Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Spice Town Welcome!


Location: Planet Terminus, District 141“Spice Town”
Objective: Meet with contact.
Tag: Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Wearing a greenish hooded cloak that concealed her armor Minerva stood alone inside an old turbolift. Above her the single light flickered every two minutes as the lift continued its descent. Facing the gray painted door the warrior took the occasion to view the stats in her helmet's hud.

Everything checks out so far. Good if trouble happens I want to be ready.

Given the path she treads in life it is given that challenges in various forms will sooner or later appear. To be Mandalorian is to embrace struggle itself after all. Such is what her father taught her repeatedly over the years.

Just wish this lift would be done already. I'm surprised this thing still functions.

As it to answer her silent complaint the turbolift finally stopped with both a thud and clang. A chuckle escaped her. Moments later the door started to open but only froze mid way. Not one to waste time if it can be helped Minerva using both arms to push. Grunting and hearing the metal whining she continued pushing with great effort until the door was mostly opened.

Sighing, she finally stepped out at last. Glancing up Minerva took in the misshapen hive of shacks, petty shops, tents, gambling dens and third-rate drinking holes. In the distance she could see the steam fuming out of the factory pipes, creating polluted clouds above the slums. Throughout the streets were people, residents and visitors alike moving about or huddling together to talk.

It's a wonder that anyone with a mask could breathe here, she considered. Despite being on the edge of 'civilized' galaxy the planet Terminus was a vital port. She visited this world many times but not too often she hadn't ever been to the infamous spice town.

A comlink beep rang in her helmet and she answered with a gloved hand passing through the hood

"Herk, is that you?"

"The one and only."

Rolling her eyes at his boastful tone Minerva next said.

"I'm in Spice Town now at the turbolifts. Where is your scaly hide?"

The old Transdosen on the other side answered.

"Take the left route and in the next two blocks in front of the market stalls. I'll meet ya there. Oh by the way Minerva please try to behave yourself. I don't want a repeat of the Smarteel incident."

Minerva gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"That wasn't my fault and you know it Herk! That double dealing Sullustan and his goons tried to kill us and steal my armor!"

"But you didn't need to blow up his ship, we could've made a fortune off his cargo."

"See you soon Herk." Minerva said curtly, turning off the comms with a groan. Turning to the left flank she then took a deep breath and let it out softly. Subsequently she advanced at a steady pace while a heavy freighter flew overhead, flying south. The Mandalorian paid it little mind as she pressed on through toward her destination.
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Outfit | Ranger Armor
Location | 'Spice Town' (Planet Terminus)
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Spice Town, a place of wonderful smells and joy, assuming you brought it yourself. In reality the town, smelled like shit. It was overshadowed by a larger and wealthier place (in picture). Even with it still being a shithole in Todd's eyes, it still had enough entertainment and drugs for him to acquire. Of course he was not down here for drugs. His ship, for once, had all the medical supplies he needed, he was down here to grab a drink and maybe get a job.

While walking through the town there were many people, tall, small, red, green and what other descriptors that could come to mind. This worked in his favor as he didn't look out of place in his armor and mask.

He saw a man on the side of the road, the man looked unresponsive or just slow in movements. Upon walking over he looked at the man, a kid stopping to see what the stranger was doing. Kneeling in front of the man he pulled out a tiny flashlight. The eyes were pinpoint even when Todd shined a light into the man's eyes, this was accompanied by the man's cracked lips showing dryness. A very clear opioid abuser, though he did seem to be fine. The abuser was slow with his movements and clearly moving, letting out a grunt when the flashlight turned on. Clearly he was breathing and awake, well sort of awake. So Todd stood and started to walk away. The kid walked up to the man on the ground and started robbing him, what vultures.

Though that was the way of these cities. Even if the man was in heavy overdose Todd still would've done nothing. No reason to give naloxone, would be a waste as the man would probably overdose again that week. Shaking his head, he continued forward after spotting a place he may be able to sit down and relax at.

Alley after alley held dark figures doing various things, from drugs to cards, the people in them paid no mind to the street. The bar that he walked to was nothing more than a food stand, what a waste of time.

