Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seasonal Someone's Halls Are Gettin Decked (underworld/spacer holiday hangout, everyone welcome)

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

There were, Jerec knew, balls aplenty in this universe. Generally speaking he was not a ball person. A big underworld bar on the wrong side of Denon was far, far more his speed. He'd backed the whole place for the night, brought in live music and a couple reliable dealers, piped in a pirate feed of some Huttball game from half a galaxy away, shot a Togruta out back who'd been planning to raid the place once things warmed up. Maximum prep work.

Far as Jerec was concerned, this bar — Corner Eight, it was called — was the ideal place to drop in if you had nowhere else to go for the holidays.

A couple of human mercs were thrashing each other in a back corner. Jerec flicked his head that way and Ithorian Combine enforcers dragged the pair out to the alley to keep the mood chill.


Objective A: By The Bar
You've got a terrible thirst and the Rodian barkeep has your salvation.
You're shoulder-to-shoulder with the scum of the universe and everyone's having the night of a lifetime.
You're pretty sure that hot cyborg is giving you the eye.


Objective B: 'Art Gallery'
Corner Eight's basement is where people go to hawk, pawn, and procure the finer things in life: pre-owned disruptors, pre-owned spice.
Your buddy just came up with a new holo-tattoo and a slinky professional on their arm.
Go unload some loot and load up on memories.


Objective C: On The Floor
There's dancing, there's festive drinking, there's good and bad connection—
And most important, there's the kind of nefarious deals that classier establishments relegate to the back rooms.
Make friends. Bring sanitizer. Change the universe.


Objective D: Fake Roof
Corner Eight is in the Denon megacity half a mile down. The roof is fake.
There's bare permacrete twenty feet overhead, painted with a neon starscape.
You want those quiet heartfelt chats and those dark corners to shank someone.
You're desperate for peace and quiet,
and the next best thing to fresh air.
Shavvit, you couldn't be alone this holiday, but being around people sucks too.
But Zeltrons tossed some kind of Jedi off the edge earlier;
that part was pretty great, right?
And word is, this is where the big holiday cake wound up. Yeah, you could go for some cake tonight.


Objective E: Back Alley
Look, if you really gotta walk tall, take it out back.
Shockboxing gloves are fifty creds a pair from the butler droid with the eyepatch.
No disintegrations.​
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Objective B: Art Gallery
Velok couldn't really move around in the bustling black-marketplace down here; he kept bumping his head on the basement ceiling. He'd set up shop in a corner. His shop was, fundamentally, a cauldron and a holo sign:


The cauldron bubbled ominously. When a customer came by, they sacrificed a snippet of hair or a small personal item to the corrosive cauldron brew, and Velok drank a sip and spoke their fortune.

"Rich and loved," he said to a Klatooinian mercenary. "You will die rich and loved. That surprises me as much as it surprises you. Here." He flipped the merc his coin back. "Remember me when the first part comes true. NEXT!"



Location: Denon
Objective: Fake roof
Tags: Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek

A little break from work was just what Mairéad needed, she had been invited out to quite an elegant soiree with some associates, it wasnt a bad invite, she had gotten one of her favourite dresses retailored and decided she would show her face. But watching people enjoy their fine wines, shellfish, pâtés and all the other good things that were currently off the menu for the caporegime was not as appealing as it sounded, so she decided to see what else was happening.

She felt like getting a bit deeper into the underbelly, a lot of the best parties happened there after all, but she also didn't want to be alone, so who better to accompany her to an underground lifeday celebration than her handsome sparring partner Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek she hadnt seen him about much but she tried to train with him when he was available on Epica. "What you having then?" she asked the Ragos as he walked up the stairs to the rooftop bar area. She nodded at the bouncer as he waved them through to the fake rooftop, she thought she recognised him as one of her ex-doormen for her own club, but she could be wrong. Mairéad's eyes scanned the bar for the perfect spot to have a drink with the man who she linked arms with to lead towards the bar. She liked Ragos, he was one of the good guys, except he absolutely wasnt, which was one of the things which made him so fun. Mai did feel a touch overdressed here, having remained in her long sleeved white dress, but she felt good wearing it and the retailoring around her five month bump was at least very comfortable. Once they made it to the bar, she might order, or she might see if her date wanted to do the honours.


