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Dominion Summer Party | EE Dominion of Empty Hex




According to the Imperial Calendar, summer had just begun in the territory of the Eternal Empire. Which is perhaps a little strange, that is, strange to say, because the capital is still on an ice planet. After all, it's not that important. During this period, a lot of people used to take time off and go on vacation. The wealthier layer used to do this on tropical resort planets, because such planets can be found even in or near the Eternal Empire.

Our location today is one such place, not far from Zakuul. The planet was intentionally terraformed to tropical climate, the whole place was mostly an ocean planet with two smaller tropical continents and a lot of islands. Everywhere there are beautiful snow-white sand beaches, palm trees, tropical forests on land, rich in flora and fauna, countless waterfalls, lakes and beautiful caves, with bathing opportunities in them.

The whole planet was built on tourism, although there were ruins that could be visited, but the place is typically prepared for rest. Hotels and tourist towns awaited visitors throughout the year. Here, everyone could relax and recharge their energies.

One of the cities was kind to the Eternal Empire, as most of their guests came from here, they are offered they'll hold the summer party. Lots of musical and dancing entertainment awaited the participants on the beach, sporting events, karaoke, cocktails, water sports and relaxation.



Objective 1: Beach Party
There is a huge area on the beach for those who want to relax, play sports, have a drink in a bar, swim in the sea with dolphin-like creatures. You can sunbathe and play sports in the sand. The bars are full where you can buy and drink better than better drinks. The weather is perfect, there is sunshine, pleasant warm winds and warm weather. Different bars have different music, karaoke, dancing and other entertainment awaits everyone. Or, if someone just wants to relax further afield on the beach, many bungalows, houses can be rented, even with a private beach so that no one bothers them in their rest.

Objective 2: Jungle and Caves
For those who are not attracted to swimming or the crowds on the beach, there are countless other options. There are also a lot of places to visit in the jungle. Ancient ruins, caves, countless medicinal lakes, or cave springs. Not to mention the promenades in the jungle, or designated national parks where anyone can also see special fauna and flora. And in this part, too, many, many different programs await the visitors.

Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.


Links: The Empty Hex

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Beach, away from others with Tubrok
Objective I.: Beach party
Equipment: Bikini and dress | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Ruina Imperii ]

Ingrid didn't want to be here, Tubrok was who preferred the beach. In addition, sunlight causes the woman severe pain. Not that she cared. She wore a long dress over her bikini to get as little sunlight as possible, adding a straw hat to her outfit. In places where the sun strokes her skin, her skin aches, burns. She didn't care, her long red hair reaching close to her hip was not in a bun this time, the warm wind playing with it and blowing her locks everywhere. The Empress watched the sea and listened to its sound, the sound of the waves.

Anyone who had seen her from a distance now would have said she was an average person, perhaps sick, because her ethereal physique and snow-white skin might suggest she was sick. Her posture is still elegant, royal and radiant. Although she did not feel strong. Ingrid watched the distant area with an expressionless, cold look. She was still not well. Physical wounds were not visible on her body, and mental wounds were invisible, as was the destruction that Rausgeber's weapon had inflicted on the body of the semi-Force entity.

Although the Midiclorians had already begun to heal again, to recover, she was still nowhere near her former strength. It still takes months to get all her strength back. She didn’t care about this, it was more confusing because she felt physically weak and sick because of it. Mental wounds were also hard to heal. And now only Tubrok was here with her, Adrian went over to the beach and took his younger brother too, she thought it would be easier to impress the girls. It was as if the young man had to worry about it, it was enough to know who his parents were.

The other Adrian, the woman looking at the hallucination of her dead husband, the man shook his head as he sipped a cocktail from a coconut while reading a book on a sunbed. As always, she at least felt great and had fun.

From the house behind her, the woman felt Tubrok approaching, and the man soon arrived and hugged her. After she was released, rescued from captivity, she was able to let her husband close again to herself, thanks to the care of Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano . She still missed Adrian in the same way and mourned him and never gave up the hope that one day she'll be able to bring him back, but she was able to reopen to the direction of Telis, Tubrok, and Cal trio and let the first two men close to her.

Tubrok knew her, he knew she looked strong even outside, but she was still very wounded and it would take time for her to recover. And the woman also needed the closeness, support, and friendship of those she let close to her. She turned and she hugged her husband too, then started sobbing again silently, without tears or sound.

OOC: Tubrok’s user allowed me to use him, because he is studying to his exams and can’t join the dominion.


