Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Spark the Flame


Temple of the Jedi
Council Chambers
Following the Destruction of Csilla

Let not the Flame of Hope wither

Auteme Auteme Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder

Bernard stood in the chambers of the Jedi council, hands folded behind his back, alone at the windows. His attention was fixed on the skyline of Corsucant. The tower of the Jedi Temple where the Council chambers were situated held a unique view that was unmatched by even the tallest cloudcutters of the city-world.

The horizon was ablaze with the last rays of a dying day. As it waned, the sun painted the cityscape a warm orange. A meadow of cloudcutters and spires stretched across the view, broken by the occasional opera house or spaceport. The sight was magnificent to behold in its entirety. Bernard didn't get the chance to see the top levels of Coruscant often, but he was awed by the beauty of it all. Deep below the surface, the city was a mess of dark shadows, grimy streets, and neon lights, but up here it held a serene air about it. He understood now why Coruscant had stood as the namesake for the fiery Corusca gems; both burned with a brilliant elegance that endured entirely unmatched in the galaxy.

It occurred to him as only fitting that this, too, was the home of the New Jedi Order, then. The nascent gathering of loose cannons and glow-stick heroes had come a long way since the days of its formation. Never losing the leather-jacket spirit that made it so unique among the Jedi of the galaxy, they had moved mountains by themselves and turned what was a lawless region of space into the shining centre of the galaxy. Furthermore, they had taken a firm stand against the tide of darkness that had threatened to consume the light for so long. What was once believed to be an unstoppable wave was now a loth cat on its hind legs. Darkness still rose in the galaxy, Bernard wasn't arrogant enough to believe that the great warriors of the Order had brought peace to the galaxy, not quite yet. But he'd walk through Corellia's seven hells if he didn't believe what his friends had accomplished was nothing short of a miracle.

But they didn't live through it unscathed. He became acutely aware of the silence that hung over him from the Force. The empty, hollow void that was left in the wake of Korriban. This was, perhaps, the lightest among the collective price the Order had paid for their accomplishments. Many had given far, far more.

He turned away from the windows, and stepped into the centre of the chamber, and laid his hands on the rickety table they had used during the first meeting of their newly formed Circle. His gaze went across the various chairs, empty and unused, they had gathered a thin coating of dust. The galaxy was still engulfed in turmoil, none of them had the time to convene while the many heads of the Dark's hydra reared in all corners of the galaxy. Aldric, one of the Circle members, had resigned from his duties altogether, and a bounty had been called on the Shadow. And worse, ever since Csilla no one had been able to reach the Sword, the Order's radiant symbol of hope.

He looked between the few Jedi who were assembled, and at the empty chairs around them. Only three were left of the Circle.

"Our Circle is broken," he said, settling into one of the chairs. The stiffness held a fond reminiscence of more mirthful days.

"We have a lot to discuss."
if they're watching anyways

"It's more like a triangle- er, square," she said, stumbling over her own joke when she remembered the Jedi Master with them today. She tried to smile.

She missed Loske. She missed Ryv.

Auteme wriggled in her seat. She was by far the smallest of those gathered, but her posture seemed to beg to become even smaller. When the room was full of people she'd been comfortable standing shoulder-to-shoulder with veritable giants. Now the weight of the chamber's walls was heavier than ever. A legacy founded long ago, built to soaring heights -- and now they faced crises surpassing it all.

"I, um, have a confession," she began, clasping her hands in her lap. "With everything lately, I've just... I've felt like it's supposed to be me. To be the next... Ryv. Not really. I mean, I could never- we're so different, anyways, and the way he could inspire people- you know." The Jedi gathered here were some that probably knew best.

"I think- it was, really, supposed to be me. After the fighting stopped, and we were all free and safe, and he could just step back. But now it just feels like we'll never get there, because there's always another fight, something else. And I don't think I could really... step in. Be it, you know, and lead. And..." She stopped, her lips thinning, and for a moment she just looked out the window before wiping a tear from her face.

"Yeah. You know, I miss him," she said. "Sorry. Honesty. I just- had to get that out." She felt almost like she'd spoiled the game early.



He should have seen this coming.

He should have seen this coming.

