Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sora Talus


King of Pumpkins
NAME: Sora Talus

RANK: Alit alor of Talus clan.


AGE: Less than a year old

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.7m

WEIGHT: 150kg

SKIN: Mandalorian Iron



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Can fly really well due to his droid brain
+ He can fight with all weapons due to his routines.

- He has no empathy
- Once a fight has begun he will fight till the end no matter who or why

He is a robot and looks as such, he is made from Mandalorian steel. He never wears armor

Created by Mandal Arms, he was one of the first droids created. When he was activated he felt the need to create a clan and thus created clan Talus. He wasn’t sure why the name felt right it just did. After he activated the other droids and convinced them to join him, he then had them join the Mandalorian Empire and they are close allies with Clan Australis given they produced them. He has updated his subroutines to allow him to fly ships. As a droid he has no empathy and thus doesn’t care about much of anything or anyone. He will fight people to the death, no matter who or why and will kill civilians if he deems necessary.





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