Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Eviction of Hyperi 7




The Commerce Guild has shown up on Denon, and they're delighted to kick up dirt as they slide on in. Agents of the First Bank comb the Sakedo Tower Ward for a suitable headquarters, and when they've finished, they come back with Hyperi 7 at the top of the list.​
Hyperi 7: modestly sized megatower, sitting on the fringes of the Tower Ward between Cheeskar's End and Lum Rouge. Cozy spot. Good for morale and business. The primary downside is that it was home to about ten thousand "low income" residents.​
Buying up the rights to the tower is easy. It's pushing ten thousand residents someplace else that's going to be tricky.​
Notices are sent out. Polite, sure, but also firm and vaguely threatening. The ones who can just barely afford it go ahead and pack up, then scatter to the winds. But there's about three thousand people who can't. Either too poor or too sick or too something else.​
As a wise man once said: there's no problem that about a thousand heavily armed goons can't solve. A company of the Silver Shield Group's finest is called in. Hyperi 7 is locked down, and patrols of armored gentlemen busy themselves combing through the building and escorting the dregs of society off of the premises. Polite, sure, but also firm and overtly threatening, this time around.​
Tears, shouting, protests, the detritus of peoples' lives piled up on the sidewalks outside of Hyperi 7. It's looking to be one of "those" days.​


Do not interfere with the evictions.
To help streamline your participation in this "public thread" the Commerce Guild has assembled this handy list of "objectives." We highly encourage all prospective "participants" to "adhere closely" to these "objectives."​


OBJECTIVE 01: Cry About It

When confronted with the harsh cruelties of reality, crying can be an important source of catharsis. Please find a private space and cry if you feel the need. Crying by yourself is the optimal way to participate, as it will have a negligible influence on this situation. We know this is very sad. We simply do not care very much​

Do not interfere with the evictions.

OBJECTIVE 02: Write Your Local Senator

Despite considerable advances in the field of communications technology, it will likely take six to eight weeks for your senator to even acknowledge your attempt at communication. By then the current processes will have been long resolved in our favor. And that is a good, good thing!​

Do not interfere with the evictions.

OBJECTIVE 03: Protest Peacefully

We understand your frustration! We hear you. We see you. That is why the Commerce Guild has allocated a special space for "demonstrators" to air their grievances in a respectful and constructive way. This special space is conveniently located four kilometers away from the eviction site, and will thus ensure the safety of our brave Silver Shield Contractors.​

Do not interfere with the evictions.


We remind all "participants" that while these "objectives" have been installed for a "safe and fun" experience, they are not "mandatory." Feel free to "engage" with this "public thread" in any way you see fit! But remember:​

Do not interfere with the evictions.
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Sar stared into empty air as he leaned against the chassis of the airspeeder. That was a common occurrence, had been ever since he had been tied to the mind of OMNI for a while only to be just as suddenly freed. Time had passed, but he still felt hollow. It just would not go away.

"... officer. Officer, please." Recovering with a start, he grimaced under his helmet - someone could have slit his throat in his distraction.

Squinting down at the rather ragged-looking civilian, he found himself regaled with a tale of woe and suffering. Of unjust evictions and entire families with nowhere else to go. Suffering for greed. You'd the locals would know better. "We are sorry you feel that way, but the Silver Shield Group has every right to manage its property. I'm sure they have a 'Contact Us' page." After a moment, a tablet was produced. "Your opinion matters to us."

A stint in CorpSec was safe. Calm-ish. Just what he needed to get back in the game.

Frowning as the evictee rated his assistance as 'Poor', Sar began to softly tap the airspeeder with his baton. "Your review is important to us. It is used to calculate bonuses, among other things." As the tapping got progressively harder, the civilian adjusted his rating to 'Excellent'. "Good first step."

A meaningful look towards a feedback box. "Provisional Officer Dravis was professional... and polite..."​

OPEN TO LAW ABIDING CITIZENS (and criminal scum).​



A Falleen stood inside the cockpit of an Azimuth Industries shuttle, observing the Hyperi 7 tower through the glasteel.

“The evacuation should begin any moment now,” he muttered.

“Uh, don’t you mean evictions?” asked a human pilot.

“Yes, that’s what I said.”

“Right. What was your name again?”

“Xun, Chief Sapient Resources Officer,” replied the Falleen, his voice soft and pleasant, as he rested a hand on the back of the pilot’s chair.

“Right. Sorry, I’m just a contractor. So uh what does being a-“

“Chief Sapient Resources Officer.”

“Yeah, what’s that entail?”

“Have you ever seen a herd of nerfs? They will mill about, confused and aimless, without proper guidance. I am that guidance.”

“Oh,” replied the pilot, who was pretty sure nerfherding involved really mean dogs and electric prods, but decided against mentioning it. Speaking of electric prods and mean dogs... "Looks like Silver Shield is about to go in."


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Someone bumped into the civilian, jostling the tablet in his hands. A pair of pink hands steadied his shoulders in apology, brushing against the datapad as they fell away from his person.


At that exact moment, the device overheated and shut down. The screen also cracked, for some reason. All thanks to the subtle manipulation of mechanical innards. Unfortunately, the civilian hadn't pressed submit and the review for Provisional Officer Dravis was erased.

"Sorry 'bout your raise." She met his helmeted visor with a scowl. "Times sure are are tough."

Sarvod Dravis Sarvod Dravis | Open
Appearance meant everything in the world.

