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Dominion Sundered Light - AC dominion of Ossus

Ashlan Crusade Narrator


Sundered Light - Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Ossus

Open to all jedi​

Ossus is a world of of long importance to the Jedi and to the larger galaxy, and although now ruined and abandoned, it still acts as a place of pilgrimage and worship to followers of the light. The ancient Jedi academy, once a store of vast knowledge is inhabited by custodian monks that spend their time praying and waiting for Ossus to return to Galactic prominence.

Then Tython happened, this far from the centre of the galaxy it is hard to know all the details first hand, but the effects of the destruction wrought on that holy world and its moons reverberated across the galaxy. Holy sites, connected to each other by ley lines in the force, now act a propagation site for cracks in the force itself. Seers have envisioned that these cracks could lead to the destruction of many more sites around the galaxy. The Ashlan Crusade have brought Jedi from many walks to Ossus, where they have spent time in meditation trying to balance the force and seal the wounds caused by the Maw's violence, thet might succeed here, and save the Galactic east, but what of the future, the effects of Tython will be felt for many years and more of these meditations may be required to fully heal the galaxy.

Here the Ashlans hope to begin that act of healing, discussions and negotiations carried out and plans should be made how the Jedi will move forward from this barbaric attack on not just their faith, but on the force itself.

Objective 1

The propagation of the wounds in the force must be stopped before it hits other holy sites and spreads out like cracks in glass. Days of meditations have been undertaken on Ossus to ensure this planet will survive and form a bulwark against further damage. Secondary to those meditations the Ashlan Crusade have invited Jedi from other nations to join them and discuss the future of the galaxy, and how best to respond to the attack on Tython.

Bring your Jedi, bring your light sided diplomats and prepare for discussions. The summit is being held on the ruins of the old Jedi Academy and fairly austere arrangements have been made in the area for comforts, there is plenty of time to meditate together, negotiate together and every lightly socialise, and light sided action and thought all helps re-stabilise the force.

Objective 2

The leader of the monastic order on Ossus was once a great and powerful force user, but as time has grown, he has had to fight harder and harder to keep back the darkness that threatens to envelop his world. The collapse of the Sith Eternal provided him with momentary peace, but now the Maw have broken the camel's back and his refuge has become his prison. He sleeps with restless dreams, fighting off the demons that haunt him. He is key to the defence of Ossus and must be revived at all costs. Not traditional medical procedures have gotten through to him, so someone must venture into his mind, banish the demons within him and bring him back to this realm.

He is haunted by three demons, his Fear, his Anger and his Sadness, it it unknown what form each of these take but they must all be defeated before the monk cab be woken and return to his duty.

OOC note: there will be very little narration or railroading unless it is required here. Its a dreamscape so is yours to interpret how you wish, work together or pick a demon and do after it.

Objective 3

This mission is important, but not everyone can be a Jedi, and there are many other things that need to be done as the Crusade bring the planet into the fold.

Objective 1

Lehvi shuffled around uncomfortably on Julip the akk dog as he and a contingent of Akk Riders made their way to the summit- the ruins of the old Jedi Academy. He was still wounded from Tython; he had made a suicidal holding move when a group of Mawites had happened upon the Riders while conducting reconnaissance, allowing his Riders and Julip to escape with the knowledge of the enemy's movements. Only the timely arrival of GA reinforcements had saved him from prematurely being shuffled off the mortal coil. He had opted to ignore the wishes of his attending to come to Ossus; the Riders needed representation in the Crusade, and Lehvi couldn't sit by and not say his peace about the next moves.

Not after Tython.

He let out a breath, wincing as he did so- the internal damage had been more then tremendous, and even breathing was painful- as they rounded the corner. The Jedi Academy towered overhead. It was humbling to be in a place like this; the sheer weight of history, the knowledge that countless champions of The Light had been mentored and cultivated over thousands of years. Countless generations.

The decisions they made would likely have a hand on how many champions would come after them.

Lehvi attempted to hop off Lehvi, wincing as he did and nearly toppling off before Julip caught him with her tail. He braced himself for a witty retort from his life-long familiar- as was their dynamic- but was surprised.

