Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diplomacy The Crowning Of Ession: AC Capital Change (Bosph to Ession)


Ession has always been an important world for the Crusade. It has been deemed the holy land from the earliest days of the Crusade’s inception. Upon liberating the world, it was never a question of if, but when, it would be made the crown jewel of Ashlan Space. With the terraforming of the planet now complete, that day has finally come. While the citizens of Ession gather to celebrate, the upper echelons of the Crusade meet to discuss their future. Though this is a time of celebration, there are questions of the future that will need to be addressed, lest they risk tearing their own nation apart. All the while, the lingering stench of the darkness remains in the furthest corners of Ashlan Space, seeking an opportune moment to strike against the forces of the Light.


The Grand Jedi Temple has finally been rebuilt, bringing the old Essonian landmark back to its former glory. To commemorate its finished restoration, the Crusade has deemed it an appropriate place for this particular meeting. Members of all facets of the Crusade have gathered in its great hall, waiting to hear the news of the Crusade’s next steps. Make your mark, plot with others, or marvel at the grandeur of the temple as you partake in the politics of Ashlan high command.


The entirety of the Ashlan ecumenopolis is alive with the sound of celebration as the populace gathers to revel in their success. Vendors line the streets peddling their various goods while parades are held across the planet. Live music echoes through the city while fireworks explode in the sky. Travel through the bustling cityscape of Ession as you explore the celebration. Partake in the festivities, or find a small, quiet corner to reflect on the changes lingering on the horizon.


The movement of the Ashlan capital has been a long process. The former capital of Bosph is left with a much lighter garrison, as the offices of the Crusade have been moved to their new home. Though not undefended, the decrease in military presence upon the planet has created an opportunity for the Crusade’s enemies. Darkness gathers on Bosph, seeking to lash out against the former capital of Ashlan Space. Find the threats, root them out, and defend the planet and its people.



Tags: Lothaire Lothaire , Emiery Athelon, Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Ession... the pinnicle of Ashlan civilization. Pietro held no significant connection to the Essonian plight, but he fully understood their need to reestablish their home. Serreno hadn't been much different, had being liberated by the Crusade's brethren within the Empire. Brethren may be a choice term when regarding the Imperials, yet Pietro knew that their values, while differing, were all the same. They both sought the eradication of darkness, and through such eradication, ORDER would be brought forth. Yet, the Cardinal knew he might be on an island in that regard, at least lately.

He made his way through the newly restored halls of the Grand Jedi Temple, taking his time to admire at the work of the Grand Marshal and his ilk. They had not seen eye to eye, of late, though the Cardinal had refused to let that get in the way of his goals. Today, he had many things to say. Many things that the Grand Marshal might not like to hear. He did not care, for who could judge Ashla's vicar? Who could stand against the unstoppable tide of the goddess's warmth?

His crimson robes flowed behind him, catching the wind in almost as graceful of a fashion as which he walked. He looked toward the Veilbearers nearby, their cold, emotionless, golden gaze watching him with every step. They would never question Pietro, and perhaps that was what made them the most useful of servants. Though they served in an official capacity, they served him, and him alone.

He took his place among the delegation, giving what greetings he needed to along the way. Taking his place at the podium in the center of the room, the Cardinal quelled the crowd for a moment.

"My brethren, we reach the precipice of our own perceived success. We have established this great nation in the wake of incredible turmoil, yet, find ourselves as strong as ever."

The crowd provided their share of cheers, many among them being Essonian by birth.

"Yet, there are many avenues upon which our Crusade can grow, Ashla willing."

He leaned forward to the crowd, his resolute gaze piercing each individual as he spoke.

"We have many things to discuss... I pray you are ready to hear the words of the Goddess."

Another roar, this time much more cacophonous. The Papacy had gained obscene amounts of power in recent years, and Pietro sought to see it maintained. Despite this, he knew there would be those that would step forth, and doing so, help to shape the Crusade to come.

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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Emiery Athelon


Heinrich's hand lightly tightened around Oraada's own as they made their way into the Great Hall of the newly-rebuilt Grand Jedi Temple. He was no longer hiding their connection; in fact, many had known of their relationship for some time now. As such, he held her in hand, their arms interfolded as they made their way through the halls. Would the Cardinal approve? Perhaps not, but Heinrich found himself caring less and less of Pietro's approval. Old Essonian moral taught one of true connection, and what could be more true than this?

He made his way through the great hall, doing his best to act appropriate to his station. It was a side of him that Oraada had only recentely learned about; the politician inside.

"I thank you for accompanying me," he said in an entirely too familiar tone. No matter now much time they had spent together, Heinrich always understood the image he had to keep up. Nevertheless, he never let her go, as if the very fabric of reality would be removed from him, should he ever falter.

As the pair made their way, Heinrich's gaze caught saught of someone entirely individual to the Crusade. His eyes darted back to his partner, nodding in the direction of their new company. As they approached, he even provided her with a subtle, slight bow.

"Lady Emiery... I pray you are satisfied with the work on the temple?"

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Location: Conference Chamber
Objective: Discuss the future
Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Lothaire Lothaire Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Admiral's Sabre
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Ashlan Praetorian droids
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade

Personal Diplomatic Transport -
Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

Wearing: this and this made of Kaldrweave

Prime Minister Isla Draellix made her way to the conference chamber through the restored Jedi Temple, today was an important discussion regarding the future of the Crusade and how its leadership would be shaped going forward. Isla herself was loyal to those above her, but cared for the people below her, she was the link between the faithful and the government and she took her role very seriously, regardless of who led them going forward she would be a bulwark of reason and continue to build the Ashlan Nation in a way she could be proud of. Her military coat, as always was perfectly pressed as was her kaldweave outfit, it always paid to be cautious, even in the heart of Ashlan space.

Why Ession? Isla didn't have the same obsessive links to the world as the others, but since the creation if the nexus and the moving of most offices, she was spending more and more time her. At least it was exceptionally close to her home on Lur, in her fast transport she didn't even have to stay on this ruined ecumanopolis between work days, in an hour she could be home.

She took her place at the front of the gathered politicians and listened to Pietro Demici Pietro Demici speak. She clapped in a more reserved manner than some of the crowd, not given to wooping over her collegue she had worked with for over a decade, but she beamed with pride at the man. It had been an honour to serve with him and as the head of the Ashlan Government after her took the reigns from Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson he was a firey orrator, a powerful warrior and a visionary leader. Isla was his voice of self control and the safety valve for the strongest of his righteous light. She wondered what he planned to announce today. The other members of the cabinet sat with her, including the newly selected minister for science and technology who had never met their leader

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla || Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
Objective: Discuss the Future.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Lothaire Lothaire | Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina now looked gloomier and sadder than usual. She didn't want to be here, the Avatar wasn't a politician and didn't understand politics. It didn't help that Gei didn't like such events either, so he didn't accompany Eina, but stayed at home with their daughter. The red-haired and red-gold winged woman walked wordlessly inside the walls of the temple. She didn't really understand the point of such luxury and exaggeration, as Ashla didn't expect this from her followers. Perhaps no one knew this better than her.

