Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Depths we Travel

Wretched Vampire
"I can," he reassured her.

He didn't like to see her upset, not on his account. He should have been glad that there was at least one person who wouldn't step over his cold corpse without even a glance of sympathy.

His eyes fluttered shut. His focus turned inwards. Rayth felt some of the bleeding being stemmed. It hurt too much and he was bleeding too much to heal this quickly.

"I need..."

Rayth's eyes opened and he glanced at Annika with raw hunger.

"...some time."

From the distance came the sound of a blaster. He glanced at the thing on the ground and last Annika to the door. Perhaps they did not have that luxury.

Location: Denon
Objective: Learn
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this

This was bad, and Annika's head looked towards the door, with the noise of gunfire and the clattering of the fight, it was inevitable that someone would hear them and come to investigate. She put pressure on the wound, the bleeding seemed to be slowing, but whether that was from.bos body weakening or strengthening, she had no way of telling. "How long do you think you need?" she asked him, she was seriously debating leaving him and jumping out the window, but that wasn't her style and something kept her here.

"Is there anything I can do? I don't think I can carry you." she let out a little huff of a laugh, trying to make light of their predicament. "Chit, if we'd had a few more lessons I bet we could use the force to fix this." her heart was beating hard in her chest as she heard what sounded like a vehicle approaching. She checked her pistol and looked down the darkened passageway, noone coming yet

Wretched Vampire

"If only," he growled.

That blaster shot hadn't been far enough away. Someone was close. Their vehicle right outside. He would have stretched out with his basic awareness of the Force, but he couldn't concentrate.

"You should go..." he said. Rayth squeezed his eyes shut. His hand was cold, but firm over her own. His blood seeping out was hot.

His eyes snapped open. His pupils were flushed. Rayth's lips peeled back into a sneer, revealing the sharp white points of his teeth. Her theories confirmed in the worst possible way.

One hand snatched her wrist, the other her shoulder. His grip was a steel vice.


Location: Denon
Objective: Get eaten (but only a bit)
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this

When he grabbed her wrist and her shoulder her heart raced even faster, looking at him now she knew exactly what he was, and exactly what he craved. The witch, obsessed with the macabre, knew enough vampiric lore to know how this went, he would feed, he would heal and he would escape. If she fought it, she had no doubt he would take her by force and she would be left for dead. She only had one option, to embrace his hunger and to hope her acceptance would leave her alive afterwards.

She locked eyes with him and thumbed with her blaster pistol. "...Just get it over with, take what you need, but if you take too much im going to use my last breath to put a fucking bullet in your head... got it?" she tried yo hide the fear in her voice, but the teen felt herself quivering. But there was something else, a kind of morbid excitement for what was about to happen. The smallest part of her felt like the heroine in some vampiric romance story, only this was real, and there was a distinct possibilty she was about to have the life ripped out of her.
Wretched Vampire

Rayth listened to his words, but his battle had become an internal one. He had never been raised by another of his kind. He had no idea what he was. He only knew that he had to sate the hunger. Here, feeling his lifeblood running free, that draw was almost impossible to keep in check.

The sound of a blaster humming as the safety catch was thumbed certainly helped to focus his thoughts. His gaze drifted up from her neck to meet her eyes.

She offered. That had never happened before. Instinct wanted to drag her down sharply. To bury his teeth into her exposed neck. It would kill her. Even if she put a bolt in his brain he would severe an artery and she would bleed out.

The hand at her shoulder loosened its grip. His palm ran over her shoulder and smoothed into the curve of her throat. The grip at her wrist remained tight. He drew her arm towards his lips. She would feel his warm breath as he chose his spot. Rayth looked at her as he chose a point near the crook of her elbow.

Reality would strike home for her as his teeth sank in. It would hurt as they pierced pale skin and drew warmth and iron into his mouth.

Molten fire suffused his veins. His golden eyes flared wildly as he refused to break eye contact. His heart was all he could hear. His pulse was being hammered out on the inside of his mind, stronger with each moment.

