Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Testing Out New Paint And- Wait This Isn't The Right Wall


Can after can fell from her grasp as Iris worked on her next project. A vast mural spanning two stories of the side of a building. She'd been here for hours in the early morning, humming away happily as she added layer after layer of her signature colors. It'd been such a long time since she'd last done something like this. Painting on canvas was nice and all, but there was something about climbing around to get the right angle to spray the next color on that made it so fun. Various shades of blue and green covered her clothing and skin as she finally took a step back to admire her work.

It wasn't the same style she usually did, but the colors were the same. Bright and vibrant.

That, and there was a secret. She grinned, clearly excited. Later tonight, when she came back, she could check that part out. Finally looking away she turned her gaze towards the morning sun as it rose over Coruscant. This was going to be a good day.

Wait, where was she?

She blinked, staring at the buildings close by. She didn't recognize them. Wasn't this the right place? Oh no. Her gaze shifted back to the mural she'd spray painted. She'd gotten permission for a specific building. Now that she looked closer, this didn't seem to be the same. Ah, Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri would be so mad at her if he found out. He wasn't going to, right? No, she could just leave. Asides, it was just some color here. They could use it, right? She was fine.

No way she was going to get in trouble.

Enigma Enigma
Why was she there again?

Oh right, observation. Something about a Jedi that was a but absent-minded and tended to get herself in trouble. A baby-sitting gig, in other words. Boring! She'd much rather be off hunting down spies or assassinating some Imperial officer, or, well, just about anything. Even being tortured would be more fun than lying on a rooftop and every so often peering out to see what the Jedi was up to. It was difficult not to fall asleep!

Today she had black hair and purple eyes. She wore makeup that disguised her paleness, and her clothing was varying shades of gray pock-marked with subtle browns and oranges to blend in with the city environment. Since she wasn't meant to be seen on this gig, camo seemed appropriate. She missed her more liberating attire, though. Next gig where she got to shmooze someone she was going to have to really make it count to make up for this.

Eventually it seemed the Jedi was done, and Engima thought she was going to get out of this with nothing more than a back ache from lying on the roof. But no such luck. Down the way, coming towards the Jedi, was a street gang. She didn't recognize their symbology, some locla creature probably, but she recognized their weapons. Varying blasters and hand weapons, mostly. She did notice one carrying an old model slug thrower, though. That could be problematic.

She shifted to the edge of the building and pulled her vibro-arbir blades from their place on her back. They were black, and currently off, but they could be ready at a moments notice. And she was far more lethal with them than any Praetorian Guard. The question was, how would the Jedi react to the gang?

Iris Arani Iris Arani

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