Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Starbird Rising | Galactic Alliance


Starbird Rising


Starbird Rising
The Era of Reclamation has begun. Through valiant efforts of the Alliance and Jedi, Empress Teta has been liberated from the Maw's dark grasp, thereby setting a positive tone for the rest of the liberation campaign that will continue through the core.

But while citizens, soldiers, and Jedi alike prepare for the next big battle, time is also taken to honor those who have been at the forefront of this campaign. For this special occasion, the New Jedi Order has invited all those of the Alliance to celebrate its members and their first victory within the halls of the rebuilt Coruscant Temple.

Once destroyed by the Maw, its reconstruction embodies the defiance of those who have given everything to secure the Alliance, and within this beacon of light, all will come together for a ceremony and gala meant to strengthen the bonds that will break the Maw's dark chains.


Within the main hall of the Coruscant Temple, Vice-Chancellor Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce will initiate the event with a ceremony to award those who fought to retake Empress Teta, to promote those who have proven themselves to be ready for the next step, and to speak words of encouragement into the hearts of the Alliance. Following this ceremony, soldiers, Jedi, and politicians are welcome to explore the vast Temple or socialize at the Gala meant to celebrate both the honored individuals, as well as the reconstruction of the Temple itself.

Allow this to be the beginning of a strong future for the Galactic Alliance, and its campaign to liberate the core.


Kohlhaase Gotthard


A silver and blue hover-car slowly exited from coruscant's high traffic zones towards the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after a meeting with Onomato Holdings within the Senate Building. It slowly touched down onto the landing platform provided for the senatorial delegations as the passenger door was opened up by the protection detail for the senator. Kohlhaase gazed at the rebuilt jedi temple before him and slid from his seat to touch the platform beneath him. Grabbing his wooden cane from the middle of the seat and moving to enter into the structure to attend the gala being hosted. He was mainly here to see the Vice-Chancellor's ceremony.

The tap tap tapping sound of his cane could be heard by those inside as he finally made it inside the building and looked around. He was dressed in a formal tone with a black suit and tie with a white undershirt. Overtop was a large cape which sat over his shoulders and was clipped with a single chain decorated with the symbol of the House of Citizens of Corulag to whom he represented. "What are we here for again?" He asked with some weariness within his voice turning towards his aide Delo Juun. "We are here for the gala your excellency." Juun replied with a sigh, constantly having to remind the senator where he was was going was putting a huge drain on his mental system but this was the only job he could land on corulag to expunge his criminal record.

"I don't recall meeting a Mrs. Gala. But I am sure she is nice." Kohlhaase said with confidence having completely missed the mark on what his aide was saying. "Yes, Senator. I'm sure she is. This way towards the other senators." Juun said with a face palm, deciding not to argue with the senator on what he meant but instead guide him towards the other senators in attendance. He looked at a service droid and grabbed a nice glass of some strange alien-like liquid as he made his approach towards the other senators within the room.

Open for Interaction:



Okay. This was okay. Right? She could handle this. Running from Sith Lords, surviving being thrown from a train, helping bring fallen Jedi back to the Light. She'd done plenty of things harder than this, right? Right?

Iris took a calming breath as she stepped into the temple. Completely, and utterly, nervous. Parties. Dealing with people. Having conversations to not make the Jedi or Valery look bad. She was panicking at this point. She adjusted her dress one last time, her oddly colored eyes looking around for anyone familiar. Someone to flee towards before she got pulled into a conversation she'd probably mess up.

A couple steps in, and yeah, that was already happening. The swirl of color erupted around her as a stranger stepped over, smiling wide. Polite. She couldn't ignore some of the other colors, though.

"I don't think I've seen you around before! Who did you come with? Are you a senator?"

"I- Huh? No. I'm a Jedi."

"A Jedi? You don't look like a Jedi. Though, actually, those are scars aren't they? I thought those were some kind of design choice."

Well, she didn't. Wearing a dress was already something she wasn't too used to doing. But Valery Noble Valery Noble insisted! She looked great, right? Even with the scars on full display? She laughed incredibly nervously and didn't say anything else. And just walked away.

This was going to be fine.



In a rare turn of events, Senator Alicio Organa had no plans of haunting the corner of this gala.

