Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Darkness Likes Me

Vallory had found her quarters, and she had been there alone for quite some time. She sat on the bed of her quarters, swinging her legs as she sat on the side. [member="Vanessa Vantai"] had invited her to visit some place, a place of Dark Lords. She had not been fully paying attention, as Vallory did sometimes. She laid back, blowing hair out of her face. She was rather...bored. Some soldiers and crew on the Ablution, Vanessa's ship. Vallory had nothing to do.

So she went out of the room, stopping the closest patrolling guard. "Hey, hey you." They looked about, then pointed at themselves and she nodded. They came closer to her, listening while also slightly confused. "Can you go find Vanessa, tell her I want to see her? It's something very important" she said, with a most innocent tone and a shy face. The guard nodded, and she smiled back. Then they went off, and back into her room she went.

Vallory closed the door behind her, but did not lock it and then she went back to lay down on her bed, swinging her legs a bit.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa was soon notified by the guard of Vallory’s wish to speak with her. The Void Irregular Fleet was still licking its wounds after the battle of Kashyyyk. The Pluton she was aboard had jury-rigged repairs to the engines, which occasionally sputtered as she had returned to Korriban in order to provide a report on the conflict - notably the presence of the Mandalorian ships belonging to Clan Australis that had actively attempted to start an incident. Hopefully the right parties would handle the situation so Vanessa didn’t have to.

She left the bridge and traveled to Vallory’s quarters. Upon entering, she smiled. “Ah, Vallory.” She said. “So eager, I see. I had asked you here for a reason - we have tombs of the Sith to go explore.”

Vallory waited, and waited...and waited. She always felt like any wait was a long wait. She kept on swinging her legs, even when [member="Vanessa Vantai"] came in. She did look up though the see her, a small smile forming. It was more of a facade this time, her usual fake innocent smile. "That seems like fun. When we going down...cause I am bored" Vallory sighed exasperatingly. "Your crew seems nice...I swear some have been looking at me." She gave a knowing smirk, her facade lifted for a moment. She did have a tight black body suit, her usual outfit. And she rather liked it, though sometimes not the looks she got.

Finally, she pushed herself into an upright position, still kicking her legs. "So what are we doing down there? Speaking to the dead, oooh" she said, a teasing grin. She truly did not know what exactly she was messing with.
In Umbris Potestas Est
“You’ll find out soon enough.” She said. “As for them looking at you - I suppose that makes sense given what you are. Though as my apprentice, I would recommend behaving yourself. I do have the necessary means to end you - or do far worse - if you step out of line.” She replied. “The stringency is rather necessary if you are to ever ascend the ranks and become a full Sith.”

A sigh crossed her lips as she motioned for Vallory to follow her. “Long before the Sith were a belief, they were an actual species. You can find some of them here today, but they are extremely few.” She said. “The Sith were a primitive and violent people who buried their leaders in great tombs according to their splendor in life. We are going to visit a couple of those tombs.” She said.

Vallory rolled her eyes at [member="Vanessa Vantai"] as she spoke about behaving herself. She didn't want to, she wanted to have some fun. Especially through being so bored. "Don't you know how to have fun, Vanessa? Come on, how long till we get there?" She had a mischievous look in her lavender eyes, and a teasing smirk. One day, she would get Vanessa to loosen up a bit. But for now, she would have to sit through her continuous lectures. The boring, long lectures.

Though the threat...Vallory liked danger, and wondered briefly just how far Vanessa would go. But, she was not willing when she heard that she could end her as well. "And what will we find? Something mystical? Something dangerous? Something exciting?"
In Umbris Potestas Est

"I know how to have fun - I merely know the price of overindulgence." She said to her apprentice. "A good Sith knows how to moderate fun with more critically important things." She said. "Tulak Hord is the Sith whose tomb we will be visiting. We will be taking his actual physical remains, mummified as they are, and committing acts of alchemy and sorcery to turn them into a Sithspawn of unparalleled capabilities."

God, she loved being evil sometimes.
She looked skeptical, wondering briefly if [member="Vanessa Vantai"] did indeed know how to have fun. She was really wondering if she did. The vampire's eyes widened briefly upon hearing the plan that Vanessa had in mind. "Sithspawn?" Doing something to a very old corpse, she...wasn't too sure about that if she were to be honest. But, still she put on a smile. She jumped up off her bed, keeping her gaze to Vanessa.

"Right...when we leaving?" Vallory asked to her master. She was much excited, even if they were going to be doing things she did not yet understand with a mummified corpse.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Sithspawn. A creature made using alchemy and sorcery to serve the will of the Sith. Hence the name." She replied as they began to head to the shuttle. "There are other tombs to dig around in too. I guess we could try and rediscover the tomb of Ludo Kressh. Supposedly it's within a cave system somewhere." She wasn't entirely sure, though she knew the cave was in a passage that led to the Valley of the Dark Lords.