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Tags: N Nyxeris
Equipment: N/A​
The beach was, indeed, a pleasant location. The weather was perfect, sun shining and glinting off the water, warming the sand, and making for a fine day for a festive occasion. Which was exactly why Lilanna felt like she was being tortured. Lilanna kept her grey robes about her, concealing the 'swimsuit' that Nyxeris had gifted her in the process. She wasn't okay with this 'partying' and 'having a good time'. It wasn't easy to have fun in the sun when you had a face like a combat droid and the body of...well, a war veteran.​
She sat beside her mentor, cloaked, and rather clashing with the much more relaxed Nyxeris to her side. This was just a dreadful occasion in so many ways. "I can't say the same." She responded, the Wardens feet retreating into the confines of her robe as the touch of the Sun was not to her liking.​
Seriously, how did people enjoy themselves here?​
She was still waiting for her drink order, something she wasn't certain she would get given the expression she had read in her servers eyes.​
This was why she hated going outside.​


O B J E C T I V E: 'Relax'
Nyxeris had taken direct notice of her apprentice's lack of enthusiasm, which meant that Nyxeris was already plotting on how to make it into something productive. Perhaps if she wasn't having to sit so close to her master, the comparison between the two wouldn't have been so stark. It only drew attention having two clashing visuals so near by one another.​
"I don't agree with it, but I'm not the one making the call. I follow your command my lady." She stated, knowing that her issues in supporting of the Sith were something of a sticking point between herself and Nyxeris. On Vjun she had nearly turned on their Sith 'allies', but her loyalty kept her in check. "I can only do so much Nyx." The snapping of fingers and the command for whiskey meant only one thing, this was about to be taken seriously.​
She could feel Nyxeris directing her full attention at her now, as Lilanna peaked at her through the cowl of her robe. This was not good. Nyxie was thinking of something, and she hadn't a clue as to what it could be. "I feel concerned. Should I be?" She said, taking up a semi defensive sitting position, keeping most of her being within her robes.​


O B J E C T I V E: 'Relax'
Lilanna allowed her head to poke out a tad bit from the robes, a little more relaxed now that she felt she wasn't at risk of being punished. "If I feared you Nyx, you would know it." That was one thing they had on their side, Lilanna did trust her master, but she was also terrified of showing any part of herself off in public. She'd rather fist fight a rancor than be seen in a swimsuit.​
With the arrival of whisky, Lilanna eyed the glass wearily, never having been a fan of the stuff. She still listened to what her master spoke of, though she would let the drink sit there for a moment. "No, I have no idea why we assist the Sith." Truthfully, she could care less for why they worked with those murderers, but given it was part of her service, perhaps its was best to know. At least with Nyxeris, she was getting the truth.​
Still within the confines of her robes, she could help but admit it was getting a little warm. Just too warm for her liking. She made something of a stifled grow, before allowing her shoulders and head to emerge from the robe, still keeping everything below her shoulders concealed. "I regret wearing this...skimpy garment, it's not a mistake I'll repeat." She muttered to herself, making a mental list of what else she wasn't going to do in the future; no more swimsuits on the beach.​
Maybe if she had some beach armor? Yes, that could work nicely.​


O B J E C T I V E: 'Relax'
Lilanna had learned to accept what she was though. She was something of a monster, a woman who terrified small children just by being in the area. Her icy demeanor didn't do her many favors either, but...Nyxeris was pretty. People could actually look her in the eye, and not flinch. Lilanna on the other hand, no such luck. "But I do accept myself." At least, she thought she did.​
She watched from the confines of her robe as Nyxeris rose, and cast off her sundress, revealing that which laid underneath, which truthfully made Lilanna a tad envious. Her mentor might not have had the 'ideal' form, but truthfully, what did that matter? Lilanna's eyes lingered on her mentor, giving a once over, as she compared what she saw to what she herself bore. Perhaps they weren't so different. "Is it bad to say I envy you?" Lilanna muttered, her cheeks turning the faintest bit of pink as she allowed her arm to poke out of the robe, taking the drink in hand.​
Indeed heads were looking to the two odd looking women, but Lilanna found herself unbothered. Her eyes remained on Nyx, fiddling with the glass, before she felt comfortable enough to dare drinking it. Her free hand moved to the latch on her face, snapping the bolt on her face plate. There was a faint 'pop', as the plate detached, Lilanna took the plate and set it on her chair, revealing her badly deformed face. She didn't like showing it truthfully, but...Nyx had already seen this side of her. It wouldn't hurt to show it once more. "As you command, mistress." She forced a smile, sipping the alcohol and cringing at the burn it left in her mouth, and down her throat.​
She rose to her feet, feeling that perhaps to mimic her mentor would be a good start. The sand was hot against her feet, and it took several pokes from her big toe before she felt she could stand upon it. She let the robe slide off, revealing the rather conservative swimming attire she had been issued. It was a singlet, the fabric thankfully covering the worst of the scars alongside her stomach and sides, though several cuts and markings were visible on her arms, legs, thighs, and back. To those who had never seen it before, it looked like Lilanna had been savagely assailed by several vibro weapons at once. She was lean, very thin, but all there was no fat in sight, only muscle and bone.​
Her arms wrapped around herself, as if to defend against prying eyes, as she took another sip out of her glass. She gave a soft glare at her mentor, wincing as the sun began to sting at her skin; at least, it stung in her mind. "I hope you appreciate what I'm willing to do for you Nyx."
Of course, she didn't feel as annoyed, but she was certain Nyxeris knew that.​