If you could make something horrible look positively boring and stale the masses would be more willing to look past it. If you could make it look positive... oh, they might very well even cheer you on as it happened. As it stood, there was very little you could do to make a forcibly eviction of a few thousand poor souls look pleasant.

It was not a surprise then that Luca Caldogne, Magistratus of the First Bank of Procopia was nowhere near Denon on that day. In fact, he was as far away as anzatily possible while remaining civil. That is, Luca was currently ribbon cutting on Fondor. A benefit to raise money for orphans and the homeless to be specific.

Perhaps the First Bank of Procopia had given out several loans to make this acquisition possible. But the bank gave out loans to a lot of people and managed a lot of accounts. If Luca would be held to account for every last one, why, they'd have to decline account requests for any sentient with a sordid personal record. If that wasn't an infringement of every sentient's right to conduct their financial business in privacy, Luca didn't know what was.

So, we established that Luca is nowhere near Denon.



Viktor Brandt.

Second-in-command to Gideon Ract, the Head of Bank Security.​

Whenever a sordid undertaking needed to take place Viktor was your man. He did not care. Scratch that, he cared a lot, but perhaps not in the healthy way a sentient should. The operator was the first man in and the last man out. Usually because every other man did their best to leave as soon as possible when they realized Viktor was on the job as well.

He was just too invested in it.

Every meticulous detail. Each beating that needed to be administrated. He'd grab the lighter and insist to be the one lightning the fuse. This was the sort of man you didn't trust at your back, because once you run out of targets... you couldn't help but wonder if the combat knife wouldn't accidentally get stuck in you next.

Probably an unfair assessment, but hey, the Galaxy was full of those.

"Papers, please." Viktor's partner, Alfonso the Rodian, requested almost bored. "No, ma'am. Papers. This isn't a paper. This is a ..."

Alfonso looked down and cursed, dropping the diaper on the ground with a disgusted grunt. Before the Rodian could retaliate she already disappeared back into her apartment. The door already closed, the bolt already engaged.

"Told you we should have simply pulled her out." Viktor murmured calmly in clipped crisp Coruscanti native.

"I... wanted to do things by the book." Lamely tone and still staring at his hand. He couldn't really be blamed for trying to be nice about things. Even if Viktor thought it was a bit silly. He clapped the chap on the shoulder, before gently pushing him to the side. "I get that, buddy, I really do. But in these times we only have to worry about one thing."

"Make sure we don't get shot?"

"Nah, get Caldogne his money, 'cus it ain't blasters we gotta worry about if we fail." Before Alfonso could ask for clarification Viktor already kicked the door open. It shattered the wood, breaking the hinges and causing a dozen other instances of property damage.

But they never put Viktor on a job where chit had to be clean.

Silver Shield Group Silver Shield Group Azimuth Industries Azimuth Industries Yula Perl Yula Perl Sarvod Dravis Sarvod Dravis


(( Route opposition to your location by tagging this account at any time. ))

To the surprise of no-one, except maybe those given to believe in the inherent goodness of all peoples, the evictions begin. Right on schedule. Orders crackle in over closed channels, and lines of Silver Shield contractors enter the First Bank's new building in neat, lockstep lines. It's all been carefully choreographed long in advance. Some of them set up a perimeter outside with the token CorpSec attachment. Others secure the lobby. Checkpoints spring up like weeds.​
The rest start taking the turbolifts up. They break into squads from there. Floor to floor. Door to door. It's going to take a while to collect everyone and see them outside. Generous estimates say six to eight hours, maybe.​
But it'll get done.​


Closed fist, CQ-2244 pounds on the door. Thwump, thwump, thwump. It's the perfect knock: harsh, authoritarian, urgent. It's hard not to admire proper technique, even given the circumstances. There was no reply. CQ-2244 barks at the door now, "Mister Flegg. Lease is up. Let us in."​
No response.​
CQ-2244 grunts, holds his hand out. "Give me the key."​
CQ-2244 prefers when the occupants open the doors. Finds it undignified when they force him to do it. His partner, CL-8675 hands him the master key they'd been using. He slides it over the reader and the door clicks, slides open.​
The apartment has seen better days. Furniture's old. Dusty, but not filthy. There are assorted knick-knacks that CL-8675 takes note of as they enter. Lots of fake plants. There are stacks of single-use datapads and plenty of holo-portraits. Family and friends, maybe old coworkers. Lots of smiling, happy children.​
"Good grief," says CL-8675. If he has a conscience, it's just been kicked in the shin.​
CQ-2244 is already using his stun baton to push open a bedroom door, "You say something?"​
CL-8675 follows his colleague to the bedroom. It's in much the same state, but here is Croteus Flegg. The Ithorian sits in a standard-issue wheelchair facing a tele-screen. He's got a quilt over his lap. A news piece on one of the absolute cock-up that is the South Systems is on, but no sound is coming out. Muted. Flegg has no way of hearing it, so far as CL-8675 can tell.​
Looking at Flegg, it becomes clear to CL-8675 that even by the standards of Ithorians, Croteus Flegg is exquisitely, magnificently old. He wonders briefly if he should be covered in bubble wrap and shipped to a museum.​
"Time to go, Flegg," CQ-2244 flips the screen off to establish dominance, "Lease is up. Everyone's getting moved out."​
Flegg does not stir. CQ-2244 looks, somehow disbelievingly despite his helmet, at CL-8675.​
"Is this guy even alive?"​
Flegg is clearly breathing through all four throats, so yes, but CL-8675 goes with, "I'm detecting vitals on my end. Hey, uh, what's going to happen to him?" Was anyone coming to get him? Did he have a place to go? Was the fact that he was still here, all alone, the real and deeply uncomfortable answer to those questions?​
CQ-2244 sighs dramatically and misses that his partner even asked anything. "Great, we're going to have to wheel him out. I almost hoped we could leave him for sanitation. Get him, will you?"​
"Sure, yeah," CL-8675 maneuvers behind Flegg, takes the handles in hand. Flegg does not seem to register his presence. "Hey, Dennis?"​
"That's not my designation."​
"Oh, right. Hey, CQ-2244?"​
CL-8675 glances around the room. Why does this guy have so many photos? Teacher. Must have been a teacher. It was starting to make him nauseous. "Are we bad people? For doing this?"​
"Hm. Well," CQ-2244 fingers his stun baton, more bored by the question than anything, "Do bad people make sixteen grand a month?"​
"Uhhhhh… I guess they… Could? Yeah?"​
"Then yeah, we're bad people," CQ-2244 pushes the bedroom door open again and holds it there so Flegg can be wheeled through. "Cry to your therapist when we're done and leave me out of it."​