So many variables intersected in his mind's eye constantly. Pathways of the living that thrummed and pulsed with brilliant glows, and dim shadows. Some routes lead to life eternal, others diffused and puttered out to a void that was beyond his sight. In the wake of Csilla's destruction, he'd been effectively blinded. So many souls, voices, lives calling out with a final shout of desperation. He'd felt their burns as if he were on the planet as it ripped apart, the excruciating agony that prologued forever nothingness. All their faces turned into nothing, photons streaming off skeletons that glowed light and dark. It was as if he were observing a beautiful, chaotic painting from across a room –– and the closer they got to death, without warning, only the brushstrokes made it up. Life was nowhere in it.

They shouted, and Asmundr could feel that they sensed the pressure waves going out from their throats. The clouds of molecules that made up their fingers slapping against whatever they could, as if getting a grip on ephemeral objects or persons nearby would save them.

Where their air began, and their bodies ended wa lost. The boundary between their bodies and environment blurred. And union, singularity's realization that something dark and sudden moving through the atoms they'd joined toward them.

And then nothing.

He should have seen it coming.

The venerable master remained silent as they youth began to exchange their words, observations and feelings intermingling. His worn and weary expression did enough talking for him.

When his massive frame sunk into the councillor's seat, it wasn't an act of authority. It was ragged exhaustion that dogged him daily since the planet's devastation.

He should have seen it coming.

He was just one man.

It seemed inappropriate for them to collect together and discuss the loss of one or two people when the scale of destitution was so unfathomable. Admittedly though, there was solace, albeit faint, from those in attendance. They'd made it, and they were still focused on helping others make it. Perhaps that was the way mortals had to work. In little pieces. The parts that impacted them first..before they could look outward.

Asmundr wished, in that moment, that he could do anything but look outwards.

He tried. He tried to focus on the problems at hand. To focus on the reality that he was just one man. And Auteme focused on just one man.

"He was the leader The Order needed." He acknowledged sombrely, straightening. "It's evolving, as are The Galaxy's threats. So must we."

He should see what was coming.

"But. A sword and a shield are an excellent balance. It's unnatural for a shield to be used as a sword."

Bernard Bernard | Auteme Auteme | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
"We're always going to have various things on the agenda." The Warden mused, leaning back in his chair. Much more visibly relaxed than the others present. His muscular frame filling out the chair. Presenting the image of someone who belonged in such a chair. And not one who was simply dealing with the hand dealt to him by the Universe and doing the best he could.

In truth he was simply tired. He knew Ryv was not dead, so there was no point in grieving. He could worry, but such a thing would simply distract him from his duties. He was not unfamiliar with the idea of taking a sabbatical. So, he would simply accept that his friend was missing in action for now and leave it at that.

Ryv would no doubt return at a dramatic moment, make a terrible holovid reference and save the day.

"The Sword is ultimately symbolic. They’re not necessarily the best fighter we have. But simply someone who had the will to lead the Jedi in times of war. Make the hard decisions that war requires. As well as act as an inspiration for those that follow them."

His head turned to Auteme. "On the other hand, the Shield., a creation of our own order, would be one to preserve tradition. To guard the ideals of the Jedi. To marshal our resources in the best way possible to defend our ideals and protect the innocent."

He raised both hands, moving them up and down, as if weighing the scales. "They're not mutually exclusive. But I agree with Master Varobalder that perhaps one person should not hold both titles." A faint smile appeared on his face. "Delegation exists for a reason. Even the Jedi are allowed to use it."

"A council like this would exist so we may question each other and better ourselves by taking in the opinions of others. The Sword and Shield should also similarly work in tandem."
He bowed his head slightly. "At least that is how I think it should be in my own humble opinion."

"But three people does not a council make. Even if Master Varobalder is kind enough to offer his advice when asked."
Aldric had stepped down, preferring to tend to his own matters and let the younger generation take the reins.

"In order for us to go forward. Each of us must be willing to take lead in our own area of expertise."

"And we will need others to take over in places that we cannot.
" He made a sweeping gesture, a holoprojector in the ceiling lighting up as a series of images showing various Jedi of the New Jedi Order. "I open the floor to allow for the two empty positions on the council be filled."

Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder Bernard Bernard Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways

"Aeris?" She paused a moment, before again trying for a joke. "Obviously we need to get as many "A"s on the council as possible. Aldric stepped down, so Aeris is really the next best thing."

She grinned.