The shuttle undocked from the Ablution​ and moved onwards. They were in for a fun time.

Vallory was not really sure what exactly this 'Sithspawn' would be like. A creature? A creature of darkness. She followed to the shuttle, stepping aboard with [member="Vanessa Vantai"]. "" she said, with a little bit of sarcasm. But they were always just so cold, and dark. Sure, her kind weren't so fond of the light, but she wasn't fond of dark caves either. "So what will this thing look like, exactly? What will it do? Be like a pet or something?" She felt the shuttle begin to move, and down towards the planet they went. Down to the surface.
In Umbris Potestas Est

"We'll see." She said. "It's all a matter of determine what state the corpse is in and what we can do with it. Dead tissue does not resist the power of the Dark Side, unlike living tissue." She replied as the shuttle soon entered the atmosphere - outside the windows, the Valley of the Dark Lords was visible. "We'll be doing something better than just walking down the valley. How would you like to rappel off the top of the cliff the tombs are dug into and reach the tomb's entrance that way?" She asked.

Of course climbing up with be a pain, but the valley was wide enough for them to get a traditional pickup.
If anyone saw Vallory's face, they would have assumed it was a genuine grin of satisfaction. For it was. The offer was a great one, and a fun idea. "Don't have to ask me twice" she said back. She looked down to the planet they were coming to. "What's it like down there? Warm, cold? Full of life, or devoid of it?" She was most curious as she asked [member="Vanessa Vantai"] this.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Mostly devoid of it." She replied. "Excavations have long since taken away anything of true worth. That said, The true prize - the corpses of the Sith - are still there. We will take them and use them to create a new type of Sithspawn." She stepped down the ramp and looked over the edge. "Alright... grab those two fibercord rolls so we can stake them up here and move on down the mountain."

It was a simple enough way to do that.

Vallory listened. So it was devoid then. Still, the idea of taking old mummified did not disgust her, she just was not fond of the idea of putting her hands on a very, very old body. She followed [member="Vanessa Vantai"] down the ramp after they landed, and glanced over the edge as well. She took the rolls and staked them as told. She had to resist the urge to jump with the cord rather than rappel slowly, the call of danger that excited her. "Long way sure these will stay secured?"
In Umbris Potestas Est

"Of course they will." She replied as they reached the halfway point. "I wouldn't deliberately pick faulty equipment." Once they finally reached the valley floor, Vanessa smiled as she looked over the entrance to the Tomb of Tulak Hord. Within this place was something interesting. Something unique, different from the situation. Within was the body of Tulak Hord himself, one of the greatest Sith lightsaber duelists.

"You go first, my apprentice."
Vallory was glad to hear the reassurance. They descended till they reached the bottom. And then there they were, at an entrance to one of the tombs. She honestly expected something that looked bigger. She looked to [member="Vanessa Vantai"] as she was told to go first. Then back to the entrance...Then off she went, rather eager of what dangers lie ahead. If any at all. But also the sense of adventure and mystery, and some kind of feeling she was getting from just being near it.
In Umbris Potestas Est

The two would reach the opening of the tomb and head inside. The doors were already opened - there didn't seem to be much to worry about. Not now. The tunnels were empty of Shyracks and Tuk'ata. There weren't even really that many corpses or other leftovers. "Keep moving." She said. "The last thing we want is to trigger any traps the Sith may have left for grave robbers." Of course those had all been activated by idiots who entered the tomb beforehand.

Vallory paused for a moment as they moved inside of the tomb, through the open doors. "Wait, traps?" Then she thought, why was this place already open? Were there others inside? "What else should we expect?" The Sanguinus followed with Vallory as they began moving further inside. What other dangers were inside? Predatory creatures? Grave-robbers? She felt a darkness from the tomb. The dark side. It lured her, further and further.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I don't know." She said. "If I did, we wouldn't be having this conversation." She looked over the interior of the tomb - a few half eaten bones, likely devoured by shyracks or tuk'ata many years ago. "How ironic that the one thing we as Sith fail at is keeping nosy people away from our dead." She chuckled for a bit. "It takes time, attrition... but we reap what the dead offer us, then are reaped in turn. Cruel irony."

Indeed it was, to those who were learned.

Vallory gave a small little laugh. "No, no we would not" she said in response. As they ventured further, the darkness that she felt spread, strengthened. She could feel it's power, some sort of dark malice. "That's the dark side isn't it." There was something about this place. She smiled as she felt it, yes such power. She made a grab for her saber, to light the area ahead for them as she activated it. Just in case so they could see ahead. "Quite dark..." she said to [member="Vanessa Vantai"], trying to make some sort of conversation.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Of course." She said. "This entire planet Is nothing more than a Dark Side nexus. A place where over thousands of years such energy has pooled and grown strong. Why would you ever expect anything different?" She replied. Vanessa watched as they would head further into the tomb, eventually getting stuck at a crossroads. One path went to the left, the other went to the right.

"Well, you go ahead and pick which direction."


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