OOC/ Self control based on the roll as a spectrum. Low = doesn't stop on his own, High = finishes willingly


Location: Denon
Objective: Get eaten (but only a bit)
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this
Annika made an attempt to look away as Rayth Rayth drew her in to him, but she couldnt avert her eyes from his and watched as he penetrated her arm. She swore under her breath, surprised by just how much it hurt. Then surprised that she was surprised, he was biting through her skin, of course it would hurt. Her body felt the dark energies in the air as he drank and his eyes burned hot with the taste of her blood. Her own body tingled in such away she could only compare it to one thing she had ever experienced in her life and her breath began to get shorter. The teen felt the pistol becoming loose in her other hand and had to fight to keep hold of it. Her zeltron pheromone glands were going into overdrive right now with the excitement and she knew he would be able to scent it.

Her mind began to swim as the seconds turned into a minute and Annika realised she was feeling light headed, the pistol, her last line of defence clattered noisily on the floor at her feet. "OK, you need to stop... I'm... I'm going to..." The girl was worried she would black out, but she felt something stirring deep inside her, spurred on by her feeling of fear, self protection and other confusing emotions, the force moved through her. Purple flame began to kick around her hands, as it did before but this time it was different, it was no longer an illusion. Annika looked at Rayth through her eyes that had become pits of deep purple. "You need to stop... NOW."

The girl tried to shove him away, oblivious to the pain she was about to inflict on both of them be forcing the end of his feeding, but the force was flowing through her and it would protect her.

Wretched Vampire

The taste of her blood and the pheromones in the air stole his senses. He looked up at her with his lips pressed to pale skin. He didn't want to waste a drop. Fangs remained embedded in her skin. Rayth was still an immature feeder, used to tearing and rending an open wound that he could drain from. Heat filled his mouth. Anima powered his spirit.

He didn't even hear her first warning. Rayth drew back his teeth and pressed his tongue to the wound.

"You need to stop... NOW."

Rayth narrowed his eyes. His grip on her arm tightened, which slowed the flow of blood. He could feel the open wound under his ribs starting to knit back together.

He felt the heat of flames beneath his chin. Rayth released his grip and was shoved to his back. He scrabbled down the corridor away from her.

Rayth looked at her with feral eyes, but with each deep breath his senses returned to him. Instead of hungry, he looked embarrassed. He dropped his head to his chest so that she couldn't meet his gaze.

Location: Denon
Objective: Escape
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this
Her arm hurt, a lot, a blood trickled down from the open wounds in her elbow, but he had stopped and with the imminent danger gone, the force began to weakened inside her. The flames went out and her eyes returned to normal. "Huh?..." she said to herself, as she felt her own personality returning to normal. She had know idea what that was, but it felt good, she felt indestructible for just a moment.

As the man cowered and returned to his own senses, she could hear a crash downstairs as someone had breached the room, they may have to fight their way out, but the window was right there, a jump and they could run. She was dripping, she needed to sort herself out, so she pulled out a small Bacta-H spray and applied it to her wound as she looked at Rayth Rayth he looked like a different person, he looked humiliated. "Oh come on, your not one of those guys that apologises after sex are you." she laughed in a friendly way at him and slipped the spray away. She then picked up her holodevice to turn the torch back off. "Oh!..." she said, startled as she realised she had set it to record by accident and it had captured the whole feeding. She would look at that later and perhaps see if there was anything she could share, her followers would literally die to see her getting fed on by a genuine vampire.

"How does this work? Did that do the trick? I feel a little woozy, but I don't think we have time to worry. We fighting are way out or running?" she extended her hand to the guy, this guy was now someone to her, it wasn't the usual way she had hoped they might get intimate, but she liked it anyway.

Wretched Vampire
Her reaction surprised him. Rayth looked up at her from under dark fronds of hair.

"I could have killed you," he said. He didn't know much about the other thing she had said, but he was fairly certain that it wasn't supposed to be fatal.

Rayth had a crude control of the power he had taken. He set it to work on sealing the wound. It would take time to truly heal, but at least he wasn't dying.