<I assist this son of Vass to the summit>, Julip telepathically projected to the Riders. <Continue as you were.> The Riders nodded and dismounted their akk dogs, trudging up stairway as Julip carefully made her way up, making sure not to jostle Lehvi.
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Objective: Enter Dreams
Location: Monks Refuge
Tags: OPEN

Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

Anashja Tal had arrived on Ossus as a representative of both the Eternal Empire and the Clan of Tal, but on this occasion she was entirely following the Jedi side of her dual nature, leaving her Beskar and all of the trappings of a mandalorian on her ship, she wore a simple white robe with a golden circlet that carried the Litr Gryttr that would normally be housed in her chest plate and her light sabers hung loosley at her hip.

Nodding respectfully at the guardians of the sleeping monk, she smiled "I'm Anashja, I would like to attempt to help the monk," she announced. She regularly entered the dream states of her patients when treating their PTSDs, so she felt this was the place she could help most effectively on Ossus today, although she would pray with the Jedi during any break times.

The guardians showed her into the room where a nurse gently tended to the monk, wiping the sweat from his forehead, it was clear that he was in distress and the sense of unease was palpable in the air. Anashja looked around at others present, some already meditating, she wondered who else was already in there. It was a tricky force power to use safely, so not everyone would be suitable, the likes of Anashja would likely be needed to ensure the safety of any less skilled force users that wished to attempt the journey.

She began uttering old Jedi Prayers as she cleansed herself and prepared to try and heal the man's mind, someone nearby was burning an incense and the light blue gossamer thin curtains blew lightly in the wind as she sat on the floor a few feet from the patient and closed her eyes reaching out to find his mind, she might meet others in there, but she needed to remain focused on the task at hand.



Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: OPEN
Location: Temple on Ossus
Objective: pray and mix with other Jedi

Greer was not a diplomatic, or even that interested in the process of negotiations and forward planning, but she was a Jedi, one who had spent long hours meditating and seeking balance, so, along with a large cohort of Ashlan Jedi, she had come to the ruins of the ancient temple to pray. The whole place was seeped in history and might even be an enjoyable place to visit under less serious circumstances. She had not been on Tython, unfortunately having been dealing with a Sith incursion elsewhere in Ashlan space, but she had heard from many who were there about the massive destruction, it was no suprise that the force was wounded, and the deaths of some of her treasured colleagues tested her strength to maintain her own balance. But she did and every test passed only added to her own light.

She walked in her loose kilt past several Jedi from other orders and smiled with her big friendlt Galidraani grin, her painted face and her muscular physique would clearly mark her as a warrior to any that observed her here. As much as she was spending most of her time in prayer here, the Jedi was actually looking forward to the chance of mixing with Jedi from other cultures.
Objective: BYOO (Provide aid, hang out I guess)
Location: Medical Center, Ossus
Tags: Open

A makeshift yet very busy medical center had been established on Ossus within hours of Starlin’s arrival. Catering mainly to soldiers and refugees from Tython, a few wounded Mawite POWs inevitably wound up in the vicinity. While the rest were treated swiftly, these wounded political prisoners were left out in the cold, saved for the very last when it came to receiving medical care.

Who had brought them there in the first place, Starlin didn’t know. He’d thought the policy of most Ashlan Crusaders was to kill anyone affiliated with the Sith on sight. Evidently some had taken pity on these people, the majority of whom were low-level grunts and recruits. Or perhaps a few of the POWs had connections which ensured they would eventually be seen by a healer.

Starlin stopped beside one of the wounded. A teenage boy in filthy, blood-splattered clothes, he didn’t bother to look up when Starlin crouched down to his level.

Hello there. I’m Starlin. Where are you hurt?” he asked. His tone was casual, almost conversational as he opened a medkit on the grass.

The boy didn’t respond, but Starlin saw the glint of paranoia and suspicion in his eyes. There was little he could do to assuage those fears, at least not in the amount of time between now and the kid potentially succumbing to his injuries. So he trusted in the Force. Starlin’s eyes took on a bluish glow as he looked over the boy with a second sight, discerning the location and nature of his wound: a small piece of metal shrapnel lodged in his side, underneath his arm. “This is going to hurt, but I’ll make it quick,” Starlin said, before yanking the shrapnel out telekinetically.

