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Approved Starship The Azure Sun

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Good Men Don't Need Rules




  • Classification: Starfighter Interceptor (Anaxes War College Classification.)
  • Role: Dedicated Jedi Starfighter, Interceptor, Light Escort, Close-Air Support, Etc.
  • Length: 8 Metres.
  • Width: 4 Metres.
  • Height: 2 Metres.
  • Armament: Average Rating.
    • [1] Dual Repeating Light Laser Cannons [Fixed Forward; Stutter-fire Capable.]
    • [1] Dual Repeating Light Ion Cannons [Fixed Forward.]
    • [2] Flexible Warhead Launchers [Underslung and Fuselage Mounted; Fixed Forward.]
      • Missile Capacity: 8 Various Warheads with Variable Payloads.
    • [1] Automated Barbette Antimissile Octet [Retractable Cowling; Dual Fuselage Projectors (Fixed Forward).]
    • [1] Null-Burst Projector [Fixed Forward; Belly Mounted]
  • Defenses: High Rating.
  • Squadron Count: None Rating.
  • Maneuverability Rating: 95 DPF - Extreme Rating.
  • Speed Rating: Extreme Rating.
  • MGLT: 160 MGLT
  • Maximum Atmospheric Speed: 2,617 Km/H
  • Hyperdrive: Equipped.
    • Primary Hyperdrive: Class 1.
    • Secondary Hyperdrive: Class 8.
  • Engine Unit(s): Starfighter - Class Ion Engines, with Integrated Repulsorlift Generator(s.)
  • Primary Power Plant: Starfighter - Class Compact Fusion Reactor.
  • Secondary Power Plant: Solar Ionization Conversion Module(s) with Retractable Agrinium Collection Arrays.
  • Passengers:
    • None.
  • Crew Complement (Optimal): One Pilot, Integrated Droid Brain and/or One Astromech Droid.
  • Crew Complement (Skeletal): Integrated Droid Brain.
  • Escape Craft: One Escape Pod / Detachable Cockpit Module.
  • Cargo Capacity: 80 Kilograms - Survival and Maintenance Equipment.
  • Consumables: One Week.
  • Standard Sensor and Targeting Systems.
  • Standard Avionics Package and Navigation System.
    • Precision MicroJump Computer.
  • Standard Life Support System, with Inertial Compensation System.
    • Automatic Polarizing Canopy (Integrated Resistance to Blinding Lights; Synthetic or Natural.)
  • Standard Damage and Hazard Control Systems.
  • Standard Anti-Ion Emission Tracker (Anti-Hyperspace Tracking.)
  • Standard Tractor Beam Shroud; Anti-Tractor Beam - Activated System.
  • Standard Communication Systems, with Encrypted Military Keys.
  • Standard Shift and Relativistic Shielding.
  • Standard Integrated VTOL System.
  • Standard Landing Configuration and Retractable Struts.
  • Standard S-Foils - Attack and Locked Positions.



  • Highly Automated, with Animated Metal Sealant, Automated Repair Droids, and Minor Regenerative Properties.
  • Advanced Countermeasure, Sensor and Targeting Suite.
  • Small Forward and Rear Attack Profile - Lower Probability of Scoring Hits.
  • Performance Enhancements:
    • Shielded and Aerodynamic - Marginal Increase(s) in Speed and Maneuverability in Atmospheric Conditions.
    • Advanced Power Coupling(s) - Capable of Shunting additional Power to Shields, Weapons, or Engines.
  • Squadron Mask - Temporary and Advanced Sensor Jammer; Best Used in Dogfights.
  • SLAM System; Temporary Speed Boost.
  • Sensor Inverter; Short-ranged Missile Redirector - Works best with Conventional Warheads.
  • Automated and Slaved Systems; Utterly Crippled if Disabled.
  • Limited EMP and Ion Resistance; Proximity and Device Potency Dependent.
  • Fixed Forward Weapon Placements; Consistent Reorientation for Target Acquisition.
  • Repulsorlift Jammers; Proximity Dependent.
  • Power Couplings - Notable Dips in Operational Performance when Power's Allocated away from Major System(s.)
  • Large Dorsal and Ventral Attack Profile - Higher Probability of Scoring Hits.
  • Squadron Mask - Temporary and Advanced Sensor jammer; Ineffective at Range - Requires a "Cooldown" After Each Use.
  • SLAM System; Reroutes Power from Weapons to Engines - Temporarily Disables Armament.
The Delta-7B, one of the most well known Jedi Interceptors from the Clone Wars Era is a design that many have used to great effect. With Republic Engineering creating the Champion-Class Jedi Interceptors, Kaleleon had to get one for himself. For quite sometime as a Jedi, The young man has had to rely upon a vessel that was not truly meant for combat in a full scale, nor would be capable enough to get past blockades, or to worm his way through hostile space. Requisition of a Unique Starfighter for Kale was requested and accepted. Upgrades of the Defensive systems as well as the propulsion systems to be superior to the Limited-Production Counterpart. Kale wanted a vessel that was able to surpass previously known Speedster vessels such as the A-wings, and even the TIE/vn from long gone history. Requesting additional shielding systems such as an Anticoncussion Field and even a Grab-Safety to maybe fight the effects of some Brynadul weapons. As they were previously used to face against Dovin Basils that the Yuuzhan Vong used.

With most of the upgrades being in those compartments alone, the final addition of components was a Less-than-Lethal option of a weapon that was more in line with non-combat scenarios, or to be used when apprehending, or otherwise removal of a thread could end without the destruction of a vehicle, or the deaths of others that may be in harms way. A Null-Burst projector is a weapon primarily based around the species of Aing-Tii. Using biological ships that could travel instantly, but also were used to fight pirates that could disable ships, and those within the vessels without causing serious bodily harm. Making apprehension, or victims not become a casualty of crossfire, or be accidentally killed. Such weapons would also be useful against "Living Shields" or measures of which an individual would use the lives of innocent people as a form of a "human shield" to defend themselves.

Otherwise, all other additions were purely cosmetic in the change and structure of the starship. Being modeled almost directly after that of Jedi Master Plo Koon. Being the shape of a Rising Star over a horizon. Naming it "Azure Sun." The reason for the usage of the old pattern of decoration for the Starfighter, is that Kale sees Plo Koon as an inspiration for himself. A general within the Clone Wars, as well as the Stark Hyperspace War, that saw to be not just a good Jedi, and a pilot, but an individual who had a strong sense of Justice, as well as comradery for not just his fellow Jedi, but also the Clones who had been under his command. Well known words of the man being spoken that the clones and their "disposable nature" were met with. "Not to me."

Kale hopes to one day emulate this kind of individual who is able to care for not just those who are fighting beside him, but those who may be under leadership, or otherwise not tied to him, or even known to him. Kaleleon wishes to give a justice to the galaxy that he feels, only the Jedi and other like minded factions can offer. Thus, the ship, is crafted in remembrance, and reverence of the Jedi Master.
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