Serious and deep problems hurt and consumed Eina. On the one hand, the Avatar had to watch everyone on the planet die and was unable to save everyone but a few. True, Kyrel only absorbed the life force, the souls reached the Netherworld safely and were not obtained and devoured by the Dark Three. On the other hand, the woman's mother was captured by the Maw.

Eina didn't want to be Empress Regent, she didn't want to rule over anything, she didn't want any rank in Realspace. She knew that this was her duty, since Eyjolf was still a child, only an adolescent, and could not take the throne until he was seventeen, should their mother die. And he still had four years to come of age.

The woman tried not to think about that, because she hoped that they would be able to get the empress, Eina's mother, back. As soon as possible.

It would have been nice to talk to someone who understood her and could advise her on this. Mainly because she wasn't sure that the Ashlan Crusade led by Pietro Demici would help free the Eternal Empress. She wanted to talk to Heinrich, but when she got close to him, she saw that he was with other people, so she didn't go there, and didn't bother him. So she just walked aimlessly, she didn't really know why she was here.

Finally, the woman arrived in a larger room, where Uncle Pietro was giving a speech, where Eina also saw Isla. She just heard the end of Pietro's words and she tilted her head to the side as hearing them. She also raised her eyebrows for a moment.

["It seems that you can't hear it either, Uncle!"] she said gently. ["Ashla does not expect such luxury, faith is not measured in splendour and wealth. For her, it is enough if light has a place in hearts and souls."]

Eina "cheated" a bit, since she was a part of the Ashla, along with Gei and their daughter, since Tython. Although they had a will of their own and were themselves, they knew exactly what the Oversoul thought or thought about.



Emiery Grayson



Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Open



Emiery’s gaze was cast towards the vaulted ceiling of the Great Hall - there had been care taken, an attention to detail, even there, in accordance with the blueprints, the depictions of the prior structure of the temple, and… his vision. It was the last of these that was her greatest concern, throughout the phases of construction; she knew the Kaiser’s mind better than anyone, and had for so long been an exacting extension of his will.

And now, perhaps, she was an answer to a question.

But as of yet, that was between her and Cedric. She had only arrived back to Ession the day prior, the time spent on Ruusan being the core subject of her ruminations since. Including now… but then the Cardinal began to speak, commanding the attention of the many, and snapping the meandering of her thoughts. Her chin dropped, and she turned her head towards the crowd from where she stood beyond the fringes and closer to the entrance, listening to the holy man’s words, and the response from the vast number of people gathered.

And picking those words apart in her mind. She wasn’t at all blind to what was happening. Or trying to happen. One of the two. Thankfully, the route of those thoughts was cut off by the approach of a presence that was probably the most familiar of the few that headed up the Crusade in the continuing long months of the Kaiser’s seclusion. Another member of the Order of Ashlan Knights, and the Grand Marshal of the Crusade’s forces. Another part of the circle that fostered the earliest days of their country. Emiery showed a faint smile, and tipped her head in kind.

“Lord Faust,” she replied, then more familiarly, “Heinrich. It is beautiful. I do think our Kaiser will be pleased,” then sapphire eyes slipped over to the Togruta at his side, her smile gaining a small measure of warmth at the sight of the beautiful girl, “You must be the young woman I’ve heard so much about.”

Albeit indirectly. Her attentions were often in so many other places that didn’t include the personal relationships of her comrades.

“A newer…” her eyes flicked to Heinrich, then back to Oraada, “...addition to our Order, if I recall correctly?”


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Stilicho Drumarch


Flanked by four other Jedi-Generals, Vanguardists all, Stilicho Drumarch entered the audience chambers of the new temple. He was under no illusion as to what was occurring, nor why they chose this place. Stilicho had never before set foot on Ession, but it was exactly as he expected: a monument to a success not earned, and a war half-finished.

Others in the Vanguard saw it too. The Vanguardists had pushed themselves to the front lines of every battle in keeping with their namesake, and formed bonds in those battles stronger than the command of the papacy or the throne. Sitting there now, in his plush, surrendering seat, Stilicho's mind was yet focused on the war in the Core Worlds that he had left behind for this. How many young Jedi swearing loyalty to him would die while he was away from the fight? In his absence was he even worthy of their loyalty, or would they begin to see him as he saw Cedric Grayson, or Geiseric?

The ideology of Vanguardism had spread beyond his control nowadays, beyond what could be effectively organized. That was the reason it's representatives needed to be here on Ession. There was a voice crying out from the rank and file, not yet to be heard over the glittered words of the nation-builders.

When Demici spoke, Stilicho's beliefs were reaffirmed. The church was here to revel in its status. When the chance for others to rise to the podium and speak came, Stilicho made to stand, only for one of his compatriot generals to pull him back to his seat.

"I sense your eagerness to speak to your beliefs, General Drumarch, but that does us no good now."

"It does us no good to sit here without purpose." Drumarch replied in stifled frustration.

"Yours is a mind worth hearing, my friend, but our ideas were acquired in fires of war, not an assembly. Nationalists and their rhetoric have the upper-hand here. Let us hear them out first and react appropriately."

"Fine. If we must. I'll admit I am far from my comfort zone. We've entered a pit of snakes clad in gold and silk. I've stared down Knights of Ren with more certainty than I could stare down the Cardinal."

"Keep that attitude, Stilicho. Don't let the politics consume you as well. We may just find them looking to us next time the Sith strike.."

Revealing Fire of Life


Shani was visibly terrified at the crowd in the immense temple, so much so that it was difficult for her to marvel at it's immense size and nearly magical opulence. Why the Council masters kept sending a shy, paranoid shadow who only half a decade earlier had been rescued from a violent band of pirates into the busiest corners of the galaxy and on missions that would inherently make her uncomfortable, she would never know. Letting out a heavy sigh, she began to gravitate towards the edges of the room, away from the crowds and into one of the recesses where, hopefully, she wouldn't be noticed, seen, or drawn into a conversation with someone she didn't know, or trust.


Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: 1, Gods & Kings
Location: The Temple on Ession
Thread Partners: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust + Emiery Athelon


If there was anything more beautiful than a night sky full of stars, it was the way a person could bloom into their own astonishing display with just a drop of love and kindness. Certainly, each of them, Heinrich and Oraada, had opened up into burgeoning flowers with the requisite materials supplied by the other. Nonetheless, they tried to keep it professional and on the downlow to prevent much fuss. But, by Ashla's light, it was so, so, so hard to keep it under wraps. It wasn't some dalliance anymore; it was a safely-maintained passion for one another.

