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Dominion That is not dead which does eternal lie | AC dominion of Wgah'nagl

Ashlan Crusade Narrator



That is not dead which can eternal lie

Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Wgah'nagl

Nearly 7 months ago, a ship, the Horizon was lost in space to the galactic East of Ashlan Space, it was assumed with all hands. It was a Dominion class that had been tasked with delivery an artifact of dark provenance back to the Ashlans for safe study and eventual disposal.

There were no signs of attack, no distress signal and no clues, it just vanished along its hyperspace route as if it had never existed. The working theory had been that it had accidently jumped into a Star and been vaporised in its entirety.

That was until the signal was detected, from an uncharted system not far outside Ashlan space, a weak, repeating distress call asking for help. The Ashlan navy of course sent rescue ships that eventually found the world, a long scar in the lungle eventually led to the smouldering hull of the Horizon broken in two and lying on its belly across a jungle filled ravine. The ship could have been there for years for all the lush foliage growing though the hull, and yet it had only been lost for months.

The rescuers sent down investigating parties to discover the truth and hopefully rescue any survivors, but each party met with some disaster. It was then decided that Ashlan High Command should be involved and several powerful members took it upon themselves to investigate.

Objective 1

Not long after the crash...

Four days she had been at the bottom of this ventilation shafts, four days since the ship crash landed and she had fallen, waking hours later, all alone with a snapped spine, in the pitch dark with nothing but her water bottle and some ration bars to keep her going.

It was on the second day that she heard... it.. the grating of teeth, the raspy breathing, it was up there, far above her at the other end of the ventilation shaft and she could feel its hungry presence. She didn't sleep at night for fear that the darkness would consume her.

Another trail of drool dropped from above, its warmth stinging her skin. Was it mocking her why didn't it just come down here and finish her off. She thought about all those at home. She wondered how many of her crew had survived the crash and were still here.

Suddenly she heard a banging from behind the panel and voices... her weak dry throat called for help, frightened to draw the attention of whatever was above her.

As the panel was opened, she felt the sweet release that finally she would be rescued. But quickly this was replaced by confusion, her rescuers were upside down, standing on the ceiling?

It only took a moment for her to realise that she had been wrong, she wasn't at the bottom of the shaft, the gravity holding her down was merely in her head... the last thing she thought as reality set in and she fell screaming to the waiting hunger was 'that's impossible' .

There was a sickening crunch, as the darkness swallowed her.


The Ashlans have arrives and the automatic distress signal is running. The ship is overrun by the jungle, but faint human life signs can be detected, dispersed throughout the hull. The crew need to be rescued and if possible, any Ashlan technology recovered.

Objective 2

The locals had been lured to the monstrous metal beast that the olds ones had sent them, it was a gift, and inside its heart was their reward. A sealed box that radiated with the dark energy that their masters so craved.

After a violent clash with the angels thay inhabited the metal beast, they had been victorious, their frail forms no match for the powers of the old gods. They had taken the gift rightfully bestowed upon them and now they travelled by caravan, back toward the forbidden city where their loot could be offered for the favours of their deities.

They did not know what they carried for it was not theirs to know. One of the cultists had decided to have a look for himself and was driven instantly mad. His mewling flesh had then been flayed from his bones and fed to the miriad of beasts that stalked the caravan as they travelled.

The Ashlan Jedi could feel the dark artifact that was on the move and knew what was on the inventory, even if they didn't know the contents of the box. Cartographers estimated it would be no more than a week before the caravan reached the dark city in the distance, a place so dark that it even gave the boldest jedi pause to enter.

Objective 3

Do you dare wander off the beaten track on a world such as this? With so much unexplored territory to discover and secrets to learn...

OOC:- as this is a custom world, we ask as a courtesy that and BYOO objectives be run past one of the Ashlan staff or the planet creator ( Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim ) before going ahead thanks.
Thank you to Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for the banner artwork.

Equipment: D16 slug thrower with extra mags, d16 slug thrower pistol, Cronose Power Suit, cross guard yellow lightsaber, Risen mynock

Originally despite being urged to join in heinrich and the others on this troubling operation Lockdown for once in a very long time refused out of fear. He was afraid he remembers his first moments from back when abolith claimed him as her champion, he remembered the long nights before she claimed him were he wondered alone in a eldrich hellscape. and he could feel the cosmic evil coming from this operation. he originally refused

after spending some time in the nether asking his ancestors for guidance he got it in the form of his old drill instructor back when he was human. "you scared marine?" Lockdown couldn't look the man in the eye ashamed of what he has become. "y-yes sir..." the old grizzled spirit of his drill instructor chuckled "why, your over 300 years old a badass in your own right and your gonna let some mamby pamby feeling scare you? you may be this force using badass to others but your still the wet behind the ears private from all those years ago.....look don't be afraid of dying out there. because you shouldn't be afraid of the inevitable." after leaving the nether from his little pep talk he managed to make it before the others left for the op. that was one week ago.

"you know this place, in general, scares the crap outta me you realize that?" Lockdown inquired to the others while watching his sector. his footsteps heavy in his Cronose power suit. using his risen mynock from way back he instructed it to watch the skies above to make sure nothing was gonna try to swipe us up from the ground and fly off with us. his armored fingers strummed the handguard of his D16 slug thrower as he walked. he was covered from head to toe in this heavy power suit he meticulously made for the crusaders made 30 of them and is carrying around a lot of firepower to boot and yet he felt naked out here and very defenseless. mostly from experience of what might be in store for them all. probably the reason he channeled his omni powers and summoned dead ashlans combined with the armor of his old scarecrows to give them some protection. should he have done so? probably not was he gonna get a earfull later a very likely possibility seeing as a number of those brought back to join them so far on op were old friends of Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , and someone of importance to Geiseric Geiseric as they moved along and some of those he brought back decided to catchup with the ones they left behind. all in all been a eventful week so far so there's that lockdown thought to himself trying to remain positive
Hyrva Vh'akli
Prophet of the Worm Emperor; Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Objective II.: Finish the ritual
Location: Unknown location.
Equipment: Shield talisman | Shadow's Folly || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
[ Whispers and Madness ]
<"Dark words or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Gokln'gha, gokln'gha! L' gokln'gha h'! Ahazath h' ph'nglui ehye ot ymg'!