In parties past, Alicio was little more than a wallflower. Content to stay at the edges of the festivities, drink in hand to hide behind, making polite conversation with passing dignitaries, and wearing something dark and flowy that wouldn't catch the eye.

While the color of his wardrobe hadn't changed, something about the way he carried himself did. He stood just a bit taller, made more sure eye contact, walked into the gala with only the slightest hesitation. The reason for this change was obvious.

He was arm-in-arm with Amani Serys Amani Serys .

Alicio walked along with Amani next to him, a hand resting on her forearm as they entered the festivities. He wore a simple dress shirt and pants, but with a leather mantle, and a fashionable half-cape draped over his left shoulder. "I'm... actually a little excited." He inclined his head down. "I don't usually look forward to these."

"'Hello, my name is Senator Alicio Organa, and this is Jedi Knight Amani Serys,'"
the Count murmured quietly, trying out his introduction. "'My girlfriend'. Or... 'I'm her boyfriend'. Mmm... 'We're... together. Romantically'." He smirked. "I'm still workshopping."

Alicio scanned his eyes over the gala, noticing a mutual friend.

"Where to first? Should we... start small?" He pointed with his chin to Iris Arani Iris Arani , who had just freed herself from an awkward social situation.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Iris Arani Iris Arani - OPEN -

Coruscant, Jedi Temple Gala
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Kohlhaase Gotthard, Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , Open

Jasper was completely out of his element. He had never been to an event quite like this in his life, and he frankly didn’t know if he wanted to. There were a lot of people, all coming from wealthy families with prestigious names or individuals with notable exploits in their own right. Jasper wasn’t that. In fact, he was quite the opposite. He was just a kid, one who wound up in dangerous situations. When compared to the Goliaths around him, it made his “heroics” seem like chump change.

Still, Lana had convinced him to go anyways, insisting that he dress up for the occasion. He hated formal attire, but there was no way he was showing up in his casual threads. The last thing Jasper wanted was to look even more out of place than he already was. His outfit was nothing special, an all black, vested suit with a bow tie. He had rolled up the sleeves, but not as much as he would have liked. He hated sleeves. They were restrictive and incredibly uncomfortable, especially if it was warm. Or, in the current situation, if Jasper was burning up from embarrassment.

Jasper was wandering aimlessly, not really talking to anyone at the Gala. He didn’t know if he had it in him. Showing off was already stressful enough. Hopefully he could slip under the radar and keep from revealing how much of a nervous mess he was.
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Starbird Rising

Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant, Core Worlds
Objective: Unclear
Equipment: A glass of bubbly

Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | OPEN TO INTERACTIONS


Mylo wasn't especially sure what he was doing here. All he knew was that he had been shepherded off to some expensive gala to celebrate victory on the front. The final part of the reason had immediately aroused a sense of doubt, no, perhaps anger in him. Like most in the military, he had never really been too fond of politicians. And it didn't feel right having this large celebration to celebrate a supposed victory while as they stood his comrades got gunned down across the front. Maybe he was being a little too harsh, he of all people knew that a pick-me-up was in order. He resolved to take advantage of the meeting and mingle with as many people as he possibly could. Perhaps he could think of it as 'net-working' or something to that end.

Finally making it to the end of the annoyingly oversized steps to the entrance, he discreetly clawed at the tight-fitting collar of his navy-blue tunic. Like on his flight suit and bomber jacket, he had his battle honours displayed on the left arm, and the Starfighter Corps logo, a silhouette of an X-Wing from aerial view over the top of a golden Alliance starbird. He also wore a black shoulder belt, and a rank plaque on his chest, with two vertical red dots indicating the rank of Captain. Mylo absolutely hated wearing it, the tailor having not measured him correctly, it was somewhat body-hugging. That wasn't the only part of his appearance he had to alter to make him look at least somewhat presentable. He had actually shaved for the first time in a while, stroking his chin, surprised not to feel spiked hairs rubbing his hand.

