort of event coming soon to the Cultural District. I will be sure your name is on the invite list,” Vyllia responded with a fake smile and a nod of her head, glad to be rid of the media as the party’s host approached.

The smile on Vyllia’s lips became more genuine as Lord Maldor completed his approach and greeted her with a bow. She was still not quite sure of the Lord’s standing within the Empire and whether they would be friends or rivals. Despite what Vyllia had told Ms. Mez there was going to be a pecking order to Imperial production, and Vyllia intended to have her family at the top. There was potentially room to share however. The new Emperor was not one to settle for small scale. It was quite unlikely that any manufacturer would be able to provide the numbers that would be required for the grandiose ideas.

”Of course it is,” Vyllia responded. For all her ability to fake things, she felt no need to be humble about what her presence meant to an event on Lianna. Her family was the most famous Liann legacy. Their company had been the largest on the planet for many regimes. ”It is why I am invited to every social event on Lianna. You are a wise man to have followed suit. Also wise however to meet with others before making your way to me. Don’t want to seem too eager.”

She gave another smile, this one was slightly less genuine and a flicker of curiosity would shine in her eyes. She stepped closely to him and whispered into the Lord’s ear. ”The million credit question, is did you invite me to size me up as a rival or to build a mutually beneficial friendship that sees the Empire become the dominant government of the galaxy?”

She stepped closely enough for him to feel the warmth of her flesh, emanating from her in vital intensity. It was as though her family's prominence and power could be felt radiating from her like the light of the sun.

Maldor maintained their nearness a moment longer, and answered with a low murmur of his own, "Dear Lady Santhe, I am but a Wolf content to prosper in the light you shed, or to rest in the shade you provide."

While it had been apparent at a remove, her beauty was doubly tangible for its proximity, now. Her physical attractiveness was as much a lure as the mountain of wealth and power that lay behind her. He could well imagine that, like The Battalion, she had stolen and broken many hearts.

"Shall we dance," he asked her. His words were akin to the components of a magic spell, for the orchestra began to play a waltz. He separated from her and then extended a hand for her to take, that he might lead her onto the dance floor.

Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe
"House Io has many places to do just that, and would love the opportunity to give your citizens the gift of the Dark Side."

How easily he throws them at you to save himself... all the evil personas within her thought to herself. He's more Sith than he realizes.

"And I of course do agree this meeting should be solely between us..." The Battalion spoke affably before rising.

"I would tell you one secret of the Dark before my departure..." She spoke in a quieter voice. "To choke someone telekinetically, envision the target's neck in your grip and focus your hatred into crushing that neck in your mind. In your case, I would advise building on whatever hate or rage you have at being forced to flee Alliance territory, however minimal it may actually be, in order to execute the attack successfully. All I ask is that you use it on someone innocent the first time you try to."

With that, The Battalion departed and awaited Velda patiently. When Velda arrived, she told the agent.

"Lord Mecetti may arrange for our next meeting aboard the Colossus of Shadows , she said, giving Velda a rendezvous point in space from where he could dock from in a few days. He would be received personally by her.

The Battalion stayed for a little while longer, and then left on her ship, already thinking about how to drive Maldor further to the Darkness. He had already taken the first crucial steps. He would have to be eased into the rest of it, like a frog in water being heated incrementally.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
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Yoryn Darnur

Krykna Legate of Allied Tion

Objective: Social Espionage
Location: Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom
Outfit: Black Cocktail Dress
Equipment:Model J1 "Happy Surprise" Palm Blaster
Tags: OPEN | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe | The Battalion The Battalion | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen


Yoryn was quite happy to stay in the shadows and observe as the host made the rounds. A man that Yoryn would later learn was Ethen Lecersen was the first stop for the Lord. Yoryn assumed that conversation was a feel for how the two could use each other to rise up the ranks. Since she had no clue who Ethen was and Maldor was a newcomer, that made the most sense. The conversation was short and as Maldor continued to his next stop, Yoryn noted that it was left incomplete. Lecersen might have been an unknown to Yoryn, but she noted that he was good at the social political game. At least he had a sound strategy appearing to gain the advantage of being the first and last speaker to the host.

As Maldor moved from Lecersen to a strange woman, who Yory was quite sure was not firmly a part of the Empire, Yoryn noticed that she had attracted the Lord’s attention. She hid a smirk, ”The dress designer did say I would turn heads in this number,” Yoryn thought to herself as she wondered whether Maldor was a playboy noticing all the pretty women in attendance or if she was something special. Either way Yoryn wouldn’t care as long as she looked good enough to make a lasting impression.

Yoryn did her best to keep a wide focus on the party. She wasn’t just here to get a read on Mecetti. There were plenty of other influencers in the room that she could use to build a network of contacts. Some she suspected would always stay above board. Some she knew could be convinced to join her in the shadows for the right price. She was curious who’s influence she might be able to buy tonight. As such, Yoryn didn’t take much away from Maldor’s conversation with the unknown woman.

Next was Vyllia Santhe on Maldor’s visits. Yoryn placed her elbow on the nearby table and watched this interaction. Yoryn had worked a bit with Vyllia in establishing Yoryn’s new club. It was hard to judge whether the Santhe family matriarch was going to be a friend or a rival. Both Vyllia and Maldor were all smiles as they felt each other out. Vyllia leaning close to whisper something, and Maldor didn’t back down a bit to give his response. When he finally did back off it was with an offer to dance as the music started with astounding timing.