The boy yelped in pain and tried to scramble away from him. “Just a moment!” Starlin insisted, chasing after the boy (he couldn’t move very far or very fast in his condition) and pinning him down long enough to administer a stim. It wasn’t as good as using the Force to heal, but it would prevent infection, dull the pain, and speed up the process well enough.
Objective: Pray and meet others of the Crusade. See if any of them are up for coming to Felucia to fight Dark Side Rancor, Jungle fungi-men and feral Acklay
Equipment: Sand goggles; field jacket; lightsaber and spear; prayer mat, incense and sacred texts.

Lansal could feel the wounds in the Force even before he landed.

As his rickety light freighter entered atmosphere, the Felucian could feel an almost spiritual pain touch him. The wounds of Tython stretched far, and it brought back to mind his worries about the infections of the Dark Side that still burrowed in the hearts of the world of the Crusade.

All the more reason to show up at this critical juncture.

Touching down on one of the makeshift landing pads, Lansal hit the controls, opening the side entrances. A trio of Felucian volunteers, carrying botanical equipment, conveyed their thanks to the Vigilant before hopping off the transport. The Felucian coalition government (if that's what you want to call it) had offered the services of Felucian botanical experts in assisting in the preservation of Ossus' scant floral life, especially in the wake of Tython's effect here. No doubt it was part of a larger strategy that Lansal was part of: to convince the Crusade's leaders that the Felucians were going above and beyond in contributing to the realm, and thus subtly pushing the government to speed up the rebuilding and terraforming process of Felucia that had been promised some time ago.

As he powered down the transport and exited into the parched winds of Ossus, Lansal recalled his conversation on Ession only recently. He understood the Crusade was putting out a hundred fires at once, and did not wish to be too pushy in regards to the reconstruction and possible terraforming of Felucia (the latter of which, while pushed by the planetary coalition government, Lansal was still unsure about its merits). Thus he hoped he could come across some do-gooder types here that would be willing to spend their own time and equipment volunteering for Lansal's planned purge of Bogan-corrupted wildlife on Felucia. Given the situation on Ossus, he reckoned he could come across at least a few here.

Refocussing on the situation at hand, Lansal followed directions to the main Jedi Temple, where others were already gathered in meditation. He could feel the different balance in the Force here, much more mended and healed. He made a mental note to help with the Old Monk of Ossus later. First he needed to get a feel for the balance of the Force here.

Before he found an empty spot to lay his prayer mat and light his incense, he spotted a human walk past, a grin on her painted face. He recognised her clothing as belonging to the Galidraani people. Interesting. Something about her seemed different. Perhaps she'd be willing to join Lansal's mission?

Placing his belongings on the sacred ground of the Temple in the quiet corner he'd scope out (doubt there are any thieves here), Lansal caught up with the woman and waved at her.

"Greetings! I assume you are one of the Jedi? I am Lansal, Akiran Vigilant."

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir



The days following Tython had been... rough, to say the least. The Grand Marshal had managed to help save some of his companions, but the loss of two of his closest friends weighed heavily on his mind. He hadn't even made it back to Ession since that day, only leaving a message with his office staff before beginning his pilgrimage. That pilgrimage took him to Ossus, a planet that was always a sacred place of the Jedi. Heinrich's ship touched down in a remote part of the planet, away from those that may have inquired as to why the Grand Marshal hadn't returned. The past days had been spent largely in silence, save for his prayers, and within the prayers, he begged for a sign that his efforts had not been in vain.

The words he last spoke to Eina upon Ession echoed in his mind during those days, often causing him to lash out at the very air around him. If only he had one more opportunity... if he had only gone to see his friends once more. Perhaps he could have told Geiseric the truth. Perhaps he could have gone with them to Tython...

Perhaps he could have saved them.

His eyes looked to the distance as he sat outside of his shuttle, eyeing the horizon over which the temple resided. He felt the gathering forces of the Light. The brave defenders of the galaxy were beginning to congregate, likely a machination of the Cardinal and his fellow politicians. Heinrich knew that he should be there to represent the whole of the Knightly Orders, but he simply could not. Not right now... not until he came to terms with his loss. He had served Ashla faithfully, assisting in the healing of the galaxy as a whole...