It was also incredibly difficult to keep from giggling like a first-year Padawan who'd committed some mischief. Barely managing to stay together, Oraada had to wonder how Heinrich maintained his composure in each of his pursuits. They entered the temple as a pair. This was possibly one of the few times they'd done it in public. Nodding politely, there was only a quiet reply.

"It is an honor to have been asked," Oraada said just loud enough to be heard.

There wasn't really a hint of offense or sorrow; she knew he had appearances to keep up. When they came across someone, she did her best to imitate the bow that Heinrich performed. Having been around the Temple for quite some time per Heinrich's suggestion, she herself thought it amazing... but other people had thoughts too.

A million little quips ran through her mind, but all she did was smile slightly. "It is important that this place is to everyone's liking."



Location: an unassuming world
Tags: OPEN

Piloting - Torr'Chir
Eyes of Khoine
Pulsiva flight suit
2x Cartridge Revolvers
Retractable Neural Stinger

Accompanied by five squadrons of eight Chir'Shada Starfighters
Single Path Engine equipped light cruiser of the Emerald Nebula

Squadron quipped with a mixture of proton torpedoes, disruptor torpedoes and Witchfire Missiles

So the Ashlans think they can go across the galaxy to interfere with the plans of the Avatars and then return home to the safety of their empire and not face repercussions.... their hubris was almost amusing. Khione had used ancient paths to get here, eschewing the more traditional hyperspace lanes where she might be detected and now her and forces lay in wait in an asteroid field around an unassuming system deep in Ashlan territory. A few hundred kilometers from her was the trap, and the Ashlans would fall right in to it, a dozen interdiction mines littered the space. The next ships due to use this lane as a navigation point was a cargo convoy with an unsidclosed cargo registry, if it was undisclosed it was classified, if it was classified it was important. Khione and her powerful fighters would strike, destroy its engines, steal its cargo then daub its Hull with the symbols of the Avatars.

She wanted Darth Mori to see this, she wanted Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood to see this, the Emerald Nebula would secure their place of honor in the Brotherhood with the blood of the Ashlans. <<Vorm, ons het drie seine wat inkom. Myne op outomaties. Alle vuurkrag op enjins, verhoed dat hulle ten alle koste vlug, ram as jy moet. Jou bloed sal glorie vir die Nebula koop!>> :Form up, we have three signals incoming. Mines on automatic. All firepower on engines, prevent them fleeing at all costs, ram if you have to. Your blood will buy glory for the Nebula!" All around her, other fighters spun into position, several of them having been playing games in the asteroids to hone their skills, but now was time to be professional and to fight hard.

Khione snarled and prepared to hit her jumpmaster drive as three silent thumps heralded the the arrival of the convoy with the ships, there were a couple of fighters, but the Ashlans had decided to draw as little attention to this convoy as possible. That is what Khione had hoped for. <<Aanval!>>
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Tags: Lothaire Lothaire , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Stilicho Drumarch, Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis


The faithful gathered together, each intent on hearing what the Cardinal had to say. Some perhaps had their own thoughts to share, and they would have that time soon enough. Pietro knew of the growth of differing views within the Crusade, and though he might not have been of the same mind as such individuals, he would allow them their moment to speak. After all, such was the art of politics. Such was the appeasement of a populace.

As the crowd roared, he could hear the quiet words of Eina, promptly triggering the most subtle of nods of acknowledgement. The Cardinal sent his reply, not through words, but through his mind, transmitting directly to her through the empyrean.

You are right, of course. Nevertheless, one must take a moment to acknowledge such success, if for no other reason, than to maintain morale...

Especially considering the chaotic days of the future looming over their heads. The Maw had continued their bloody onslaught on the greater galaxy, and tensions between the Empire and Galactic Alliance had placed the Crusade in a rather awkward position as a nation. And, of course, there was the ever-looming issue of succession to consider. Many changes were on the horizon, and the Crusade would have to remember why they were fighting.

The roar of the crowd finally calmed, and Pietro took a moment to look around the room before continuing to speak.

"We have done a great service to the Tingel Arm. We have nearly driven the Bogan from the region as a whole, and soon we will have purged the last of the Sith holy worlds. But there remains the question of what might come after."

He let his words hang in the air for a moment, his eyes narrowing as his tone picked up in its usually fiery way.

"The Maw was repelled at Tython, yet they continue to bring destruction to the galaxy at large. Though we have taken measures to prepare for a proper offensive against this blashpemous enemy, I believe we will soon be prepared to do more in the continuing campaign against these wretched servants of darkness."

A brief pause... followed by a motion around the room.

"Within these halls rebuilt halls, upon our rebuilt holiest of worlds, I ask that we not grow stagnant in our success. We have come far, but we must not falter, lest we allow the Bogan to fester in the dark corners of the galaxy."

He stepped back for a moment, allowing room for others to speak, keeping his more controversial statements held back until he was able to read the room.



Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Emiery Athelon


Heinrich smiled as Emiery expressed her approval of the Grand Temple. She and Cedric had fought together for many years, even more so than the Grand Marshal himself. He trusted her opinion entirely, especially when it came to matters of their home. Rebuilding the temple had taken many months of careful planning, and no short amount of funds. Yet the Grand Marshal had managed to somehow make it work. Of course, he hadn't done it alone. There was much support from the rest of the Ashlan government, particularly from the Kaiser himself in this endeavor. And, of course, Oraada had been a glowing light through the entire process, helping Heinrich through each trying moment as they sought to bring the temple back to its former glory.

"I'm happy to hear it. Soon our numbers will be as they once were, and this temple will once again be the jewel of Ession."

His aims weren't as grandiose as the Cardinal. Though Heinrich shared a similar conviction to the Ashlan faith, he mostly sought to rebuild the home he lost all of those years ago. Perhaps that was a sentiment shared by many of his people.

He nodded at the mention of Oraada, a smile producing itself upon his face. Emiery was a long-trusted companion, and the closest of comrades to the Kaiser, and as such, Heinrich was more than a bit excited to introduce the two.

"This is Oraada, a true beacon of Ashla's Light. She has been instrumental in the restoration of the temple."

Not to mention keeping him from pulling his own hair out at times. He ran his thumb along her fingers that were intertwined with his, motioning toward Emiery with his free hand.

"This is Lady Emiery, a dear friend to Lord Grayson and a proper hero of the Crusade."

A sly look shot over to his friend as he spoke. Heinrich wasn't sure how she would take to being called a hero, but his words were as genuine as they were playful.

His eyes darted over to the Cardinal as he spoke, prompting him to almost audibly scoff.