Hyrva had been home for the last time, but her own contacted her after that ship fell from the sky to the ground. So Truthspeaker came home too. She didn't find the ship interesting, nor was the light side artefact interesting to her. But one thing is yes. The creature that came to save them. There haven't been many of these on this planet, but the woman has heard of them among the Sith more than once. Since such a being could not be used for reproduction like the other crusaders, so the woman had other plans.

Gokln'gha, gokln'gha! L' gokln'gha h'! Ahazath h' ph'nglui ehye ot ymg'!

In the last nearly two weeks, she listened to the screams of the Valkyrja through the Force. Looking through the Force, she saw that the golden light of the entity was fading more and more and becoming black, corrupt. As the Eldritch powers increasingly infect her body and consciousness, taking advantage of the wounds, fractures what the white-haired crusader caused to the woman. It was ironic to see that Eina didn’t understand what had happened, even though she was old and huge. Even the Truthspeaker understood. So it was even easier; she was curious about the result, what kind of creature the result would be.

Gokln'gha, gokln'gha! L' gokln'gha h'! Ahazath h' ph'nglui ehye ot ymg'!

She looked at the huge purple cocoon, Eina was inside it, half unconscious. The entity experienced her worst memories again and again. Hyrva felt that the woman had managed to make contact with someone several times outside, but the cocoon protected the entity under metamorphism from everything. As a matter of fact, Hyrva felt for a while that three creatures were approaching them, but so far she hadn’t cared about them. But now they were too close. Her countless eyes blinked at once. Slightly farther from the cocoon, she began to float in cross-legged sitting for meditation as her prisoner screamed again through the Force…


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Unknown Location
Objective II.: Try to Survive
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Celeste Demici Celeste Demici
[ Torment and Pain ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina arrived at this place in front of everyone, the very day she heard there was a problem. As always, she was driven by the intention to help others, but she had never met a place like this before. Under normal circumstances, Force Entity would probably have easily eliminated the effect had to expect here on herself. But now, because of what happened at the ball, Valkyjra was wounded. Her soul was in pieces, confused and still not understood anything.

Here on the planet, however, she encountered a power she knew nothing to do with. Eina was also powerful, but this something, though mortal, was at least as strong as the Nexus that was on the planet, or rather the planet itself. She only tried to protect Ashlan's men, even at the cost of her life, but she failed.

Eina did not remember much from the next period, she felt some disgusting web woven into her body, which prevented her from doing anything, and this web tried to get deeper and deeper into her body, her energies; she tried to infect her soul; herself. And at the same time, she even limited her strength, her power.

Over and over again, she saw Geiseric go and leave her at the ball. Each time again with stronger feelings than in reality. Other times she saw the events on the ship again, but so that she was late and the man died. Each minute increased her pain, her despair, her doubt in herself, because she still didn’t understand.

When the rescue army arrived on the planet, Eina felt Gei because of the mark on the man's soul. She feared and dreaded that the man would not come if she tried to speak with him. There was no Force-bond among them, but the mark was almost like; when the man was asleep she tried desperately to reach out to the man in the Force, from which Gei could only experience feelings. He could feel Eina's strength, but it was imbued with fear, dread, and confusion. And backwards it didn't work, he could feel her, but he couldn't reach her. And he could hear her screams and begging full of fear and pain while he slept or tried to meditate.

As the days passed the begging became weaker and weaker and the man could only feel torment from her, beside the screams…



Objective 2

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Geiseric Geiseric Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

Greer was excited today, this was the first time she had felt part of the 'grown ups'. She had not heard much from Sir Blair lately so was quite keen to spend time with other Jedi of the Ashlan Crusade, to make her name known on her own merits.

Being on this planet felt strange, but slightly invigorating, she could feel the abject darkness and it was very uncomfortable, but it gave her the resistance to channel her own strength, in the same way a boxer needed his punching bag to resist I order to get the most out of his swing.

Her demeanor would be apparent to the others too, a boldness and eagerness to get stuck in. Her little venture on the world under attack from the Eternal Empire, and her subsequent talk with that, 'Ebony' creature, had given her some focus, a path forward to find her strength.

Her Ashlan Rosary hung loose from a long chain around her neck and she picked it up to kiss it, before nestling it safe into her kilt.

The foliage around her was strange and hard to read, she was very familiar with communing with plant life, but the senses she got from this life, trying to work out how far it may be to the caravan, was garbled and confusing, threatening to know at her mind. So she closed herself off to it for now.
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Objective 1

Brimstone and his Hades commandos had arrived nearly the crashed ship and had approached on foot, their vibroblades making quick work of the foliage covering one of the emergency hatches.

Two of the men were working on the door controls whilst the rest checked the perimeter. The new guy, rotated in after the death at Lur seemed to be doing well, but seemed a bit skittish.

Brim walked over "Commando, this is your first live mission with us, but just one in a notable career, remember that" he put his hand on the man's back. In armour the commando was well over 6ft, but next to Brim they all still looked as though they were his children. Brim's words did seem to get through though and the highly trained soldier remembered that he was just that.

Even so, this place was something new, something dark. As the doors opened, a blast of dark air came out, if Brim had hair, it would have stood up to the chill.

"Right men, Lockdown has given us a few tips but watch yourselves, stay in pairs at least, and do not break contact. Anything weird I want to know."