It was his turn to heal.



Tags: Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich


The faithful began to gather within the old temple of Ossus, each making their way to this meeting in hopes for words of a brighter future. The galaxy had been thrown out of alignment, losing many of its heroes upon the planet of Tython. Many had gone their separate ways after, with several individuals still unaccounted for. It was a difficult time for all, and many turned to their spiritual leader for hope and guidance. Though Pietro was willing to provide, he found that things were growing much more concerning than they had thought. Though the battle for Tython had ended, its effects were rippling through the galaxy, threatening other worlds that were held in high regard to the loyal servants of the Light.

In these moments, the Cardinal could only rely on his faith, for it was faith that kept him strong, and it was Ashla's warmth that kept his head held high. Though he understood the darkness of the times in which they all currently lived, Pietro would not allow those under the Ashlan banner to fall to despair. He would see the Light prevail, and the galaxy made whole.

He had been patiently waiting for the others, taking the time to commune with both Ashla and the Holy Guard members that had accompanied him. Their numbers weren't numerous in the temple, but there were enough to ensure that the area was secured until the others arrived. He had made sure to arrive early, as he understood the importance of this gathering. As the other approached, he quietly bowed his head in acknowledgement. So many devotees to the Light... yet the situation, so dire... perhaps it was the beginning of the end times, after all. The thought was quickly dashed aside, and the Cardinal put on his usually stern, yet charismatic face. There would be plenty of time for such thoughts later. For now... there were important matters to discuss.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: To speak and meet Heinrich
Location: Surface, Ossus
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Closed
[ Reunion ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ossus; she came to this planet for two reasons. One is that she felt her father from here too; at least on a level like this on Voss. The other is that Heinrich was here too. The man did not yet know that they were alive. And they had to talk; they really had to talk. Now that she was part of Ashla, she could hear the man's prayer through the others. Now Eina knew that when she heard Gei's prayers at the time, it was because of Ashla. Ashla wanted to see them together. She felt how much her adopted brother was suffering and blaming himself, he felt guilty.

Eina's heart and soul were hard, too, and she was tormented by worries she couldn't discuss with Ashla or Gei. Isla wasn't good at it, as she didn't know Gei so well. So Hei remained, but the man had been very far away from them since Ilum. True, they fought together on the Weken, but the man kept it a secret from them, and it was as if he was avoiding them. Even at the ball, he does not really care about Eina. It hurt the woman. In spite of being part of Ashla, she still did not understand human behaviour.

She appeared shortly behind Heinrich who was sitting on the ground, she was in her usual angelic form. As before, she still read perfectly in the souls of others. The Avatar saw and felt their suffering. That's what happened now. She didn't want to give a long speech or bother the man much yet. She waited for now, but the man didn't seem to react to being here. Maybe he thought he was imagining it? Eina found it possible. That's why she spoke softly, kindly, barely audible.

["Hei!"] she told him in Essonian.


Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective 1: Shattered Lines
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Lansal Akira Lansal Akira Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass

The events of Tython were fresh... the explosion on Kashyyyk even fresher as they were still looking for bodies. Fires had raged and the jedi were working with the wookiees to quell the fires. So when Ossus became a thing and she hadn't heard from the enclave the jedi master came.... grandmaster... she was stepping into a role she had not expected or looked towards but it was needed. Many were gone or missing from the explosions. So she arrived, not in a grand display of force... not in regal robes for the jedi but in plain silver robes... standing on the eye where she had worked with Romi to rebuild and refocus.

The Aing-Tii techniques able to be used with the riftstones that were developed. The enclave had been Rebuilding Knossa City for the jedi after many of the attacks and she appeared. SLowly bending the air and twisting it as the Silver rest was left behind and the jedi master stood there. Hands clasped behind her back and looked around at the presences on the world. "Interesting." She moved floating into the air and looked over The Jedi Praxeum at (Knossa) before going to where the others were gathering. Slowly touching down and looking around at the others who were around. She didn't know any of them but that mattered little she hadn't know most of the new silver jedi before she had been slapped into a planet.