It had taken her fifteen minutes to get the bartender's attention. Then another five minutes of dodging and rolling the rolled-up newspaper, until the Rodian finally realized she wasn't a regular old rodent that needed to be swatted off the bar. Another five minutes to indicate that yes, she wanted to order a drink, and that yes she had the credits to pay for it.

One credit chit.

A big one that Bushi was forced to haul with her everywhere she went. At least the Jedi had managed to shrink down the parts for her micro-lightsaber. The same couldn't be said about the InterGalactic Banks. For some reason they didn't seem to think it was important to offer micro-variants of their usual money bits.

Took them another minute or so to realize they didn't have any glasses that fit her.

So they gave her a shot glass that still managed to dwarf her. And a straw.

"Thanks!" Nadi finally said with a cheerful tone that was almost immediately swallowed up in the sheer noise of the Too Bigs. It was a good thing she had ear muffs for the cold outside, because otherwise the sounds would have overwhelmed her in short order.


Oh, yeah, that was the good stuff. The Jedi never let her drink this. Something about her tiny body not being able to handle this amount of alcohol, but Nadi felt fine!

More than fine really.

Better than she had in a long time!
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

Jerec slid in behind the bar to take the load off the Rodian barkeep. The Corner Eight was, if not hopping, then at least beginning to hop. Ideally, that hopping should not be done while dodging a rolled-up newspaper.

"Sorry about the mixup there," Jerec said to the Nezumi with the straw and the shotglass. He considered comping the drink but the coin had looked logistically tricky, and anyway there were vital and proven maxims galaxy-wide to the effect that, once you had their money, you never gave it back. "Can I interest you in some complimentary nuts?"

They weren't nuts. No nut had grown on Denon in millennia. They were a salted umami bomb of dry-roasted protein powder and filler dust. Jerec popped a few in each side of his neck and slid the nut dish toward Bushi Nadora Bushi Nadora .

"Nezumi, right? I sold a two-hundred-meter Zilkin Dreadnought to some Nezumi merchants a while back. Great ship. Just too bad I couldn't get inside for a proper inspection myself, but you know how it is."


T A G S | Bushi Nadora Bushi Nadora Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
O B J E C T I V E | Drink Until You Drop
T H E M E | Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)


It was the time of giving...
in these old halls..
of scum and
bells would be rung,
faces would be smashed,
deals would be done.

The Hutt Cartel was slowly reclaiming its influence and it could not be a better time to celebrate than a trip to Denon, home of the Infamous Terror Group known as Darkwire and the Corporate
Authorities of Denon. They were the worst scum this side of the Corellian Run but they sure knew how to throw a party for their friends and enemies within the Criminal Underworld. The Cantina was filled to the brim with all sorts of scum and vagabonds; celebrating the evening of joy and merriment while also plotting to kill each other the next time they met face to face.

The Kajidii of the Jiramma Clan and Hutt Ruling Councilor moved freely into the Cantina followed by a Large Entourage of pirates and thieves, the best money could afford and equally replaceable should they fall in battle or other criminal disputes. Glancing around the establishment until finally settling upon the bar in view of the entrance, approaching the current bartender..a Rodian and Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr an Ithorian who was conversing with another person whose small rodent nature made the bartender ignore them as if they were a common womp rat.

<<Macha..Bartender get me a double glass of boga noga>> The Hutt Lorda explained with upturned lips, having a deep voice that seem to resonate while speaking Huttese; thick white mustache greased with oils and food crumbs, and decorated in rich clothing from the finest tailors on Coruscant.
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intergalactic bird of mystery

"Rrrrawwk! Hey kid, I'm gonna teach you how to live."

Kingsley took one look at Bushi Nadora Bushi Nadora and decided she needed a mentor. He had a sixth sense about these things. After all it was a complicated galaxy even for creatures of a seemly height. Denon seemed like a good place to lay low after that bad job on Ukatis except there was nothing to do but drink gargle blasters and harass the locals. Bushi swam back into focus.

"I'm looking for a new first mate," the smuggler's beak curled into a vicious smile, "With your...particular set of skills, we could make a lot of credits together."

