Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Military Base Name: [ Name of the Base. ]
  • Classification: [ The types of classification are, but are not limited to: Army Base, Naval Station, Outpost, Fort, Camp, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place upon which this location resides. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns/rules this base? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. How large is this Military Base? How many armed units? If your military base is generic, you may separate this population into Army Personnel, Navy Personnel, etc. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Military troops and hardware are appropriate for all levels of the security rating for Military Bases. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Military Base Name: [ Name of the Base. ]
  • Classification: [ The types of classification are, but are not limited to: Army Base, Naval Station, Outpost, Fort, Camp, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place upon which this location resides. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns/rules this base? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. How large is this Military Base? How many armed units? If your military base is generic, you may separate this population into Army Personnel, Navy Personnel, etc. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Military troops and hardware are appropriate for all levels of the security rating for Military Bases. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Military Base Name: [ Name of the Base. ]
  • Classification: [ The types of classification are, but are not limited to: Army Base, Naval Station, Outpost, Fort, Camp, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place upon which this location resides. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns/rules this base? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. How large is this Military Base? How many armed units? If your military base is generic, you may separate this population into Army Personnel, Navy Personnel, etc. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Military troops and hardware are appropriate for all levels of the security rating for Military Bases. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Military Base Name: [ Name of the Base. ]
  • Classification: [ The types of classification are, but are not limited to: Army Base, Naval Station, Outpost, Fort, Camp, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place upon which this location resides. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns/rules this base? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. How large is this Military Base? How many armed units? If your military base is generic, you may separate this population into Army Personnel, Navy Personnel, etc. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Military troops and hardware are appropriate for all levels of the security rating for Military Bases. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Military Base Name: [ Name of the Base. ]
  • Classification: [ The types of classification are, but are not limited to: Army Base, Naval Station, Outpost, Fort, Camp, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place upon which this location resides. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns/rules this base? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. How large is this Military Base? How many armed units? If your military base is generic, you may separate this population into Army Personnel, Navy Personnel, etc. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Military troops and hardware are appropriate for all levels of the security rating for Military Bases. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]

  • Space Station Name: Kytrand Overwatch Station
  • Station Model:
  • Classification: Military Space Station
  • Location:
  • Affiliation:
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics:
  • Accessibility:
  • Traffic:
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this location at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest below. ]
[ What areas within the station are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]



Soldier Biots (500)


Armor weave Catsuit (Urban Camo)


Note: You may also include or reference associated assets that are not attached to the space station, such as security patrols, but it should not be so comprehensive as to detail a specific army or fleet. The focus of this submission is the space station. If you need to codify an Army or Fleet you must utilize the correct Lore Template. You can then link it accordingly. ]

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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon station? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Space Station Name: [ Name of the space station. ]
  • Station Model: [ Provide a link to either a Factory Space Station submission or a link to a canon space station. The Codex Location template is not a work around for the Factory, and a station with significant technological changes from a canon model will be directed there. ]
  • Classification: [ The types of classification you may use are, but are not limited to: Generic, Merchant, Tourism, Naval Station, Shadow Port, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place around which this station orbits or describe its location relative to local star systems on the map. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns this location? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Is it mostly humans? Mostly aliens? A fair mixture of the two? Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. If none, simply put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society deep in space or is it in the middle of civilization near busy hyperlanes and star systems? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Traffic: [ Choose between: Untraveled, Insignificant, Low, Moderate, High, Congested, Gridlock. Describe the travel volume in terms of people, cargo, and/or traffic the Space Station experiences, if there are any noteworthy characteristics. ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this location at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest below. ]
[ What areas within the station are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and external defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. A civilian space station will have a different scope in security, compared to a military space station. This should highlight the components of the space station itself, such as defensive shields or blaster turrets. There should not be entire armies or fleets detailed within the submission. Nor should it have enough armaments to destroy an opposing fleet. The security listed should reflect the model presented earlier in the submission. Space stations with custom defenses not standard in a canon model and without a Factory submission will be referred to Factory. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked.
Note: You may also include or reference associated assets that are not attached to the space station, such as security patrols, but it should not be so comprehensive as to detail a specific army or fleet. The focus of this submission is the space station. If you need to codify an Army or Fleet you must utilize the correct Lore Template. You can then link it accordingly. ]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon station? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Space Station Name: [ Name of the space station. ]
  • Station Model: [ Provide a link to either a Factory Space Station submission or a link to a canon space station. The Codex Location template is not a work around for the Factory, and a station with significant technological changes from a canon model will be directed there. ]
  • Classification: [ The types of classification you may use are, but are not limited to: Generic, Merchant, Tourism, Naval Station, Shadow Port, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place around which this station orbits or describe its location relative to local star systems on the map. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns this location? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Is it mostly humans? Mostly aliens? A fair mixture of the two? Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. If none, simply put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society deep in space or is it in the middle of civilization near busy hyperlanes and star systems? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Traffic: [ Choose between: Untraveled, Insignificant, Low, Moderate, High, Congested, Gridlock. Describe the travel volume in terms of people, cargo, and/or traffic the Space Station experiences, if there are any noteworthy characteristics. ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this location at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest below. ]
[ What areas within the station are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and external defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. A civilian space station will have a different scope in security, compared to a military space station. This should highlight the components of the space station itself, such as defensive shields or blaster turrets. There should not be entire armies or fleets detailed within the submission. Nor should it have enough armaments to destroy an opposing fleet. The security listed should reflect the model presented earlier in the submission. Space stations with custom defenses not standard in a canon model and without a Factory submission will be referred to Factory. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked.
Note: You may also include or reference associated assets that are not attached to the space station, such as security patrols, but it should not be so comprehensive as to detail a specific army or fleet. The focus of this submission is the space station. If you need to codify an Army or Fleet you must utilize the correct Lore Template. You can then link it accordingly. ]