As a unit, they matched forward into the darkness.

Under other circumstances, they would have left this world well enough alone. Quarantine Planet 142 was a blank spot on most maps, but not those ones retrieved from the databanks of liberated Sith worlds. It seemed the Empire had some designs for the backwater, and upon their arrival Geiseric could guess why. Even from orbit the planet radiated a sickeningly dark aura.

you know this place, in general, scares the crap outta me you realize that?

“I have no designs on stopping you if you wish to turn around. I only fear what might happen to you if you don’t stay strong.” He uttered the words judgingly, spoken as much to himself as to the other man. They were all subject to the feelings of terror this world brought on. How it affected them was unique to each.

Their journey had been many torturous days already. The handful of crusaders were mixed company: Heinrich was a good friend, Greer an eager and competent apprentice… and Ty, the one he was most on edge about. He knew enough about the man’s history to know bringing him was a risk, but if he was truly serious about redeeming himself in the Light of Ashla, this trek would be the time to make or break him. Geiseric felt he himself was a risk, given the reason they had journeyed to the dreadful world: Eina.

When he’d heard they’d found her ship crashed upon the planet, he’d been the first to volunteer his blade to the expedition. But it was more than a feeling in his sword-arm that brought him there. It was a feeling in his heart, the same feeling that made their trek through the dense rainforest even less bearable. The thoughts of Eina, and the holy rosary she had gifted him on the night they’d parted, kept an aura of light around him, warming him against the brutal and chilling darkness. But it was the darkness within that posed the greatest threat.

Just when he’d thought he had conquered it, when he’d weathered the storm of Sith captivity and been rescued by the light, the darkness found new ways to torment him. He was angry with himself, an anger that wouldn’t pass, the kind the Bogan feeds easily from. The feeling of Eina’s aura, somewhere far off yet strong enough that he could sense her pain, was a guide to them, though the others could not feel it the same. He hadn’t seen her since that night, the night he’d told her of his feelings… the night he’d sworn himself away from her. He wondered if it had been a mistake. Every night since they’d landed on Wgah’nagl he’d dreamt of her, and she plagued his waking thoughts.

“How do you fare, Greer? And you, Heinrich?”

Zane DeZorroe


Objective: Explore the planet
Gear: Standard Yellow Lightsaber | Breath Mask
Music for the vibe:

"Careful Master DeZorroe" A droid voice said as Zane walked down the ramp of his light freighter. Waving back to them he tried to reassure them that he would be fine. Although that felt like something of a bluff to him. Since he started his training under the Ashlan Crusade to better understand the force and how to connect with it he got a horrid feeling being on the planet. He was to put his cartography skills to use. Mostly to provide better understanding and accounts of what lie under so much of the jungle foliage.

He'd parked his ship by the base of what he understood to be an old volcano. At least that's what some of his scans had told him. Getting a himself ready he began his trek away from the ship into the jungle and up the side of the volcano, feeling glad that he had his breath mask with him as to avoid the toxins of the volcanic gasses if there were any.

As he made his way up he felt something, from his understanding a strong dark side presence due to it's negativity. Zane was still very new to his understanding of the force and how to recognize it and use it's abilities. With him he head an old vibro machete to aid in getting through the jungle some. Only using it when his path had gotten too thick to continue traveling in. Eventually Zane himself got to a cliff where he took a break for himself. Looking out some at the rather small but exhausting progress he'd made. Now getting a better idea of where the terrain that he was to help chat out for the Crusade. However, his gaze was pulled aside some. There he saw something rather magnificent. A large seemingly dead tree peering over the foliage some. He was surprised seeing it now and not when he'd flown over. Finding it almost unbelievable how he was just seeing it.

Although, witnessing it gave him something of a eerie and sickening feeling. Again it had to be the dark side that was ingrained to the very soil of this planet. He'd heard before arriving that it was a "dark world with dark inhabitants" but he wasn't quite sure what that meant. Than Zane felt something else, something of a whisper in his mind. He snapped his head back after sensing it. Knowing that he wasn't alone...
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Tags: Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown , Geiseric Geiseric , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici , Zane DeZorroe


Something sleeps in the dark... or perhaps, something had stirred. It was unclear to Heinrich if the Ashlan presence on the planet had awoken some slumbering horror, or if it had been active long before they had arrived. Perhaps, it had been there all along...

He made sure to stay close to his comrades as they traversed the endless unknown of Wgah'nagl, cautiously eyeing their surroundings as they pushed toward a distant goal. Heinrich didn't feel right, even as soon as they had left the shuttle the lingering whispers of dread had wandered into the deep caverns of his mind. There was no way of knowing what they would find here, and in truth, Heinrich was hesitant to even support the idea of the expedition. Yet, they were beacons of Ashla's Light, would it not be a failure of their duty to forego such a task? Perhaps, but that simple fact did little to calm the Grand Marshal's nerves. Heinrich looked toward Lockdown as they continued to press on. It was clear that such a place of darkness would have a negative effect on those that walked in the light, but Heinrich was unsure as to how it would affect one such as Lockdown.

"Your feeling causes concern, to be sure. If you are experiencing such emotions, then I am wary of what that means for the rest of us. Nevertheless, as long as we stick to the course, we will be okay. We just have to do our best to keep our minds right."

He turned toward Geiseric as they continued on.

"I am... alright. This place is making me feel uncomfortable, like we are being watched. It's a strange nagging at the back of my mind that I can't seem to shake. If I were alone, I can't say I would be doing as well. But that aside, how are you, Geiseric?"

It was a little bit of a loaded question. Heinrich wasn't entirely sure of the dynamic between Geiseric and Eina, but he knew that they certainly shared a bond. The suffering of Eina was felt by all, but Heinrich could only imagine how the man felt. He just hoped that their wills would hold out long enough for them to get off of the planet alive.