That was probably the better option than discussing this any further with CQ-2244. CL-8675 took a weary breath and wheeled Flegg out of the bedroom, out of the apartment, and down the long, bleak corridor. It would be an uncomfortable ride down the turbolift when they got there.​

While Yula Perl Yula Perl bumped into the civilian, Juno was out for a jog. Juno however, was a bit clumsy, and ended up bumping into Sarvod Dravis Sarvod Dravis herself.

"Sorry, sorry." Juno said to the CorpSec officer. If he didn't keep hold of his baton some clever telekinesis would ensure the baton fell on his foot. If there was a stun function she'd activate that as well, but CorpSec probably had some fancy armor that prevented him from feeling it.

"I'm a bit clumsy." Juno would say. "but you seem a bit clumsy too?" She'd ask, were the baton to fall to his foot.

"Anyways, I've gotta go. I have a place I gotta be " Juno replied. Dravis would probably know the path she was running went directly to Hyperi 7.
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"No riots," mused Xun as several minutes passed without incident. People began to emerge from the building onto various platforms along the megatower, most of them carrying their belongings with them. Others left them in a pile and simply knelt on the ground sobbing.

Xun made a hissing sound of disappointment, thumbing an earring as he turned to the annoying human pilot.

"Open the channel to the rest of the transports..." the pilot complied and Xun cleared his voice, adopting a calm, but stern inflection that was so common among the core worlds.

"Attention Azimuth Industries transports, you may begin embarking the evicted now."

Across the skyline, transports began to swoop down and land on platforms.

All according to plan so far.

Azimuth Industries, well aware of the ridicule and hatred that would erupt at the evictions, aimed to lessen the impact by taking two measures. First, several thousand very cheap, very flimsy, but ultimately habitable affordable housing units had been constructed on the other side of the planet. Second, Azimuth ships would transport the evicted to their new homes at no cost, with the first month rent free.

A solid plan, Xun believed, but ultimately deficient in one regard:

People were weak, irrational creatures.


Gideon Ract


Hyperi 7
Floor 47 - Section D

CL-8675 and CQ-2244 strode past Gideon with Mr. Croteus Flegg in their possession. He paused and watched them to the lift, and as the doors slid shut, tapped his tablet once and progressed to the next room. Down the hall, the heavy thud of a boot against a door and the subsequent sharp crack of wood caught Gideon's attention. He passed the tablet off to a Silver Shield contractor shadowing him for the afternoon and went to oversee the eviction - thus far the most violent of the day. At least on the 47th floor.
Alfonso stood outside, wringing his hands. When he saw Gideon approach, his posture stiffened up, but the helmeted man just shouldered past him and sauntered into the room. Viktor had been kind enough to redecorate the entry hall by removing personal effects from shelves and leaving them on the floor on his way in. Shards of a broken pot crunched under Gideon's boot.
"Vik," voice crackled through the helmet as he rounded the corner. A sigh. "Vik..." The burly, scarred man had the woman face-down on the floor. She was absolutely, thoroughly subdued. Between the door to the detainee, Gideon could count a dozen breaches in protocol left in Viktor's wake.
"Man, you got Alfonso shaking in his damn boots out there," he thumbed towards the entrance. Gideon shook his head. "Come on, get her up. Let's pass her off to the SSG."
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Steve Apollo


Post: 1

Objective: Interfere with the evictions
Tags: Enzo Bancraft Enzo Bancraft

Denon. An urban world...Apollo's favorite. Urban worlds were always a diverse experience, in one corner a ruthless bounty hunter could be hunting his prey, and right next to him the head of an innocent family could be begging for some credits to get through the day. These places were simultaneously hives of scum and villainy, and homes for millions of innocent people just trying to make ends meet.

The planet happened to be a strategic position for The Empire. It was technically Galactic Alliance territory, but it was far enough south to be considered a point of interest as The Empire was slowly expanding North. Therefore any time an opportunity to win over hearts and minds, or sabotage the current administration came up, The Empire would try to capitalize on it. This time, The Commerce Guild was evicting residents of Hyperi 7, a tower in The Tower Ward.

The Agent had been sent to Denon by Prince Rex Valhoun to help shut down the Commerce Guild before they could ruin lives. Viktor Brandt. That was the target. The man was overseeing the evictions of Hyperi 7. He had a long list of jobs he had done...Apollo had read them all. They often ended with one side of the fence being bloodied up, or worse, while the other side...Viktor...cashed in another paycheck. He was scum. Apollo didn't care about that though, all that mattered to the veteran agent was the mission bestowed to him by Valhoun.