Jealousy was not a foreign emotion for Yoryn, and seeing the mere offer to dance had her seeing red after the look that Maldor had given her in passing Yoryn thought for sure he would offer a dance. In a huff Yoryn downed the last of her drink and swiftly found her way to Ethen Lecersen’s side. ”This is a wonderful song to dance to,” she hinted, trying her best to bury her fury.

Ethen was still tired, though he found himself gossiping with some local guests. Those that didn't seem as important as the special guests, but nonetheless guests that showed Maldor had sway and wasn't alone in his escapades. It was primarily girls, but there was a guy or two listening to his stories. Ethen was a playboy in a way, especially compared to Maldor who was totally too embarrassed by women approaching him, teasing.

But Ethen didn't expect one of the special guests to approach hinself, nor their greeting to be an offer of a dance. Her request interrupted the story, but it wasn't really important nor did he see disrespect in it. He was dumbfounded by the introduction for a few, short moments, but it was enough for his Stomrtrooper Back Up to try and nudge him, thinking he had fallen asleep. He grabbed the troopers elbow to prevent it from nudging him. "Bold for a woman to interrupt a smart mouth pretty Moff gossiping about his achievements, for a dance, no less" if there was one royal thing outside of manners his parents taught him, it was how to dance. He grinned, looking up at her with a particular look, "well now, my honor is challenged. I can't simply decline, can I?"

He stood up, leaving his drink behind as he approached the girl, extending his arm with a bent elbow, offering her to cling into it, "Moff Ethen Lecerson, Head of House Lecerson. And you are?"
Matriarch of Santhe Family


Objective: Welcome new Imperial aristocrats
Location: Maldor Mecetti's Apartment Ballroom, Lianna City, Lianna
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen | The Battalion The Battalion | Yoryn Darnur Yoryn Darnur | OPEN


Maldor didn’t flinch from Vyllia getting close. She tried hard to keep a smirk from forming on her lips as it appeared that he even enjoyed it. He whispered fancy pleasantries into Vyllia’s ears. Humble whispers that Vyllia guessed were much more purposeful than genuine. But she enjoyed being flattered and he was a strong handsome man. There was no harm in mutual flirting so long as she didn’t allow it to come to his advantage. Vyllia was not exactly desperate for social attention. It came at her from all over.

”A wolf certainly,” Vyllia replied in a whisper as they started to move away from each other. ”How content you will remain within my light and shade we will have to see won’t we. Many find it too hot or too cold. You seem strong though….”

Vyllia hummed in amusement as the music started to play in sync with Maldor’s invitation to dance. ”You are quite talent, very lucky, or have trained your servants to read off your actions very well My Lord,” Vyllia almost gushed as she took Maldor’s offered hand. ”A dance would be most welcome. I seldom turn down a chance to use the skills I spent many of my formative years building. What you don’t use you lose is that not a saying? In my place a dance can tell many things. I’d hate to lose practice. Lead the way My Lord.”

Maldor smiled as he took her hand, and the music shaped itself for the moment.

"With the amount I paid for these performers, omniscience is the least I can expect," he winked as they began their dance. She moved with a certainty that reinforced everything she'd said about her history. Of course, one did not grow up as a Noble of the Tapani sector without attending balls every season. Still, as good as he was, it was clear that she was even better. She didn't just perform the dance. She became it, communicated with every move of her shoulders, hips, and legs.

It was a display of skill that almost made him forget the political, professional, and social import of the encounter. He started to legitimately enjoy herself.

He couldn't help but wonder what other feats such a body as hers was capable of.

But that was an ungentlemanly thought, and unworthy of the moment.

As the moves of the dance brought them together, he spoke softly into her ear. They would only have a couple of minutes. There was no time to be coy. He had to be bold.

"House Mecetti won the contract to build the Empire's first Super Star Destroyer."

It was a bombshell declaration. The contract was not public knowledge, not even among industry insiders. It was an incredible coup by House Mecetti. But he wasn't telling her for the purpose of bragging about it.

"We have already started on the framework. It will take us too long to complete the project at our Grand Architect mobile shipyard by ourselves. We need partners. I intend to bring in Kuat to help.

But I would like Santhe-Sienar to be the name most prominently on display beside our own.

No one has better computer, control, and targeting electronics than Santhe. We intend the point-defense systems of the ship to be second-to-none. Better than anything Kuat has fielded before. And to be frank, better than anything we've ever achieved ourselves.

We need you. I need you."

He dipped her, then lifted her back up, their faces inches apart as they stepped forward and back.

"The Mecetti Grand Architect will construct the hullframe and life support. We gained experience in heavy hull plating working with DDSI.

Kuat is the only company that makes powerful enough engines and reactor systems to move and power a ship of that size. Lecersen's family has history with Kuat, so I'm hoping he might help with that, tugging on the strings old families always develop with their neighbors.

But neither Kuat nor Mecetti can hold a candle to your systems-integration and computer sophistication. So you would be the proverbial brains of the outfit.

It's a Three-Billion-credit contract. I'm offering you a third. There are others who can do it, but nobody who can do it better.

the music drew to a crescendo, and he pulled her close, "will you do it with me?"

Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Yoryn Darnur Yoryn Darnur The Battalion The Battalion

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