His mind reeled with drink and possibilities. Most security systems were designed for those of a more dignified stature. This could be what Kingsley needed to finally turn his luck around. He leaned in close, towering over the little nezumi and swaying precariously. Heavy breaths reeked of alcohol and rotten meat.

"I'm kind of a big deal around here. Just ask Jerec!"

He glared at Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr with a hint of desperation.

A groan went up from bystanders as the rodian's backside hit the deck for the third time since the fight started. Mia didn't even know his name, only that she'd upset him when she'd inserted herself between him and a zeltron his was getting far too handsy with despite her protests. She spat a mouthful of blood aside. "You done yet, laandur?"

He shook the rattlers from his head and gto unsteadily back to his feet. Mia shook her head and laughed. "You're persistent I'll give you that." a hand beckoned him to attack and attack he did, keeping her guard high to protect her face, she grunted as blow struck her sides, leaving her abdomen and torso tingling and making breathign a little harder than she'd like. His strikes were wild, driven by anger and offset by the alcohol coursing through his system and Mia was getting bored.

Her first snapped out, catching his jaw and sending him reeling backwards and she followed with her own flurry of blows, before upper cutting him with such force, she lifted him from his feet. This time when he hit the deck he did not move. Mia shook her head again and walked away rolling her shoulders as grumbles of lost bets and snickers of success skittered about her.

"Please tell me there's someone a little more worth my time." she addressed the butler droid who gave her a mechanical shrug in response.

Usually, Lady Venge didn't do balls, galas, whatever you wanted to call them. But every now and then, even she got the urge to go out and let her hair down so to speak. And so it was, that the Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop, The Dark Embrace, sailed in for a landing on Denon, and Venge strode arm in arm with her fellow Sith Lord, Darth Amarok, towards the bar known as Corner Eight.

"I thought you despised the club scene," Darth Amarok inquired as they made their way towards the bar, the citizens crowding the street giving them a wide berth as they passed.

"Darling, being Sith means experiencing all of your emotions, unbridled, without restraint. And sometimes even I get an itch that just can't be ignored," Venge replied.

"So, what exactly are we here for?"

"To enjoy ourselves. The night is young, Lord Amarok, let's make the most of it."

"Where do we start?"

Venge led Darth Amarok towards the bar. Ugh....she could sense what felt like a Jedi somewhere in the crowd. So be it, Venge wasn't here to get into a confrontation with a Jedi.

"First, we get ourselves a stiff drink," Venge answered. "Then let's see if we can find us a suitable playmate...for later, if you catch my drift."

Darth Amarok gave Lady Amarok a rather puzzled look.

"You've never said anything before about enjoying that sort of thing," he said.

"Love, in time, you will discover that I am delightfully and exceptionally devious, when it comes to the desires of the flesh." Venge said with a sly smirk.

"So be it," Darth Amarok answered with a shrug. "Lead the way."


"Please tell me there's someone a little more worth my time." she addressed the butler droid who gave her a mechanical shrug in response.

Stepping from the shadows of a doorway, Ijaat drawled in his homely Concordian accent as Mia Monroe Mia Monroe passed him. He had watched the fight with some amusement, honestly. It was almost unfair to the Rodian. He had had no idea who's doorstep he was shitting on when he had swung on the former Manda'lor. Fingers thrumming across the curved handle of a mug they held, Ijaat was in the same battered Protector armor he once wore, or similar enough outsiders would not note the change. Scrape some paint and they assumed all beskar'gam was the same. But this suit was new, and the fingers that gleamed on the mug shone of pure burnished beskar, like liquid metal flowing in place.

"Why Ms. Mia Monroe Mia Monroe , I'm just the flower for your vase, if you think you've the pluck..."

Smiling ear to ear, the smith paused, eyeing Mia up and down. It had been a minute since the Pomo and Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin after all.

Nadi looked suspiciously at the nuts being offered to her.

Nothing came for free in this Galaxy. Then again, maybe the cost had been her dignity, while she was trying to dodge that fethin' newspaper. So she finally nodded serenely. "Yes, thank you. That will do." She took one of the nuts and had to use both paws, because it was larger than her head by at least one factor.