Apollo's focus was interrupted when two helmeted troopers called out to him.

"Hey, you there. This tower is being evicted, you're going the wrong way."

"Yeah, turn around if you know what's good for you" The second trooper said, instinctively activating his stun baton. He was obviously much less friendly than the first. Apparently this was the genius of the duo, speaking in such a manner to a 6'8 man with muscles that'd make even the wrestling champions of Coruscant think twice before confronting him.

The Agent stopped in his tracks, staring at the two troopers through his glasses. The "sunglasses" were for more than looks, of course. They had a variety of features...automatic light filtering that made dark spaces light and light spaces a bit darker, a zoom feature, messages could appear right at the lenses, and a few other features that made his work just a hair bit easier.

"C'mon man, get a move on..."

"Are you deaf and blind? Get the hell out of here! Scram!"

The Agent grinned. The silent taunt was enough to set the mercenary off. He raised the stun baton and stormed toward The Agent. Surprised, the second soldier was a bit slow to draw his own baton and charge in after his buddy. That slowness was a terrible error. The Agent jumped forward, grabbing the raised arm of the first trooper and thus stopping him from swinging the stun baton. Then The Agent delivered a straight kick to the chest of the trooper, sending him flying back a few feet before hitting the ground. Now the second trooper had arrived. The Agent dodged the first two swings from this trooper, then stepped into the trooper's offhand punch. With no room to build momentum, the punch landed harmlessly on The Agent's arm. Apollo then used his left hand, shoving the man back.

"Alright, game over. You didn't attack first so I'll give you a choice. Is that ten grand or so that you're getting paid worth all the broken bones you'll leave with if you try again?"

"No, not really..." The trooper then deactivated the baton after thinking for a moment, and then motioned for Apollo to go ahead.

"Thought not."
Denon as a whole was crowded, but this was getting ridiculous.

A Zeltron bumped into the 'customer' and a datapad that should have been fairly hardy broke, then a Twi'lek bumped into him and his baton slipped from his fingers as if it had suddenly been covered in soap. He pulled back his foot on instinct - just in time to see the stun function activate.

Behind the opaque visor, eyes narrowed in consideration, before turning to the 'valued customer'. "Scram."

If he could, he would have arrested both women for something, but he was only one man and one was running off. Damn it.

"Not you. ID, please. Both of you." His tone of voice made it clear that he was all but hoping they would refuse. As he slowly reached down to retrieve the baton without ever letting either leave his sight, he felt more and more confident that something was wrong. The Zeltron in particular looked ready to throw down at a moment's notice. A passionate people, that. This one seemed the kind to break a nose over a spilt drink.

If the Twi'lek ran off, he would simply tag her for later - he had no intention of turning his back on the overtly hostile pinko.'

What was one clumsy nobody going to do to interfere with the work of a veritable army of armed security officers?​

"I'm amazed at how many people that works on. The entire galaxy must be filled with weak-minded fools."
- Canderous Ordo

Juno's telekinetic trick almost worked, but the CorpSec guy was quick enough to move his foot. The corpo was getting upset. He told the guy in the air speeder go scram, but the real tell was how he picked up his baton, slowly keeping his eyes on Juno and Yula Perl Yula Perl . Then he asked for ID. Did everyone on Denon need to have ID at a moments notice? Juno had only really come to look at the inventory at Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr 's used ship market and Droid shop. After some thinking she remembered she was given some week pass when she docked. Probably marked her as a tourist, and perhaps forbade her from traveling in certain sectors.

Juno stopped, turned, and pulled out a card from her jacket. It was a punch card for slushes. She only had to buy three more before she could get a free slushy. She moved it out as if presenting it to Sarvod Dravis Sarvod Dravis , but let the force flow through her motion.

"You don't need to see our ID's. We should get out of here." Juno influenced the officer with the force. Would it work? Maybe. It worked on a lot of people, but Sar probably wasn't a lot of people.

There was little struggle left at this point and Viktor grunted in disappointed, before looking over his shoulder to Gideon Ract. "Ah, chief, there you are. I was wondering if you were opting to miss all the fun." He straightened himself up and hauled the terrified woman up to her feet. "Me? Mister Ract, I am pretty sure Alfonso's shaking because this miscreant shoved a used diaper in his hands."

Viktor shook the lady once to get confirmation, but all he got was a little whimper which made him sigh. "She was a bit more mouthy when I breached and awed her, but we had that sorted out rather quickly, didn't we?" Another shake, more gentle now, but the woman remained quiet.

Perhaps a bit too much shock?

It was always difficult to gauge how much a person could take, before they- well, it didn't matter.

"Just doing my job, sir." He murmured calmly as he followed Gideon outside. They passed Alfonso who received a wink from Viktor. This didn't do much to inspire confidence, but at least the Rodian seemed to calm a bit once he saw the woman was mostly alright. "I realize this isn't a war-zone, sir," A bit of a reproachful tone as Viktor realized they didn't seem all too happy about him right now. "-but who knows what kind of criminals can be hauled up in these rooms. It is best not to take any chances, that's what I always say."

Cheerful again as they approached a duo of SSG troopers.

"Here you go, lads. Be gentle I already messed up her apartment plenty. I don't think we will have any more trouble from her."

Then facing Gideon once more.