Hustled into a corner by a decorated pillar, he had decided to hang out with members of Revenant to try and avoid talking to anyone else. "I hate this sorta thing Qel. Reminds me of when my parents would drag me to dumb events like these to talk to people I didn't know or hated. Plus its real boring.." He said, trying to hide the scowl on his face. "I'm already spotting some of your people Leon." Scanning the perimeter, he watched a tall-looking woman in long flowing Jedi robes walk across the hall. He sighed, seeing a table on the other side of the hall with drinks and food. Maybe he would mingle, try and meet some new people, maybe make a new friend or two. It couldn't hurt right?

"If you can't beat em, join em. I'll be right back you two, I'm going to go get us food and drinks." Mylo wandered off, briefly turning back and giving his squadron mates a wish-me-luck sort of look. Near the centre, he spotted Iris Arani Iris Arani , a young Jedi Padawan whom he had recently helped practice her piloting and fought with on a number of occassions. He managed a nod in her general direction, giving himself a moment to immerse himself in the atmosphere and perhaps wait for someone to come talk to him. If only there was a training course for this situation.


Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple

A lot of things were changing in and around Valery's life.

The wars were incredibly demanding, her Padawans needed their training and she always felt a responsibility to look after other Jedi in the order as well. And even her own training had brought her far away, to the Enclave, so she could learn new ways of fighting in preparation for the journey ahead. It was intense, and she found less and less time to spend on other things, or even to get proper rest. But one thing did briefly draw her away from all those duties — an event that was meant to strengthen the bonds she was fighting for in the first place.

The Opening of the Coruscant Temple.

After making her arrival at the Temple, Valery entered the halls dressed very differently from most. She wasn't in a fancy dress to dance or enjoy herself later, nor was she in anything ceremonial. She stood in her usual attire with her lightsabers clipped to her belt, not because she feared needing them tonight, but because she was very much here as a Jedi, and aside from bonding with others, there was another purpose to her presence that wouldn't be revealed until later.

First, though, Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce was going to say a few words and honor some who had been involved in the liberation of Empress Teta. Until that started, she wandered the halls and spotted familiar faces — from Iris Arani Iris Arani who she had encouraged to dress up despite not doing it herself, to Amani Serys Amani Serys and Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , a couple she had been very supportive of. It brought a smirk to her face, and she was hopeful they'd get a chance to catch up soon enough.


Kohlhaase Gotthard


Kohlhaase spotted many people within the crowd but decided to approach the newly elected Sword of the Jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble before making his rounds with the other senators in attendance. Taking note of the attire that she had chosen for the opening and mused within his senile head that perhaps she ran out of money to buy a dress. Moving closer with his aide not far behind him to make sure that the senator didn't embarrass himself in front of the jedi. Looking down at the liquid filled glass within his hand he gently brought it up to his lips and took a sip. Making a face in apparent disgust and using his old pickpocket skills to switch a lady's glass with his own and took hers.

"Je'daii Lady Valery Noble Valery Noble , I don't think we had the pleasure of meeting yet. I am Senator Kohlhaase Gotthard of Corulag and this is my aide Delo Juun of Coruscant." He said while standing in front of her. Although apparently having confused her as being apart of the Je'daii Order of the Ancient Past instead of the New Jedi Order. "Your Excellency, she is from the New Jedi Order and need I remind you that I am from Corulag." Juun said in response in a hushed tone. "Thats what I said, Juun. and I know she is from The Je'daii Order." He replied with a wave of his hand, ignoring his aide's advice.

"I hear that the Je'daii Order is doing well these days with your recent election to Sword of the Jedi and the advancement of Chancellor Blotus." He further added awaiting the jedi's response although clearly confused as to whom was chancellor and assumed it was Blotus the Hutt who was chancellor during the Rianitus Period from 9000 to 8000 BBY. Taking a sip from the glass in his hand and looking around for a brief moment in confusion before the familiar face of his aide brought back some semblance of sound mind.


[ post theme ]​
C O R U S C A N T | 37 BBY
| 911 Years Earlier

The bronzium statues of the ancient heroes reared far above the young Twi'lek's head.

The short head-tails dangled just at shoulder length. A thin, beaded padawan chain looped around one of the lekku, draping over one shoulder of the gray and white youngling tunic that the boy wore.

The procession stairs were behind him, with the magnificent view of the grand Jedi Temple filling his eyes as he craned his head back, as though trying to take it all in at once.