Shaking his head he looked around trying to get bearings on his location. It seemed he was in a central area, not where he particularly wanted to be. Taking a step through an alley, he walked past some people on the ground playing cards, paying him no mind. They started cheering when a man placed down a card, must've won the pot.

While this next road wasn't as busy it still contained people and shops, though it at least had a little breathing room in comparison. A large turbo lift hit the ground near him, the doors failing to open, They were then opened by the occupant in side manually. Though they didn't seem to get it the entire way (as stated), causing him to smirk behind his helmet.

They walked off towards some market stalls. They seemed to know where they were going to Todd, so he followed not really caring if they noticed. He just wanted to go to the market and see what was there, maybe he could pick up a souvenir. Though for all he knew this stranger could be blindly walking in a direction. Deciding not to follow as it could be foolish, he did walk in the same direction towards the market stalls to continue his plan from earlier.

Objective: Meet with contact.

Tag: Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Leave it to Herk to make things complicated. We could've just met on Tatooine in Enclave space at some cantina but nooo he wants to talk at Spice Town of all places on the tail of the galaxy.

Minerva shook her head before sighing. The Transdosen can be troublesome occasionally but he knows his way through the galactic underworld like a mynock knows how to be a parasite. Besides, she didn't know any other information broker personally like Herk. Keeping that in mind Minerva marched on, edging closer to the market.

More ships, mostly freighters flew overhead in different directions, paying no mind whatsoever to what's below. Just as Minerva was on the edge of the makeshift bazaar when a couple of urchins ran out toward her direction. Swifty the Mandalorian went on guard despite continuing to walk, suspecting what was about to happen. The first three kids dashed past her without incident before the final a Togruta boy with orange skin and white stripes shoved 'accidentally' into her side.


Before he could even finish, Minerva's right hand suddenly gripped the boy's arm. Caught off guard the latter grunted before looking up into the hood. His eyes became wide as the Mandalorian stared at him. Fear was written on the Torguta's face but Minerva said.

"If you're going to pickpocket try someone that's not wearing a cloak. Now run along kid, your friends will be waiting."

His arm freed, the kid lingered, staring in amazement at the stranger’s mercy. It didn't make any sense to the street urchin's mind. Minerva walked off and soon the kid ran in the opposite direction past Todd, remarking.

"What a crazy outsider."

Two and a half minutes later Minerva finally arrived at the market examining the closest to her. Steam poured from an open stove as a scar faced Wookiee female was cooking her latest order from a stall to the left hand side while a human couple waited. In the center a protocol droid in red tint behind a mechanic table haggling with a young Gran in a flight suit. On the right hand side was a humble shop filled with spare parts, scrolls, books and what she assumed to be exotic items.

Actually curious Minerva went over to the latter, examining that could be of interest. Just as she did however, she heard footsteps coming from the side. Turning slightly and sure enough there was an elderly Transdosen with sandy brown scales and orange eyes. He wore a brownish trench coat that seemed better days. He displayed a toothy grin before saying.

"Jorel was always proud of your passion for reading. Scorekeeper rests his soul."

Minerva bit her lips from firing a retort, more out of respect for her late father than anything else. Calm enough she instead said. "Okay Herk I'm here so what's the big deal?"

In response Herk's smile turned into a grimace as he scratched the side of his neck.

"Let's go sit down at Fowray's that you passed by. She makes good nerfburgers."

Minerva blinked before as Herk gestured to the Wookiee taking a brief break.

"Since when you're on good terms with Wookiees?"

Hissing out a chuckle Herk replied. "Well after she tore both my arms off we worked things out and I have been a loyal paying customer ever since."

Deciding not to press for further details followed after Herk, leaving the middle human shopkeeper to watch them go, murmuring

"Stupid lizard, messing with my business."
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Outfit | Ranger Armor
Location | 'Spice Town' (Planet Terminus)
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Todd was daydreaming as he continued towards the market. He snapped out of it when the person he formerly followed grabbed a child by the arm, told him something, and sent him running. This caused Todd to smirk and mutter, "How aggressive." Though he did understand why it happened, letting the kid run by him.