"So, you want to tag along with us? Nothing beats doing the rounds yourself, trust me."
Yula leaped away the moment the stun baton was dropped—it was too early in the day to be seized by an electrical current. When asked for her ID, she rifled through her pocket, pulling out a handful of chain codes.

She made a show of picking through them, humming in thought before dropping one in the officer's hand most agreeably. Whether it was legit or not, it would read as the identity verification for Sly Chance Sly Chance , mustachioed Duros of the 'Rim. "Here ya go, can have that one."

Yula tried and failed to stifle her snicker when the Twi'lek handed the officer a slushie punch card. By the looks of it, she was in for a free drink soon. A dark brow arched at the outstretched blue hand towards the officer—was she? She was. Definitely.

Again, she couldn't stop the wide smile the grew on her face. It was condescending, almost, before she tried to make it look sweet. Overly sweet.

"That's right. My friend and I were on our way to go shopping." She twined her own arm with the Twi'lek's for effect.

She didn't bother trying to influence his mind with the force, because Officer Dravis was absolutely right about one thing: Yula certainly was the type to break a nose over a spilt drink.

Sarvod Dravis Sarvod Dravis Juno Sabat Juno Sabat

Gideon Ract


"Box-checking is plenty fun," Gideon wearily remarked, frowning under the helmet. He was confident that Alfonso was just a bit out of his depth. It was one thing to participate in the evictions (Gideon insisted it made for good training) - Caldogne's goons were fairly evenly distributed across all of Hyperi 7's many floors - but it was another to partake as wingman to Viktor Brandt.​
What a nightmare for the green-behind-the-ears Rodian.​
You could imagine that it would be hard to discern what Gideon felt at times. After all, he was just a pair of faintly glowing red lights behind a tinted visor. Viktor, though, generally seemed to pick up on the chief's mood with alarming accuracy. Perhaps it was why they got on, as odd a pair they made.​
"Right... anyway, let's try and keep the number of disgruntled citizens and property damage to a minimum. The paperwork piles up, and I've been trying to keep my overtime in check." He said as Viktor gave the woman a second shake. As they exited, Gideon brushed the shattered ceramic in the middle of the entryway aside with the sole of his boot. "Yeah, I know. You're a real go-getter, brother."​
Stepping out into the hall, Gideon was quiet until the SSG contractors got their hands on the woman, and the tablet returned to his possession. A fair trade, Luca Caldogne would be proud. Wasn't that the essence of this whole ordeal, taking the first step in perpetuating fair trade or something?​
The helmeted goon clapped Alfonso on the shoulder and offered the tablet to him. A nod and the Rodian tapped it once, then looked back up at the chief.​
"Why don't you hang back with the Silver Shield guys for a bit."​
"For real?"​
"For real."​
"Ah, thanks, sir!"​
And Gideon turned back to Viktor, "You're right. Wouldn't want to let another Croteus Flegg get the jump on us."​
He fell silent again, then groaned.​
"You know - sure, whatever. Take point, Vik."​
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The sudden voice started the madam. Eden's Club had been closed for a few hours, so as quiet as one would expect. Back here, in her private suite, it had been just her, the patter of rain, and muted hovermotor whirs from the Coruscanti traffic she was watching out of her window. She had assumed her girls had all turned in for the night—well, really early morning—but evidently one had not. As she turned, she saw that Pranda had let herself into the suite, but was standing just outside of the office threshold. "Come in, love," Malcoma began, taking a stand. "What's wrong?"

Pranda slowly dragged her feet past the doorway then stopped a few meters on. She tightened the cross of her arms across her chest as she came to stand before Malcoma's desk.

The madam stopped at the corner herself. She set down a glass of translucent amber liquor far enough from the edge that she could safely lean back on it. Her hands found the wood rim to grasp as she settled, waiting patiently for the nervous Omwati to answer.

Finally, she asked, "Have you, uh, seen the news?"

No. No, she hadn't. She had been too busy with paperwork all day. The stack some Family goon had dropped off had required complete concentration to complete, but at least her suffering had paid off. Instead of shaking her head, Malcoma took one hand off her desk to motion smoothly at the wide flat screen holovision mounted on the wall. "Show me."

Pranda did, moving near the nearby sofa and stooping to the caf table for the remote. She turned on the feed and then navigated the channels until landing on one named Local Denon. Before Malcoma had time to make sense of the broadcast, Pranda spun around on her clawed heel, feathers a ruffled mane, and asked, "Can't we help them?"

::—ten thousand low-income residents live in the tower—::

"They're all alone!"

::—this relocations one of the largest logistical events that—::

"It must be so scary..."

Malcoma blinked, straightened, held up a hand to quiet her escort. "Just a moment, Pranda." She squinted at the screen as if that would make the blurry holocam footage clearer, the anchors' voices make sense, or the text overlays easier to read. It did none of that. What did was a blink and a shake of her head:

Evictions of Hyperi 7 underway, the main text box read. Its video backdrop looped a confrontation between a group of residents and a pair of officers recorded on, and probably hacked from, the latter's body cams. Desperate for a reprieve but also an explanation, Malcoma's eyes slid from the footage to Pranda. She had always overestimated the amount of power the madam actually had. It had never once been nearly enough, but she supposed it was a compliment of sorts. "This..." Malcoma began when it became clear Pranda was just as shocked as her. "It's awful. But I can't do anything for them."

It was almost as awful to see the lights go out behind Pranda's hopeful eyes at the truth.

Malcoma walked behind her desk. She picked up her drink before throwing back her head and downing the contents.

"W-what?" came the inevitable if not hesitant question. "Why not? You have money. You helped me. Us!"