equipment: Tanktop, cargo pants combat boots

Frank may have arrived a bit late or just on time depending on how people looked at it wearing a tank top that looked like it hade metal plates apoxied to it like hes cosplaying for some sort of Rock band. Frank in his current state having had a few beers with the jagers by now is just stading in line for his turn at the kareoke stand. "seariously i look Stupid." he protested to his team as the snickered

"Dont care you chose dare you coulda chose truth..." came Hox's replay as frank contimplated if it was too late to turn back before he made a fool of himself.....more of a fool of himself. He can see it now his gravestone<here lies frank served in countless battles only to die of drunken embarrassment in front of his subordinants on a dare>Frank shook his head before shotgunning another beer for encuragment as he made his way up to the stand. the Jagers Loading up the music for Frank to sing to. If it were any other song hed be fine with it but its one of those old rock bands that Spooky listens to and his jager group made the outfit for him to wear....its like they planned this.

(feel free to sing along)

"Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand

Where is this greatness I've been told?
This is the lies that we've been sold
Is this a worthy sacrifice?

Great War
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars"

Getting the attention of a few people as he began singing not missing a beat Heck if he didnt choose the military mabie a rock singer would be a better job but here Frank stood singing anyway. At least he was starting to enjoy it at. Hopefully He wouldnt be laughed at by his buisness partners or Eternal Empire people for this choice in music

"I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Who am I to understand? What have I become?

I do my duties, pay the price
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
I know my deeds are not in vain
Great War
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars"

Frank by the second verse was getting into the movement of the song unable to keep himself from smiling a bit as some of his Jagers were in the front headbanging to the music causing frank to have to stiffle a chuckle before he continued. as he was coming to a end of the song the sooner he was done with it the sooner he could get out of this outfit however he wouldnt object to a second song if the crowed wished it.

"And feet by feet
We pay the price of a mile here
Though men were falling, we see heroes rise
We face the heat
As we are fighting until the dawn
So follow me and we will write our own history
Great War
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Beach, away from others with Tubrok
Objective I.: Beach party
Equipment: Bikini and dress | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Ruina Imperii ]

<"You shouldn't stay in the sun, Beldame, don't torture yourself, let's go inside!"> he offered.

Ingrid shook her head. Fortunately, Tubrok was tall enough to easily bury her face in the man's chest. So she could easily cuddle with Tubrok while she cried, without tears and sound. She didn’t care about the pain because at least she felt alive, not just dead. The mental pain started sooner anyway, and the physical was a reminder. She didn’t feel right that they were here, she should have worked, she had to make up for so many things.

<"We'd better find him and bring the boys home. Adrian didn't take the bodyguards.">

<"In this he is his mother’s son!"> Tubrok smirked.

<"But only because he thinks the bodyguards are worsening his chances with girls… You know I don’t like them for any other reason. I'm worried about both of them.">

<"You are a good mother."> he smiled.

<"I’m not, I wasn’t with them, I didn’t see Adrian grow up, he grew up without a mother and almost Eyjolf too.">

<"But it didn't happen that way, and what you did you did to protect him, no one expected to the Valkyrja.">

<"But it doesn't change the fact either, that I don't …">

<"Let's find them!">

The man said, and then the couple went hand in hand in the direction of where N Nyxeris , Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor and Frank Sterling Frank Sterling were.



O B J E C T I V E: 'Relax'
Equipment: N/A​
Hearing a rather unusual sound, Lil turned to find the source, and was uncertain what to think of it. The singer wasn't bad, though, given his appearance it made Lil ponder if she was as insecure as she believed. This one was far more machine than her, yet was embracing it without shame. Why couldn't she? She frowned, her tilting as she moved to conceal herself once more beneath her grey robe.

It was only by the grace of Nyxie that she was alerted to the approach of the Empress, though she didn't realize it at first. Still donning her robes, it took several seconds for it to occur to Lil that her eyes did not deceive her. She dropped forward, nearly tripping over herself, the hood of her robe flopping over her face as she bowed; making an utter fool of herself in the presence of the Empress no doubt.

