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Approved Tech The Bryn'adûl | Adaption Mutagen II

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The Bryn'adûl | Adaption Mutagen II

  • Intent: To create a mutagen to build upon the already impressive adaptive nature of Draelvasier biology.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Name: Adaption Mutagen
  • Manufacturer: The Bryn'adûl
  • Affiliation: The Bryn'adûl
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material: Liquid
  • Classification: Vaccine activated mutagen
  • Method of Consumption: Injection
  • Average Life: Indefinite
  • Nutritional Value/Allergies/Side Effects/ Purpose: The adaption mutagen purposefully acts as a vaccine, the liquid interacts with Draelvasier biology and mutates their immune system to greatly reduce the effects of;

    Vengeance of the Sword & Sun
    - Bio-Blaster

    The vaccine neutralised the elements of Draelvasier biology these bioweapons relied upon to be effective, thusly making Draelvasier highly resistant to both the xenophage and the bio-blasters and their enzymes.
  • Adaptive mutagen: Designed to prevent occurrences such as this from happening again, the mutagen additionally acts as a reinforcement to the immune system. Thusly, any further iterations of offensive tools will have a limited lifespan of utility as the mutagen adapts to rebuke them.
  • Provides high resistance to the xenophage and the Drael-particulr effects of the bio-blasters [rendering them closer to simple blasters to them] and their enzymes.
  • Reinforces Drael immune system and allows for eventual adaption to any further offensive pathogens.
  • When encountering new pathogens or Draelvasier targeting methods, the adaptive mutagen will require days to further mutate and render the host resistant.
After Yurb, the Bryn'adûl have been working to create an adaptive mutagen to protect them against bioweapons and pathogens. These efforts eventually lead to a viral outbreak of
Ylesia. This incident has lead to the continuing research to be followed by an incredibly small team of Draelvasier mutagen scientists. However, this research gained new ground with further samples were derived from the battle of Sev Tok. Following, the mutagen became widespread across the empire. Within a month, nearly every Draelvasier had been administered the adaptive mutagen.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

I see everyone preparing to the new invasion, and I hope your crabs, lobsters and shrimps will not die from a new viruses/pathogens before their immune systems adapt to them thanks to the the new mutagene.

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

This submission has been pulled due to a report.

Looking over it, I can understand the intent behind it but the language is very absolute which is something the factory shies away from. I understand that this is a counter to the linked weapons but the choice of damage or effect is always on the defender.

Could you please tone down the language in the submission?
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