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Faction The Family - Epican Reverance



Reveries Epica Codex Sub

The Family had come to Epica several months ago now and the nightclub, owned by Mairéad Solus was a thriving beachhead for their interests on this beautiful world. The bonds between the members of the Family are strong and will only go stronger going forward. This event, held by the beautiful Capodecina is a celebration of that, it is also a chance to reflect and expand, with the invites extended beyond the old inner circles to newer members and individuals that might only be dipping their first toes into the Coruscanti Mafia. The club is filled with members of different ranks enjoying a little rest and relaxation. There are two locations of interest, although the other parts of the establishment such as the indoor club area and the recall suites are open for use if people wish to take advantage of them.

The venue has great security staff and people coming in will be asked not to carry weapons. Noone is getting frisked, but this being a gangster nightclub there is a level of respect in the air that even concealed carry should be avoided, not feeling safe enough to travel unarmed carries the risk of being seen as an insult to the host. That being said, guests hoping to come up to the meal and meet the bosses are likely to be searched if not already known to the staff.



On the top of the club is a stunning little rooftop terrace with a beautiful view of the city towards the Ashlan cathedral. This is Mairéad's favourite spot in any of her clubs and many an evening she has sat up here either alone or with her caporegime enjoying the view and the gentle breeze with either a glass of wine or a stack of paperwork, often both.

Three large tables have been set up wedding style with a centrepiece ice sculpture on each, one of coruscant, one of denon and one of Epica itself. The tables seat around ten people each but the tables are all close enough for everyone to enjoy the full company of the Family. Wafting in the air is the sound of Epican accordion music, interspersed with the sounds of operatic singing, leading to a very classy vibe, befitting the attendees. Mairéad would never tell, but she also hires a nearby rooftop for performers to use on just such an occasion, to put the music onto the breeze and provide the perfect atmosphere she envisaged for her little sanctum.

Dinner is being served and is a classic Epican four course meal. Hors d'oeuvre were offered on arrival, with the sit down meal starting with an appetiser consisting of seafood, fresh meats or local mushrooms. This will be followed by steak, fish or a number of Epican pasta options. The last course will be a glorious selection of gelatos, or for a real treat, a generous portion of Epican Velvet. The Donna and her Caporegimes have reserved seating on the centre table, positioned so Ivory has a view of all three tables and also the view of the city. But this is done as a measure of respect and noone is going to tell the bosses where to sit if the choose not to take the offer.



On the ground level, surrounded on three sides by the old brewery buildings that have been transformed into a nightclub is the courtyard, lavishly appointed and with an open view to the stars, this spot is a wonderful place for those people who want to just mingle or listen to the live music being performed on the small stage. Tonight it is a guitarist singer from a nearby village, a talented and handsome young man that Mairéad feels lucky to have on the books.

The fourth wall of the courtyard leads to a fence over the river, this is a quiet spot compared to the rest of the venue and can be quiet a romantic spot if you can get to it alone.

All through the venue the highly skilled and well dressed staff are providing a level of service to the guests for their boss to be proud of.

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Location: Reveries, Epica
Objective: Host a party
Tags: OPEN

"Get out of my kitchen and mind your own business" Mairéad mused to herself silently as she admired the view from the top of her establishment. Her position as Marcella's Capodecina made her functionally the fifth most powerful person in this criminal empire, and yet her bar manager saw it fit to shoo her out of the staff areas of her own nightclub, the cheek. It made her smile, the manager she had employed for this place was a force-send and was worth ten times the generous salary he was on. But it couldn't be helped, Mairéad was nervous, these events were important to her, and to her it was a sign of the respect she had for her bosses that everything went perfectly. She had gone so far as so make an arrangement with a local hotelier, a man who had become a quick business friend, to ensure that every member of the Family in attendance would have a warm room with a bath to retire too once the doors of Reveries were finally closed.

Mairéad sighed happily and took a large sip of her wine before standing, dinner was about to be served and as the host she wanted to do one last circuit of the tables to greet any newcomers and to ensure they were as comfortable as possible. Her light golden dress wafted behind her and every so often the guests were treated to glimpse of her toned legs. Mairéad barely felt like the same person as the woman who first walked in to the Star Lounge alongside Stardust all that time ago.

As she went from table to table, she made sure to grab herself an hors d'oeuvre from one of the servers, a tiny shellfish herbed pâté fished locally and served in its own shell, delicious. Before the appetiser course came out and everyone settled, she tapped on her glass and proposed a toast.

"To my bosses, my colleagues and my associates, but more importantly, my family, thank you for all coming here tonight. I am very proud of my little bit of Epica and I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.

It is a great honour to have been brought into this organisation and to be a part of its ongoing success.