"Hello." THe voice was deeper from the petite master, usually the smallest in the room at barely over a hundred pounds and five foot... she presented herself though with a solid stance. Her attention on the smaller details as there was a lot to discuss but even more as she didn't know all of the details of Tython much of the information had been being uploaded to the rest servers for dissemination by Roy but the explosions had destroyed his paperwork and her reading material. She would have to inform about that as well as the claims by a Xiphos about why it was done.... Her eyes looking at all of the others assembled before clasping her hands behind her back.


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir



As Heinrich stared off into the distance, pondering on the missteps that he had made time and again, a sudden feeling of warmth came over him. It was a familiar thing, as if his dear friend had never left. But that couldn't be... it had to be the grief toying with his mind. He shrugged off the familiar Force signature, until it could no longer be ignored.

He turned toward the source of the feeling, finding himself taken aback by the familiar visage of Eina.

"Eina? It can't... but..."

His brain was moving a million miles an hour, tumbling through a turbulent cycle of emotion as he attempted to process seeing her again. It was all so sudden, and so, so terribly strange. As he finally processed the fact that it was indeed her, all that the Grand Marshal could do was run to her and hug her tight. Tears began to trail down his face as he embraced his friend, his head resting on her shoulder before he finally pulled back.

"I... I..."

Heinrich hung his head, searching for the appropriate words. Yet, he could only muster the simplest of responses.

"I'm sorry, Eina. I am so, so sorry..."

The comment was followed by another hug, and Heinrich just stayed there for a moment, silently thanking Ashla for keeping his friend safe. After a few more moments, he finally looked her in the eyes again, a mixture of joy and concern washing across his face.

"And Gei... is he..."

Another brief pause.

"Did he make it out?"

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: To speak and meet Heinrich
Location: Surface, Ossus
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Closed
[ Reunion ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was still patiently waiting for Hei to finally realise that the woman was really here. It happened soon. It was still weird for the Avatar if someone hugged her; She didn’t count Gei in this because it has become natural over the years. But that is not if others hugged her. This was especially acceptable to her if the woman initiated it all. Thus, this caught her off-guard. And the next moment, Heinrich hugged her and held her tight. Moments later, Eina returned the embrace as well, then stroked her adopted brother's back gently.

["It is true, it's really me!"] she tried to reassure the man.

It wasn't the kind of consolation she'd been used to anyway now. Eina didn't really know what to say. What to do. Yes, the fact that Hei had kept the distance from them was bad for her and it hurt, but she was never really angry with the man. She hadn’t even been mad at anyone in her life, she didn’t really know how to do that. She tried to reassure the man. But the truth was, she wasn’t entirely sure if she would success in this or not.

["I know, and I'm not mad at you! I was never angry!"] she said honestly.

She embraced the man again and again as she felt Heinrich needed it. She never tried to read the thoughts of others, only communicated with her peers in this way. But now she heard Hei's thoughts. I mean, not even his thoughts, but she knew from the others that the man was silently saying "prayer" / thanks to Ashla. It was still very strange for Eina. She still didn’t want to be there among the thoughts of others or hear them because she respected the privacy they want, they will share it if they want, so she ruled out the others in her mind, and she was alone. Of course, she never ruled out Gei or their daughter, just the rest of the Oversoul.

["Yes, Gei is fine too, he's home with our little girl …"] she blushed slightly at the mention of the little girl.

It was still so unusual for her, but joyful. And she was glad that Gei was happy for the child too. But even then, there was the sadness in her of the man getting tired, giving up and not wanting to do this anymore. Even if they can't be together. That is, the situation was like they couldn't be together.

["Ashla sent us both back because she still needs our services as her Avatars. Khamul Kryze killed us both on Tython. I sacrificed my life for Gei to get to Ashla… "] her voice trailed off.

Two golden tears rolled out of her eyes and ran down her face.

["Hei… he gave up. What he saw on Tython, it broke him. He didn't want to be a Children of Ashla. He wanted me to be a part of Ashla too, but I couldn't do it without Ashla and without my death… I had to let him go, I had to say goodbye to him… because I knew I would never see him again."] she said painfully, with sorrow in her voice.