Oh yesss, this will do. She mumbled as she stared at the almond as if it was gold-plated curiosity. Before sinking her teeth into the goodness. While munching Nadi listened carefully to Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr and made the appropriate noises to his story.

"Yedatsoundlik-" Then she raised one tiny digit and managed to swallow it all down with an ah. "Pardon, yes I heard about that!" She said cheerfully. "Did you know they used the ship to evacuate a number of Nezumi colonies right before this Energy Corp was going to flatten the district they lived in? Some of them were talking about creating an annual holiday called the Asyr."

Nadi looked Jerec up and down with something approaching suspicion. The Ithorian definitely didn't look like a prophet of protection.

She was about to say more but then a new entry to the bar caused her some concern. It was a... bird. Something in the way that Kingsley Kingsley looked at her made Nadi slightly uncomfortable. Evolutionairy signals were all telling her to drop her almond and haul ASS out of there. Instead... she slowly took another almond and put it in between her and the bird... offering... her a job?

"Sir. I have trouble carrying around one credit chit. What will I do with a LOT of them, pray do tell?" This was most likely not the response that Kingsley had been expecting, but Nadi's mind worked relatively straightforward and logical.

Credits were helpful, yes, but they were just heavy intermediaries. That she was forced to carry around in her bag.

She glanced to Jerec after Kingsley seemingly asked him to vouch for his credentials.

"My mama always told me to never trust a bird who looks as hungry as this one." Then a quick glance to Kingsley. "No offense." Then back to Jerec. "But the hero of several Nezumi colonies? I can trust an Ithorian like that."

"Why Ms. Mia Monroe , I'm just the flower for your vase, if you think you've the pluck..."

Mia was mid swig of her drink when Ijaat stepped from the shadows, she smirked into the glass of whiskey before draining it, setting it aside on one of the tall tables dotted around the makeshift ring. She gave him a slow deliberate once over. She'd been wanting to punch him since Pomojema, now was a good a time as any.

"Mar'e, ori'vod." She moved back to the ring, beckoning him. When Ijaat was clad in armour, Mia bore none, she had refused it. Dar'manda did not wear beskar'gam. But she was not in the least bit worried that it gave Ijaat any edge over her. If anything, it simply made it more fun. "Let's see what you've learned while I've been sleeping."

She set her stance and waited for him to advance. Around them bets began to flow.

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel

"I'm looking for a new first mate. With your...particular set of skills, we could make a lot of credits together."

"Don't listen to him, kid," A devaronian leaning on the bar spoke up unsolicited. He glanced over at the squawking Kingsley, puffing a cig between his lips, "This bird bungled his own job. And cause of that, I can't step foot in Alliance space anymore. 'Cept here." Denon ever the exception. And nearby Loronar for that matter. Levi intended to make full use of that permanent docking Jerec had offered him.

In most circumstances, Levi would have happily celebrated the season with just his ship for company. But the crew was in desperate need of some shore leave, and Corner Eight was as good an alternative as any for their type. Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok and Judd Judd were… somewhere. The captain didn't particularly care, he wasn't their babysitter. As long as they could report back in one piece by tomorrow, then all was right with the galaxy.

After a moment's consideration, Levi suddenly perked up, "Say, now that Ukatis is trashed, I wonder if that bounty is on the backburner." He mused, not to anyone in particular. The Mando invasion had really fethed up the monarchy, surely they had bigger problems to deal with than a few missing pirates and crooks.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

<<Macha..Bartender get me a double glass of boga noga>>
they made their way towards the bar, the citizens crowding the street giving them a wide berth as they passed.
The Rodian bartender hastened to get Qelluart Dagge Qelluart Dagge a respectful and generous pour, really more of a triple, in the kind of massive glass suited to a Herglic or a Whiphid. As Lady Venge Lady Venge and her equally impressive companion came up to the bar, two mutually exclusive forces impacted the crowd: the influx of Grangga's henchmen and the general avoidance that most people displayed toward the pair of Sith. In combination, that left the crowd sort of churn-y right by the bar.

Sensing upheaval, the bartender hastened to ask what Venge and her companion wanted to drink.