As he neared the markets he could see the steam coming off of something, Todd assumed it was a restaurant. Though the food looked good, the shop on the right caught his attention. Shops like these were mystery boxes, you never knew what you'd find in them. Todd enjoyed gambling with his time so he decided to walk in and observe the insides.

There was everything one of these shops could have, from scrolls that were trying to look old to books and trinkets. Picking up a book from a shelf it read, The Wonders that Not Even Medicine Could Understand. Well as it happened, these books tended to be false. Opening the book to a random page it read:

This is a mysterious illness.
A lump formed on this woman's foot that no one could identify, upon being cut open it was yellowish, in contrast to the pale skin.
No one in the village or even the planet could identify what it was, leading it to a medical mystery.
She was to be taken off planet to be inspected but mysteriously died in her sleep, leading this to be in this book.
A mysterious illness that lead to the death of a woman.

Todd said to no one in particular, "Well that was stupid, it's clearly gout. I guess I'm not the first one to discover that as this book is still here." He determined that the gout lead to sleep apnea and she stopped breathing in her sleep, which was even more odd as sleep apnea rarely killed people. But he knew what he was looking at, a thing he's seen before.

Then he had an idea, this book could be like a little treasure hunt. He could go through it and figure out all the illnesses that are mentioned, would be a fun little game to pass time during hyperspace.

Folding the book closed he decided to purchase it when he was leaving. Though he decided to look around a bit more: a few little sculptures, some random toys, spare parts, this place had many things, nothing quite too interesting.

Looking out the window for a moment he thought about the food which started to make him feel hungry. Even if it wasn't his initial intention it did seem like he would grab whatever the vendor had. Street food interested him the most, it isn't like a bourgeoisie restaurant where you place an order and sit around a table, you just got your food when it was done.

Walking towards the counter a silver object caught his eye, a stopwatch. It was empty and the clock had stopped working but played a little tune when opened. This was a little interesting to him as he knows someone who would adore this. Deciding to buy it as a gift he moves to the front of the store to spend his money and leave the place. Hopefully to have a feast of sorts, or well some food.

Objective: Talk with contact

Tag: Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

By the time they reached the food stall the couple from earlier were completely gone. Fowray was wiping the front edges with a blue wiping cloth. The walking carpet quickly spotted the new arrivals before raising an eyebrow at Herk and growled in greeting.

"Good to see ya too Fowray. For tonight I would like a spiced nerf burger with Fizz-pop for my drink."

Growling once with a smile Fowray turned her attention to the hooded Mandalorian who shook her head. Shrugging both shoulders the Wookiee went to cook the burger meat on the grill next to the stove. As they waited Minerva whispered.

"Can you tell me something now? When you invite me over to talk in person that means either something went horribly wrong or ya need my help on a certain matter that can't be discussed on the holonet."

At the question Herk sobered and briefly closed his eyes. That wasn't a good sign. Subsequently the Transdosen confessed.

"Trouble is brewing. Nearly four months ago a new mega corporation Stellar Collective Technologies moved on Terminus buying up a lot of property close to Spice Town. Originally they and the gangs that run this place had an understanding but that's falling apart."

Underneath the helmet Minerva looked puzzled.

"Okay rich suit scum arguing with street punks over turf and creds. How does that involve me?"

Saying nothing at first Herk looked over to Fowray who roared, proudly announcing the burger was done. Completing the sandwich the black furred Wookiee wrapped it before handing it over to her reptilian customer who paid in several credits. Done Herk walked away from the stall with Minerva in tow, allowing Todd to go next.

Murmuring a prayer to the scorekeeper the Transdosen opened up the burger and took a good bite, favoring it. Minerva became more confused with passing moment until Herk spoke up again.

"The local gangs are not saints by any means trust me but Stellar Collective is not good for Terminus. I learned recently from various confidential sources that they're planning to…purge the district with their mercenaries. All to make a new facility for themselves."

Immediately Minerva focused on Herk and saw he actually believed the information. Before she could say anything the information broker continued.