"But seriously -- she's smart, level-headed, great Jedi. Someone who I'd trust to make decisions," she said. "Then again, I'm pretty bad at making decisions, so that's not saying much. Oh- well, my other thought would've been Oros, but honestly I think his work in the Archives has been absolutely excellent. Aeris, I can convince to pull away from the books long enough to do some talking.

"As for shadows...?"
Geometric gags did not phase the Arkanian arbiter. He reclined in the chair, crossing his arms across his chest, and listened to the other parties present in turn. His eyes were narrowed, brows slightly furrowed.

His lungs felt as though they had constricted the entire time Auteme spoke of Ryv. The grief in her voice carried over to him more than he expected. Breaths came a little harder and he had to focus on forcing the air out to choke back emotions from surfacing. He nodded along with Master Varobalder as he spoke his wisdom, grateful also for Aaran's afterward. Their thoughts on the matter both proved prudent.

Soon enough the topic moved back to their broken council, Aaran's motion bringing up the holoprojector to initiate the process. Bernard nodded along with Auteme's reasoning. He had never met Aeris, but he trusted her word. She'd proven the smartest among their Order time and time again.

"As for the shadow ..."

"Allyson Locke," he let the name hang in the air for a while.

The implications were not lost on him. Her time with the Sith Empire had been a strenuous event for the Order, filled with strife and grief alike for many of those involved, but she was the most experienced Shadow who came to mind. And she'd returned to the Alliance in the end, bringing valuable information along the way.

"No other Shadow would be as good as her," his expression remained empty of all emotion, except for scrutiny.

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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
His lips pursed slightly as both of his comrades. Auteme's suggestion certainly had merit. Aeris had shown herself to be calm, collected, dutiful and wise. And a staunch pacifist was rarely a poor choice for a council of peacekeepers. The issue with violence was that it was so easy and so effective. Using it could become addictive. When all one had was a hammer, every problem looked like a nail.

While peaceful resolutions were always his end goal. He knew that he could fall back on violence. That gave him some level of bias. Knowing that if he ever went into a situation and it went poorly, he could always fight his way out. Having someone who lacked that option would be invaluable. To hear their opinions, their solutions for various issues.

It was not surprising that Auteme brought forth someone so like herself.

As for Allyson. That was another matter. Her skill was unquestionable. But everything else about her was. Where did her final loyalty lie? The SIA? The Force? The Order? Herself? Or is this simply all one long con and she is simply another Raaf in the making. Slowly working her way into the heart of the Jedi so that she may deliver them on a platter to his Sith masters.

There was a non-zero probability of it. Hell, even her previous student Zaavik once held the station the others are looking to have her sit in. And where was he now? A wanted criminal. Someone who trespassed on Ilum and attacked a fellow Jedi. Fleeing with a known Sith. Not stopping to talk, not attempting to reach out to old channels.

And if the reports he heard from Kraysis were correct. He had gone so far as to assault his own family.

Students tended to reflect upon the master. If Zaavik had gotten this bad, then it spoke volumes of how Allyson handled his emotional development.

"Both applicants have merit." He finally spoke out after a moment of contemplation. "While I am a bit wary of Locke. She is one of the best applicants we have." Keep your friends close and enemies closer. If nothing else, he could better keep an eye on her or ask pointed questions if she was on the council. And if he ever had more concrete reasons to suspect her. It would do well to have her nearby.

"If there is no objection. We can call them both up."

Bernard Bernard Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Auteme Auteme Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder
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Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo // Allyson Locke Allyson Locke // Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder // Auteme Auteme // Bernard Bernard

Well now, that wasn’t a message you saw every day. Aeris stopped her mobility chair and looked at the message on her datapad. Auteme wanted her in the council chamber? She put the book in her hands down on the table next to her and hissed for one of the nearby padawans to pick it up and put it back for her. The young man bowed in respect and she bowed back before she set the chair on a path towards the chambers of the council.

By the time she got there she had cleaned up as best she could while confined to a moving chair. Her hands brushed against her jumpsuit for a moment as the doors opened and she proceeded to glide in.

“Councilors.” She said and bowed her head in respect for their position. “Is there something I can help with?”
The small tablet on the messy desk started to blink and vibrate. “Nooo,” The woman groaned as she turned her head away from the tablet. Who would be calling at this time of…? Allyson lifted her head and looked at the time on the tablet, and sat up quickly. The adrenaline from seeing the time and the reason the tablet had woken her up.