A short hop into the air brought an airborne Anzat to collide with the Twi'lek's backside, as the sudden arrival of a tow-headed, near human boy with a bowl haircut delivered a butt check to the gawking Twi'lek tween -- who went stumbling forward with a yelp of surprise.

"Sleamo! What are you waiting for?" the Anzat boy chirped. He also wore a youngling tunic, rather than the more elaborate robes of older Jedi. His was dyed a deep green. Aside from the variation in color, the only distinction of note was the lack of a padawan braid and a utility belt that was far better equipped than one could ordinarily find on a youngling. Even a padawan.

Sor-Jan Xantha was arguably the most unique Jedi Knight in the Temple. When he was in the Temple, anyway. Even then, most mistook him for one of the Jedi Hopefuls, rather than recognizing him as the padawan -- or former padawan -- of Master Gol. Which was an understandable mistake. Slightly shorter than the Twi'lek, at thirty-two years of age, Sor-Jan might have passed for a boy of ten.

At first, when Sor-Jan had asked the Twi'lek youth to be his padawan learner, Dilandau had accepted without reservation. For one, it was every Jedi Hopeful's dream to be taken as a padawan by a Jedi Knight. And, two, for that Jedi Knight to be another kid seemed like it would be fun.

Now, on the eve of departing the only home he'd ever known, the Twi'lek seemed less certain. "I'm..." the boy began, as his eyes found their way back to the temple. When he finally found his voice again, he looked at the smaller boy and confessed, "I've never left the temple before."

That was why they couldn't stay. But Sor-Jan couldn't say that out loud. Instead, the boy kicked his head to one side, knocking some strands of tawny-colored hair from out of his gray eyes. "Trust me," the impish Corellian boasted instead. Putting an arm around the Twi'lek, the Anzat turned the other boy around toward the processional stairs.

There, looking out over the vastness of Galactic City, the Jedi opined, "You get tired of looking at this place."

The look of confusion on the Twi'lek's face was more than apparent. Whatever he had expected Sor-Jan's pep talk to be, that hadn't been it.

"Come on," Sor-Jan urged, bounding down the steps.

Drawing in a deep breath, Dilly took his first step outside the temple. As he did, his eyes found the retreating back of the green-clad monster. "Master, where are we going anyway?"

Stopping in mid-dash, the young Anzat seemed to skip forward several steps as he skidded to a halt. Then, spinning around to face his blue-skinned padawan, seemed to consider the question as if for the first time. "Well, there's a trade dispute on Socorro," the tow-headed boy remarked, before casually shrugging and admitting, "I thought we'd start there and then... just see where the Force takes us."

The taken aback look on the Twi'lek's face made clear that Dilandau was skeptical that this was how the Force worked. "Socorro?" the Twi'lek echoed, as the planet's history started to connect for him. It was a Corellian colony. Frowning, the Twi'lek asked, "Master, you're not going to play sabaac again, are you?"

Hopping playfully down the steps, waiting for his slackalackin padaway to get his butt in motion, the Anzat spun around again. Then, popping tall, he planted his hands on his hips and, in his best impression of Master Qui-Gon, remarked, "I will do what I must, padawan."

With that, the Anzat's face seemed to melt into a mischievous smile, as bubbly laughter followed him as he started bounding down the steps again.

"Mas..." the Twi'lek began, reaching out with one hand even as he realized it was too late. He was starting to lose sight of the Corellian Jedi. With a sigh, the boy starting running down the steps as he called after the other boy, "Wait!"


A purse connected with the side of his head.

It had the benefit of rousing the tow-headed boy from his reverie. Startled, the gray-eyed youth looked up at the same time a Pa'un woman was looking down. "Oh, I'm sorry," the woman remarked, hand on her chest as she admitted, "I didn't see you,"

Not an uncommon remark. For him, anyway. Now eighty years old, Sor-Jan was about the same height that Dilly had been -- roughly a thousand years ago. He no longer wore Jedi attire, but a short cape of deep green draped his shoulders.

Perhaps, for that reason, when the woman asked, "Are you here with your parents?" he got the impression that she had mistaken him for one of the senator's children.

"Yes'm," the boy lied glibly. "I should find them," he added. A convenient excuse to end the conversation and slip away from the Pa'un.

"Excuse me."

