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Approved Starship Terminus Assault Pod

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Terminus Assault Pod

Intent: To create an Assault Pod used for bordering Capital Ships and interstellar warfare.
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Permissions: Permission to use MandalMotors a subsidiary of MandalArms granted by the CEO. Permission
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Manufacturer: MandalMotors
Affiliation: MandalMotors; Mandalorians
Market Status: Closed Market
Model: Not Applicable
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel Hull, Durinium

Classification: Assault Ship/Pod
Length: 45 Meters
Width: 25 Meters
Height: 20 Meters
Armament: None
Defenses: Very High
Squadron Count: Low | 8
Maneuverability Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Very High
Hyperdrive: None

  • Reinforced Durasteel Plating
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Durinium Hull Integration
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Ion Engine
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Heat Shields
  • Assault Drill

  • Advanced Rocket Engine

  • Heavily Armored: The Terminus Assault Pod is equipped with reinforced durasteel plating alongside standard deflector shields. It is more than capable of shrugging off large amounts of enemy fire on route to its destination/target.
  • Rocket Powered: Aside from a standard Ion Engine massive Rocket Engines are integrated into the Assault Pod to both assist it in punching through the hulls of enemy ships but also to give it a colossal boost in speed ensuring it is difficult to target.

  • Limited Maneuverability: Essentially the Assault Pods are enormous bullets, their engines propel them forward but don't account for a lot of maneuverability which is why they're used to assault large capital ships that make for large targets.
  • One way ticket: The Assault Pods can only go one way, forward. Once they hit home and bore into the side of whatever Capital Ship they were aimed at there's no going back. If you're looking for a way off you'll have to find it yourself.

The Terminus Assault Pod is the brainchild of Garrus Garon who designed the ship and took it to MandalMotors for production. According to Garrus and others of like mind Mandalorian Warriors should be able to hit hard, hit fast, boarding and taking enemy vessels with ruthless aggression. It's a do or die attack and retreat is never considered. An Assault Pod can carry upwards of twenty troopers for boarding actions, etc.

The Assault Pod is essentially a troop carrier sandwiched between an enormous interplanetary mining drill mounted on the fore and repurposed for assault and a colossal rocket engine mounted on the aft. Once the pod is launched its ion engine assists in steering it so that its aimed at the Capital Ship it's targeting then it cuts out and the rocket engine engages, blasting the Assault Pod towards the target. Defenses such as reinforced durasteel plating and a deflector shield help the Assault Pod survive the journey while the combination of reinforced durasteel plating and heat shields help the Assault Pod punch through any shielding that would otherwise impede it from striking its target. Once it makes contact the enormous drill comes to life, ripping through the hull into the interior of the ship.

A Terminus is intended for interspace warfare and while its heat shields, etc would enable it to enter a planets atmosphere it does not have the proper configuration to maneuver itself into a landing position nor is its velocity ideal for such. If a Terminus lands on a planet it will be a crash landing.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Garrus Garon Garrus Garon

Interesting one, but I found some serious problems:
  • Please link the permission's picture to the permission, what you wrote is not enough.
  • Please link the MandalMotors to the Manufacturer.
  • You're using a wrong template, you need to use the small craft template. Please edit this.
  • Because of the Stealth Systems, the submission can be only unique or semi-unique, so please change the minor production-scale to unique or semi-unique, or delete/modify this feature.
    • A disguise/stealth system is anything that influences, blocks the sensors/systems, makes the ship invisible to the sensors and systems, not only hides the ship from the eyes.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.

I think I've done most of what you asked. I decided to rework the stealth features of the Assault Pod. Really it's an assault pod, it doesn't make economic sense for any company to invest the finances necessary to integrate stealth technology into ships that will likely only ever be used once on an individual scale. Hahah.

Insofar as the Permissions are concerned could you clarify? I understand that you need more however I literally just asked if I could use MandalMotors as the manufacturer over Discord and was given the go ahead. Do you want me to screen shot that? If it's equally acceptable I could probably ask the Company Owner to post her permission to this thread.
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