She kept her eye on the ground, following Nyxie in step with her reply. "Your Majesty, it's an honor." She had never stood in Ingrid's presence, least not that she had been aware of.

She only hoped she didn't seem to unprofessional at current, being Warden brought with it expectations, and Lil rather wanted to meet those expectations.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Beach, with the ladies
Objective I.: Beach party
Equipment: Bikini and dress | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): N Nyxeris | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
[ Ruina Imperii ]

Ingrid and Tubrok only walked hand in hand until others saw them. It was quite well known, especially about the woman, that she always kept distance from others. Otherwise, whenever she appeared with her husbands, she always acted according to the etiquette of the nobles. It's like they're strangers. Even during speech, they always called each other according to their rank not their names. Only Adrian didn't care about it, but she always called her husbands according to the situation.

When the two women addressed Ingrid, they turned and both greeted the two women. With a salute with one of their own, clenched fist over their heart, in the manner of the Nelvaanian military.

<"Ladies! My Lord, I'll go and find the princes with your permission!"> he offered.

<"Permission granted, Overlord!"> she said to her husband.

The man lowered his head and then walked on without any further words. Ingrid looked after for only a moment her husband and the second man in the Empire, and then turned back to the two women. The address “Your Majesty” was used only by everyone outside the Empire, at home she never expected it from anyone, she didn’t like it.

<"The "my Lord" address is still perfectly enough, Lady Nyxeris, Lady Kelamvor, if I am not mistaken about the names. I hope both of you have fun at the summer festival and your vacation.">

Ingrid may not have known how to relax, but that didn't mean anyone else was as workaholic as she was…



Objective: Find this "medicinal lake" the locals talk of
Tags: ???
"Taozi, are you really sure you aren't gonna just... Relax for once?"

"Exactly! When was the last time you took a vacation?"

"Before this Empire's newest allies attacked our home."

Taozi's cousins flinched back at the nonchalant nature she used. They had not been on the ground like Taozi had, all those years ago, but they knew how much that attack affected their dear cousin. Looking at each other as Taozi walked through the jungle bushes ahead of them, the twins silently began concocting a plan for the future. For now, though, the three would continue their journey, deeper into jungle in search of these medicinal lakes they heard so much about from the locals.
Objective: BYOO - Train on the Beach
Location: Beach - Resort Planet
Wearing: Spirit Anchor - Ear Cuffs │ Bikini
Tags: Laertia Io Laertia Io

It was good to get away for a while.

As crazy and insane as her mother supposedly was, she had not been opposed to a trip to the beach, especially after fighting New Imperials on Vjun, where Cameron had succumbed to what she had since learned was a curse of her people.

The Red Eye.

Her mother had been the first to tell her, as Cameron herself had not wanted to talk about or even acknowledge what had happened to her on Vjun. Her memory of the event was yet still a haze, but she did recall certain bits of it, such as how she had fallen into the Rage and even the screams of a Stormtrooper as he smashed his helmet-clad head into the Impervium-clad hull of a Cataphract, before destroying the tank itself in a blinding rage. She had been essentially foaming at the mouth by the time she saw her mother standing across from the Galidraani commander himself. By then, she had lost all inhibition and was driven only by pure, unrestrained passion. In seeing a potential threat to her mother, Cameron had acted on it without restraint or control.

Then, came the end.

To say that they had barely escaped the planet with their lives was an understatement. Vjun had been a disaster in all respects, one which after injuring herself in the midst of the Red Eye, Cameron could only recall fragments of. In the wake of the battle, she had gone into surgery on board the Absolution of Loste before spending a day submerged in a bacta tank, blissfully unaware of the disaster on Vjun.

Now, after spending so much time resting, Cameron had picked up her training, once more. In spite of the vacation, Cameron could not help but to run. Already, her legs ached more than they ever had during a normal workout, especially around her ankles and feet, the muscles of which were working extra hard to stabilize her footing owing to the relatively unstable surface. Nevertheless, Cameron continued on, alternating between short subsonic sprints matching the speed of a very fast landspeeder, then longer jogs, which for her was a brisk 70 miles per hour, the speed of a groundcar.

So far, a good day of training for the diminutive Zanshi speedster.