His tongue swept the last of the blood from his lips. Breathing in still filled his nostrils with the scent of iron.

"We go," he hissed, looking behind him. "Watch them from a distance."

Location: Denon
Objective: Escape
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this

"But you didn't, did you?" she said with a mischievous grin, "Maybe next time?" she shrugged and looked at the bruising and the two puncture wounds on her arm. The enhanced bacta had stopped the bleeding, but she was a mess still.

"OK, that works, we can talk about who owes who a meal once we get out." she adjusyed her hat and made her way towards the window they had entered from. The steps inside the building were getting louder and there was now shouting that they could hear. The teen steadied herself, feeling a little light headed, but not wanting to lose face. She peered out the window, "noone out this side yet." This was the second floor, the floor was hard, they couldn't just jump. Annika lifted her leg over the threshold and looked back at Rayth with a sweet smile "Ready?" before disappearing over the edge to grab the drain pipe again.
Wretched Vampire

"I owe you for that," Rayth said earnestly. "Thank you."

He still felt embarrassed about the entire ordeal. His pulse was still loud in his ears. His blood - and hers - ran hot through his veins. He looked down and part of him wanted to attack the smooth curve of her neck.

Rayth looked back down the corridor before he followed her. Part of him wanted to stay, to hunt whoever was coming after them. To let go. To tear and rend and bite.

He climbed with far less assured movements than on the way up. His thoughts were pulled in different directions. His side ached fiercely.

"Blaster fire," he said. "More in the distance. Are they here for those monsters?"


Location: Denon
Objective: Escape
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this

"Maybe? I'm curious why they got here so fast, they must have been monitoring the building or something?" she looked puzzled, something was off about this. Once back into cover with a safe vantage, she pulled out her device and looked at the last images she had captured of the snarling face running at her down the corridor. She showed Rayth Rayth "Here, look at this." the picture looked like a feral creature out of control. "I know a load of monsters and chit like that, but I don't recognise this? Do you think they might have released it to take out the safe house?" the place was boarded up with the people all trapped inside with this creature, it wasn't a big leap for her to make that assumption.

Not far from them she could see lights from some kind of paramilitary looking vehicle, it hadn't been there when they broke in so maybe it was a clue they could pursue. She lifted her finger and pointed "I want to see what's in that, think they have feeds from the guys inside?" she looked mischievously at Rayth, possibly she was making rash decisions because of her blood loss, or perhaps it was the darkness in the air that invigorated her, but Annika picked herself up and started moving quietly towards the armoured vehicle where the well lit back door called invitingly in the otherwise darkened street.

Wretched Vampire
"But I don't think they ended up unleashing them on just one building," he said, thinking of the distant blaster sounds and the size of the area that had been sealed off.

It actually unnerved him to think that anyone could wipe out a small block of people just to deal with spies. Rayth must have killed a lot of people in his time, but there was something about the callous, calculated nature of such an act that didn't sit well with him.

Once again he was swept up in Annika's wake. He might as well have been one of her most loyal followers at this time, blindly accepting what she told him.

"There is one person inside," Rayth informed Annika quietly. "Capture him or..."

Location: Denon
Objective: Escape
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this
Annika looked concerned when Rayth Rayth mentioned the wider area, were there more of those things, she didnt enjoy the idea of encountering them again. "I think we take him alive, the guy at the computer is probably just some dork sat their wishing he was playing hologames, probably wouldn't even need to grill him that hard to get him to talk." she knew the type very well, her social scene was full of them, including some of her closest friends.

"Let's hope the bad guys have left some incriminating... damn, is this meant to itch so much?... yeah.. let's go see what they have in there." she itched at the wound on her arm as she spoke. Before disappearing inside the vehicle, "Hey sweetie, what you upto?" she asked the young man at the console. He wasn't far of what she had imagined. "You can probably put the comm down for a moment, we just want to chat." Rayth would likely pick up the scent of her pheremones that she knew she was releasing, but he might also feel the sensation of her unknowingly tapping into the force to manipulate the man's emotions towards her.
Wretched Vampire
"Never bitten anyone and..."

