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Approved Tech Sword of Light

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  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Primary damage: Slashing
  • Additional effects: Holy Fire / Force Light

  • The sword is most similar to the Sith Swords or Force Imbued weapons in very many ways, as they were made with Force Alchemy. As a result, they have several different abilities. Just the sword has a Light Side presence in the Force, not Dark or Neutral.
  • Thanks to the Force Alchemy state, the sword withstand the blows of lightsabers, the blade is able to bounce the blaster projectile back like a lightsaber (Force-alchemy ability, still works under Force-nullification effect).
  • The weapon is extremely sharp and can cut through many materials with relative ease, the same materials as lightsabers. The blade does not lose its sharpness (Force-alchemy ability, still works under Force-nullification effect).
  • Can ground the Lightside or Darkside Force lightning or simple lightning (Force-alchemy ability, still works under Force-nullification effect).
  • Shards of the Cordis et Animae Ashla crystal are forged into the blade, allowing the sword to constantly radiate a strong Light Side aura and glow in a very dim golden light (Force Light) as if it were carrying Ashla's light. (Extra ability, does not work under Force-nullification effect)
    • The stronger the Bogan's power (Dark side) around the sword or the stronger in the opponent during the fights, the stronger the effect of golden light and ability.
    • Of course, it will never be as powerful as the Force light used by Geiseric or any other Force user, but it is perfect for showing guidance or showing the power of Ashla.
  • The blade absorbed the Pyrokinesis ability during forging and making with Force alchemy. This is the Holy Fire power. (Extra ability, does not work under Force-nullification effect)
    • It can be activated by thought through the Force. This is part of the blade, so Force ability has no effect on the blade, sword, or Geiseric.
    • In this case, golden flames will appear around the blade and the blade will be warmer. It can get quite hot, and it will really have the effect of a lightsaber. The blade does not melt, but gets a golden/white glow due to heat and flames.
  • Eina endowed the sword with several abilities with Force-imbuement, sorcery and alchemy. The following abilities can be used by Geiseric through the sword, or to amplify the abilities he knows it/them. NB: Only one ability can be used at once, because nearly all of them requires concentration (Extra ability, does not work under Force-nullification effect):
    • Force Light: The area around the blade begins to glow in Force Light, with minimal concentration, all of which is just tiny light that works in close proximity, but if Geiseric focuses all his attention on concentration, he can cover a circle / sphere with a radius of up to fifty metres. However, if he focuses and concentrates on this, he will be completely unprotected because you can do nothing but maintain the Force ability. And the farther the light is from the centre, the weaker it is, so it may not even hurt the Darkside Force users at the edge of range.
    • Protection Bubble: he is able to create a defensive field around himself and its immediate surroundings, with which it can defend against physical and Force attacks. It requires constant concentration from him to be able to maintain it.
    • Force Barrier: This is a larger area of defence, able to create a defence field around his or in a larger area, with which it can defend against physical and Force attacks. It requires constant concentration to be able to maintain it. Depending on the strength and power of the attack, sustainability is reduced and can be very exhausting.
    • Battle Meditation: It requires constant concentration, while Geiseric can’t defend himself. The effects of Force ability are the same as in the traditional case, but a sword helps make the concentration less stressful, and a weapon makes it easier to reach the effect farther than it would in the original case.
    • Force Harmony: With the help of the sword, he is able to perform this Force ability on his own, which also requires constant concentration, meaning the crusader cannot defend himself. The effects are the same as normal, protecting others from the Dark Side effect and attack by embracing them with Light Side, or being able to separate and cleanse the Dark Side Force users from Dark Side. NB: For PCs / NPCs this requires the consent of the user.
    • Force Blast: One of the three is an ability that doesn’t require constant concentration, but the effect only lasts for a few moments. Geiseric is able to direct the neutral or near-Light side Force blast into the blade of the weapon and use it through it and not start the attack from his hand. To do this, however, he must be in physical contact with the sword.
    • Force Bliding: The other non-continuous but offensive ability. After a short concentration, a strong light emanates from the sword and Geiseric, which can blind anyone who is nearby and watching them. Of course, against opponents in helmets is probably ineffective, but against other attackers, like a defensive trick is not bad.

  • Many Abilities: Thanks to Force Alchemy, both swords have multiple abilities that make them more special and unique.
  • Resilient: The sword, thanks to the metal from which it is made, is extremely resistant, at least as much as the beskar. That is, it can resist most existing attacks, and not even lightsabers can't cut it apart. Because of this, the sword may be able to pierce or damage even the strongest armours.
  • Sharp: The blade can cut through many materials with relative ease, the same materials as lightsabers. The blade does not lose its sharpness.
  • Holy Light: Because of the crystal shards, the sword constantly radiates a weak and mild Force Light from itself, t the stronger the Bogan power around the sword or the stronger in the opponent during the fights, the stronger the effect of golden light and ability. NB: Of course, it will never be as powerful as the Force light used by Geiseric or any other Force user, but it is perfect for showing guidance or showing the power of Ashla.
  • Regenerate: Thanks to the Fyrirdögun the sword is able to repair itself.

  • Light Side Presence: The spear made with a Light Side Force, so the presence of the weapon will be revealed by the Force Users if they search it. The effect can be reduced with the Taozin amulet.
  • Dark Side: Since the weapon is imbued with Light Side the very strong Dark Side abilities are able to affect it. This type of Force ability is able to destroy the weapons if they were very strong.
  • One Ability at Once: Although the spear has many abilities, Geiseric can only use one of them at a time, more than one cannot be active at a time. Not to mention that most abilities require constant concentration, and during the concentration the crusader is unable to defend himself.
  • Force Nullification: In a place where there is no Force or the effect of the Force is weakened, the spear loses its special extra abilities. In this case, only their Force Alchemy and technological abilities remain. NB: These are shown in parentheses in the special feature section.
  • Regenerate: Although the Fyrirdögun and thus the sword is able to regenerate, however it can easily get too much damage that this metal can no longer repair anymore. Because the metal can be damaged so that regeneration is no longer effective, not to mention the regeneration is a slow process, in battle this is useless.

The sword is not really made for war and combat, although of course it can be used there as well. The sword was made by Eina for the day she married Geiseric. For the most beautiful and happiest day of their lives. She had been thinking long enough about what would be best for her future husband. She knew that the man preferred lightsabers in combat rather than traditional blades than the woman; nevertheless, Eina opted for a sword.

She collected and created all the materials for the sword. Eina personally went to the crystal caves of Seat of Ashla and selected the crystal that most called her and thus to Gei in the Force as they are one in the Force thanks to the Dyad between the two of them. He broke the crystal he found into pieces so that he could then forge the shards into the weapon.

Eina herself collected the Fyrirdögun ore, which she later purified herself using metallurgical methods, which metal she later used for the sword. The Valkyrja herself made the Estrian, and everything that was needed for the sword. She really did everything and didn’t entrust this job to anyone. After all, it is her soul mate, the love of her life, who gets the sword. She spent days, but rather weeks, forging and decorating the sword.

Although it looks like the outside of the blade appears to be made of crystal, this is not true. It’s a very thin Fyrirdögun layer, just in snow-white colour, which symbolises Ashla's purity. The inside area is golden, which is also Ashla's colours. The whole sword has a surprisingly angelic appearance, symbolising purity, chivalry, and the Light Side, as it constantly radiates a strong Light Side aura and weak Force Light.

It fits in perfectly with Ashla's religion, views, and her champion, Geiseric. Although the sword is made as a decorative weapon, it can also be used perfectly in combat. Geiseric received it as a gift on the wedding day, from his bride, who is now his wife.

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