Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To re-establish The Family as a Dark-noir themed Criminal Syndicate in the Galaxy, and bring it current
  • Image Credit: Banner/Dividers: Link, Link, banner and dividers recycled from original submission
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: Prior Faction Owner returning with full access to previous materials
  • Links: Current Faction Owner Bio, Faction Link
  • Organization Name: "The Family", "Kosa Nostra", "Mia Famiglia", "The Crew"; The Coruscanti Mafia
  • Classification: Mafia/Criminal Syndicate
  • Affiliation: Darkwire; Kraken Coalition; Ashlan Crusade; Clan Solus
  • Organization Symbol:
    • The image of a white tree with unfurled branches and a network of roots within a black circle; said to have overlapping symbolism of a family tree, the idea that even if you cut them off they will grow back, as well as having roots that run deep, and everywhere

  • Description:

    The Family is an exclusive Dark Noir-style Crime Syndicate. They are not well-known, operating elusively (and expertly) within the shadows of many worlds, orchestrating galactic events by manipulating politicians, forging alliances, and conducting elicit & legitimate business transactions. They own, or hold stake in, a number of companies through Front Organisations which have no official connection with organised crime. They do not discriminate, allowing members of all Species to join their ranks, but only hire those that are masters of discretion. Members of The Family operate through the use of certain codes, hand-signs, and recognition by certain Rituals - infiltrating the Organization is extremely difficult, as they do not broadcast their presence and are wary of anyone asking questions.
  • Headquarters: Coruscant

  • Domain: The Family prefers to operate using Front Companies, making their money as legitimately as possible. However, their elicit activities extend into the full range of criminal behavior, including trafficking in stolen goods, expensive artwork, and illegal substances. Their roots extend into blackmail, kidnapping, usury, the manufacture & distribution of weapons, technology & narcotics, and corporate espionage. On the other hand, Slavery is entirely outlawed & the practice of such business is grounds for ejection from the Family (Or Worse). The Family has even burned bridges over affiliated organizations' involvement in said business.

    Members of The Family are expected to maintain connections with the Outside World, never calling attention to their own activities as Criminals. Instead, members are often given opportunities to i12nvolve themselves in their local communities, building influence and earning favor from the local population. By donating large sums of money & time to both Governments & local communities, The Family has been able to ingratiate & cement its' hold over both legitimate & illegal business across the Galaxy.

    The Family is headquartered on the planet of Coruscant, where they've made significant progress in establishing a base of operations.

  • Notable Assets: Black Oak Shadowport, The Star Lounge, "The Goons", Moonveil Mega Factory, Ol' Sadow, Artistic Expressions, Eden's Club
  • Hierarchy:
    • (OOC INFORMATION; Entirely unknown IC)
    • Associates - All new members begin as Associates. Associates are expected to work with a single Capo for a period of time, and assist The Capo in all aspects of business; acting as bodyguards, messengers, spies, and filling other roles according to their individual skills. They are free to operate and earn independently, but their loyalties lie with the capo to whom they're assigned
    • Uomini di Onore (Enforcers) - Associates who have proven themselves in battle. Enforcers are Associates with some respect, and are often relied upon as enforcers for their Capos. They have access to more of the Family's resources and influence than Associates as well. Soldiers have proven their loyalty to the family, and may be considered by the leadership to become full members.
    • Made Men (Full Members) - Official Members of the Family with full rights & access to resources & assets. Final rank attainable by most. To advance into leadership positions, one must hold the rank of "Made" within The Family.
      • Leadership: The Upper Echelon
      • Caporegime - Eyes & Ears of the Bosses; Executive Management - Professional Criminals, all, and skilled leaders. Each Capo is provided territory & associates with-which to conduct their business, and may wield the full might of The Family if necessary.
      • Under-boss - Acting as a second-in charge for the boss; the Under-boss runs the upper management and organizes the Capo-regime, reporting directly the the head of the family and acting in their stead when required
      • Consigliere - Not an official role, per se, the Consigliere is the left hand of the Donna. Neither beholden to the other members, nor they to him, his role is solely an advisory one, offering a level head and neutral opinion on Family matters
      • Donna- The head of the Family. The Donna's word is law, and her decisions final. While taking on the advice of her Capos and under-bosses, ultimately, the burden of ultimate leadership belongs to her.

      • Membership: Each new member begins their time in The Family as an "Associate"; the lowest level with the least access to Family Resources. Associates are expected to follow the orders of those above them and offer their services when called. They are not typically given weapons or resources, as their individual value is being tested. When an Associate has proven their usefulness, they are promoted to "Enforcer" and given access to basic resources, weaponry, vehicles, and other perks. As an Enforcer, members are required to work jobs and Contracts, overseeing Rackets, and assisting those above them with the running of their businesses. When an Enforcer has further proven their value, they may become "Made" - involving a significant trial and ritual bond with the upper echelons of The Family's leadership. Success grants them access to The Family's considerable resources, but also comes with a price - those with full membership in The Family are required to pay a monthly tithe or tax to the Capo-regime, and are expected to bring an entrepreneurial spirit and productive nature to the group. Each member is selected based on their unique & specific skills, and their continued membership in the Faction will allow them to pursue whatever other stories they may wish while always having a home to return to.

        Further invitation to join the highest branches of The Family are handled on a case-by-case basis, and nothing is known of the trials and tests which may be required.

        [OOC: Contact Ivory Stroud , the current Donna, for membership opportunities.]
  • Climate: The Family encourages close bonds of friendship within its' members. As many people drawn to the Criminal Lifestyle find themselves alone & vulnerable, The Family seeks to provide these wayward souls with a home, financial & emotional support, employment assistance, protection, and the basic necessities required for life. Nomads, orphans, and the lost or exiled are welcomed into The Family with open arms and given purpose. Daily activities are managed by the Capo-Regime, while The Donna works to expand the Faction's interests across The Galaxy.

