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Approved Tech Solarium gather-panels

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  • Intent: To create a solar gather-panel from solarium glasteel technlogy that can be a basis for further solar needs
  • Image Source: here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source:

  • Manufacturer: Arceneau Trade Company | Browncoat Arms | Mara Tibx | PharmaTech
  • Model: Solarium gather-panels
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market To ATC Customers
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Mass-Produced.
  • Material: Enhanced Solar sail technology,Gold, Girondium and colium, thin and flexible photovoltaic panels, a microtracker, absorbital.
  • Solar gathering technology
Flexible, thin, solar gathering technology that is blasterproof, allowing a 70% more efficient solar energy solution.

  • Microtracker effectively captures sun and moon rays by tracking the course of the sun, tilting the panels along with it allowing for a solar energy solution that is 70% more efficient than standard solar sail technology.
  • Blaster proof - Absorbital is a blaster proof substance that makes Solarium gather-panels blaster proof.
Weaknesses :
  • Areas with no light whatsoever will not provide the light needed to ensure proper solar energy collection.
  • While blaster proof, intensive focused blasterfire can overcome the coating.

With the successful creation of Solarium Glasteel and Solaria Glasteel panels, Browncoat Arms and Industrial went forward with producing a far more refined model of solar sail technology and panels with the established patented Solairum technology. The result were thin sheets of nearly clear micro-tracking photo-voltaic panels. These panels were able to use solar sail technology to harvest and story solar energy.

Instead of the more expensive Aurodium, an inexpensive material of girondium and colium was used along with a fine mesh of standard gold. This would mimic the Solarium Glasteel technology, allowing for a high percentage of solar energy absorption even with moonlight with the unique beveled design.

These rays are harnessed to beam down upon micro-tracking photo-voltaic panels, allowing a 70% more efficient solar energy solution. The micro tracker allows for capture of the sun and moons rays by tracking the course of the sun, tilting the panels along with it as it follows the arc across the sky.

Of course, in locations where there is no light for the solar panels to absorb energy from will make these inert. While sprayed with Absorbital, a blaster proof substance, intensive focused blasterfire can overcome the coating.

Noire Vanya Tal

[member="Tai Fa"]

Absorbital was a blaster-proof substance that covered the ceilings and floors in the Death Star I.

The wookieepedia does not state any form of lifespan for the blaster-proof substance that is Absorbital. I am unable to answer your question as there is no method of me knowing exactly what is the durability of the item. All I know is that it is blasterproof.

I have taken the direct excerpt from the Deathstar Novel and found the part where it describes the item, which suggest it is very sturdy.


Noire Vanya Tal

[member="Tai Fa"]

Of course.

Actually this gave me the idea to make a balanced submission for aborbital using that exact same weakness.
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