"Look I know it doesn't concern your Enclave and Spice Town is a dump but it's still my home. A lot of people live here and have nowhere else to go."

"Since when did you start doing charity work?"

"I don't, however, a purge of this place will be bad for my own business. On the other hand you are the charitable type."

Immediately she shook her head. Of course it would be complicated. "Herk, give me a straight answer right now! What do you want me to do?"

Finishing the last of his burger the Transdosen stared his orange eyes at Minerva's t-visor, whispering.

"I want to hire ya to defend Spice Town."

For a moment Minerva was speechless and glad that her helm concealed her utter shock. Herk sometimes hired her for convoy jobs or bodyguard detail but not something like this ever. Before she could even answer they and many others heard commotion at the western entrance to the market.

"Oh no it's starting already." Herk said out loud before rushing over there. In reaction Minerva followed after him.
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Outfit | Ranger Armor
Location | 'Spice Town' (Planet Terminus)
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Walking out of the store of trinkets, Todd continued to look at the pocket watch (I said it was a stopwatch earlier, didn't mean to). The hour and minute hand were stuck on 1:32, this means the watch would be at least useful, twice a day. Though the music played from it, a charming little tune that had an air of sadness to it. Though it was a sweet little tune that played strong. After a little over a minute it had come to a stop and the little watch was placed in his upper pocket next to his revolver's holster.

With the little show over he walked over to the food stand to have his meal. There was a transdosen next to the stranger he followed earlier, though he paid them no mind as he was looking at what the menu had to offer. Though upon seeing what the wookie had made the transdosen, he gained interest in that meal. Once the two had cleared, he walked up and ordered.

"Hey could I get what the last mate had? It looked great." He said a hint of excitement in his voice.

The wookie did the noise that they do and Todd said, "T-thank you?" He had no clue what they responded with but they seemed to get to work making the food. Reaching into the pocket he placed the pocket watch he pulled out a few credits, should be enough to pay for the meal. The wookie was making his burger causing Todd to come to the realization, there would probably be hair in it.

Once it was finished Todd watched them wrap it, surprisingly there was no hair, he had no clue how the beast did it, but they must be good at the craft. The burger was wrapped like the previous one when it was handed over. Todd took it while placing credits on the counter and with delight continued on his merry way, excited to get a grab at his new delicacy.

The food smelt great, the oily juices had soaked the bag it was in making it a little wet to hold. Who knows, maybe Todd would come back at another time and buy one more if it's as good as it looked. Though as he was about to open it an uproar occurred towards the western entrance of the marketplace. This caused Todd to sigh, he didn't want to be caught with his pants down so the meal would have to wait a bit.

He tapped the side of his helmet, his visor glowing red in response. A million different words popped up, most of them notes that he was keeping for later. Though the visor swiftly closed them on its own, saving them to a small file that would probably be corrupted. The helmet was a bit outdated in storage software, it failed to hold even the most basic of text for long periods of time. It seemed as though his notes were lost forever.

Spotting the two run towards the danger, he recognized one as the stranger he was following earlier. They again seemed like they knew where they were going so this time as things started to pick up, he followed them, looking towards the place of distress every few seconds. The entire time he had his burger in his hand and his other resting on his revolver in its holster.

Objective: Investigate the disturbance

Tag: Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

A few minutes of passing through more tents and stalls Minerva and Herk finally came upon a crowd growing larger. The Transdosen broker pushed on ahead through the mass with her behind him. It didn't take long before Minerva saw what the big deal was. Directly in front of them were several thugs in makeshift grabs each wearing a red scarf whether on the neck, arm or even leg. Many of whom were on speeder bikes.

They were arguing with a baldish man and his heavily armed squad of bodyguards on a cyan colored speeder that had a blaster turret. In addition there two more mercenary speeders with mounted guns, one on each side of the first.

"Set you're not getting a better deal than that. Take it or else."

A scar faced Nagai male whose vest was filled with a couple of knives spat in front of the company man.

