Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Something we need to consider

It was brought to my attention the following in regards to the current state of Alderaan -

Alderaan was/is being vongformed. Most of Aldera City as well as most of the other Alderaan major cities are still standing for now. The countryside of Alderaan is a different matter, its being shaped and molded into jungles, organic buildings, etc... which will eventually encroach on the cities as the Yuuzhan Vong do more of their work.


The question I asked after this was could this be undone the answer was -

It would essentially take the Yuuzhan Vong reversing their own harmful effects, thats how it was done in canon. Though i assume the same thing can be replicated through natural terraforming means in Star Wars, i would suspect you could ask some of the big Corporations on the board to help with that. As for the wildlife, most likely yes. Vongforming seeds new life onto planets, changes the current life, and makes the enviroment much much harsher. I imagine some species would survive, others would quickly die out.


So, do we want to still try to free Alderaan, and try to restore it..?

Or do we want to evacuate and create a new Alderaan, or do we want to do both?

Let me know your thoughts.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

This group was created to take back Alderaan and to restore it if I'm understanding correctly. We could make a new Alderaan but there's no point in that because it'd be a "new" planet and not the original with its original species or culture. I say continue to restore it but make a new planet in case evacuation is necessary.
Are the Yuuzhan Vong with the Sith? Or are there some that we can recruit to our cause? If we are able to reverse the process, then I don't see why we can't retake Alderaan.

Even if it's not plausible, we could still move forward with retaking Alderaan, and just find a way to coexist with the Vongforming

Serco Savar

[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

I say we saber whip the Vong and everyone else on Alderaan until they fix whatever they did. Then again Serco is from Ansion and not Alderaan.
We can try to retake it, destroying whatever we can in hopes of preventing further destruction of the planet. It will take years to put Alderaan back to what it was. And even then some of the native species may be destroyed.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Serco Savar said:
[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

I say we saber whip the Vong and everyone else on Alderaan until they fix whatever they did. Then again Serco is from Ansion and not Alderaan.
I think we should fight the Yuuzhan Vong and defend what isn't corrupted by them.

[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

That's a good point although I think there is hope. An evacuation planet might suit the situation in case they're not stopped.
Serco Savar said:
[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

I say we saber whip the Vong and everyone else on Alderaan until they fix whatever they did. Then again Serco is from Ansion and not Alderaan.
The Vong are dying out. It started with the fall of the Horde, and it's kept on going that way. Give 'em some land, but we need the major cities back.
I don't know... we should at least see if we can get the Vong on our side first. Then, we can negotiate a fair deal with what places stay Vongformed and which ones get refurbished. The more allies the better.

Serco Savar

Whatever we do somebody needs to finish this guys training. Don't think a half trained Apprentice is going to be much help trying to push back the OS and their Vong creations.

I say fight for it, i mean there is the problem that it will take much longer than finding a new Alderaan, but it will have been the third time that Alderaan was utterly devastated by War, Vong, or Sith/Imperial hands... Things are just at this point a standing of pride... to simply write off the home of all alderaanians, simply to give a foreign entity a home is not acceptable.

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