"It looks like the good Cardinal hasn't lost his touch for rhetoric."

It was a quiet statement, one filled with a subtle, almost mocking tone. The sort of tone one spoke nearly under their breath, lest those outside of his immediate companions hear it and think worse of him for doing so.

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The weight of the world pressed heavily upon the Kaiser's shoulders as he gazed upon the restored edifice of the Grand Temple. It was here, in the earliest days of his youth, that he had learned at his father's feet and studied the mysteries of the Ashla in the dark corners of the temple's library. It was here that he'd first picked up a lightsaber; first heard a sermon given by an Ashlan priestess. Above all, it was here that the Jedi of Ession made their final stand against the full might of the Sith Empire.

He recalled the scent of blood and brimstone in the air, the sticky unpleasantness of sweat on his brow, and a hollow resignation as the temple doors exploded inward. The flash of blades and blaster fire flashed across his gaze like smoke along the water, brief glimpses of faces trapped in their private horrors as they were slaughtered by the Sith legions.

There had been no mercy. Those who stood and fought were murdered brutally by their foes, and the ones that submitted either found themselves in chains or victims of wanton cruelty. A decade of enslavement and humiliation had followed, and the homeworld left as naught but a corpse infested with parasites intent on robbing her bones of all they had.

As he slowly walked up the temple steps, specters of the dead so too walked with him. He glanced along either side of himself, saw a flash of white and black hair, and could only crack a sad smile. The specters too glanced back at him, their expressions that of stone, their eyes narrowed as they asked a wordless question.

Had it been worth it?

The Kaiser halted for a moment in the midst of the steps, his head tilting back to take in the majesty of the temple. To see it restored pulled at his heartstrings, but the question remained. When he looked back to greet his old friends, he was only met with throngs of folk on either side either cheering in revelry or offering him bows of reverence. They gave him no answers.

"I hope it was," the Ashlan patriarch muttered to himself as he continued up the steps.

The doors of the Grand Temple creaked loudly just as Pietro Demici Pietro Demici finished speaking. The Cardinal's words had buzzed dimly in Cedric's earpiece, but the Kaiser did not stop to truly digest the contents. He trusted the church implicitly, and the beginnings of divisions sewn within his Crusade were only now coming to light for the Kaiser.

Cedric marched through the doors to a hushed silence. The crowd's exultation wavered in favor of quiet curiosity as to what might become of the Kaiser's arrival. It had been quite some time since he'd made any public appearances, and after his open letter, folk were wondering what was to happen in the coming weeks. Perhaps they might find some answers here.

That pregnant silence hung heavy in the air as Cedric marched slowly toward the podium. He was clad a black Essonian officer's uniform decorated with various ribbons of service, its trim a bit bright in its dark blue, the colors of the Grayson house. A deep blue cloak of similar hue trailed several feet behind him, its material glittering somewhat in the bright light of the temple.

For the first time in many months, the Blade of Ruusan hung openly from Cedric's belt.

He exchanged a brief glance with Emiery Athelon. His expression was that of stone, but for a moment the corner of his mouth twitched into a brief half-smile that disappeared as quickly as it came. So too did his gaze pass over Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust and Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , both looks equally brief but filled with purpose. It was a familiar gaze, a look that sought to reaffirm that the Kaiser still held them in great respect. A momentary lofting of the brow at the Marshal's familiarity with Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , but nothing so far of disapproval. The king's eyes passed then to the crowd, to Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis for a brief moment, then Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir .

<I'm sorry about your mother> he echoed within her mind, the ethereal link he briefly forged between them an easy one to maintain. It was just as quickly broken as he finally reached the podium.

Cedric lingered there a moment, a hand resting on the podium as he met Pietro Demici Pietro Demici 's gaze. "I am glad to see you've not lost your fire Pietro," there was a dismal warmth to his voice, as if he were speaking parting words to a friend he might never see again. "It will be needed."

With that, the Lord of Ession took his place center stage, the exhaustion that ached at his limbs fighting to find its way into his face and voice, though he did well to power through the weakness of his body.

"The great cardinal is correct," was his greeting, his voice, like the sound of a river crashing over boulders, booming throughout the temple via speakers placed around the hall. "Stagnation leads to ruin: apathy is death. We have accomplished so much, and yet there is so much more to do."

And I don't have much time left to do it all.

"We..." Cedric hesitated for a moment as he searched for the right words. "We have all suffered, some more than others, but all of us terribly. The dark age our people have struggled through is finally at an end. The Sith have been defeated, our realm restored, our people liberated, our nation baptized in the sea of blood shed by so many heroes that spat in death's eye as she came to claim them. For the first time in a century, Ession is secured, and for the first time in all of history, the Ashlan faith has birthed a nation. Whilst we celebrate the reclamation of the homeworld and holy land today, let it be known that we are a plural people and those not of Essonian blood have earned the right to call this jewel their home just as we have. This is not a victory only for Ession, but a victory for the peoples of the galaxy, for righteousness, for love, and for God. Every Essonian is Ashlan and every Ashlan is Essonian, for our spirits are tied in union. We are a family: brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, fathers, mothers. Let us not have a house divided."

Cedric's gaze met that of Stilicho Drumarch. The Jedi Lord was a rising star in the core, and his Vanguardists had become a topic of interest for the Kaiser. To have such heroes taking the monikers of warhawks was to be expected, but any division they might sow was unwelcome as far as Cedric was concerned. Theirs, and that of any other group seeking power amidst the quiet of momentary peace.

"Today, as ceremony commences and our people celebrate our victory, the leaders of our great nation will come together to decide the future of the Kaiserreich," he continued, "The matter of succession will be put to a close. The uncertainty around our future shall evaporate."

"That aside, let us enjoy one another's company. Take pleasure in this brief moment in which we are united in joy. Such occasions are terribly rare." As he looked out upon the masses, the faces of cadavers stared back at him. Corpses and body parts arrayed along the floor as fire licked at their bones. He caught the momentary flash of crimson blades amidst the smoke, and for a moment he thought he could almost smell the sulfur.

The Kaiser blinked, and once again he was looking upon a jubilous crowd. The slackening of his expression was the only sign that anything was wrong at all.

"Let us celebrate," Cedric held his arms out wide, and cracked a wide smile that was all too false. The crowd roared in response, and he quickly stepped aside from the podium, taking a wineskin from one of the servants once and drinking deeply of it when the eyes had left him.
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Fury bubbled so virulently within Lothaire that he was worried his head might start steaming at any given moment.

The prince lingered near the back of the room, well out of the crowd's eye. He was clad in the raiments of the priesthood, though he'd added a few pieces of plate and other modifications to his outfit. The deep purple of his cloak marked him out from the priests that surrounded him, old men and women that supported him for their own ends, be they selfish empowerment or altruistic love for the nation. They muttered about their worries toward the Kaiser's health being assuaged, but Lothaire saw past his father's veneer.