With that, the small Anzat tried to blend back into the crowd that had gathered for the ceremony. The usual political remarks, he imagined. To be honest, he had little idea what the pomp and circumstance was about this time. War, was a given. Heroes lauded. Policies championed. Changes promised.

Time and time again. It was the same.

No, he was here because he always came back here. This place. This... home.

How many times had it been destroyed? How many times had it been rebuilt?

The people who filled its halls came and went. Some of them heroes. Some of them villains. Many of them just ordinary Jedi, living their lives, making a difference, and then... forgotten in the cruel annals of time.

History was unforgiving in that aspect. Those who had not lived it were doomed to forget it. No matter how good the archives, no matter how robust the education, there was always some kind of event that seemed to send the galaxy spiraling back to square one.

...and if he was this cynical at eighty, he feared for what he'd be like once he'd reached Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun 's age.

Raising his pale eyes, the boy looked up at the familiar spires. In truth, he'd lied to his padawan all those hundreds of years ago. He never got tired of looking at this place.

The great Jedi Temple was... sacred.

Even still, for all his connection, Sor-Jan tended to stay away. The New Jedi of this era didn't need him under foot, and he certainly didn't quite understand many of their ideals. And perhaps that was good. For all their hopes, all their dreams, all their supposed morals -- the Jedi of the Old Republic had been blind at stopping the Sith from inflicting pain and death on the galaxy on a scale no one had imagined. A Galactic Civil War, because the guardians and peacekeepers, in their hubris, had helped usher it in.

He had helped to usher it in.

Still, an opportunity to tour the new facility was one that the Anzat found he couldn't miss. A stroll through memory lane. A poignant reminder of all that he had lost. And maybe a few memories he'd only thought he had., if the senator for Corellia were to show, then maybe they could talk. Sor-Jan rather liked Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe 's financial policies as Chancellor of the Alliance. The notion of Chancellor Auteme Auteme was met with a healthy skepticism of what taxes or other financial changes may be coming for Alliance businesses.

After all, while Sor-Jan could never forget his past, he still had to live -- and work -- in the present.
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Like Alicio, Amani was often content to remain on the outside looking in for events such as these. But, for one honoring their victory at Teta, and the reconstruction of the Jedi Temple, it only seemed right that she should be here.

Unlike Alicio, Amani had chosen to dress in her typical Jedi trappings, a decision which she made at the last minute after a long internal debate. The dress could be saved for later. Today she needed to represent the team.

Arm in arm she caught wind of the Count’s mutterings, and laughed, “Relax, Organa. You’ll survive.” Amani nudged him in the side. It was nice to see him excited, but the Count was obviously still putting more thought into it than he needed. Then again, who was she to talk?

There were a lot of unfamiliar faces here.

Alicio gestured to one of the few they both recognized, and Amani followed his gaze to spot Iris. She nodded in agreement, “Small sounds great," A pause, then Amani whispered, "...Oh, by the way, she figured out we were dating already," ‘Figured out’ more accurately meaning ‘ I accidentally told her’ but whatever. It wasn’t a big deal now. The mirialan took the reins, pulling them both over to the young padawan with a grin, “Iris! How are you? That dress looks amazing on you!” It wasn’t a typical sight to see her in such fashion, but she wore it well. Amani couldn’t help but wonder if she should have opted for her own dress after all.

Be careful what you wish for.
"A man of honor should never forget what he is because he sees what others are." - Baltasar Gracian

A younger Caltin Vanagor would think that this grandiose re-christening of the Jedi Temple here on Coruscant was a bad idea. Not that it should not have been rebuilt and re-opened, but this? This was another target for those who might wish harm. The "old" or "younger" Caltin Vanagor, whichever your prefer would be on full alert and thinking that the people who put this together were masochistic idiots. The Senate locking the Jedi in this very Temple... the recent bombing during the Chancellory debate... that would be all the reasoning he needed.

That was then.

Time had not changed him, the massive Jedi Master was still paying more attention than others might right now, but he was taking this in. The big man knew that this re-opening was just as necessary for the public as it was for the Jedi. The Temple was not just a landmark, it was a symbol. What symbol it was depended on the person you would speak to, but that did not matter. He understood that more than others might at this point. It took a few things for this to happen, but they happened regardless. So there he stood, in the middle of a crowd, but in a position where he could see much of the landscape.