Yes, yes, and yes, but that money was a loan for a specific purpose, and buying the freedom of a few slaves at a time was quite a bit more financially feasible than adopting some percentage of an entire world. "I can't take care of the galaxy, baby," replied the madam, setting back down her glass. She moved towards Pranda and gently took her downy face in her near-human hands. "All I can do is take care of mine. Do you understand?"


Malcoma hummed affirmation and pressed a motherly kiss to Pranda's forehead. "Good girl. Now off to bed."
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"Well, of course there's no public transit to Hyperi 7," she was saying to the raven-haired woman. Ivory was still new to Darkwire, but even so she still seemed like a —what Xan would call— good choom. Even if she seemed more like a tourist than a city slicker sometimes. "That's what makes this so dumb, y'know? Why would Corpos buy up a building that doesn't even get basic service? It's like a blaster without a handle, sure it'll shoot but good luck using it."

The walkway to the megatower was packed with beings, most of them going the other way. That sent Daiya and Ivory against the flow, and that made it even easier for the young shadowrunner. Her eyes spotted cracks and holes in the crowd as they jostled forward; someone was always lagging by a second or two, enough of one to slip in before the gap closed. Checkpoints on the way helped, too, it was easier to slip past the dumbfounded hired security when they were always looking the wrong way.

Daiya lost not a moment of it to her chatter, "So you brought everything, right? I wasn't sure how much glitter to bring with, but a little goes a loooooooooooong way. I keep finding some every time I change my bedsheets, and I only slept with it in my hair that one time!"

"Wait. You... what? Daiya. You told me we were going to destroy this building." Ivory gave the girl a look, but was nearly stopped in her tracks when the hard shoulder of a passerby caught her. The taller woman snarled, looking backward at the bystander who’d shoulder-checked her and gave him the universal sign of friendship.

The teen stopped and whipped her head around. It let Ivory catch up, though mostly she was just confused by the woman's turnabout intention. "What? I said we were gonna feth up this building. You know, the Corpos are evicting everyone Discrete 'cause they want to put up their new megastore or headquarters or something? So I wanna give them something they can't evict. Feth them up for years, maybe even dec-ades!"

"So you brought... Glitter." The confusion in Ivory’s voice could not have been more plain.

"And spray paint!" Daiya told Ivory in a low voice, her eyes darting over to the security guards at the next checkpoint. They were almost up to the building itself, and these ones seemed a little less clueless. If they sniffed her out as suspicious, it would probably be confirmed by the amount of glitter bombs, several cans of glitter spray paint, and even some packets of gemdazzle glitter for good measure. The teen giggled gleefully anyway, dancing her way through the next opening in the crowd, moving one step closer to their target building.

"Daiya, I know of only one way to feth up plans so badly someone will never recover. And that is demolishing every last board, wall, and shingle. That's why we're going to blow up this building." The last part of her statement was hissed toward her blonde-headed companion as Ivory leaned in, finding herself in a momentary empty pocket in the crowd.

Daiya hiked her satchel up higher on her shoulder, then pointed to the taller skyscraper nearby. "Yeah, but that building is where the Heartbeat assistant manager lady lives," her arm swung to point to another, smaller and close enough to kiss Hyperi 7, "And that one is where Lo Ar'Sei has her community garden." She put her arm down, her lower lip jutting out toward Ivory. "If we blow up this one, everyone else is gonna be chit up a lift."

Ivory’s gaze followed the girl’s indicated buildings; looking from one to the other. They were still in a momentary lull in the crowd, and Ivory took a moment to kneel down, eye to eye with her fellow Shadowrunner. She did so in a way that may have looked to a bystander as a mother attempting to reason with an unruly teenager. The concern written on Ivory’s face was genuine.

"Daiya. I literally spent Credits. To bring this building to the ground. And you brought decorating supplies."

"I brought stuff that doesn't turn this into a giant game of dominoes, Ivory." The teen's face turned sour, her arms folded across her chest. Even close enough to the security guards, in their shiny armor and thousand-meter gazes, Daiya was happy to illustrate basic shadowrunner principles to the woman. "The Corpos think they won. If we blow chit up, and it turns into a disaster, then they really win. Do you think they're gonna rescue everyone in those places? Even if they live in the 'Lofts, betcha they still can't afford retrieval and resuscitation insurance."

Her mind flashed back to the groundquake and its aftermath. "Trust me, I've seen it happen. Everyone we passed on the way are really just Duskers with too much sun in their eyes."

Brows furrowed, Ivory nibbled at her bottom lip. She looked like she was thinking for a moment, then asked, "What... does that mean?"

"It means they all think they're Corpos when they're not. They're like..." the girl thought for a moment, "...Sunnies in name only? Like Lo Ar'Sei told me that she got sick last month, and she had to eat Gluk for two weeks straight just to make rent." Daiya's face blanched at the thought of Gluk noodles for more than a few days. They might be good, but not that good. "They'd all just be happier if they moved to the Twilight Belt, it's not that bad down there."

"Hold it. You can't come back in here!"

Daiya stopped short, her path blocked by one of the guards. Now she could see the name on their uniforms, Silver Shield Group, whoever the feth they were. No one she knew, the power on the streets of Denon lay in CorpSec, and for now the young shadowrunner was counting that as an advantage. "We're not coming back. My grandma lives here," she tossed her blonde curls up toward the cloudcutter levels, and then glanced at Ivory with eyes to beckon. "We came to help her pack, she's like sixty and can't do it all alone."