The old man was being ground down. Soon enough only the nub would remain, and the hounds would come hunting shortly thereafter. If the old bastard would use his brain for something other than longwinded speeches, he might realize as much and take Lothaire at his side. With an heir secured so too would be the future, and Lothaire would be free to put these starving hounds in their place.

As things were, he was resigned to staring on with the hounds, a sheep amongst the wolves, or so they thought.

"Perhaps he has changed his mind about you, my prince," one of the priests mumbled.

Lothaire frowned, "He has not. My dear father has someone else in mind."


"I would wager he's found himself a woman and aims to name whatever child she might give him heir," Lothaire answered honestly. "There are other factors at play, but I've read all his works and I highly doubt he'll allow them to make any significant moves."

"You refer to the Vanguardists?"

"Them, yes, but there are others. The Selectivists are getting violent again, the Nationalists amongst the officers are mumbling talk of treason, and then there are the democratic student unions, though I doubt university students are particularly dangerous to the throne."

"The Selectivists were crushed years ago my prince, I would doubt their ability to do much of anything. Similarly, I cannot see the military rebelling against House Grayson. Your father forged most of those officers." The priest countered.

"And he has barely been seen by them for years. Weakness erodes loyalty."

"You've a dark opinion on the subject."

"A realistic opinion. You forget them I am an officer. I have firsthand experience with their talk."

"So you say."

Tiring of the conversation, Lothaire just offered a shrug and trudged off. Equally tired of the speeches, he found himself meandering over toward Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , and Emiery Athelon. Only recognizing the former, Lothaire gave a two-finger wave.

"Grand Marshal, I hope you're enjoying this little show my father and the cardinal have put on," his gaze darted to the two women. The human woman was an enigma to him, but the Togruta captured his interests. "Didn't know you had a wife Grand Marshal. A pleasure to you both," he nodded toward each of the women. "I am Lothaire, infamous bastard of our good king and emperor." He cracked a rueful smile, expecting vitriol where he'd often received it after his father had disinherited him.

Emiery Grayson



Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Lothaire Lothaire



The young Togruta was correct: it was important that all would love the grand edifice, and if not, that they would come to love it with time. It was not merely a statement, but a visual representation of the fact that the Light and the Faith were one and the same in this realm. A place of worship for the people, as much as it was a place of learning and training for those so gifted with the Light. Central to their culture. Her culture.

When Heinrich alluded to the past of this place, she had no personal frame of reference, but she knew the history from the words of others and their points of view. History that laid the foundation of so many of their campaigns in the years that followed the sundering of this world, and ideals that aligned with her own, pulling her into the cause close to three decades past.

With the introduction of Heinrich’s companion, she tipped her head to the young woman; the descriptive words he gave caused her brows to raise just a sliver, but she trusted them as truth. She could feel the undercurrent of adoration when he spoke of Oraada, even if he was doing his best to remain composed, and she could understand it implicitly.

"This is Lady Emiery, a dear friend to Lord Grayson and a proper hero of the Crusade."

The sly look, and the faint playfulness of his genuine introduction of her own person only earned the Grand Marshal a firm-yet-amused smile and a companionate narrowing of her eyes. Any hope of responding, deflecting, correcting was dashed when the Cardinal wound up and spoke again, dimming her expression. At almost the same time as Heinrich, her eyes flicked towards the crowd and the holy man. Again she digested what was said.

"It looks like the good Cardinal hasn't lost his touch for rhetoric."

She picked up easily on her friend’s tone, faintly nodding, her thoughts running along similar lines… but no sooner had the Cardinal finished speaking, that her attention was co-opted by the arrival of one distinct presence out of the many… Cedric. Her gaze was met in short order by the Kaiser as he entered in the black of an Essonian officer, the deep blue cloak trailing him; when was the last time she had seen him as such? Emiery could only tip her head in response to the shade of a half-smile she was given as the monarch - the man she had slowly come to love across decades - moved through the hall towards the podium to add his voice to the commencement of the day’s ceremony and talks.

She wasn’t one to be enthralled by her Kaiser’s address, much less the speeches of anyone else, but she always paid the full of her attention when he spoke. Just as much watching the man as listening… noticing the slackening of his expression, the falseness of the smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He didn’t easily drop that mask, and she knew well how matters weighed on him. How that weight had compounded over time, the stress expressing itself in his body. He wore it as best he could. Her eyes briefly closed along with a faint sigh. The only vague expression of her concern in the presence of others.

Emiery turned back to her companions at the conclusion of the address, pulling on a smile that was just as faint, looking to Heinrich in particular - they were a long way from where this had all begun - as she breathed in half-deep, her smile brightening a bit more.

“Do you remember when we had less rhetoric?”

But he would hardly get a chance to answer, as another joined them. A face she didn’t recognise, but one whom - by his dress and her knowledge of the young man - she was able to infer the identity of. That he called the preamble of speeches a ‘little show’ was hardly a jest, and when he referred to Oraada as Heinrich’s wife, she shot a glance at the Grand Marshal, her eyebrows briefly piquing.

As if to say ‘and you didn’t invite me?’ (an actual jest, when the corners of her mouth curled) but her attention turned back to the young man when he greeted both herself and the Togruta, and she replied with a tip of her own head, as he introduced himself.

“Ech weess wien Dir sidd, Lieutenant Grayson,” she started, eyes raising to look him in the face, a cordial smile on her lips, “et ass e Genoss endlech e Gesiicht op den Numm ze setzen.”

A pause. For all she knew of him, she still preferred to form her own opinion. She detested gossip, second-hand knowledge was often tainted by the giver’s convictions and beliefs… and the circumstances of his birth weren’t his fault. Anymore than the reality of her own existence was hers.

“I am Lady Emiery Athelon,” she finally gave, “a Master of the Order of Ashlan Knights,” she grasped her one wrist with the other hand, in front of her, “and formerly a Knight of the old Imperium.” Her brows lofted faintly, and she added: “I entered the Kaiser’s service when I was not much older than you are now.”

And one of the very few of his Knights that had followed him from that era, if not the only one that still lived, now. That had been when Cedric was hardly much older, himself. When Ession was still so far out of reach. This, of course, squarely marked her as roughly two decades older than she looked. It couldn’t be helped, and she certainly didn’t feel her age, at least as far as any normal metric told her she should feel.

“What do you know," she glanced at Oraada, as if to include her in this query, her sapphire gaze then tracking back to the young Grayson, "of the founding precepts of the Crusade?”


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Wearing: Liar's Flesh

Armed with: Double Agent (Blue Bladed Saber Staff)

DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle

Mandalorian Blaster Pistol (Classic)

Objective: 3

Two days earlier...