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Equipment: D16 slug thrower with extra mags, d16 slug thrower pistol, Cronose Power Suit, cross guard yellow lightsaber, Risen mynock

“I have no designs on stopping you if you wish to turn around. I only fear what might happen to you if you don’t stay strong.” He uttered the words judgingly, spoken as much to himself as to the other man. They were all subject to the feelings of terror this world brought on. How it affected them was unique to each.
Lockdown would look towards the person who said that to him, "You calling me a coward?" Lockdown was getting very agitated the feeling of the darkness in this place, the eldrich plight that taints this world he can feel all around them and had not felt such power in a long time or when he's around abolith. turning fully to face him he levels his D16 in their direction. "Im only gonna say this once if you want to judge me like you people do whenever I work with you, now is not the time. I'm worried for a legitimate reason I haven't felt this level of eldritch power since my homeworld was invaded or when I was around either an eldrich god walks among us or this planet is infested both of which are not good thoughts. so unless you want me to stop giving advice and just slot you for your rudeness, then button it."

lowering the gun Lockdown returns to watching his sector the stress getting to him due to their situation causing him to say things he regrets to others in the group. turning his head to Heinrich.

"Your feeling causes concern, to be sure. If you are experiencing such emotions, then I am wary of what that means for the rest of us. Nevertheless, as long as we stick to the course, we will be okay. We just have to do our best to keep our minds right."
"I will try Heinrich however if I were you id ask you to keep your thoughts in check as eldrich beings tend to use their ability to peel your thoughts and subconscious to find things to torment you with....and with the amount of evil I sense here not even I am safe so all I can offer is advice to you all as I'm doing all I can to give us a chance at completing our mission."

crackling purple energy goes from his freehand to connecting to each of the teammates before disappearing their mids would feel clearer as they move. were as lockdown would pause in his stride and shake his head almost as if it made him dizzy "now if we should get mentally attacked I'd suffer the effects for the first attack leaving a lot of you free from its horrors."
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Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Unknown Location
Objective II.: Try to Survive
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Celeste Demici Celeste Demici | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
[ Torment and Pain ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Again and again; again the same pictures, feelings. Each time, eldritch corruption penetrated deeper and deeper into the energies of the Force Entity. It infected and shaped her more and more. As the Ashlan group got closer and closer, it became easier for the woman to reach Gei subconsciously. Instinctively, she had no idea she was sharing the things at the ball with the man over and over again.

"Did I do something wrong?" "Everything I’ve done so far has been evil and wrong?" "Is anything going to change because of this? Or are we still going to talk, train together, fight together? Can I still come to you if I want to? Can I stay the same as I have been so far?"

Her voice is the same pleading, uncomprehending, innocent as it was then. Every single time. Only now Gei could have not only hear the words, but he could feel what she felt at the ball. Confusion, he was able to feel the deep love Eina felt for him, but also that she didn’t understand these feelings. Those were completely new to her, she never felt them before. She didn't know what she was feeling. There was only light and innocence in the feelings. The man might have felt that she didn’t understand when he said he loved her, just that he considered her important. She didn't understand the concept of lust either. That's why she didn't understand why the man treated her the way he did. That's why Gei crushed and broke her completely. That is why she was afraid of everything and everyone that others would treat her that way. That's why she lost all her confidence. She didn't understand.

"Did I do something wrong?" "Everything I’ve done so far has been evil and wrong?" "Can I still come to you if I want to?" "HEEEEEEEELP!" a scream broke the words.

For a moment the crusader could have felt Eina's pain, and now he could have felt the ice-cold corruption that had fed upon the Valkyrja. Fear, dread, pain, physical ones, what the process caused, and spiritual ones, what Gei caused when he broke her heart and soul. The man saw Eina for a moment, as if standing next to her. She was in a purple cocoon, floating in it, she was not fully conscious. Her beautiful red hair faded to pink, her golden-red wings turned white and began to rot, tentacles grew out of her body in several places, and corruption continued to grow.

"Did I do something wrong?" "Everything I’ve done so far has been evil and wrong?" "I do not understand you said we are friends… friends stand side by side to the end." "Please don't go… I don't understand. Please, Gei… explain it!" "Why? Did I do something wrong?" "It hurts, help me, please …" "GEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIII" she screamed again in pain.

The woman's light dimmed, and the golden light also became corrupt. Suddenly everything moved, Eina instinctively tried to reach out the bond again that was between the two of them…


Hyrva Vh'akli
Prophet of the Worm Emperor; Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Objective II.: Finish the ritual
Location: Unknown location.
Equipment: Shield talisman | Shadow's Folly || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
[ Whispers and Madness ]
<"Dark words or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

F' nog, f' nog! Nilgh'ri ot f' ephaiah ymg' ya uh'eog!

Hyrva's meditation quickly deepened, it wasn't a very difficult task, and it didn't bother her what was happening next to her with Eina. Very soon she found the small group who were approaching. She immediately felt it was an interesting company. They have been on the planet for quite some time and have been watched by animals, plants, and other creatures for a long time, so it wasn’t hard to keep track of them. Time worked for Truthspeaker, Nexus and the planet had already affected them, their minds. After a few moments, everyone could hear the following words in their minds:

F' nog, f' nog! Nilgh'ri ot f' ephaiah ymg' ya uh'eog!

~ Ahf' ymg' ah r'luhh? Ai ya! ~ and all this was followed by a sharp pain lasting for a second, in their minds. Like when a needle stabs their skin. That was the moment the Truthspeaker caught their minds. However, they could notice a change immediately, they could hear an eldritch whisper from all sides in their mind. Except Gei; he was still protected by Eina's mark and her power, but in return the man experienced her feelings and thoughts over and over again.

F' nog, f' nog! Nilgh'ri ot f' ephaiah ymg' ya uh'eog!

