Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Surprise! I'm Back

I'd like to start off with an apology to the few people I left hanging on storylines and whatnot when I dropped off the face of the earth at the end of April(?). I got hit pretty hard by a chain of family deaths and near-death experiences and my muse just completely vanished. I was really hesitant about getting back into this, partially because of how I left, but I love Star Wars and writing too much to stay away forever :D .

I will most likely be scrapping a lot, if not all, of my characters, especially the ones that never got anywhere. It might take me a couple days to get back into this, or I might just be able to jump in with both feet; at this point I can't really tell. If you want to rp or something with any of my existing characters, hit me up before I turn them into God knows what :D

I also brought cookies.

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