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Lehvi was placed upon a chair, with Julip sitting behind it somewhat protectively. He'd asked the rest of the Akk Riders to leave; it was too many over them in one place, it didn't make sense for all of them to be there when he would suffice.

He nodded at individuals as they entered- Lansal Akira Lansal Akira , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Matsu Ike Matsu Ike .

After a few minutes, he cleared his throat.

"I am glad to see so many of the Light here, though under these circumstances. But we are here because of Tython. It was a hard fought battle- everyone here lost someone at Tython. But so did the Sith. Solipsus, their Sitha'ri, lay slain. So we must not sit here and lick our wounds- we must take actions. To make sure another Tython never happens again. To end the cycle of the Bogan, once and for all."

Lehvi looked at the Cardinal. "Shall we begin, your Eminence?"


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir



As Heinrich embraced Eina, he let out a sigh of relief. The sight of his close friend was the most welcome surprise he could have asked for, and her lack of anger toward his distance was comforting... even if he didn't feel he deserved it. He pulled away for a moment, smiling as he stood in awe of his friend's survival.

"I'm so glad that you made it out. I... well, we all lost so much. We may have saved the planet, but at what cost..."

Heinrich's eyes drifted off toward the sky above as he reflected upon the battle for Tython. So many lives lost... it was all for a good cause, but the Grand Marshal couldn't help but to feel hollow in their victory. The planet would likely never fully recover on its own, and the sheer amount of lives lost was enough to make the strongest of men shudder in sorrow. Despite this, they would have to endure, for even though the Dark Voice had been slain, the Maw continued its terrible crusade to bring about the end of all.

"Words can't express how happy I am. If the two of you had truly been lost, well... I just couldn't bare it."

His gaze fell back to her as she mentioned their daughter.

"Once things are concluded on Ossus, I'll visit you. All of you. I should have done it sooner."

As Eina spoke about Geiseric's faltering will, Heinrich felt the weight slowly return to his heart. Geiseric had always been one of Ashla's strongest servants, a shield of faith within the darkness of the galaxy. To think that he had such weakness brought a deep sadness to the Grand Marshal.

"It's hard to believe... he was always so strong. Though to be honest... I imagine many of our wills were broken on that day."

His mind drifted to thoughts of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and the terrible things the man had suffered at the hands of the Bogan. Another person he would have to check in on soon.

"At least he had you, though. Thank you, Eina. Thank you for saving him in such a dark moment."



Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich


Pietro eyed each individual that had arrived, taking some comfort in the fact that so many followers of the Light had heeded the call. As Matsu approached, Pietro offered a bow.

"We are honored by your presence, and would like to thank you for your continued friendship."

The Crusade's budding relationship with the Silver Jedi had been rather beneficial, having provided both sides with more secure borders and a considerable amount of shared resources. Together, they had managed to take Voss back from the minions of the Bogan, and began to rebuilt the old temple that had rested upon the planet for so many years.

As the others took their seats, Pietro caught the words of Lehvi. The Akk Riders had proven to be brave warriors, and their presence in the meeting would likely shed some light upon recent events.


As he stepped forth, looking around as he prepared to speak, the Cardinal could not help but to feel the air of uncertainty within the room. It was to be expected, especially with the battle for Tython being so present in each of their minds. Yet, despite the freshness of it all, they would have to look to the future.

"We have just received word that Tython remains whole. Ashla has smiled upon us all, though it has come at a great cost."

He began to calmly pace back and forth, his crimson robes flowing as he continued to gaze around the room.

"I don't need to tell you how serious things got on the planet. It could take years to return it to its former state, if at all. And, though the Dark Voice is dead, I fear that this is far from the end."

His pacing stopped, his voice growing in volume as it often did during his fiery sermons.

"We cannot allow this to happen again. Though I wish to take the fight to the Maw, we must look to our own borders. The Galactic Alliance has provided us with a large buffer zone against the Maw, but with this recent push into the Core, we cannot ignore the extent of their reach."

His eyes turned toward Matsu as he spoke of borders.