Ty was the first to suddenly hear a familiar voice in the distance, in addition to the whisper. The voice of his long-dead wife. Looking in the direction of the sound, there was a meadow, the woman sitting there on a blanket, two children running around her. She looked at Ty with a smile and laughed softly at him. The two children were definitely their two children. And she gestured to him with a smile, urging Ty to finally join them.

F' nog, f' nog! Nilgh'ri ot f' ephaiah ymg' ya uh'eog!

In the midst of the whispers, Greer found herself on the practice track of the order when one of her fellow mates rushed to tell her that something was wrong. The girl's home planet has been attacked and she needs to come. If she went, she received more than one message in the control room. There was an old one in which she was called back home, but she did not go because she was afraid that then the Sith would destroy her home like the vision said. Two weeks ago, another message from home, she didn't even look at that anymore. That was the distress call. Today is the news of mourning. And it flashed through her mind that if she went home, she could have saved them, Bogan and fear prevailed…

F' nog, f' nog! Nilgh'ri ot f' ephaiah ymg' ya uh'eog!

And Eina, Gei, and for some reason, shared the same vision. Ession could be seen from space, a huge red vortex swirling over the planet. A gigantic dark side storm. The centre of the whole was at the capital of the planet, and here too at the largest and holiest cathedral. Sudden rupture and someone standing in the square in front of the cathedral; Heinrich.

The square in front of the cathedral is soaked in blood, with crusaders, demons and Valkyrja bodies everywhere. The man walked to the cathedral. The storm clearly gained energy from within. Inside were several more dead crusaders, dead Valkyrja chained to the columns, in handcuffs with strange runes. There were golden-red feathers all over the ground, torn out, with golden ichors at their ends. Eina's feathers; her wings cut off, laid on the ground slightly inward the area. Nowhere is a survivor.

In the centre of the cathedral was an altar, at the top of the altar lay Eina in a snow-white long Essian aristocratic dress, on the dress they embroidered an Ashla symbol, in addition to the symbols of Geiseric's noble house and House Grayson. A chain with similar runes tied her to the altar, a sword decorated with Sith runes pierced her chest, impaling her to the altar. Her dress was bloody at her chest, a beating human heart was laid on her chest, the sword pierced that too, but the heart was still beating.

Geiseric sat in front of the altar, his heart torn, he was dead, but he was still bleeding. He sat in a strange pose, but still holding Eina's hand, their fingers tied together. Red blood flowed from the Crusader, golden ichor from the Valkyrja, the two gathered in a circle around the altar, intermingling to form a circular rune that prevented Heinrich from going there. The Sith spell constantly absorbed Eina's strength, and whatever the spell did, she didn't let the girl die, but her and Gei's strength and beating heart kept the storm alive…

And Heinrich was helpless, feeling that the storm was swallowing the whole planet and killing everyone on it, swallowing their souls and creating a rift into the Netherworld. The cathedral protected him, again only he survived, and the vision was shattered…


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Objective 2

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Geiseric Geiseric Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

“How do you fare, Greer? And you, Heinrich?”

"Strangely good, if I am honest." She reconsidered, "no, good isn't the word, this place is horrible and it knaws at me, focused is probably better, like I can see my chunk of the force and it is there for me to use, I feel powerful"

It was so hard to describe and put it into words how this place was making her feel, she felt better connected to the force than ever before.

But there was something else, something playing on her mind, like a half forgotten memory, slowly revealing itself. She thought about her family back home, they were happy and sa...? Were they? She had received the news that the Sith had?

She shook her head, her memories were getting muddled up, the Sith hadn't found her fa...? Had they? What about that warning she received and the distress call?

Panic swept over her, has she been so wrong? The vision said she needed to be home in order for the Sith to win? But vision could be wrong. She tried to shake off the memories as they imprinted them in to her conscious mind, but the padawan had no more power over them than a notebook had over its writer.

She growled in pain as she saw the anguished faces of her family as they cried out to her for help, their screams cut short by the darkness.

All this time, Greer had told herself that her self imposed exile was her sacrifice to protect her family, but now it is clear, she was frightened. So frightened of the Sith finding her that she abandoned her home and wasn't there to protect them when the hour came.

She gritted her teeth and her lightsaber ignited almost instinctively.

"I am very good master Jedi, and once we catch up to those theiving darksiders, I am ready to do exactly what needs to be done." Her previous bubbly Scottish accent was now laced with malice and determination.

“Good, that is an attitude that will do us well.” he replied to Greer. He didn’t want to press her anymore than needed. Both her master and Heinrich must have thought high enough of her abilities to let her join this expedition, so he had no reason to doubt her.

He shot a stern look to Ty, but held his tongue. The man was crass, but Geiseric could tell deep down he was trying. He wouldn‘t have accompanied the knights if that weren’t the case, and saying anything more in response to his comments would only strengthen the tensions between the group members.

“Did I do something wrong?” he heard the faint words of a woman’s voice, aloud he replied “sorry?” only to realize that no one in the group had spoken them.

The words became louder, and all to familiar. It was then the crusader’s calm and collected facade came crumbling down. He began to sweat even more than he had simply from walking in the jungle, and his skin turned ghostly pale. His eyes surveyed far into the forest at a frantic pace.

“She’s here! I hear her!” he yelled, his voice cracking, “Eina where are you?! I’m coming! Where are you?!”

Off in the distance, standing motionless beside a thick tree, was the radiant blue spirit form that Eina took in the netherworld. It was her base, her purest appearance. A tear shed from his eye, rolling halfway down his cheek before it was caught and amalgamated by the beads of sweat that covered his face. His eyes locked to hers across the distance, his heart raced. He ignited his saber And sprinted for her, slashing through the thick foliage to reach his love.