He was older. He was wiser. He was not stupid.

He also was not hiding.



"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Caedyn Arenais


Location: The Jedi Temple, Coruscant.
Apparel: Jedi Garments.

The good times in life were important to celebrate.

So often in their days, the Jedi were tasked with facing confrontation of some form; It was hard and dangerous work, no matter how the stories and holovids painted the Order out to be. The path of the Jedi required great strength of character, perseverance and no small amount of courage...-So when the opportunity to join his peers and celebrate the official reopening of the Jedi Temple had been sent out, Caedyn quickly replied stating his intent to join them.

He had not been a part of the fighting on Empress Teta, nor thus far against the Brotherhood of the Maw. Caedyn Arenais had been inducted into the Order and made his first priority the teaching of the younger students, and the search for an Apprentice. Nevertheless, it was important to him that he meet and get to know his peers within the Alliance, whether inside the Jedi Order or otherwise. It was likely that many of those he would meet this day would be future associates with which he would serve as a member of the Order. He wished to make a good impression, and represent the New Jedi Order as well as possible.

Standing outside of the Jedi Temple, to the side of the red carpet laid out for their guests, Caedyn joined some of his peers in welcoming those who would arrive for the celebration.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kohlhaase Gotthard | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne | Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor


Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Something was definitely happening between Hollis and Justice. Ever since she had bumped into him on Tython, quite literally, a budding romance of sorts seemed to be in the works. Part of the padawan was practically infatuated with her, feeling a connection he did not understand, not in any conventional way. There were times he felt as though he knew where she was, which made finding her quarters at the temple quite easy.​
They had agreed he would pick her up for the party which was being held to dedicate the temple on Coruscant. It had been a long time coming, and after the events of Tython it seemed fitting to take the time now to celebrate a victory for the New Jedi Order. Justice had only heard about the marvel the old temple had been, and he hoped the newly refurbished temple would be just as grand.​
There were parts of it he had not seen yet, despite now calling it his home. He had been in the training rooms, the archives, and the padawan living quarters. As he stood outside Hollis’ door, it was the first time he had found himself in the particular wing he now stood.​
He was nervous. Justice was wearing a borrowed suit as he had not pulled together enough for a decent suit of his own. Judah had offered to buy one for him, but there was something about accepting his uncle’s money that did not seem right. Maybe he should have taken him up on it. Justice knew Judah did not really have anyone else to spend it.​
A quiet knock echoed down the hall when the padawan finally worked up the courage. Why it was difficult he did not understand. They had already been on one date before this, but something about it being so formal had Justice wound up pretty tight as far as his nerves were concerned. A single millaflower was in his left hand. The scent was rather strong, but it was the only flower native to Naboo Justice could find. Justice had no idea what her favorite flower was, but this had to be better than showing up empty handed.​
All he could do was wait. She would know it was him, right? Did he need to announce himself?​
Force sake why was dating so confusing?​

Location: Coruscant | Jedi Temple

With her arms crossed in front of her chest, and her eyes shifting through the room, Valery was keeping track of who entered the halls. She was happy to see so many familiar faces had already shown up, and she hoped many more would soon arrive, as it wasn't often the Jedi or Alliance had time for events like this. But soon enough, her time alone would be interrupted as an older man approached, and addressed her as a Je'daii.

Valery blinked in response, believing his pronunciation might be off, and offered a dip of her head, "A pleasure to meet you, Senator, I hope the evening finds you well," she said before also greeting his aide with a polite smile.

"I hear that the Je'daii Order is doing well these days with your recent election to Sword of the Jedi and the advancement of Chancellor Blotus."

She blinked again, and briefly looked at his aide to see what was up, "Well, I can't claim too much credit — we have many wonderful Jedi who make a huge difference. As for Chancellor Auteme Denko-Durren, I'm quite confident she'll make a huge difference in the war."