"Yedatsoundlik-" Then she raised one tiny digit and managed to swallow it all down with an ah. "Pardon, yes I heard about that!" She said cheerfully. "Did you know they used the ship to evacuate a number of Nezumi colonies right before this Energy Corp was going to flatten the district they lived in? Some of them were talking about creating an annual holiday called the Asyr."

"I did know that. Some of them sent me a barrel of booze the size of a shotglass. Impeccable."

"I'm kind of a big deal around here. Just ask Jerec!"

"My mama always told me to never trust a bird who looks as hungry as this one." Then a quick glance to Kingsley. "No offense." Then back to Jerec. "But the hero of several Nezumi colonies? I can trust an Ithorian like that."

"Don't listen to him, kid," A devaronian leaning on the bar spoke up unsolicited. He glanced over at the squawking Kingsley, puffing a cig between his lips, "This bird bungled his own job. And cause of that, I can't step foot in Alliance space anymore. 'Cept here."

"A-ba-ba-ba-ba." Jerec held up a hand to cut through all the ethical imperatives. "Captain Kingsley of the legendary Erevana can be utterly relied upon to do exactly what's in Captain Kingsley's interests. He Will Steal The Thing. Just be sure you're in the getaway car and stay away from his dinner plate. Messy eater. Indiscriminate."

He shoved more snacks in the sides of his neck.

"Or you could sign on with Captain Levi of the Outrider II. A bird of the same feather, but less likely to eat you. Uh, by accident."


- Velok Brokentusk Velok Brokentusk -

Judd kept hitting his head on the damn ceiling.

He didn't know where Levi Levi and Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok had wandered off to. He had been the first one off the ship, specifically so neither would ask to tag along with him. He didn't despise the two of them, but he certainly appreciated some time alone.

Well, as alone as one could be, squeezing through the back alleys of an Alliance world. He'd picked up some gizka poison, just in case, as an early Life Day present to the crew. He'd planned on finding a quiet roof somewhere to be alone, but had stopped at a... frankly, ridiculous looking stall.

He had to stop and rudely gawk, before pushing his way past a few waiting customers. They started to protest, then saw the Dowutin, and wisely kept their words to themselves.

"Really leaning into the witch thing, aren't ya?" He sneered at the sitting Whiphid. "You really tell the future, or do you just get your kicks from doing this mystic crap?"
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"Really leaning into the witch thing, aren't ya?" He sneered at the sitting Whiphid. "You really tell the future, or do you just get your kicks from doing this mystic crap?"

"It's a recipe," said Velok. He rose to his full height, so far as the basement allowed. The Dowutin was, he judged, pretty close to his size, which was rare. "I use ingredients from here and there, things of significance. One of the ingredients is condescension. The whole affair works so much better when all these little people can see me as ridiculous. Because otherwise they'd see me like they see you.

"But yes. It works. I am a shaman of the Toglannoq, We Who Walk the Ice. I am a fortuneteller by trade. Give me something for the cauldron - a chip of tusk, let's say - and I will see what I can see."

Lady Venge Lady Venge couldn't help but smirk as she noticed how her and Darth Amarok Darth Amarok 's arrival had parted the crowd like ships traversing the seas. The Sith's sinister reputation certainly had its moments. Hearing Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr asking what she and Lord Amarok wished to drink, Venge turned to the bartender with a sly grin on her face.

Surprise," she said, glancing towards Darth Amarok Darth Amarok who was now glowering at her with narrowed eyes. "Isn't that what that Twi'lek of yours used to drink?"

"What sort of games are you trying to play here, Venge," Darth Amarok asked, his voice taking on a tone that said to her 'don't @#$* with me'.

"Your thoughts betray you, Lord Amarok,," Venge answered. "You still think of her sometimes. Seku Bondara was it? A Rutian Twi'lek from Nar Shaddaa, born into slavery, later picked up by the SIA and recruited as an agent, if I remember correctly?"

"That name means nothing to me anymore," Darth Amarok replied. "The man who once loved her is dead. You saw to that. Only Darth Amarok remains. When I joined you, I said it would be as equals. I won't tolerate being treated as an apprentice, having my past relationships scrutinized."