The Celebrations had been planned well in earnest of the actual event, and the platinum blonde haired, well muscled elderly woman with fair skin walked its street in a silver gown.

She had owned the body of this Naive Witch who had thought herself strong enough to control the Infectious Nature of one of her fragments for nearly a solid month now. She had been totally absorbed of course, only surface level fragments with no will or thought of their own kept around for disguise purposes and access to talents. No Force Spawn could use the talents they absorbed from others without assuming their appearance and personality, without BELIEVING they were actually the one they absorbed. Even if the form they assumed weakened them.

Lucretia had no need of The Stone Cutter's face at the moment. She was here on a personal matter.

There was an old flame this particular Lucretia, with her particular memories, had come to see.

She caught a few eyes due to the magnificent silvery fabric of her long sleeved gown as she strolled casually down the street, a gold ring with a fire diamond in her right hand's index finger. she had no Lightsaber.

As she walked, she began to sense something...familiar...following her. It felt like another her, calling out to her. Pulling at her.

Lucretia, against her better judgement (and almost against her will) found herself diverting course from her destination to a small, long abandoned Ashlan Chapel. It had been marked for renovation but the workers had yet to arrive.

She stared at the electronic lock, and her power over ionic energy made the flesh on her hand shudder as she waved it over the lock, reversing its circuits and forcing it open. She shut it behind her.

The chapel had long been missing its pews, but the sacred reflecting pool, three meters deep, fed constantly by ancient fountains, still functioned, water bubbling forth, fed by four golden statues of the goddess Ashla, water pouring forth from her eyes. Ancient Essonian holy texts were inscribed on the walls, lit by torches. There was a Jedi Holocron, contained within an ancient Force Field no one had yet figured out how to lower. It was little wonder the Ashlan's wanted to preserve this place...and little less wonder that the Sith hadn't destroyed it. They cannot bear an unanswered question. Two statues of Ashla holding silvery katanas were on either side of the square chamber.

"A most unexpected arrival..." came a familiar voice. Her own.

Lucretia snapped to attention, spotting the Lucretia that awaited her at the center of the chapel. She was significantly older looking than most Lucretias, face an ancient landscape of wrinkles, her blond hair so pale it was almost white. She was dressed in a long flowing red gown with very long sleeves. Wrinkled fingers, long and spindly, covered by metallic gray gloves that seemed so thing they might as well have been painted on. covered in kyber-encrusted rings, rested by her sides comfortably.

"I have not seen another of me in years..." the Lucretia in red rasped, frame considerably thinner. "I welcome you to Ession."

"How long have you been among them?" The Lucretia in silver asked.

"Decades..." The older Lucretia answered.

"Your body seems to be in an advanced state of age. Why?"

"There was who I absorbed. I can feed and stay healthy just fine, but I age regardless, even though I'm in perfect health. It is getting to the point they are going to start asking how I have been alive for so long. I would no longer be able to disguise my nature."

The Lucretia in silver was silent as she stepped forward.

"You though. Your body is flesh. It is free of the flaw that increasingly renders me decrepit looking." The Lucretia in red said. "I ask that we...merge..."

The Lucretia in silver sighed.

"I sympathize with you. I truly do." the Lucretia in silver replied respectfully. "But I just started being alive again. If we merge, there is no telling which of us would be the dominant one. And I came here to visit my Husband."

The Lucretia in red sighed.

"I was afraid you'd have hangups. Attachments. It's so difficult to tell with another me."

The red gown slipped off and The Lucretia in Silver stared at the metallic gray catsuit of her counterpart, hanging loosely in certain parts meant to be worn by someone with a muscled stature. The older Lucretia was almost emaciated looking.

Her aged Double Bladed Lightsaber, electrum plated with pearl grips, hissed out two blue blades.

"I wanted to do this peacefully...but I'll be sure to patch things up in your steed...or who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky."

"You will not find me easy to enforce your will upon."

"You are not the first to say that..."

The Older Lucretia sprang forward with the fitness of an athlete in her prime, blade swiping for her legs. The silver garbed Lucretia somersaulted out of the way of the slice, diving backward and hissing an ice spell in retaliation, spikes of frozen together water molecules pulled from the moisture in the air lancing out at the older looking Lucretia, who jumped up out of the way of the spikes...and stayed floating.

"You can fly..." the silver garbed Lucretia noted.

"I've had decades..." the older one replied, diving for her counterpart at high speed, corkscrewing through the air, the lightsaber spinning like a propeller as she moved to dismember the silver garbed Lucretia, for she did not need her alive to absorb her.

For the Lucretia in silver it was another sign this copy had degraded. Even if the older one DID succeed in absorbing her, how would she explain her sudden de-aging? The massive gap in logic was astounding.

The silver garbed Lucretia barely evaded the propeller like attack, and the Older one hissed a powerful spell that caused a dark cloud to coalesce right over the silver garbed Lucretia and she barely evaded the massive bolt of lightning that cascaded towards her previous spot, scorching ancient duracrete black.

"Listen to me..." the silver garbed Lucretia stated calmly. "You have degraded. Whatever flaw you absorbed has created flaws in reasoning. Absorbing me will not end your problems. How can you be certain my absorption will end it? What if it just buys you time?"

"Then it will be more time to find a cure..." the Older one said.

The Lucretia in silver sighed.

"So be it..."

She pulled the gown from her body, revealing herself to be wearing the same kind of catsuit, this one so skintight it looked painted on.

"Drat. I was hoping it was just a Dress..." the older one muttered.

"Never leave home without it..." the healthy Lucretia replied.

The Older one unleashed a massive Force Bellow, the sonic wave forcing the healthy one to use her false Force Valor (Actually a magically disguised Force Rage) to swell her muscles, allowing her to make a massive jump to evade. She realized the older one had enchanted the walls: the sounds of battle were not carrying beyond the room.

She landed, flesh bubbling disgustingly like the older one as she charged the healthy one, who back flipped and cartwheeled out of the way of the older one's blazing blue staff spins.

An elegant spin kick from the healthy one kicked the lightsaber out of her hand, but this only seemed to enrage the older one , and suddenly they were punching and kicking each other, but their flesh was enchanted for kinetic resistance, and the impacts barely affected them, but the older one had an edge. She was more skilled, much more skilled, and the healthy one struggled to counter the older one's more complex close range sequence of punches, kicks, and chokes, eventually being staggered back to the pool.

But the Healthier one had a better grasp of the environment.

As the next punch collided with her face, she allowed her muscles and skull to collapse inward, morphing into a hand due to her Shi'ido Sithspawn physiology.

She pulled the older one, now shrieking in rage, and transitioned to the ground in a back flip manuever, releasing her grip on the older one, sent tumbling toward the pool...