He ran, then slashed, then ran, the mud gripping his every step as if it were trying to hold him back from Eina. Finally something in the underbrush caught his leg and tripped him. His lightsaber fell from his hand and deactivated, mashing into the thick black mud. The crusader collapsed reaching up and out towards her, and looking up only to find she was gone.

“No… no…” his voice had turned frail with dark realization,

“GEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!” Her shrill scream boomed in his mind. He rolled onto his back and clutched his temples tightly with both hands as his head was rocked. He sunk slightly deeper into the mud and released shouts of agonizing pain. He tried to speak to her, but in the moment he knew only pain and could only scream, just as she was.

Then the dark canopy above him faded to black. When next his eyes opened, they were not his own. His thoughts were, but he was not in control the body they occupied. On the steps of a grand cathedral an unprecedented storm raged, but a place he thought would offer shelter and salvation offered estrangement and damnation.

Within the church laid a gruesome sight. Chained to the great stone pillars and the walls were warriors of the Valkryja, their proud and noble wings laying torn on the ground beneath them. In the rows and rows of pews, dead and mutilated crusaders gathered for mass, those who still had hands attached to their bodies folding them in prayer, their heads locked upwards in Rigor Mortis towards the dark stained glass and the storm raging beyond. The depiction on the glass was clear: the golden armour of Cedric Grayson, bloodied, chained to a cross. As the thunder cracked and the lightning flash illuminated the candlelit service for the dead, a vivid image of the scene as clear as day flashed across his mind.

Whoever the vessel was that his mind travelled in moved closer to the pulpit, a grand alter where the brutality continued. The sight sickened him. It was him, and Eina. His corpse sat in a defeated position on the floor, with his back to the altar, reaching up to lock his fingers around hers. The golden ichor that was her blood ran down her arm, then down his. The stream of gold stopped before the gaping hole in Geiseric’s chest where his heart should have been. Now it was a mess of gore. His head, like the other’s was locked upwards, but craned as if he was trying to catch a glimpse of Eina in his final moments. His free hand, the one not clutching Eina’s, was missing. His lightsaber was equally nowhere to be found.

Was this… fate? He recalled Mirial, a few months before. The Mirialans believed the Force was intrinsically tied to fate, and that a man’s fate was the sum of his action both good and bad, light and dark. What would lead him to this fate? Was this how him and Eina were meant to be? Apart now, and soon to be dead? The thought… the sight of this atrocity… it was too much to bear, and again his vision faded to black.

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust


Tags: Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown , Geiseric Geiseric , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici , Zane DeZorroe


Heinrich took Ty's words very seriously, attempting to steel his mind as much as he could as they pressed on. After their experience together on Cadomai, Heinrich knew that Ty would be the one to turn to for advice in this expedition. He turned to Greer as they pressed forward, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Your strength is welcome, padawan. Such focus will be needed on this day."

Not long after that, Heinrich noticed the strange behavior in Geiseric. He began speaking in a sort of confused tone as he addressed them in a troubling manner. Not long after, the man's voice became frantic, as if he were almost calling out to the thick foliage of the jungle itself. Heinrich saw the man's lightsaber roar to life as Geiseric began desperately hacking his way forward. Heinrich turned toward their companions, his hand instinctively reaching for his own blade.

"Stay together, I'm going to go after him."

As Heinrich turned back to the path Geiseric had so violently hacked through the jungle, he was met with a different scene all together. The dense foliage of the planet faded away, and was replaced with a vision of what Heinrich could call absolute horror. Trees were traded for burning ruins, the brush replaced by a sea of corpses both familiar and unknown. Yet, the area seemed familiar... Ession?

No... it couldn't be. Heinrich tried to tell himself that it was only in his head, hoping he could snap out of it. He slapped himself in the face, thinking that a shock to the system could bring his focus back. Yet with every blink of the eyes, the scene only grew more grim. His companions of old were littered across the ground, accompanied by those close to Heinrich now. In the midst of it all, there was that nagging sensation of failure... of weakness. The crusader had failed to protect his planet... his people... and yet he was spared. How could that be? Could it be that his years of imprisonment were a sort of atonement for his failures on Ession? Maybe he was meant to suffer... perhaps, failure was to be his fate.

"No... no...."

He knelt down next to one of the fallen, reaching out to them as taking them in his arms. As he did so, the corpse crumbled away to dust. Heinrich found himself looking to the ground, his hands over his ears as he screamed at the void, demanding that the visions stop.


The voices within his mind grew in volume and number, and within the cacophony of uncertainty, he let out a scream of his own.


Equipment: D16 slug thrower with extra mags, d16 slug thrower pistol, Cronose Power Suit, cross guard yellow lightsaber, Risen mynock

For once in his 300 years of unlife Lockdown felt hurt by Not only the pain in his head but his unbeaten hearthstone ached when he saw Viv his Vivian. as she motioned for him to fallow with their two children Ty would move a few steps forward before stopping His risen mynock feeling the disturbance on its masters mind as it landed on his shoulder and started draining his energy enough to snap him out of it enough to realise this was wrong. He looked at her behind his helmet and if he could cry he would. "One day I will see you again VIv then me you hunter and Nix will be a family again, But..." reaching his hands forward the area of space and time rippled as he sent a shockwave of eldritch magic to dispel his Illusion. "today is not that day."

" Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Stick close weve been made!!"
Turning on all suit systems his shoulder mounted Eweb wurred to life as it made its way into position and began scanning for targets turning his attention to the direction heinrich and Geiseric ran to most likey the visions hit them hard too and their suffering their own hell. Aiming his D16 he made use of his 300 years of assassination experience and shot two rounds downrange to miss their heads by inches the sound and shockwave should be enough to shake them free of their super before he looked to Greer. "Go restrain Geiseric before he gets himself or us killed." Turning his attention to Heinrich and made his way to his comrad as he wrapped his arms around the man. using his Own telekinetic and eldrich powers to reach to his his mind. "Its not real Heinrich Its okay I'm here...I got your back. tobor shilta qe gloma mrith vor, bekiwra, vur trekis claxir, tangis ios vin pazien ithquent baleful udoka mrith ro xsio nation"
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Unknown Location
Objective II.: Try to Survive
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Celeste Demici Celeste Demici | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
[ Torment and Pain ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

During the vision, Eina did not feel ill at the sight of death, it was natural for her. What horrified her was what had happened to the members of Valkyrja and the fact of the massacre that it didn’t make sense. For her, only Gei's death and suffering was painful. She didn't understand who and why anyone wanted to hurt the man like that. Or the others. The death of her people was worse, the soul of the crusaders goes to the Nether, but Valkyrja dies permanently.

"Gei…" she whispered in a semi-unconscious state, while a few tears mingled in the liquid in which she was floating.

The vision washed away the images of the torture for a few minutes and was now released from the garden, the nightmare, for a few minutes. Now she was able to feel what was around her. She was able to comprehend what was happening to her, overwhelmed by fear, which eventually turned to terror as she felt Geiseric in the distance. Her beloved crusader… The next moment, Hyrva's power dragged her back into the nightmare again. Eina screamed again.

It all started again, the man left her again and again. Each time caused more and more wounds into which corruption could nestle…

"Did I do something wrong?" "Everything I’ve done so far has been evil and wrong?" "Is anything going to change because of this? Or are we still going to talk, train together, fight together? Can I still come to you if I want to? Can I stay the same as I have been so far?" again and again.

Fear, despair, incomprehension, pain, dread, worry, tender emotions, even more pain… Gei could still feel them as he could hear her words over and over again. As she relived the events at the ball over and over again.

"I do not understand, you said we are friends… friends stand side by side until the end." "Please don't go… I don't understand. Please, Gei… explain it!" "Why? Did I do something wrong?" over and over again.

However, despite her mental pain, Eina definitely wanted to protect the man, and she was a strong Force user despite the corruption. She could not wait for this to happen on its own, she was also able to create it, either by force or with the consent of the other party. She reaching out to Geiseric, the man could once again feel the woman's pleasantly warm and soothing power that surrounded him and he could feel the offer that Valkyrja had offered him to forge a closer relationship, connection, the woman wanted to create a Force-bond between the two of them.

Geiseric could reject it if he wanted to, in which case Eina would back down, she is not forcing him. However, if he accepted, a gentle, warm, pleasant, yet strong bond developed between them in the Force, through which he could feel Eina much better. He knew exactly where she was; he felt in what state, he was able to feel her thoughts, her feelings, if he wanted to. If he accepted this, the world suddenly was torn in two. The man was able to perceive reality at the same time and was at once in the Garden of the Fallen that is part of the Sanctuary.

Here, in their mind, Eina appeared before her, she was in the same dress as at the ball, but her appearance was what the man wanted to see, either blue or the angel, but her height was smaller, in which she was a little smaller, like the man. She was broken. Her gaze was startled, afraid; she was afraid that Gei would leave again. Confused, she still didn't understand why the man did what he did, yet she missed Gei so much. It was a happiness and a pain at the same time to Eina to finally see the crusader. These were all felt by the man. As well as she having millions of questions. "Isn't he leaving now?" "He's not leaving her alone this time, isn't he?" But Eina couldn't speak, just trembled as she hugged herself defensively with her arms. She was afraid of everything and everyone, she lost all self-confidence. Probably now Gei could see for the first time the consequence of his actions, that he had completely crushed the girl months ago. If the man wanted to touch her, he could, it was as if they were physically present.

"Gei…" she whispered at last with great difficulty, hoarsely. Eina wanted to say so many things, or ask, but she was unable to say more at that moment. Yet the Valkyrja knew they might not have too much time.


Hyrva Vh'akli
Prophet of the Worm Emperor; Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Objective II.: Finish the ritual
Location: Unknown location.
Equipment: Shield talisman | Shadow's Folly || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
[ Whispers and Madness ]
<"Dark words or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Lw'nafh'nahor lloig. Nilgh'ri ot f' ah lw'nafh'nahor, mgng uh'enyth ephaiahnyth ymg' llll syha'hnahh.

Ty thought he knew the eldritch tricks and magic, so he shattered it. However, his wife and children did not disappear. When the man spoke to Greer, the children stopped and hid behind their mother in fright. As Ty reached the duo Heinrich and Geiseric and tried to touch them, the two knights disappeared, as did the girl.

"Mom, what is Dad doing? Scary! Why doesn't he play with us? I want to go home!" they said crying.

"Ty? What are you doing? You scare me and the children! Are the nightmares and hallucinations starting again? I thought the doctor said you are fine…" his wife asked worriedly.

The meadow became a park, Ty was a man in ordinary average human clothes. There were countless families in the park besides them, and because of the former’s behavior, many people looked at him strangely as he said strange words into the air and spoke to invisible people.

Lw'nafh'nahor lloig. Nilgh'ri ot f' ah lw'nafh'nahor, mgng uh'enyth ephaiahnyth ymg' llll syha'hnahh.

"Greer? Who are you talking to? For Ashla's name! Turn off the lightsaber and calm down, padawan!" said a voice and placed his hand friendly on her shoulder.

Greer was still in the control room, and it was one of the masters who did so. The other padawan and person here was looking at the girl in alarm, holding the lightsaber in her hand. Suddenly she heard whispers in her mind. Though she may not have known, these were the non-local eldritch words which Ty said, because the duo was still standing side by side in reality, of which they don’t sense much. For the girl, these were mostly ur-Kittât words in her mind due to the mind game.