“How was that, Mom?” A high-pitched whistling noise echoed out as the air shifted, then Cameron appeared before her mother, her pale, sunscreen-laden skin dripping with sweat as she placed her hands on her hips. “The sand is working my ankles a lot.” She added. “I feel so slow running without my heels, but I'm ready for another round!”
Objective: Beach Party
Location: Beach - Resort Planet
Wearing: Pink Bikini
Tags: N Nyxeris Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

In spite of her very much diminutive height, ever since meeting Conn Dagorian in the gym of the Happy Tree Friends station, back when she was still a Wild Huntress, Ivixa had never shied away from sports. The mysterious ex-Jensaari had indeed awoken a passion in her, perhaps through more ways than one. While her life had taken a markedly different direction since then, now that she was a Blackwatch Agent, Ivixa still remembered Conn and how he had so graciously allowed her to beat him in that game of H.O.R.S.E., even if he insisted that she had beat him fair and square.

That day on the station and what had come after, was on the Asa’nyx’s mind as she engaged in a game of beach volleyball in the area close to N Nyxeris , Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor , and the Empress herself, Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , whose presence yet went unnoticed as the players were focused on the game. While overshadowed by the taller players, Ivixa moved for the ball where she could, hitting it back over the net with surprising strength, perhaps to the surprise of the other players.

After the game, Ivixa wiped the sweat off her brow and reapplied her sunscreen. As she did, her gaze swept across her surroundings, until they came across the sight of a familiar individual, Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor and the Empress. Immediately, Ivixa’s golden eyes went wide, having thought that the beach would be the last place she would ever see the heavily augmented Warden she had met on Shuldene. However, seeing the Empress not only in the flesh, but also wearing beach attire, was almost unbelievable, to the point where she could feel her legs buckle beneath her.

Naturally, Ivixa didn’t want to make a fool of herself in approaching where she might be unwelcome. As such, the diminutive woman cleared her throat and took a deep breath before approaching, ever conscious of the sand on her legs from diving for a ball and the sweat on her cyan skin. Nevertheless, Ivixa gave a soft smile when her presence was noticed, while giving the Empress an informal Nelvaanian salute.

“My Lord!” Ivixa began as she returned to her normal posture after her salute. “It’s a pleasure to meet you here, Empress.” She said, before turning to Lilanna.

“It’s nice to see you again too, Lady Kelamvor.” The Asa’nyx nodded to the Warden, acknowledging the woman she had trusted on Shuldene to see her through, in quite the literal sense, inside the research station. The woman’s anxiety in this particular situation did not escape Ivixa’s notice, as she had learned to be more perceptive in training as a Blackwatch Agent. In noticing her scarred form, the Asa’nyx could only guess that it had something to do with that, especially given the context. As such, Ivixa did her best not to look at her body, instead lending the Warden a compassionate smile, focusing on her dull blue eyes as she did.

Then, an idea popped in her mind.

“There’s an open court behind us.” Ivixa said. “Who’s up for a game of volleyball?”

"T E M P E S T"


It didn't take long for disaster to strike on his well-earned vacation.

The tall figure had been simply walking down the beach in an outfit that was quite a change from his everyday life. Imperial dress uniforms, badges, and ribbons- all replaced by a simple pair of crimson red swim trunks, and black sandals to boot. His normally well-kempt and done-up strawberry blonde hair was allowed to relax, hanging off his head in a boyish, relaxed fashion. The kiss of the sea even left some subtle curls in it's wake. Sensing something strange behind him, he'd pause in his slow saunter, looking over his shoulder. All in all, he was well-toned, built, and broad shouldered. A Warrior. Some scars traced down his right arm- almost as if struck by lightning. Some scars just wouldn't heal.

At first, it was a modest blur. A distant figure moving too fast on the beach for it's own good- sand and dust being kicked up in it's, no, her wake. Before he could realize what was going on, the figure flew past Aleksander with something he could only describe as ferocious speed; sand and dust biting at his skin as he had merely gotten a arm up to cover his mouth, black eyewear protecting his eyes from the small storm Cameron Crownwraithe Cameron Crownwraithe kicked up.

By the time to sand settled down, his hazel eyes took in the area around him- mystified, and confused. She had at least blown all the moisture and dampness away from his now-dry skin and swimming trunks. Aleksander was just grateful he hadn't had a sandwich out to be ruined, or even worse, a drink. As Cameron once again became a distant blur, the Knight returned to his slow stride. For now, he just enjoyed the kiss of the sun on his toned body.

Not much more time had passed before he had meandered up to another pleasant sight. Several beach-goers enjoying... well, the beach. Some of their words fell on his ears- and he could've sworn he heard the mention of an Empress. For an Empress to be here, though? Unlikely, in his mind. The young man probably just misheard. One thing he knew he had heard, however, was the mention of a Volleyball match. Across his visage, he'd observe a ball flick into N Nyxeris 's hand. With it, he naturally began to employ a small force suppression on himself, as he had been taught to do so at the academy. It was always best to stay inconspicuous.