...except she didn't hit it, using the Force to float above it.

"Damn..." the Healthy One said as her head retook its normal shape.

The older one snarled and dived again for her and then the Healthy One saw it.

The Saberstaff, lying deactivated, a few meters away. She dived, activating the staff's blades, going into a guard.

A curse from the older Witch conjured a larger, even darker cloud above the Healthy Lucretia, who spun her pilfered weapon to intercept the heavy lightning strikes.

The Older one bounded in, slamming into her stomach and knocking the saber out of her hand. And the Healthy One was right back where she started, being beaten and kicked to the ground violently by the older one.

The Healthy one tried to reach for the staff, only to give a metallic scream as some of the flesh was pulled away from her face as the older one chanted, the flesh sliding up the older one's arm and being absorbed into her face, rendering it youthful for a split second as more muscle tissue and blood began sliding away from the healthy one onto the Older One, whose nearly emaciated frame began to fill out ever so slightly...

The Healthy One grabbed the saber and activated one end slicing off the older one's jaw. the Older's head snapped back, reeling in agony as the healthy one grabbed the older one, carried her, and forcibly submerged the older one in the reflecting pool.

The Older One's body shook, its flesh reacting violently to simple water, not even blessed, ionic sparks jumping off the screaming, bubbling abomination as it flayed about, and due to its severely degraded state, caught ablaze in blue flames, its fleshboiling off the skeleton, muscles turning a rotting yelllow that burst into more blue flames, spoiled fat seeping out of her body as micro detonations erupted across her body, before all the muscle at last rotted off the burnt skeleton, which collapsed in the pool with the rest of her soaked, spoiled remains.

The Healthy Lucretia clipped the older one's blade to her belt, and retrieved her silver gown, throwing it back on and covering her catsuit completely as she exited the chapel...


He had once been strong. Handsome.

To see him now, all decrepit and bent over, barely a broke her heart.

He had been in the Crusade a long time after her first death. Their son had joined the Crusade, and was currently stationed on Bosph.

Lucretia sat patiently across from him as the decrepit old man, barely able to stand, yet dressed in the finest robes, set a silver tray of tea on their old table. He was living out of a Luxury Yacht. An old Luxury Yacht 3000.

"So..." Lucretia began, trying to break the ice. "You thought every little reserve sample of me was destroyed in the fire?"

"That was what I had believed at the time, yes. What happened?" He asked,barely having the strength to raise his voice above a whisper.

Its tough to say..." Lucretia replied, taking a sip of tea... "The naive Sorceress whose body you see me having completely converted to my liking fished a sample of the original me from a safe. Which had somehow been thrown down a well."

The old man was silent.

"A well?"

"More of a mineshaft really..." Lucretia said in her Coruscant accent...

" don't think it was me, do you?" Her Husband, Crenelis, asked quietly.

Lucretia gave a mild laugh.

"Oh, goodness, no!" Lucretia said, sipping more tea. "Cren, I know what sort of person you are. You're many things. A traitor isn't one of them. Besides, you wouldn't have known how to disable the wards protecting those fragments."

"Well, who would? Certainly not the butlers or the maids."

"They saw stuff, in spite of my best efforts. They could have told someone who would have known what to do." Lucretia theorized. "It still doesn't answer how they got into that vault."

"I always suspected it was more than an accident..." Crenelis muttered. "Listen, Lucretia...our son...he's a fanatic. He's very much the fire and brimstone Ashla type. He's insufferable every time he visits. You may not get the warm welcome you're expecting."

"I'm willing to take that chance..." Lucretia replied, finishing the last of her tea, standing up.

"Leaving so soon?" he asked.

"Oh I wouldn't dream of it..." Lucretia said with a smile, pulling off her silver gown and revealing the enchanted catsuit once more.

"Just wanted to slip into something more comfortable."

"Heh..." her husband chuckled...


Lucretia had landed on Bosph heavily armed, as the Crusade was still in pull out mode, and the territory was ripe for the picking. Because she had established herself as a mercenary on Ashlan payroll, she was permitted access to the streets, particularly since there was a high possibility of insurgents maybe even spies.

None of that really concerned her. All that mattered was finding her son...
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Business, Espionage & Faith


S I S T E R⠀ M A R I A N A
OBJECTIVE: Attend the Meeting; Mingle
TAGS: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis & Open!


She had slipped in with Pietro Demici Pietro Demici 's precession, following behind at the rear of the party. She knew little of what was going on except that her attendance would be beneficial in the forming of the Cardinal's escort~ she had come all the way from Epica for
such an occasion and it would've set a bad precedent to have missed it, especially with the Cardinal becoming more familiar with her attendance.

In accordance with procedure, she had simply followed the Cardinal into the grand hall of the temple, blending in as best as possible to maintain an air of reverence for Ashla and her religious figurehead; a ceremonial show of respect.

Eventually, Sister Mariana found herself seated amongst her fellow Ashlan clergy-folk, "
Ashla be with you," she'd quietly exchange with those sat around her before silently turning their attention to their Cardinal as he began addressing the people.

The priestess continued to listen attentively, genuinely interested in the words that the Cardinal spoke, though she was distracted by some individuals a few seats over talking amongst themselves. Peering over she noticed it was simply other clergy members, priests and such~ though one was donning a different colour robe.. purple. She daren't stick her nose where it doesn't belong however, so she returned her attention to the centre stage.

Soon enough, the Kaiser made his entrance, made a grand yet rather compelling speech before disappearing once more; people began shuffling about and the fellow in the purple robe soon enough disappeared into the crowds. Sister Mariana decided to move about too, spotting an individual by themselves behind her, Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis .

"Praise be to Ashla!" she greeted the Togruta with a polite smile, "how do you do?"




Location: Conference Chamber
Objective: Discuss the future
Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Lothaire Lothaire Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Emiery Athelon Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis

Admiral's Sabre
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Ashlan Praetorian droids
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade

Personal Diplomatic Transport -
Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

Wearing: this and this made of Kaldrweave

Isla clapped to the Kaiser at his speech, proudly proclaiming the great things that the Crusade had accomplished, she did not agree with all of it, were the Sith defeated? Truly? Well someone was attacking her armies and she was fairly certain it wasn't the Alliance. Never mind, it was all rhetoric, she knew Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson well enough to imagine he would not be blind to the fact the was was still ongoing. The other point that interested her was succession, Isla, while loyal to the crusade, did not agree that blood was the way to choose a ruler, they were an advanced and culturally rich people, to have a ruler picked purely by birth right was almost embarrassing. She was aware that Cedric had at least one child already there was absolutely no way of predicting whether they would have the willingness or ability to lead the nation. Through her military history studies, the least stable nations were often monarchies because every time the crown changed hands it was roll of the dice that would make even Ashla cross her fingers and hope.