And let them live. Rayth decided she didn't need to hear that. If she felt an itch, so did he. The taste of her blood was a memory that wouldn't leave him alone.

As she stepped into the back of the van and drew his attention, Rayth opened the passenger door at the front. He kept a knife in his left hand, just in case he needed to slit a throat.

The young man's hand slowly fell towards the blaster at his hip. It hovered there. Rayth locked his eyes on the point in his neck where he would sink the knife.

The man's hand hovered there, before slowly moving up to remove his headset.

"What?" he asked.

Rayth allowed himself to relax a little. At the back of his mind he felt a flicker of jealousy that their quarry had her full attention and bore the brunt of her pheromones.

"What do you want to talk about?"

On the monitors bodycams showed torchlight falling on the form of the creature they had killed.

Location: Denon
Objective: Escape
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this
Annika was pleased at how naturally that Rayth complemented her, ready to pounce the moment her rather bold plan inevitability failed, he was a keeper. The tech seemed to respond well and Annika moved a little closer, pushing her hair behind her ear, she knew it made her look cute. "Ok, so lets start with the basics, who do you work for and what is their relationship with this lovely creature" she tapped her dark purple fingernail on the screen in front of the man, the one where his allies were currently standing over the beast that Annika and Rayth had downed in the brief fight, someone had set up a portable light in the corridor so they were clearly doing something.

There was a crackle on his headset, Annika didnt really hear much other than "checking in" she gestured with her eyes at the headset. <<Thirty minute check recieved, feed is live, you are all good.>> the man spoke briefly into into the microphone before placing it back down onto his chest and giving his attention to the manipulative teenager.
Wretched Vampire
Rayth slid the sith knife he was carrying back into its sheath. He remained in the front seat of the van, leaning over the headrest to watch events play out.

Annika was perfectly aware of the effect she had on people. She had 'followers'. It made him wonder just how many people had been captivated by her spell.

"I can't tell you who we work for," the man said. He flashed her a smug smile, clearly thinking that the mystery would make him more interesting.

"That..." he said, tapping on the monitor, " a prototype genetic project. The remote recall function isn't working so we need to clean up by hand."

Location: Denon
Objective: Escape
Tags: Rayth Rayth
Wearing: this
The man was witholding information but at least he had confirmed that he had a connection to the beast and that he knew at least who was wanting to recover it. If it wqs being recalled, it muat have been sent from somewhere.

She moved in closer to the man and started absent mindedly, but very deliberately running her nails up and down her clavicle bone. She lowered her voice as she spoke to him again. "We both know that you have to be smarter than your average corporate meathead to operate all this kit here, so im guessing you have a little more information in that head of yours.

We would like to know a couple of things, how many nore there are, and who sent it out, and from where. You can tell me, I'm zeltron and you must have heard how much fun we are. Or... if my friend is more to your tastes, you can tell him. He's fun too, except he's not zeltron and twenty minutes ago your little science project stabbed him."
the teen glanced over at Rayth and gave a little smirk, she wondered if he was still hungry. There would be no doubt in anyone's mind what his options were.
Wretched Vampire
The soldier didn't even glance at Rayth. His fogged up gaze lingered on Annika and listened only to her honeyed tones.

He was smarted than the other soldiers. Deployed from the tech division to look after the door kickers as they did their thing.

"They've been working on these for years. The life down in the dark of Denon is fearsome...they wanted...codename..."

The man slowed his speech. Codenames. Is wasn't information to be shared. Not even at a bar with a hot...

But he wasn't in a bar. He was in the van and...

The soldier reached suddenly for his sidearm.

Rayth drew on the anima, trying to follow the lessons Alina had started to beat into him. His arm was a blur as it came down and wrapped around the soldier's hand.

His left arm went around the soldier's head, yanking it back and exposing his neck.

With fangs bared, he looked to Annika for permission.

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