“Oh heckin Ashla.” The Corellian brushed the empty Atrisian boxes into the trash bin and grabbed ahold of the tablet. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse in the mirror and tilted her head. “Maybe I should lay off the Atrisian for a few weeks.” Her hips rotated as she examined herself for a few moments until the tablet vibrated in her hands again. Her attention was pulled back to the tablet, and she long pressed the message; eyes scanning it quickly, she brought the top of the tablet to her forehead.

What had she done now? What did she do that would have caught the attention of that group? With a quick few taps of the top of the tablet against her forehead, she tried to file through her memories at the latest missions. She had done nothing out of protocol, and if she did, M would have already reprimanded her. Could it have been something from the past?

Placing the tablet into her jacket pocket, she decided it was better to go see what was up instead of trying to read their minds. Mentalism was never Allyson’s strong suit; she could only barricade her mind from anyone peering in. A skill she had learned soon after her eighteenth birthday.

The trip to the council room wasn’t long, despite Allyson wanting the journey to never end. The Jedi made her nervous, only because she knew most didn’t trust her after the mission within the Empire. Had they caught wind of her recent excursion into the folds of the dying government? Stopping in front of the door, she gathered herself and entered the room; there was already someone else - someone she hadn’t seen before.

After Aeris spoke, the Shadow appeared quietly, her footsteps unnaturally light. A bow of her head, “What can I do for you all.” The spy remained calm, showing none of the previous feelings she had on the way here.
if they're watching anyways

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | that guy whose name doesn't start with an A Bernard Bernard

As much as she tried not to show it, Auteme had long held reservations about Allyson. The SIA covers, the length -- and nature -- of her assignment with the Sith, the struggle she'd inflicted on Ryv. Still, every time those thoughts wormed their way in, Auteme wondered if some part of it came from envy, or even something worse. Their relative lack of contact had staved things off for long enough. If Allyson came into the Circle, that would end.

Auteme breathed deep. It'd been long enough. Beyond doubt and anger there was forgiveness and a million more chances to do more good. And beyond that, Bernard was right.

No one else would do.

Soon the two women arrived. Auteme, though sitting furthest from the entrance, was first to greet them. She stood, a wide smile and opened heart. "Hey- welcome. Allyson, Aeris. As you can see, there's- well, not many of us 'Councilors'," she said. After a moment's pause she decided to get straight to the point. "We decided, ah, that it might be time to fill a few seats. We were hoping that you two would be able to join us. Aeris as Consular, and Allyson as Shadow, of course."
While Aeris reacted quite visibly, Allyson didn’t move or show her surprise on her face. The Shadow lingered for a few minutes, letting the request sink in. The seat she would be holding wasn’t hers; it didn’t belong to her. She remembered who the chair belonged to. He was supposed to be the next generation to build the shadows from the ground up. Everything she knew was bestowed to him - yet he threw it away for a reason she fully didn’t know quite yet. Allyson knew her padawan well enough, and if she dug deeper, she would figure it out. Did she want to dig deeper? No, she was scared of what she would find - frightened of where she had failed him.

Allyson had interacted with most of the group here; there were some she didn’t recognize but figured she would be able to pull up information if she needed it. This was a curious revelation, and she wondered if it was only to keep tabs on her movements furthermore than what the SIA was already doing.

Apprehension was an understatement; while she was loyal to the Alliance and the New Jedi Order, she wondered if the sentiment was shared. At times, the spy was curious if any of them would take the chance to leave her to die on the battlefield or, in Bernard’s case - drive a lightsaber through her chest.

Trust was such a fickle thing between comrades. Allyson folded her arms against her chest tightly and wrapped the Force securely around her mind. As much as her own heart told her to trust those around her, experiences reminded her otherwise. She had been one of those Taeli Raaf had betrayed when she left the first Alliance in shambles. The desire for revenge burned intensely in the Corellian’s heart, not only for the Alliance but also for the events that affected her closest friends.

Curious viridescent eyes looked at each member of the Council, Bernard, Aaran, and Auteme. She wondered who was the one that put her name forward; she doubted the latter two - but still, Bernard would be a surprise to her. Allyson cleared her throat and finally spoke. “Interesting. This was the farthest thing I expected when I saw the summons. Though I’m not relieved to hear it.”