"You can take that offer and shove it up-

"Crude but predictable. Personally I thought it was too generous for your kind anyway but the director prefers to be civil."

Set gritted his teeth with eyes blazing. The mercenaries beside their charge readied their weapons as did the gangsters.

"This is BloodWing turf. We took and bled for it and I would sooner be eaten by a Nexu then give it up to some fancy suit outsiders who have been cheating us."

"Much like you filth do to everyone here in this district? Spicing people up and using them like they’re unpaid droids. Don't play sainthood with us!" The bald man countered with growing irritation.

Many in the crowd murmured to each other. Some openly siding with Set, cursing Stellar Collective. Still others glared in resentment at the gangsters. Minerva turned to Herk who shrugged his shoulders, whispering.

"Yea Bloodwing does that and more. That's why they and Stellar worked so well together initially."

"The honeymoon is certainly over." The Mandalorian commented, growing increasingly concerned that this is going to escalate.

It was only herself in danger Minerva accepted the risks but she was more concerned for Herk and by expenistion any possible innocent bystanders in this crowd. Violence once unleashed doesn't discriminate in a rather twisted sort of way. Further reflection on the matter was halted as Set shouted.

"Get out of here now and don't come back! If your little rich boy boss really wants a deal he better come to town and do it himself."

The corporate man snorted at the very thought.

"As if the director would waste time with filthy womp rats. You were born as trash and will—

Before he could finish the bald messenger was shot in the face by a blaster bolt by Set. For the briefest moment there was nothing but horrified silence as the now murdered man fell out of the vehicle. Quickly utter bedlam erupted as both sides furiously exchanged fire with one another.

Panicked screams rang out with the shooting and pained cries in a symphony of tragedy. Neither the mercenaries nor gangsters showed any restraint, gunning their hated foes and bystanders alike as the latter scattered for safety. Herk was shoved down by a screaming Gotal before the horned humanoid was blasted in the back, gasping his dying breath. Minerva, still concealed in her cloak, reached out and grabbed Herk, pulling him up.

"Come on!" She exclaimed as they ran back to the market for cover, as madness reigned.
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Outfit | Ranger Armor
Location | 'Spice Town' (Planet Terminus)
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Todd followed the two until the crowd was upon him. The scene quickly came into view, causing him to lose them amongst the crowd. He stood behind a plump fellow, couldn't tell what species he was, but could tell that he was a hefty man. The situation played out in front of him. The two were spatting crap about gangs and business clashing. Nothing atypical for such a location, corporation moves to a smaller area the current gangs fight back as they want control. In the end, both groups are pieces of shit to Todd.

Though this, to Todd, seemed like an ongoing conflict. What was once a business transaction between two parties seems to have come to an end. Leaning forward to the fat man he whispers, "Hey mate, you know what's going on?"

"Don't take me as a history buff, I've only heard through ear what happened, so what I've been told may be worthless." (This could all be incorrect if you say so, up to you though)

"I get that, just tell me."

"So those guys," The plump man points to the man with lack of hair and says, "those are the company that is trying to rule the area, and the other guys are the Bloodwing gang or party, something along those lines. They're disputing over territory. I guess the corporation wants to run this bit and get taxes while the gang may want something like protection money, and one cannot be here with the other."

"Seems like an easily solvable issue."

"Clearly they haven't, but that's just what I heard, so take it with a grain of salt if I'm incorrect."

"You said that already. Think it's going to hit the fan?"

"Maybe, I don't know how long they've been against each other but this could be a breaking point."

"Then why are you still standing here?"

"I still don't think it will escalate. Well, escalate here at least."

As the man said this he turned around a second before the fighting began. A stray shot had hit the unfortunate fat man in the head, sending him backwards towards Todd's feet. This caused Todd to mutter some obscenities as he turned to look for any sort of cover. In the rush of people it was hard to make heads or tails of where anything was. Though he soon spotted an alley dashing towards it.

He took his revolver from its holster and flicked it open. Inside there were three bullets all turned to the wrong spots. This was to prevent any misfires while inside of his coat, any number of things could catch from the nearby pocket. Tapping the side of his helmet, his visor glowed red, the HUD lighting up and giving him information. Looking down at his hands he had a burger in one, he had forgotten that was there, and a revolver in the other.