"I understand that Kashyyyk suffered an attack as well. Should the Crusade be able to assist you, let us know. We are still licking our wounds from Tython, but what resources we can spare, we will."

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: To speak and meet Heinrich
Location: Surface, Ossus
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Closed
[ Reunion ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

["I was also surprised that my death was not my final destruction. You know, in my case, we didn't know anything about that."] she said softly.

The others knew this in the case of Valkyrja and Children of Ashla, as they once lived and became souls. But Eina was born that way; she had no previous life like the others. Even those her mother had created had a previous life, before their souls were torn apart. But Eina has always been different in that regard.

["But it was also thanks to Ashla… as was my existence and birth."] she told him.

What hurt Eina the most was that she didn't see that Gei was so tired that she didn't want to live anymore. Although she didn't really see what he saw, and she didn't feel what was happening out there, she only felt that her husband had very strong feelings, and when she saw that her own light was fading because of Gei’s faith as well.

["You always promise this, but you never come."] she said sadly.

Eina nodded that many had died there, many had lost their souls and never made it to the Netherworld. For the woman, however, tragedies did not just happen on the side of the defenders. She also saw countless tragedies on the side of the attackers, including them as victims in the "chess game" of Dark Voice and Avatars.

["But there were also those who turned away from the Maw and the Dark Three. Souls, who were redeemed during those events."] she smiled sadly. ["There is hope, as it was Maw’s greatest fighter, The Mongrel The Mongrel , who turned away from them. There is even hope for their warriors. He died freely, only the most painful was that I had to separate him from the love of his life. From someone with whom he shared the same strong bond and uniqueness that Gei and I share, but without a Force. That day many people on both sides suffered and many tragedies occurred."]

Eina had long admitted that she considered the Marauders of the Maw a victim, as she saw their torn and tortured souls. The Heathen Priests, or even the Taskmaster. But about Gei and what she did for him. She wasn't sure it was her.

["I tried, I don't know how much my merit was. I think it was Ashla was able to do more than me."] she said sadly. ["Are you ok?"] she asked him.




Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Lansal Akira Lansal Akira Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Location: Temple on Ossus
Objective: pray and mix with other Jedi

As Lansal Akira Lansal Akira aproached her, Greer regarded the Felucian kindly, it always pleased her to see more non-human Jedi about, the accusations of humanocentricity always followed, despite the fact most Jedi did not care about species or anything as crude as that. "Hi, I'm Greer Caimbeulaich, Knight of the Ashlan Order of the Star Thistle," that was a mouthful "Greers fine" she laughed and allowed him to walk along side her. "Which order do you hail from, have you been on Ossus long?" she would chat and get to know the Felucian a little more before the meeting began.

It wouldnt be long before the jedi were called in, but before she did, she caught sight of the cardinal and aproached him. She nodded her head with a grin, before attempting to grasp his arm in a warriors embrace. "Cardinal Demici, its good to see you, i am so pleased to see you and so many of the light here today, I look forward to hearing your guidance."

The day would continue on and several jedi would speak, but as Pietro adressed Kashykk, she felt and urge to speak pressing on her. "My Lord Demici, I would be honored to represent the Ashlan Crusade on Kashykk, I believe the force is pushing me in this direction."
she had spent her teen years after leaving her home, amongst the Silver Jedi, including spending some time on Kashykk with the Wookiees. It might be interesting to revisit some of her past life whilst also doing some good for the people of the Concord.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective 1: Shattered Lines
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Lansal Akira Lansal Akira Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass

She listened and met a few... discussion of Tython was inevitable and of all of them she hadn't been there... being away when the attack came and handling... other things. Her mind briefly flashed to fighting through the stomach of a massive sithspawn and then being smacked arround by a cosmic being across the galaxy and back again.... Then finishing as she was slapped into Kashyyyk to the surprise of everyone there... but the timeline and what had happened to provoke or agitate things like precepts matched. Her eyes flicked back though to them and she had to speak up firsst. "I was not among those at Tython... I was elsewhere investigating and handling something we found on Ahch-To."