  • Intent: To sub a standard Light Armor

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Other: Elements - None
  • Many Pockets
  • Allows for a Wide Range of Movement
  • Protects against range of attacks
  • Protect from grazing lightsaber strikes
  • Can Only take a small amount of damage
  • Does not protect against the elements
  • It is not highly kinetic resistant
  • Intent: To sub a standard Light Armor

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Other: Elements - None
  • Many Pockets
  • Allows for a Wide Range of Movement
  • Protects against range of attacks
  • Protect from grazing lightsaber strikes
  • Can Only take a small amount of damage
  • Does not protect against the elements
  • It is not highly kinetic resistant
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  • Intent: To sub a standard Light Armor

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very Low
    • Kinetic: Very Low
    • Ion/EMP: Extreme
    • Sonic: None
    • Acid: Very High
    • Anti-Vong: Extreme
    • Microwave: Very High
  • Special Circuitry inside controls the release of special mutagens in the suit that help make Vera's blood look human
  • Prototype active jammer. and cloaking device
  • Droid Source Ripper tech capable of feeding false signals that Vera is human to potentially even extremely high quality scanners
  • Special built in circuitry wirelessly hacks Vera's body, rapidly boosting transformation speed for Particular form stored in her brain
  • Eye Catching
  • Symbol of Authority in House Bloodscrawl


Badge of Office: Functions as a wearable badge of office when officiating at House Bloodscrawl affairs

Discrete: Resembles simple, if expensive civilian clothing, unlikely to raise eyebrows.

Jammer: A prototype active Jammer capable of jamming multiple forms of communication systems, especially portable, along with scanners, along with a Stygium Crystal Cloak, render it useful for emergency stealth. A Custom Droid Source Ripper allows Vera to hack high end scanners to convince them she is human.

Protective: Protective against elements Vera is most vulnerable to

Human mimic: Mutagen delivery systems make Vera's blood look completely human

Seducer: The Dress accentuates Vera's everything, possibly allowing her an easier time to convince others


Blasters: The dress is highly vulnerable to blaster fire

Bullets: Bullets tear through it easily

Vibro: Vibro weapons tear through it easily

Exposed: The legs, shoulders, and arms are exposed.

Stealth Limits: The cloaking field only turns on when the user is still. And it only lasts five minutes while needing twenty to recharge.


Crafted for Vera as Matriarch of House Bloodscrawl, this guise is usable in every form of hers, but worn solely in administrative functions for the House, in the traditional colors of the original incarnation of the family to honor them.
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  • Intent: To sub a standard Light Armor

  • Image Source: The Matrix Revolutions
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Light Armor
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Other: Elements - None
  • Many Pockets
  • Allows for a Wide Range of Movement
  • Protects against range of attacks
  • Protect from grazing lightsaber strikes
  • Can Only take a small amount of damage
  • Does not protect against the elements
  • It is not highly kinetic resistant
Last edited:
  • Intent: To sub a standard Light Armor
  • Image Source: N/A, No Image
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Light Armor
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Other: Elements - None
  • Many Pockets
  • Allows for a Wide Range of Movement
  • Protects against range of attacks
  • Protect from grazing lightsaber strikes
  • Can Only take a small amount of damage
  • Does not protect against the elements
  • It is not highly kinetic resistant

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