Placing the burger down, he pulled three rounds out from a bandolier around his waste and placed them in, his weapon was filled with slugs and ready for combat. Though he still proceeded to pick up the food, probably out of instinct to not leave stuff behind. He did wonder where his 'friends' went. The people that he followed earlier weren't that important in the moment but he still hoped they didn't perish, as one would for innocent bystanders.

Objective: Escape the carnage!

Tag: Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Speeder engines echoed with the thunderous blaster-fire. Panic swept through the market with people running for their lives or hiding away. Tables overturned, stalls crushed in the stampede that followed. In the midst of this chaos Minerva and Herk took cover behind a parked speeder. Drawing her pistol in one hand the warrior looked back at the entrance glowed furiously and repeatedly by crimson energy igniting.

"Any bright ideas Lizard Lips?!" She asked to which Herk responded with an annoyed hiss.

"As a matter of fact I do. We need to head for my safe-house. We can figure out things from there."

From the entrance several gangsters on speeder bikes fled with some shooting back at their enemies. Simultaneously they ran over any bystanders in the midst of their flight. Seeing a Bothan lady knocked by Set's bike she narrowed her eyes.

"How far is it?" She asked before her friend answered.

"Several blocks to the east from here. We need to get going now."

Pointing to the alleyway nearby he added with one clawed and armed himself in the other with his own blaster.

"Best to head that way."

Agreeing with him Minerva was about to signal for them to make their move when they saw a merc speeder rush in blasting away with its turret at anything that moved. Explosions ignited while a number of hired guns jumped off the vehicle to sweep the area. Seeing no choice Minerva removed the cloak, tossing it to the side.

"Hold on to me." The Mandalorian demanded to her associate who looked at her in brief puzzlement before it dawned on him.

"Scorekeeper preserve us! You're out of your mind."

"Just do it! I'm gonna give these thugs something to think about."

All around them the shootout went on and seeing no quick alternative Herk grabbed onto Minerva. Once it was so she used her rangefinder to target the speeder before she lifted herself and Herk off into the air. Just as that happened the Transdosen cried out while Minerva fired a missile. The projectile struck the speeder, exploding and destroying most of its front half.

Taken off guard by the unexpected attack the mercs took cover as Minerva flew off away from them. Moments later they landed into the alley. Letting go of the warrior Herk exclaimed.

"You're as crazy as your Dad was!"

"You're welcome!" Minerva retorted sarcastically. Before they could argue further they finally noticed Todblaz with a weapon in hand meters away from them.

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Location | 'Spice Town' (Planet Terminus)
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Hearing a sound Todd pointed his revolver down the alley. Who could've gotten behind him, that was a distance from anything. Spotting his 'friends' he raised it to the sky. He thought that they were just bystanders like the rest of the people. Though this could be incorrect, he was confident in his assessment.

Turning towards the outer side of the alley he looked back at the two. Giving a little salute with the burger in his hand he said, "Well as they say, you can't die until you've lived." With that he stepped out backwards into the commotion and shot a gangster in the head. As the gangster walked up to the alley, he was caught off guard by the man. Though that confusion didn't last long as there was a giant hole in his head.

One of the man's friends must've seen because soon another came charging at Todd. This prompted him to throw his burger into the man's face causing the gangster to stumble backwards surprised. He then placed one through the burger and the head. Blood and meat flew everywhere, though it could've been a sort of tomato paste, during the current events it was impossible to tell which was which.

His plan was simple, walk to the other side and take an alley out of the action. Though this idea was short lived as the alley across the road seemed to fill up with people prompting Todd to step back into safety. The actions had not been more than a few seconds and he was already back where he started.

"Hey, you guys got any ideas? I do like living." Todd said to the others while putting his back to the wall in the alley.

In high-octane situations it was important to still think thoroughly, but he was out of ideas. While he didn't know if the strangers would even help him, he did hope they'd show a bit of kindness in this cruel galaxy.


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