She said it and one of the first locations of the jedi was generally respected, the ancient temple on it only a fraction of what there was below the surface. The repository was something only the caretakers and a few had learned about. "Kashyyyk has been something different and thank you for the aid. It will be beneficial as we move survivors to recover. Investigations have been launched on Crispor and other worlds. We have sith kidnapping children from villages that have been harmed by the fires." She bowed her head to each of them though. "But I am out of the loop on some things... I have only ever know Laertia Io Laertia Io as a troubled girl."

SHe said it and after the message and the claims of the attack, the tower on crispor. "What has transpired with her to make her such a zealot wanting to kill the jedi?" She asked it for them but there was also going to be the question of the aftermath from Tython... many thing happened and a lot more changed.... THankfully the world itself survived but the jedi would be working to recover much on the planet for centuries to come. "But for tython I have the Anil for aid. It is mobile and can be deployed to serve in different roles from temple to medical. There is also the Kenobi Fleet given how many ships might have been lost."


Objective: Enter Dreams
Location: Monks Refuge
Tags: OPEN

Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

As Anashja concentrated she felt the world around her evaporate into wisps around her and then temple she sat in was reduced to rubble. The monk no longer lay next to her and the shadowy figure of a bald child grinned at her, before running into the distance and evaporating. Anashja felt the urge to chase the child so she followed, there was a playfulness in the apparition that reminded her of Ti'zan, was this a trick? She was here to destroy demons, so she had better spring any traps she came across.

As she followed, she picked her way through thick fern like branches that tingled at her skin, brushing though them gave her sensations of memories, from very young childhood, to early days at the monastery, a young woman, appeared in her mind, a sister? No, a lover. Anashja smiled at the warmth of the memory that the monk had for the woman. But there was something else in that memory, a sense of loss and of longing.

Anashja continued onwards for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was only a few moments, deeper and deeper into the shadowy ferns, every step and every brush from the passing plants focused her on the woman and the child she seemed to be able to get no closer to, every time she heard a laugh in the next clearing, she arrived to nothing, missing the child by seconds.

Anashja was beginning to feel a sense of sadness sweeping through the forest and the wind had whipped dark clouds into the air above her, the woman and the child were at the core of his sadness. "Where are you little one, come to me!" The Togrutan called out. "If you really want me, I'm always there!". Anashja listened to the reply and furrowed her brow slightly, a strange response. But it was beginning to give Anashja an idea of the shape of this particular mental prison. She felt that the monk had loved the woman, and that this child she chased might have been theirs. She knew little about this order of monks, but she was aware they were intended to be celibate, was this a secret family? And was it his guilt to the order that caused his pain, or his guilt to his family?

Progressing further the ferns began to clear and more shadowy creatures surrounded her. They did now interact at her passage at all, just walking, speaking to each other and stopping to pray. Without more contextual clues she would say she was approaching the centre of a place of worship, maybe the monastery from the monks memories. Anashja felt sobbing in the air and she knew she was close.

Objective: Pray and meet others of the Crusade. See if any of them are up for coming to Felucia to fight Dark Side Rancor, Jungle fungi-men and feral Acklay
Equipment: Sand goggles; field jacket; lightsaber and spear; prayer mat, incense and sacred texts.

The news of Tython gave Lansal some peace. He already knew things had not gone catastrophically, seeing as Ossus was itself destroyed by any wounds in the Force, but it was good to hear confirmation.

Lansal understood the Crusade's priorities. He was himself hoping to be a beneficiary of its inward stance, and yet, he could not help but wish to help. But with Felucia's troubles... and this extended to the topic of Kashyyyk. Lansal knew he could not assist, as much as he wished. Not with the problems on Felucia to deal with. Theoretically, he could help them out and hope to call in favours... but no. That was not the way of the Vigilants. He was an "Attendant and Servant", not a work-for-hire. Unfortunately, as the last of the Order, he had to weigh his desire to help with focussing on the troubles on Felucia. No wonder such political calculations were rightly put in the hands of those Lansal was sworn to protect.

The Mulberries would know what to do... Lansal sighed inwardly, pondering again the future of his Order without its veterans. They would know how to navigate the rut the Vigilants and Felucia were in, not a jumped-up Solar like himself.

He watched and listened as the Galidraani from before pledged her help to Kashyyyk. Well, there were always others that could help.
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