Approaching the group, his tanned hands relaxed down on his hips as he knew he had heard the mention of a volleyball game. If there was one thing he'd do while on leave; it was volleyball. "I don't mean to intrude." - He said, obviously out of manners more than care, his voice naturally smooth and glassy. Thin lips were tugged into a thin smile. "If I heard what I think I did- I'd have to ask, room for one more?" Aleksander certainly didn't plan to pass up a competition, especially one put on by attractive hosts.


So, this is how it feels to relax?

Lying on the sand, face to the sky, Captain Corin Autem tried to keep from asking herself the same question over and over again. This is how it feels to relax? Smiling, she shook her head at the simplicity of it all. It had been what felt like forever since she had last had the opportunity to just kick back and let the good times roll. So caught up in serving the Empire, she had forgotten to take care of herself. Now that the chance had finally presented itself, she didn't quite know how to go about it. Hitting the beach had seemed like a good start, but she didn't have much of a plan beyond that.

Not that she needed one. The place was lovely this time of year, and the warm waters were just as inviting as the sands upon which she currently lay. Maybe she could hit the bars and clubs later, see what the rest of her fireteams were up to. Or maybe she would just lie here until the sun cooked her. Either option seemed fine, truth be told. A chance to work on her tan was just as good as a nice, cool drink. Or so she figured.

Sitting up, sand clinging to her back, the Ultranaut took a look around.

It had been some time since she'd left the comfortable confines of her holiday let in favor of the beach. In that time, her skin had bronzed considerably, and in places it had even turned an unfortunate red. Not that she minded much. The slight burning sensation she felt came and went with the breeze, each gust a comforting lie that Corin accepted wholeheartedly. Besides, spending all her time in armor, it was nice to finally be able to show some skin without being reprimanded for it. She'd probably come to regret it later, but that was exactly that. Later. She was more interested in the now.

Climbing to her feet, Corin stared out to sea. Azure waters gently lapped at the shore, stretched beyond the horizon. Deep and fathomless, the prospect of taking a dip in those waters was growing more and more appealing by the moment. Resisting the urge to dive in, Corin turned away. "Soon." She promised herself. How soon exactly, well, that remained to be seen. Walking back up the beach, the Ultranaut didn't even bother reacting as something -or maybe even someone- sped past her. Cameron Crownwraithe Cameron Crownwraithe A blue blur, it was gone in a flash, just another oddity in a place that catered to such things. Corin had seen stranger.

Like an Empress, a Knight, an assassin, and two Force-Sensitives talking about volleyball.

"Huh. Interesting."

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim N Nyxeris Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Aleksander Castellanos Aleksander Castellanos Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

O B J E C T I V E: 'Relax'
Equipment: N/A​
Her brow tensed at that mention of 'Lady'. She didn't feel like a lady. She felt like..well, alot of things. Regardless, it was unwise to correct an empress, so Lilanna kept her thoughts to herself for the time being. "As you command my lady. Thank you again for the invitation" Great. Now she was under orders to enjoy herself. She might have been able to weasel her way out of Nyxie's ultimatums at times, but nothing as solid as this.​
There was a flicker of movement, as a wave of sand moved by, though Lilanna didn't notice anything. At the present time, she had thought it do be the wind, but she soon learned it was an omen. People were en-route.​
Keeping to remaining in her robes, Lilanna hadn't expected a small garrison of strangers to begin homing in on their position. Though, one thing she did notice, was the arrival of the diminutive one; though her announcing herself was rather helpful on that front. Again, that title 'Lady Kelamvor'. It made her skin crawl. She and the cyan skinned woman had worked together before. The Warden acknowledging the diminutive one's skills to be rather effective despite her small stature. It took a moment to register the name, but after a moment of awkward eye contact it came back. "It's nice to see you as well, Lady Invixa." She had no idea if Invixa was to be hailed as a lady, but it seemed to be the style at current. Lady Invixa she now was. She noticed there was a lack of attention drawn to her form on behalf of the smaller woman, something that Lilanna was thankful for, as she tugged her vestments a tad closer around herself. There was no way in hell anyone was seeing her in the swimsuit. Especially not when they worked together.​
The idea of Volleyball was suggested, and Lilanna felt her soul leave her body. Nyxie would drag her into playing now, and there was no way to do so clad in a robe. She was doomed. But maybe she'd be safe, perhaps-​
She felt a flicker in the force, and found Nyxie was armed with a volley ball, prompting the woman to stifle a groan. Yes, she was quite doomed. "I think I'm more suited to being a spectator..." She began to start, looking to the others, as someone new now approached, inquiring to join the game as well; with any luck he'd be taken as the sacrifice, and she could be left to her own devices.​
Tag: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan

Kalic quietly listened as he followed behind Taozi and her family. Why the heck did he agree to do this again? He would look at his Q7, Jee, and take a breath before finally walking a little closer. He honestly hoped it would be quick to find and then maybe he could relax for the first time in ages. Jee would soon whistle something about the Mandalorian being a bit crazy, and Kalic soon, put a hand over her audio units.