"Greer? Can you think calmly already? You know we can't let you go home in this situation, don't you?" the old knight asked.

Lw'nafh'nahor lloig. Nilgh'ri ot f' ah lw'nafh'nahor, mgng uh'enyth ephaiahnyth ymg' llll syha'hnahh.

During the vision and screams, Heinrich could have feel Eina's aura. She wasn't originally meant for him, but since the man was close to Geiseric, she reached out him too. The aura of Valkyrja was a warm, golden, pure light in the darkness of the planet. And last but not least, her aura was able to ward off the darkness, even in the case of Heinrich. At least for as long as the man is able to think again. However, this only lasted until Eina's aura began to fade, then the darkness reached the man again.

"You left us! Why didn't you help us when we needed you ?! Why didn't you die with us? Heinrich! Come, come to us! You can rest here! Nothing will torment you anymore!" he could hear the whispers from all directions from the forest.

Lw'nafh'nahor lloig. Nilgh'ri ot f' ah lw'nafh'nahor, mgng uh'enyth ephaiahnyth ymg' llll syha'hnahh.

Geiseric could feel Eina again after the vision, this time for the first time much more clearly the girl's presence from quite a distance; it was not nearby. There was silence for a minute or two, then again, as if something had overshadowed and dimmed the presence and aura of the Valkyrja. It was after this that the woman in the Force hugged the man to protect her and tried to create the Force-bond. At the same time, the man could hear another woman's voice.

"You're late! I can say thank you... for her, for your "guardian angel". If you hadn't hurt her, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to do so, she could never have been mine. Her metamorphosis is coming to an end, you won’t get here in time… you lose her before she could have been yours. Thank you, "crusader of light"! Thank you for giving her to me." she said cruelly.

//OOC: I tried to write as a normal DM/Storyteller post, but since I can't control or affect your character, it is your decision how much of this you accept. //

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Objective 2

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Geiseric Geiseric Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

Greer snapped back in to reality, standing in the control room, no longer on that dark planet? "What?" She asked, confused about her visions of Wgah'ngal. "What is going on, everything there felt so real?" she felt the anger and the panic washing over her as she looked at her now deactivated lightsaber. "What in the gods name is happening?"

She reached down to her clan Rosary beads and kissed them to make a prayer for her sanity, in that moment, the real greer made the same action with her own Rosary, her ashlan Rosary. Praying into this sacred item briefly reconnected her to her body as it pushed the darkness away.

She looked over at the man in the control room, he was still there, but now she felt she was between two worlds as the Rosary thinned the veil for her. The many looked twisted and corrupted, his figures elongation unnaturally as he spoke.

She felt her anger rising again, someone or something was doing this too her, but which was the real world, she couldn't be enitely certain, she remembered for a fact that she had walked into the control room, but she also remembered a conversation with her jedi allies that were on the eldritch World.

She focused, trying hard to centre herself and shake the feelings away but they kept coming. She needed to try something drastic. Reactivating her light saber, she held it in front of her and brought her other arm up.

The agony seared through her very soul as she brushed the blade across the back of her bare arm, all other feeling were banished and she found herself, very much in the real world, holding her burning plasma blade against her seared skin. Tears ran down her face as she did nothing to try and dull the pain, for fear that once the pain subsided, the confusion would return.

" friends.." She shouted, her voice broken through the pain, "something is attacking out minds, we must work focus and stay strong"

Greer felt the world beginning to blur again as the darkness reasserted itself over her, twisting the saber slightly to renew the pain she regained her clarity momentarily but it was too much for her body to take and she blacked out.

"What happened?" She asked the man standing over her as she came round in the brightly lit room? "I had these strange visions and everything went dark? I thought I cut mys..." She looked down at her arms, health and undamaged "oh? Maybe you should take this off me in case I actually hurt myself, and Greer handed her lightsaber to the old man in the room in front of her"

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Geiseric’s eyes snapped open again to a much different sight than the dreadful massacre his eyes had fallen on before. Already the images of the dead receded from his mind, not gone, but repressed into the darkest corners. Perhaps for a little while, or perhaps the rest of his life. It was all so confusing, for that felt like a life time ago. Here, in the Sanctuary, he felt at peace. He was blissfully unaware that his true corporeal form lay face down in the muck… this felt real enough.

Standing across from him was Eina. He had never felt so close to her, their auras one and the same. He smiled at her, sensing the pain between them. The crusader stepped forward and took her in his arms, resting her head on his shoulder as he embraced her.

“I will not leave you, Eina. You have my word” he could feel the pain they shared being healed. He pushed away from their embrace and held her shoulders with both hands, looking deep into her eyes. He wanted to stay here forever, where there was no war, no Sith, no Brotherhood of the Maw. There was only peace, and love… and light. “I love-“ his confession was abruptly stopped by a sharp pain in his chest, as if he’d taken a knife to the heart. He froze in place, his eyes still locked to hers. Her eyes filled with black until they were solid and dar. He watched helplessly as her body melted and withered into a grotesque mockery of her beautiful form.

"You're late! I can say thank you... for her, for your "guardian angel". If you hadn't hurt her, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to do so, she could never have been mine. Her metamorphosis is coming to an end, you won't get here in time… you lose her before she could have been yours. Thank you, "crusader of light"! Thank you for giving her to me." a dark voice whispered, sending a chill down Geiseric’s spine. The vision of twisted Eina crumbled to dust before him, and the Sanctuary turned to a dark lair. He looked around panicked. The other woman who spoke to him was nowhere to be seen, not yet at least. Ahead of him, however, he could see Eina, trapped with the cocoon, still corrupted. The pain came flooding back. Not just his pain, but hers as well. Trying to move towards her he found he couldn’t control his legs. They were stiff, still paralyzed.

“Show yourself, servant of the Bogan! Tell me what you’ve done to her!”

Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

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