  • Reputation: Despite The Family's extensive criminal influence, they are generally well-received in the local population of the worlds they inhabit. Members of The Family remain involved in their own communities or are installed in positions of power when possible, wielding influence to improve the lives of individuals often forgotten by the Governments of said worlds. Their enforcers often provide protection from other less-organized criminal organizations, and they invest some of their money into improving daily life for those under their charge.

    Among the Criminal Underworld, The Family's name is spoken in hushed tones and often in fearful respect. The Family's senior members are all well-known members of the Galactic Underworld, and each possesses considerable influence & power in their own right. Combined, The Family is capable of bringing a shocking amount of Political, Economical, and Physical power to bare against any threat.

  • Curios: Each member of The Family is entrusted with a certain set of signs & signals to identify themselves to other members. Certain rituals, performed in places where members congregate, establish their identity. The Family no-longer uses electronic means of communication & identification, preferring instead to rely on old-fashioned introductions and personal connection. Upon promotion to full membership, each individual is given a stylized tattoo of the Family Sigil (often on the torso, back, or similar area on non-humans. Often, this sigil is done over a human's heart if no tattoo exists in that location). This tattoo is mandatory and will remain on the body until the being's death. Other items or keepsakes may be given as gifts; always symbolic, and never given lightly.

  • Rules:

    Tenet 1: The Family comes first - The Family has your back, and you have theirs. They call, you come.
    Tenet 2: Discretion is Non-negotiable - The shadows are our allies. We guard some very sensitive information and rely on operating behind the scenes. Those who refuse to maintain a low-profile when representing the Family will be disciplined accordingly. At all times, maintain a Code of Silence.
    Tenet 3: What Diplomacy Cannot Obtain, Coercion Will - Taking 'no' for an answer is not an option. If the Family has decided that it wants something, it is compelled to do anything possible to obtain it without breaking the first two tenets. Nothing is off-limits; scandals, kidnapping, ransoms, members are expected to use everything at their disposal to complete their objective
    Tenet 4: Remember Your Sentience - The Family does not have mindless beasts in its employ. Any member caught being openly disrespectful to a woman, a child, or otherwise innocent person, will be disciplined accordingly. You are not an animal, don't act like one.
    Tenet 5: Respect your fellow members, and especially those above you. Members of the Family may be called on by their superiors to provide information. They will be expected to answer promptly and accurately, and maintain their honor.

  • Goals: The Family desires influence above all else. They seek to improve relations with the poorer communities across the worlds they control, as well as expand their business ventures further. The development of Front Companies in as many regions of influence as possible, as well as installing or building relationships with powerful Political figures are the primary means they use to further their ends. Eventually, The Donna would like to expand their holdings and develop a larger presence on the worlds they currently inhabit (Coruscant), as well as expand into other systems.

    Presently, she has her sights set on the world of Frego, and the Cobral Crime Family.

The Donna:
Ivory Stroud
Consigliere: Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree
Caporegime: Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora ; Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


The Family was founded nearly 50 years ago by a mysterious figure known only as "Ahtemis"; an elegant & commanding woman with natural leadership skills and a small but devout following. Over the course of several decades, Ahtemis expanded her influence to encompass multiple systems. The Family grew to become a force to be reckoned with, growing in strength to number in the hundreds - beings from all walks of life flocked to her banner, drawn by the promise of credits and of safe haven for the disenfranchised, the lost, and the exiled.

When Ivory Stroud joined the Organization, The Family had become a powerful & secretive Order of professional criminals; adept at operating in the shadows and already possessing a strong reputation in the Criminal Underworld. Within less than a year, Ivory had grown in personal power, utilizing contacts she'd developed in her own escapades as well as a knack for being in the right place at the right time, rising in the ranks of The Family to become Underboss, answering only to The Donna herself. The Family was able to cement a number of alliances with other Criminal Factions across the Galaxy, including The Black Sun, the Atrisian Gang known as the Tsukasa Gokudo, and others.

When The Donna disappeared, the faction was thrown into disorder, and nearly collapsed.

Had it not been for Ivory's dedication and leadership, The Family would have died. The Caporegime, once loyal only to the Donna, rallied around the Underboss and accepted her leadership. Ivory Stroud became the new Donna, and The Family continued its' rise.

Then, disaster struck again. This time, it came from within.

An agent of the SJO had infiltrated the Organization under the guise of friendship, and brought down The Family from within. Numerous raids forced The Family into hiding - The Donna, herself, was captured & imprisoned, and the Caporegime & its' members scattered to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy. For many years, The Family's considerable influence waned as one by one, their businesses were consumed by rival factions or destroyed by in-fighting.

When Ivory suddenly reappeared in Coruscant, she did so entirely alone. A few of The Family's Associates still remained on her home planet, and after successfully making contact with them, Ivory used every tool at her disposal to reinvigorate the powerful Crime Syndicate. In the few months since her return, she has managed to rebuild The Family from the ground up, establishing a base of operations and recruiting new members - albiet with a stronger focus on Security & Secrecy than before. The Family has arisen from the Ashes a shadow of their former selves...

But their story is only just beginning.
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Under Review Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Overall, this is a nice-looking sub. Always more room for interesting criminal organizations! The one thing I'd recommend before approval is this: remove the parenthetical disclaimer at the start of the Description section. That's something that would go great on your faction page or a faction ad, but it doesn't really belong in a Codex sub, which is a place for in-universe descriptions.

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