"Hey. Cool it, Jee." He would then look at the Mandalorians, Taozi in particular. "Well, are we going to look for... whatever it was or what?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Beach, with the ladies
Objective I.: Beach party
Equipment: Bikini and dress | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): N Nyxeris | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Aleksander Castellanos Aleksander Castellanos | Corin Autem Corin Autem
[ Ruina Imperii ]

There were more and more people on the beach who the woman knew. For example Ivixa has arrived. She had known her for a very long time, even from the time of the Agents of Chaos, when the woman was just the Aspect of Desire and helped Scherezade after she, they left the CIS. She returned the salute. Unfortunately, this was not the day she would have been in disguise and could have left the Empress' title behind.

<"Agent Ivixa! Nice to see you too!"> she welcomed the young girl.

She said in her usual cold, distant voice. Volleyball? In the sun, in the heat? To do that, she would have had to take off her clothes, and even through the clothes, she could feel the pain caused by the sunlight. As a Shadow-born, this weather and these circumstances came up with torture to her. She would have just responded when Lady of Blood agreed to the game and even a young man came up to them. It was immediately clear that he was not a resident of the Empire.

Ingrid was not only the Empress, but also the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Fleet of the militaristic state. Essentially, there was no person in the Empire who would not have recognized her. The young man, on the other hand, apparently had no idea who he was talking to or didn’t care about. Ignorant or dumb? Great question. She saw one of the Ultranaut captains a little further away, and there was even a quick girl nearby.

But back to volleyball…

<"I don’t really know, and I’ve never played volleyball, I know frosty sports.">

Finally, she turned to the young man and asked him a question.

<"Where are you from?"> she asked.

OOC: Ingrid speaks High Nelvaanian throughout, which is the official language of the Eternal Empire.

Objective: Beach Party
Location: Beach - Resort Planet
Wearing: Pink Bikini
Tags: N Nyxeris Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Aleksander Castellanos Aleksander Castellanos Corin Autem Corin Autem

“Why yes, of course! We still need to even out the teams, but you’re welcome to join us!” Ivixa replied to the man in quite the animated tone, her golden eyes taking in the regal features of the handsome, fit newcomer with strawberry blonde hair and a strong, well-defined jaw. For all of her training as a Blackwatch Agent, Ivixa could only just resist staring for too long at an attractive individual and even then, it might have been too much. Nevertheless, clearing her throat, Ivixa pushed her attention back to Lilanna. Sensing the Warden’s relative unease at the prospect of playing volleyball, the Asa’nyx decided to attempt breaking the ice with a mildly self-deprecating comment.

“Aww. Are you sure you don’t want to play? I need someone who’ll let me sit on their shoulders so I can hit the ball over the net!” She said with a smile.

Unfortunately, Ivixa couldn’t do the same for the Empress, not wanting to inadvertently make a fool of herself by being too pushy, even in a playful context, with an authority figure.

“Understood, my Lord.” She answered in broken High Nelvaanian with a nod, respectfully acknowledging the Empress’ choice to refrain from the game. However, Ivixa’s large, Matanga-like ears perked up when she heard the Empress ask where the cute newcomer was from, being curious herself as to his place in the Empire, presuming that he was part of the military in some respect...
Wearing: Purified Naath Cowling, Sith Mask

Armed with: Fragment of Vjun (Sith Lightsaber)

With: Cameron Crownwraithe Cameron Crownwraithe

Lyssa Io

Invited: First Sister First Sister

007 hours earlier...

The NIO had taken Vjun.

It was more sore a loss than she had expected, which surprised her. She had triumphed over The NIO's Blue Hearts Commander in single combat, without The Force, without all her little tricks. But Vjun had still been a disaster. Her sons could be as strong as practically possible and still be mass Produced, but without tanks, without dedicated Artillery and Anti-Air options, they were still on the back foot. The sheer design of her lethal children had taken her as far as it could. But now more was needed. Her children could no longer be Guerilla warriors...they must now become a fully functional army.

This put the Sith Empire in a bad way. She had been fighting a defensive war for over a year. She had bought time, but something had to change...much would be decided at Ziost. Again.

She had been by Cameron's side throughout her recovery, along with the rest of her children. Lyssa, first of Xiphos's daughters had been a constant presence with medical care, along with the rest of her brothers and Sisters.

Her children were among the few Psychological comforts Xiphos had left. She loved them all, and not for the first time felt guilty she could not give any of them normal lives.