For the first time through this interaction, her face showed an emotion she tried hard to hide behind a stern brow. “I have failed this group once through my shortcomings with my former padawan. So my concern is will this hinder my investigations concerning him along with the other investigations.” The Shadow assumed most of her work was known by the group - they worked from her understanding together, especially with missions she was involved in as a Jedi Shadow.

“As long as my work isn’t hindered, I accept the seat you’re offering. I find that while valuable my butt in a chair would be - I’m more valuable in the field.”
The choices were as apt as they were swift. The councillors needn't age while waiting for Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec or Allyson Locke Allyson Locke to respond to their summons.

"These burdens are as heavy as you allow them to be." The Master mused, pinching the space between his eyes. Ironic council coming from him, so tormented after Csilla that he was nigh blinded by historic despair.

"Master Locke, Knight Lashiec, your influence among those gathered here will be beneficial for the longevity of The Order. There is a balance in this room. There will be.." he blinked, and leaned back into his seat. Golden eyes glistened for a moment, overtaken with a distant glassiness as he traversed through timelines unspent.

"Disagreements. Conflict within this room, but your hearts will see to it that the best outcomes are resulted."

A somber grin cracked at his lips and he nodded. "What remains to be seen is worth watching."

Letting that hang for a few moments, he adjusted once more and blinked back to the present. "On that note –– watching –– I have a selfish need to discuss. I've seen...much. Connected much. And it's becoming diluted and difficult to sort –– I'd like the council's blessing to establish a circle of seers to help balance this foresight." His smile deepened. "Call if the first official order of business for the council to approve."

Auteme Auteme | Bernard Bernard | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder // Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo // Allyson Locke Allyson Locke // Auteme Auteme // @Aernard of Arca

Her fingertips brushed against the surface of the seat before her. A deep sense of reverence fell over Aeris as she came to a full stop before it. The world began to weigh upon her shoulders for a second, her nerves tangled as the weight of her decision began to press against her ears with a ring. She stood at the precipice of change, a steep cliff where she could either try and shift perceptions of Jedi towards something better or the worse, and be held accountable all at the same time.

For a second her mind went back to the older jedi. Windu, Yoda, Skywalker, Katarn, Raaf, Truden, Heavenshield, those that came before her. And yet same as she did many other times when she was uncertain of what to do, her mind stopped upon Master Truden once more.

It was really just a fancy chair in a well-decorated chamber, something to put you on a pedestal for both better and worse. Ultimately little of what was said in this chamber mattered unless acted upon, and that was just what these chambers tended to be: a lot of talk and very little action. The palm of her hand spread out across the leathery surface of the armrest before she turned around to take the seat. Her eyes closed and she let a deep breath in, and a long breath out.

As they opened again she set her sights on Master Varobalder.

“Naturally, if we can spare the resources.” She said and looked at the others, uncertain what the appropriate response even was. “There…” Her eyes went back to Varobalder yet again with a determined nod. “... is definitely a merit to your request, but what is it that you have seen?”

“I only just got here, has there been something seen that the rest of the Order hasn’t been made aware of?”
if they're watching anyways
Auteme nodded to Allyson. "There is no such thing as a Jedi who only sits and watches." None on the Circle were expected to commit all their time to it, it was merely another responsibility to hold.

She listened to Asmundr's wisdom and proposal, and Aeris's question. Auteme gave a tentative glance to Master Varobalder before answering the question for him. "With the Sith Empire crumbling- and even when it was still stable- there are other threats, other things we cannot see. Master Varobalder has been vigilant, but to expect him to be aware of everything, always -- that is a great burden to bear.

"The Brotherhood of the Maw is on the rise, and we already know there are Sith among them, not to mention the remnants of the Empire and Sith warlords, or the Bryn'adûl, or the smaller struggles that still plague the Alliance and the Jedi. The more eyes we have on each, the better, whatever form those eyes take."
The SIA, the Marshals, every Shadow and seer would make them a step quicker, a step more prepared.

"I think such a group would benefit us, Master," she said, nodding to Asmundr. "I would be happy to join -- though I do not meditate often enough, I have found those moments of focus bring warnings." Before Csilla, she'd had a vision of the attack -- and, thinking back, the destruction as well.

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