Ivory sighed, giving the guard a shrug and a “What-can-you-do” look of exasperation. "Honestly, I’d rather be up-town, but there’s no way I can let this one do all the work herself. The old lady literally has hundreds of those tiny ceramic dolls..." She held up her hands, cupping them as-if to fit a tiny character between them. "You know the ones, with the baby faces? She’s even got one with a little-"

The guard stopped her in her tracks. “Alright, alright! Which floor?

Ivory blinked, then looked down at Daiya.

The teen's lips were shut tight, her face straining to keep composure. She swallowed carefully, then gave her head a little shake as if that could clear away her impulse to laugh out loud. Biting on her lip was the only way she managed to get out an answer. "Seventy-nine."

A helmet blocked a view of the guard's face, but even through all that a little sigh could still be heard. "Fine, take Lift Series Besh. And be quick about it, some old lady's collection isn't our problem."

Without another look, Ivory began walking straight toward the bank of elevators so-marked. She assumed Daiya was with her, and only stopped to check once they were standing in front of the large metal doors. With a dead-pan expression, Ivory pressed the button and the doors slid open silently. It wasn’t until after the two were inside and the doors had shut that neither could contain their laughter any longer.

(Written jointly with Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud )
If anyone were standing outside the elevator when it finally reached the seventy-ninth floor, they would have been confused at the sight of two grown women with tears of mirth streaming down their cheeks. Luckily, when the doors opened, they were alone.

Daiya stepped out, a grin still etched on her face. Her eyes glanced down the empty corridor, and then they flashed as she turned back to Ivory. The teen pulled the satchel from her shoulder, and opened the main compartment to show off the rows of ammunition she carried. She hefted one of the cans of glitter spray paint in her hand, looking down to check it. "Here's as good a place as any to start." Daiya gave it a shake, then pulled her arm back a few times, winding up as if to toss it over to Ivory. "You want green?"

Ivory held out her hand, as-if to catch the incoming can of spray-paint, when suddenly she altered direction and slapped the can out of the air as Daiya threw it toward her. As it landed on the floor of the elevator, Ivory stepped out, a smug smile on her face as she quoted a line (with her own flavor) from a comedy holo-flick she’d once watched: "Spray paint? We don’t need no stinkin’ spray paint."

With that, she began to pull two cans of her own from the deep pockets of her coat - these cans, however, appeared to be of an industrial variety, and were marked in bold red words: "Caution. Explosive Hydrogel. Keep Away From Electrical Currents".

Then, she began to spray a thin line of off-white foamy substance around the frame of the elevator.

"Are you fething with me?" The teen was incredulous, screeching as she ran past to grab the can of paint from inside the lift. She replaced it in her satchel, and took out one of the glitter bombs instead. Twisting it to set, she dropped it to the ground before stepping out so the doors could close. Daiya got out of the woman's way, avoiding the spray-linen of foam while still staying in Ivory's field of vision as best she could. Her arms flung wide, the teen's head bobbed forward accusationally, spitting her words out. "So if this is your bright idea, how are we s'posed to get down again, hmm?"

Without answering, Ivory finished the single U-shaped line at the opposite corner from whence she’d started. Then, she reached into another pocket and produced a thin metallic needle with a large circular head; an electronic blasting cap, designed to discharge after a given time or signal. She said nothing as she gave the cap a twist - four lights beginning to dance, alternating in a pattern - before fixing the needle inside the gel at the base of the floor.

"Did you bring those parachutes I asked for?" She asked, turning to look at Daiya with an unreadable expression, before walking further down the hallway. She stopped when she reached a point in the tiled wall which appeared to be line any other… but the center panel lifted free, exposing a junction box. A number of wires and electronic readouts were visible, blinking away in dutiful silence.

Ivory laid a small dollop of hydrogel on one of the larger readouts, then affixed another detonator.

Daiya watched with horror as the woman didn't just brush aside her worries, but turned them right back on the teen. She closed her mouth, giving the blasting cap a hard stare. With more time, the young shadowrunner could have done to these what Yula taught her to do. Her palm itched to reach out and touch it, but instead she turned to follow Ivory down the hallway. She passed empty apartments beyond open doors, soon to be remodeled into something distinctly more sterile and Corpo.

"What are you talking about? You're the one who brought all this explosive chit!" This time she did reach out, smacking the detonator out of the junction box just after Ivory's hands had cleared it. She had another can of spray paint in her hand a moment later, red this time. Carving a glittery Xesh into the middle of the wires with her paint, more wary this time of Ivory's attempt to knock it away. Her foot came down and she glared up at the woman, "We're not blowing it up."

Ivory’s tone & demeanor had changed, as it sometimes did when she was doing something particularly criminal. She seemed… calmer - almost robotic. When she spoke this time, it was with an air of cybernetic simplicity: "Daiya. They’ll have spray paint and glitter cleaned out of this building within a week. They’ll strip this place to the bone like they do with everything they touch, gut it, then replace what was with clean, white walls. A fresh coat of paint. New wires. New lights. A new roof. By this time next month, they will have forgotten whatever damage a little graffiti might have done."

As she spoke, she reached down and retrieved the small blasting cap Daiya had knocked out of the junction panel. She replaced it gingerly, her movements languid & precise. "This way, they’ll have to spend more money. More time. More resources. They’ll get angry. Someone may lose their job. They’ll have to find a new contractor, because nobody will want to pay for a job that’ll just get destroyed again."