But she could at least provide a fragment of normal to Cameron today. Within reason.

It had taken some time, and the disguise ability of her daughter Lyssa pretending to be a beach official who "closed down a relatively small section for scientific study" so they could walk it in peace and quiet, without observers, or so that Cameron could run to her hearts content. Even then, Xiphos had come wearing a Sith Mask for disguise, her purified Naath Cowling thrown over simple gray armorweave clothes.

The Lightsaber, however...that was something else.

It's hilt was forged of metal taken from Vader's Castle, a red Adegan from its storage vaults.

The Amalgam had sent it to her, in a twisted attempt at cheering her up at the loss. It was functional, no extra bells and whistles like so many of her blades. Pure Vanilla.

It looked disturbingly like Ursula's Lightsaber. She hugged it tightly when no one was looking in her quarters, weeping in shame before composing herself and heading down to the beach.

She walked the beach, watching Cameron sprint and run like a demon, a smile crossing her features as Cameron asked how she had done.

"You're doing great. But the point today is mainly to have fun." Xiphos said gently, sitting on a nearby rock, the cowling dulling her sense of pain.

She sensed her daughter Lyssa nearby via her technopathy, walking towards them as planned. Lyssa had brought Pizza. Very Large, three meat special. They all needed it. Cameron for fuel, Xiphos for comfort, as it was the sort of Pizza Ursula bought her, and Lyssa due to learning how to break down food for extra energy and matter to conduct repairs on the fly, but mainly because even she had been worried sick.

Lyssa whose appearance was based on an old friend murdered by The Amalgam, strode towards them with five pizza boxes in hand. Three were for Cameron, one was for Lyssa and Xiphos got the last one. Lyssa had shaped her body to resemble wearing a black sling bikini, carrying not only pizza, but beach balls in hand.

"Get something to eat before you run again..." Xiphos advised, pulling off her mask and staring at the ocean waves with her mismatched eyes, one metallic bronze and dark green, the other a cybernetic one with a gray iris that had a glint of gold at the center.

Lyssa set the pizzas down carefully on the large, flat rock Xiphos sat on before running up and hugging Cameron.

"I am very relieved you recovered, Little Sister." Lyssa said warmly. "The rest of the Immediate family is on its way. You're even going to meet one of your aunt's finally."

"In the meantime, I have something for you." Xiphos said, holding out a lightly ornate Lightsaber.

"I wanted to give this to you, to mark you as truly a member of my Family." Xiphos explained to Cameron, handing it to her. "I call it The Sprinting Frost."

Soon the Immediate Family of Xiphos showed. There was Hadrian, her Golden, Skeletal firstborn.

Miranda, one of Xiphos's most advanced and dangerous creations, walked the beach, her Nanite sheath that allowed her to look like voluptuous, curvy female human with bronze skin and hair shaped to look like she wore a Metallic Black Catsuit, smiled, jogging across the beach to reach Cameron.

The last to arrive was a woman Cameron had never seen before. A beautiful, tall blond with golden skin and hair with blue eyes, flesh shaped to look like she wore a Gold Catsuit. She smiled as she sprinted very quickly across the beach, throwing her arms around a waiting Xiphos. It was the copy of Westenra Mina Westenra Mina known as Melissa (see West's bio for details)

"So good to have you here, Melissa..." Xiphos whispered, hugging a loved one she hadn't seen since Sev Tok.

"Hang the SJC, I believe in you..." Melissa said.

Melissa turned to Cameron.

"Cameron. This is Aunt Melissa. She's a psychic Android Vampire."

Melissa beamed at Cameron, holding out a hand to shake.

"All true. Nice to meet you, Cameron."

"Try sticking that chit on a business card..." Hadrian joked in his scary James Spader voice about his mother's descriptor of Melissa.

"You're such a troll sometimes, Hadrian..." Miranda mocked. "What would you put on a business card for you?"

"Badass, in very large words. See?" Hadrian asked, holding up a custom business card.

Miranda rolled her Nanite disguised photo receptors.

"He actually made a fething business card. Now I have to match his trolling...somehow." Miranda muttered.

"You made a business card?" Xiphos asked, getting off the rock to look at it.

"How'd you afford this? It's all fancy and embossed..." Xiphos asked in genuine curiosity.

"Junk Bonds!" Hadrian answered proudly. "Junk Bonds and good old fashioned War Profiteering!"

"I fething knew something was up." Miranda remarked jokingly.

"Can you make one for me. I see a good gag with it down the road." Xiphos requested.

"Have mine!" Hadrian replied jovially.

Xiphos stared at the card before putting it away.

"Let's eat."

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