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Open​
20 hours prior…
“There is no way you’re going to actually shave…” Valery said with a chuckle.​
“I clean up nice, I tell ya. Might just have to prove you wrong and show you this old hermit still has it.”
“It will be a cold day on Mustufar before you ever clean up for anyone.”
“Wanna bet…”
Okay, so had it not been for Val saying it would never happen, Judah would have never cleaned up. He did not shave completely, but he might as well have. A smooth face was just going too far, and little stubble was still considered fashionable. All he knew was that if Valery was shocked then his job was complete and the lack of facial hair was worth it.​
Still, Judah was already working on growing the beard back, but maybe not as bushy as it had gotten.​
He pushed his tie up before walking into the main area where the gala was being held. The last time Judah attended anything as fancy Katara was still alive and the one woman in the room everyone had their eyes on. She was always beautiful, and left everyone asking one question. How the hell did Judah Lesan ever manage to get a woman like her to go for a guy like him. Judah had been lucky, he knew it then, and even more so now that she was no longer alive.​
His hand pressed against the door as he let out a small sigh.​
“Here goes nothing,” he said to himself and pushed the door open.​
Judah walked into the hall as if he owned the place. His natural charisma was ready to flow at a moment’s notice. Most of the time he chose to hold it back, afterall he never had a need for it anymore. That had all changed when Valery pressed Judah to become more involved with the New Jedi Order.​
They need you.​
You can be a role model again.​
It’s not the same order you walked out on.​
Her words still echoed in his mind as he often questioned what he was doing back on Coruscant. He had left a long time ago when he was much younger. At first he accused them of not doing enough to deal with the Sith threat, then he accused them of being hypocritical. It was ironic he now found them to be the only force doing anything to hold evil at bay in whatever form it took.​
Judah said hello to everyone he knew, flashing a smile or shooting finger guns as he passed on by. He was making a straight line for Valery just to see the look on her face, though he did not necessarily intend on stopping to say hello. Instead, Judah walked right past her to the bar where he placed a hand on the counter. He looked at the barkeep and smiled.​
“Whiskey, two cubes.”

Valery dialogue with permission from Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Oh no.

Oh no oh no oh no.

Panic was all Iris felt at this point. Her gaze shifted around the room, taking note of the various Jedi in attendance. They were easy to see. Because they were in Jedi attire. Even her master was in proper uniform! A hurt, betrayed expression was all she had for Valery Noble Valery Noble when their gaze met. Why was she pushed into wearing a dress of all things today! Iris turned her gaze to Amani as she approached, filled with the panic she'd been keeping down. Familiar faces in a sea of strangers.

"Is this even okay? I- Shouldn't I be in a tunic or something? I mean- Look at you! You're not in a dress! Ahh I feel like I'm way over dressed for this."

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Be careful what you wish for.
"The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones." - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

Standing here and brooding was going to do him, nor really anyone any good. All it would do was bring out the "points" and the "What's with him?"s That was self-defeating, but since he was (as always) appearing "standoffish" though anyone who meets him knows that he is anything but, Caltin Vanagor took a knee and closed his eyes. He was not meditating. In fact he was thinking about the last two times he was defending the Coruscant Temple and the planet itself. When the Confederates assaulted the planet directly all for a diversion. When the Kaleesh cyborg coward tried his hardest to sew seeds of doubt in the order, even slaughtering several Jedi including the Togruta Master to whom he greatly admired. He thought about when one of their own brought in an army. He thought about the day, the years to come,

It all made him angry, struggling with the fury he had felt for the fallen and the battle in his mind to, not "run away from", but control the emotions he was experiencing. Those were days where he could have done more, where they all could have done more, but the hiearchy was more about rules and protocols than transparency. This was not a judgment, they were his friends and colleagues. This was still what he knew. The thing is though, while it did not mean the same thing to be a Jedi now as it did in his age, there was something "different". The Jedi are still viewed as "protectors" and "peacekeepers" but they are also looked on as "regular people" as well.

Oddly enough something that did not happen in the past.

The big man thought about the words the Grandmaster, in his... "unique" style of invocation... speaking of how "failure" was a great teacher and how we are what we grow beyond. It took speaking to his mentor, the Master of the Order to give him perspective on growing into the person he is today. "I'm not as angry as I used to be. But I can get in touch with that anger pretty quickly if I feel my space is being invaded or somebody is not treating me with the respect that I think I want." It's funny that the big man did not "live in the past", but "those who fail history..." That is why he was here, and wanting to be here, not just in a "Guardian" manner like he would previously, but because the galaxy needed to see that the Sith... the Maw... the New Imperial Order... the Bryn'adul... any of them could attack the heart of the galaxy again and again. The Jedi Temple and the Order could be shaken to its root repeatedly, but would stand each time. That is the "power" that the Sith will never understand or obtain.