She would have a moment to speak and she addressed the chamber. "Thank you my Lords Grayson and Demici, and all of the others gathered here today the list of names of honor is long for our nation, Grayson, Demici, L'lerim-Vandiir, Faust, the late heroes Geiseric and Hoth, I could go on. Every step we make forward, honors the sacrifices they make every day in the name of our great nation. From the children who can now go to schools free from dark corruption, the millions of freed slaves, to the traders that can move through the stars safely under the watchful eyes of the Grand Fleet, we are now a nation of hope."

She smiled and stroked the phoenix on the end of its chain, mentally sending a prayer to Geiseric Geiseric where he rested and looking at Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir in the crowd, her heart broke for what her and that beautiful child of her must be feeling.

"There are many among us who wish to focus on succession, the people at the very top. I agree, thats important, but it can easily let us lose focus. There are even people who come to feel that we have been mistaken to out so much effort into building a nation, that somehow it detracts from our fight, maybe." she made a disbelieving shrug.

"The people we have helped, strengthen our fight, what is a Crusade for if not to enrich the lives of those behind the thin golden line as it washed across the caldera! So I, as the Prime Minister of the Ashlan Kaisereich would like to take a moment to thank the people of our great nation for everything they have done."

She was happy, there were people clapping, to her sentiments, even those who disagreed with her support of the unsung masses would likely clap, it was protocol, but nevertheless she scanned the crowd looking for faces of discontent, those that may be part of this movement her agents spoke of. Isla had long been the voice of both non-sensitives in the government, and took the role of prime minister to better help the people, she would not let that hard work be thrown away by some extremist splinter groups. After a few more words, none that she felt as strongly as her first, she yielded the floor to the next speaker. She took a sip of water and gently toyed with the snowflake necklace around her neck, she wished Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix was here to hear her give the speech she had caught her practicing, she looked forward to the day that the pair could walk the Golden Forest of Ession hand in hand

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Revealing Fire of Life


TAG: Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

For a few, merciful, minutes, as the speeches continued intersparsed among the various conversations and minglings, Shani had thought she would be able to get away with simply standing by the wayside, but this feeling was fleeting. Her montrals twitching as she could feel the approach of someone, she was able to compose herself and pivot to greet them with at least an appropriate amount of decorum and courtesy, though within her own mind the absolute terror of being plunged into a colloquy unprepared set anxiety racing through her thoughts. Tapping the pommel of her sword lightly, allowing the warmth Ashla gave her through it to steel her courage, she nonetheless answered her partner in this unforeseen rendezvous.

The stranger's smile was polite and warm, and so Shani returned it as best she could, doing her utmost not to bely her timid personality and the general unease large crowds and social occasions such as this instilled in her. Though her voice belied some of her demurity in its quietness as she replied to the lady's greetings, "Ashla's blessing be upon you." Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she continued "I'm doing well, yourself? I don't think we've been introduced. Squire Shani Tari, of the Order of Blades."

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla || Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
Objective: Discuss the Future.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Stilicho Drumarch | Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ But there was no success or victory, Uncle! We lost! ~ she replied to him.

Eina couldn't really reconcile her current position with her previous life. She knew she had to protect not only Ashla's followers, but now the Eternal Empire. And it just hurt her that everyone here was talking about joy and victory, as if they had not suffered defeat. The world was the world of the Carnifex, but that didn't make the people who lived there deserved the fate that befell them. And even Uncle Pietro didn't talk about Panatha as if it never happened. She sensed Cedric as soon as he entered the temple. While he slept, Eina visited him every day and talked to him. It was like it happened a thousand years ago.

~ Thank you, Kaiser! She is still alive and we will free her. ~ she told him.

She had to, she owed it to the Eternal Empire to try. Like Pietro before, Cedric's words hurt her now. It was as if every single word had stabbed a knife or a sword into the woman's heart and soul. The crowd celebrated, she didn't. For her, words caused pain; as she closed her eyes, two golden tears rolled down her face and fell to the ground, where they broke into a million pieces, but still refracted the light with their golden light as they fell, and were perfectly visible from afar.

Confused and in pain, Eina clasped her hands together in front of her chest as if she was praying, even though her wings seemed to be broken at this moment. She felt she should have stayed home with Geiseric Geiseric and their daughter, not come here. Never before had she seen so much duplicity, arrogance, depravity among the leaders of the Ashlan Crusade as she had seen in these few minutes. She would have been happy if she had been able to be angry, but she wasn't really able to, rather she just felt endless and immeasurable disappointment, sadness and pain.

The former Valkyrja, now Avatar, was not a politician, did not understand diplomacy and intrigue. Like her husband, she used iron and the Force to conduct diplomacy against demons or the Bogan. She didn't know how to deal with these gentlemen and ladies. What a diplomatic speech, so she just wanted to be herself. What she was about to say… reminded her for a moment that Gei had more of an effect on her than she had thought.

She stepped out from the cover of the pillars and into the centre of the hall so that everyone could see and hear her.

"How can you do it? Are you able to come to terms with your own actions after this? You sit here, in the glitter, the splendour, you celebrate. But what? What victory? We lost! When did arrogance, pride and greed corrupt the leaders and lords of the Ashlan Crusade? Do you call it a victory? Is it a victory for you if you chased away the Bogan, but didn't do anything to stop it? Are you satisfied with that? Where is the idea that we won't stop until a single servant of Bogan is able to actively act against Ashla or others? I'm glad Geiseric didn't come tonight because you'd break his heart with this behaviour and you broke mine too!" she told them.

She stopped for a moment, looked over the crowd, another golden light of tears streaming down her face.

"The Sith Empire did not disappear, they founded an empire again and their border already touches the border of the Eternal Empire! Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren , the Maw and the New Sith Order killed everyone on Panatha, everything alive, including the Force! They left only a dead world behind and put the entire Unknown Region in danger, forcing STRATCOM and Trinity Harris Trinity Harris to try to destroy the dead world to protect billions. And you falsify statistics to bask in the glory? To create a reason to eat, drink and be merry here? Do you dare call yourself a follower of Ashla? While you are encouraging and strengthening the Bogan with your words and actions?" she asked with infinite bitterness in her voice.

She paused again, clenching her hands into fists to hide her trembling, though the golden tears told how she felt. She hadn't mentioned the mother before, and she didn't intend to do so after that.

" If the Ashlan Crusade continues down this path, where statistics and lies are more important than deeds and real virtues, while supposedly defeated Bogan minions kill billions elsewhere... then I'm done with the Crusade and going to do alone or with Gei to do my task why Ashla sent us back." she ended there, she didn't move for the time being, she just lowered her head, her hair was falling forward, so only the faint golden light emanating from her hair indicated that she was still crying.



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