As she spoke, she began walking further down the hallway, walking into a small anteroom where she opened up a closet - searching for, and discovering, the floor’s emergency fire suppression system control panel. This, too, she applied a healthy dose of hydrogel and an armed primer.

For Daiya, the woman's calm was the opposite of cathartic. Ivory's smooth words were a fire to her simmering rage, turning it hotter. Her free hand flexed, clenching and relaxing just short of a fist. Following the woman again, this time she put herself squarely between Ivory and the panel, stopping her from affixing the detonator this time. "And then you go home? Back to whatever fething planet you're from? Bomb a building, back on Nar Shaddaa for dinner, huh?"

Ivory stopped mid-motion, detonator held in her hand… which she slowly lowered. She regarded the blonde teenager for a moment longer with the measured concentration and silent efficiency of an Android, then warmth and humanity filtered back in. Ivory stepped back from the panel, removing herself from the proximity of both her intended target as well as Daiya; her hands up in the universal sign of surrender. "I’m not from Nar Shaddaa. I’m from Coruscant... and no. This isn’t a weekend getaway. This is me helping a friend. I don’t understand why you’re so angry. This stuff isn’t powerful enough to bring the building down on everyone’s heads below. But it is powerful enough to cause enough damage to do exactly what you told me on the way here you wanted to do. So, which is it? Do you want to leave little scars, or lasting damage?"

She wasn’t being cruel or sarcastic, that much would be clear. It was a genuine question, begging an equally genuine response.

"Ohhhh my stars. I don't fething know, okay?! Of course I want to leave the Corpos hurting, but you were talking about blowing up the whole fething building!" Daiya wanted desperately to swing, to connect her fist with Ivory's robotic face. The woman seemed normal again, and the teen was getting the distinct impression that she was being played. "Oh, but I guess we're friends now? So that makes it all better! We'll just—" she ripped the detonator out of the woman's hand, whipping around to smack it in place against the explosive foams. "—do it all your way, friend. Big scars, big boom, feth the stupid teenager and her small brain ideas."

Ivory regarded the young woman for a few heartbeats, her face impassive. Finally, when she spoke, it was after choosing her words with great care: "If only the Corpos could see us fighting, as we’re about to deal them a blow. It would make any injury they suffer worth it to know it had separated us."

Daiya regarded the woman, rendered speechless for once. Her mouth still worked, but no sound came out of it. Her eyes dulled, glimmering with a sheen of dampness that made her turn away. A breath came ragged, caught in her throat as warmth crept up her cheeks. "How do you do that?" she asked Ivory, still not looking at her. "How do you just turn it off? Like some Iron Heart, so 'borged up that they don't even feel anymore?" The teen turned back, swallowing over a lump in her throat. "You're so good at it, it's kinda scary, y'know?"

A warm, gentle hand suddenly reached out, comforting the teenage girl by gently laying to rest on her arm. Ivory looked at her, all semblance of the robotic, cold, unfeeling creature having given way to humanity and a moment of compassion.

"I… grew up on the streets… Kinda like you. Except I didn’t have friends, like Darkwire. I guess I just learned that, in order to survive, I couldn’t afford to feel.”

Daiya took a few more breaths, and tossed back the hair that had fallen in front of her face. She didn't feel better, just shifting her anger to disappointment. At herself, mostly, feeling stupid for arguing when they could have already been done sending their message. "Will you at least spread some glitter around with me?"

Ivory took a breath, then gave the young woman a smile.

"Of course I’ll spread some glitter with you. As much as you want."

(Written jointly with Daiya Daiya )
A punch card for slushes. It was, objectively speaking, not an ID - and yet for the longest moment, Sar thought it was. A valid ID, no less.

This was beginning to feel decidedly wrong. Sar had never been one for superstition, but it was difficult to deny the existence of the supernatural after having literally visited 'hell' and been assimilated by a denizen thereof. There was still the chance he was imagining things, of course. "A proper ID." As he spoke, he dropped the punch card and moved to take the one the Zeltron offered, but something about his pose seemed more alert.

The only sign of his increasing willingness to deliver a preemptive beatdown was the gentle readjustment of his grip on the baton.

After another long moment, he looked up at the Zeltron as if trying to give a 'are you kidding me' look through the opaque visor.

"That's it, I'm done. You are under arrest for identity theft and you for... accessory to identity theft." An argument could be made that no reasonable person would confuse a pink woman for a blue male, making it theft at best, but Sar was not in a reasonable mood.

He was confident they were guilty of a whole lot more, he just needed them in a cell to find out.​

Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse

For a while after Pranda left the room was quiet.

Until a calm voice filtered through the comms. "Ya know. This is why I prefer working alone. The only person yar liable to disappoint is yourself an' damn if I ain't used to that already." In the privacy of his own ship, the Undoubtedly, Wynter turned on the news channel. It wasn't difficult to find the appropriate frequency and get it on screen.

Messy scene.

People crying, large exodus, the usual shenanigans when you forced people out of their homes. It didn't really touch Wynter much. Sure, it sucked, but that's life for ya.

Trying to fight against the corpos was a losing battle.

"That being said... I do loathe it when they get what they want with practically no opposition." As an afterthought while Wynter contemplated what he could do to annoy the likes of Silver Shield Group Silver Shield Group , Enzo Bancraft Enzo Bancraft and Azimuth Industries Azimuth Industries . None of them were especially heavy hitters as far as a quick HoloNet search could localize.

Not yet anyway.

"I have some slicer contacts on Denon. I could probably reach out to them, make those Silver Shields work for their money. What do you think?"

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