"Indeed, Lord Amarok. Forgive me, I was merely testing you..."

"Testing what," Darth Amarok insisted.

"Your loyalty to me.," Venge stated.

"What more will it take to prove it to your satisfaction," Lord Amarok asked, "killing her?"

"That's an option I haven't ruled out," Venge admitted.



intergalactic bird of mystery

"Don't listen to him, kid," A devaronian leaning on the bar spoke up unsolicited.

"Rrrrawk! My fault? Outrageous!" Kingsley looked nervous, "Poor Levi Levi , some Jedi sleemo mind tricked him on our last job. Scrambled his brain."

Of course, he remembered that night on Ukatis very differently. He'd infiltrated the palace with surgical precision, using ancient teräs käsi techniques to chop several armed guards unconscious. One job. Distract the king. Captain Levi hadn't been able to adapt to a barely noticeable alarm and poisoned Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok in panic. An alarm that had only been triggered by that oaf Judd Judd and the other hired muscle.

"Sir. I have trouble carrying around one credit chit. What will I do with a LOT of them, pray do tell?"

Kingsley's eyes bulged into saucers.

"First Mate, you have a lot to learn. Earn enough and you can pay someone to carry them!"

He ordered another gargle blaster then guzzled it down messily. After squawking in pain the smuggler felt relieved. For a second there the cantina had almost stopped spinning.

"My mama always told me to never trust a bird who looks as hungry as this one." Then a quick glance to Kingsley. "No offense."

"Or you could sign on with Captain Levi of the Outrider II. A bird of the same feather, but less likely to eat you. Uh, by accident."

"That's a cruel shtereotype," Kingsley moaned, "I expected s'much from a chadra-fan. But m'friend Jerec? I don't ashk you which plants are besht."

In fact, he had just been thinking of eating Bushi Nadora Bushi Nadora but this was about egalitarianism now.
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Jacen and Judd were… somewhere. The captain didn't particularly care, he wasn't their babysitter. As long as they could report back in one piece by tomorrow, then all was right with the galaxy.
He didn't know where Levi[ and Jacen had wandered off to. He had been the first one off the ship, specifically so neither would ask to tag along with him. He didn't despise the two of them, but he certainly appreciated some time alone.

Alone in his quarters on the Outrider II, Jacen finally set aside the hammer, his work finished. He stood up, stretching his sore back, then rested his hands on his hips, gazing proudly upon his creation: a coffin. He had decorated the outside with gloriously tacky flame decals and filled the interior with pillows and cushions to maximize comfort.

Smiling contentedly, he lifted the lid, checking to make sure the hinges didn't squeak, before he climbed inside. He was going to get some R&R, all right...

I have too many threads, y'all have fun Judd Judd Levi Levi

Venge rather enjoyed keeping Darth Amarok Darth Amarok on his toes, by saying one thing one minute, then blind siding him with something completely opposite the next. She was, as she said, delightfully and exceptionally devious when it came to the desires of the flesh. But on the other hand, she was also a cruel, unyielding mistress, demanding complete, unwavering loyalty from the man closest to her.

Truth be told, Venge had thought a lot about Seku Bondara in recent days. The Twi'lek was a loose end that could potentially unravel everything Venge had strove to achieve by corrupting Alex StormWolf to the Dark Side and unleashing his full potential as Darth Amarok.

Silently musing after the bit of verbal sparring, Venge realized that an old custom in Sith training might suffice in making Darth Amarok Darth Amarok prove his loyalty to her. The custom she had in mind, was known as 'The Sacrifice'. An action stressed by such notables as Lumiya, the sacrifice was not so much a training method as a test of the initiate's dedication, and as such consisted of forcing the adept to kill a loved one. Granted, Darth Amarok was no initiate, having been a fully trained Jedi Knight before his fall to the Dark Side, but the action would display to Venge once and for all whether or not his dedication was complete and unwavering.

Yes...she decided to herself at last. Killing the Twi'lek would be the ultimate test of dedication for Darth Amarok. But that was a task for later. At the moment, she still wanted Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr to pour her a drink, then she wanted to try and see if she could find someone that caught her eye.....for later, as she had told Lord Amarok.


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