Familiar hands touched and rubbed his shoulders, smiling Caltin put a hand of his own on one of them and rose to his feet. It was clear what they both wanted to do, but this was not the place so Chrysa Vanagor Chrysa Vanagor gave him a wink and went to her meeting. Caltin turned around found some younglings lookined at him rather intimidated.


Laughing and screaming they ran off.
tag: Justice Lesan Justice Lesan Caedyn Arenais Absolutely anyone else! :)


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Zeke Dystra



Starbird Rising
Zeke Dystra
The Reopening of the Jedi Temple


A fancy gala evening at the Jedi Temple? now that was something he couldn't miss.

He and along with his men had been invited to the meeting for their efforts on Tython as well as other operations. Unfortunately, Zeke was the only one that could attend. The rest were currently elsewhere in the galaxy where the army needed them most. For the first time in a while, Zeke would be going in alone. Wearing the best black suit he had purchased the day before, he took his time to head straight for the entrance of the temple where the possibility of alcohol was calling.

Zeke found it strange going to these high profile events with loads of rich politicians and Jedi. Coming from a working class kind of family they were very much a world apart. A lot of his younger life required him to work hard for what he wanted, while many of these high class politicians had a head start to go where they wanted in life. The captain hated that to his core, if you truly deserved something you'd need to put in the effort to reap the rewards. Just like he did when the army promoted him to captain, all of that came from pure grit. Not from connections and promises.

Walking right through, he looked around to see if he could spot any familiar faces. One he spotted instantly was Valery Noble Valery Noble who was speaking to an older man. Raising his hand, he motioned a wave and winked to the Jedi to let her know he was here. She was busy right now, so instead of interrupting a possibly important talk, he made his way over to the key objective he craved, booze.

Zeke made his way over and leaned at the counter beside Judah Lesan Judah Lesan and motioned the bartender over to him "Whiskey, surprise me" he said sternly as he turned and looked at the ever increasing numbers coming into the gala. As mentioned before, Zeke looked out of place compared to most of the people here. It was probably something he'd get used to sooner or later, depending on how most of them carried themselves.

"So, who do you belong to? the politicians? Jedi? or a random citizen lucky enough to get into this joint?" he said unexpectedly to the man next to him, his gaze still looking ahead to the different faces walking past.
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“Relax, Organa. You’ll survive.”

"I know, Serys," he responded, a smile playing across his lips as he bumped her right back. "I'm just... making sure I'm ready, is all."

The couple had already made their debut to the galaxy with an afternoon on the town, but this was a different beast entirely. There were people they knew here. The media was here. It was his chance to stand up before the senate, and the Jedi, and all of the Alliance, and proudly say that they were together.

What kind of boyfriend would he be if he wasn't excited?

Amani quickly agreed with his choice of conversation, and together, they picked their way across the room to Iris. The news that she already knew about them was a bit comforting. At least it wouldn't be a shock.

"Don't worry," he started, as Iris let her discomfort be known. "No one will mind that you're the most fashionable Jedi in the room." He gave Amani a snide look, before inclining his head to the Keshian.

"It's good to see you again, Iris."

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Iris Arani Iris Arani - OPEN -

Coruscant, Jedi Temple Gala
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kohlhaase Gotthard, Others…

As Jasper aimlessly wandered, trying to keep to himself, he noticed a distant conversation with an older man, and a much older one at that. He had overheard… Je’daii? That couldn’t be right. Not many people used that name any more, and it was frankly different from the New Jedi Order. Perhaps a slip of the tongue. Still, Jasper was eager to speak with Master Noble again. He hoped that she might be able to give him some advice about… all of this. Jasper feared he was on the verge of a panic attack.

The young duelist made his way over, awkwardly waving to catch the attention of at least the Jedi master.

“I-I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Jasper began with a respectful half-bow, “But can I speak with Master Noble for a moment?”

Jasper wasn’t entirely sure how this would go over, but it was worth a shot… even if it made his chest feel like exploding.
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