So please enjoy yourselves this evening and avail yourselves to the pleasures on offer before retiring to the nearby hotel, who's proprietor has assured me that my guests will find just a pleasant and inviting as my own establishment.

To our past, present and future prosperity."

She raised her glass and took her seat.

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Business, Espionage & Faith


M A R C E L L A⠀ F I O R A

'Careless Love'

It had felt like eons since Marcy' last remembered a time of how life was prior to Kosa Nostra~ the past year alone contributing to more experience than some would experience in their lifetimes, she was certainly kept busy with only moments to rest before the well oiled machine of the criminal syndicate needed attending once more as only sleep offered most of her respite.

Epica was to be her change, an opportunity to finally have the opportunity to relax as she began building a powerbase for her to delegate to~ the formation and decentralisation of her Regime was to provide the framework for task devolution as her staff began taking on more responsibility.

Yet she still found herself to be overworking..

Many thoughts swirled around Marcy's complex head as she gazed into the distance of Epica City, overanalysing her thoughts as she leant on one of the railings overlooking the Ashlan Cathedral~ a place she had become all too familiar with; though this time there was no cigarra or wine- just deep thought.

Eventually, the sound of Mairéad's voice pierced the warm Epican air, suddenly returning her attention to reality. She'd return to the central table shortly, though not before taking a few minutes to compose herself- she'd spend a few more moments gazing into the depths of the city as she collected her thoughts.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus & everyone!

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Xiann gave the bouncers a smile as they waved her through, something she was not expecting to be so easy. No form of identification, secret handshake, nothing. She figured Dedata must have added her to the list but the efficiency at which security processed her was impressive. Whichever leader held these strings was clearly impressive in their own right, something that was becoming a running theme with this new group the woman had signed up with.

The Twi’lek brushed her dress down slightly as she looked around. As a new member of the group she wasn’t expecting to see any familiar faces, simply just take a lay of the land. Who was where, who looked important, who didn’t. Nothing stood out too much, the only exception being a set of stairs that led to one of the rooftops, which had more security at the base of it. If the bosses were anywhere, they would be up there, surely.

She approached the bar and, with the efficiency and speed she had come to expect, the bartender approached her within seconds despite how busy the bar seemed to be, “I’ll take a Tarisian Sunrise, if you please.” And with a flash he was working away, slight surprise crossing her face at his knowledge of such a specific drink. Once complete he flicked the glass causing the liquid inside to glow slightly and sparkle as if filled with glitter. Taking the drink the woman handed over the creds to pay for the drink and a little extra. After a sip the sparkles settled down and she made her way to the stairs.

As she approached she was stopped by the guards at the bottom of the stairs, “I wish to offer my kick up to the friends of ours upstairs.” She held her arms out to the side slightly, “I’m guessing this is the frisky part, hmm?” After the most professional frisk she ever received, she was allowed to pass and climbed the stairs to meet the mighty bosses of this association.

Xiann stepped out onto the rooftop that seemed to be converted into an open air restaurant, she couldn’t help but pause as the stunning view hit her. After a moment of bliss she recovered herself and turned to the very fancily dressed women already present. “Please excuse my intrusion, I am Xiann Sivron, a recently acquired asset, it is a pleasure to meet you.” She curtsied slightly keeping her gaze away from meeting the others present, “It is customary from where I hail to pay dues to your new employers, however I fear I do not know what to offer you. As such all I can do is offer myself and my services for a single free use of my skills. Whether you want a starship built, your droids repaired or simply something pretty to look at for the night, my services are yours.” She straightened upland smiled, but still never made eye contact. She flicked the stem of her glass causing the glow and sparkling to return as she raised it to those before her, “Never let it be said that Xiann Sivron does not pay her dues.”


Location: Reveries, Epica | Soundtrack: Intro


Were it not for the gracious invitation and his love of fine alcohol (and, perhaps, the large sum Credits he just dropped on his new droid companion), Thayne would have skipped over the formal dinner on Epica. But there he was, sporting a tailored dinner jacket, on the rooftop patio of Reveries.

The things he did for reputation.

“What a time to be alive,” the assassin commented as he scooped a glass of wine from a passing waiter’s serving tray. He took a generous sip, letting the fragrance of the drink wash over his palette before swallowing. He cracked a smooth grin, then followed with another mouthful.

If there was anything the Donna could do, it was source amazing drinks. He frowned at the thought of the piss-water swill he’d return to when the party was over. Maybe his next expenditure could be a wine cooler…

Thayne took a seat at the Denon-themed table, if for no other reason than the fact that his travels would take him back to the Corporate Authority when the party was finished. He was still entrenched in thought when Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus proposed a toast.

He raised his glass in unison with the rest, even repeating her closing words aloud.

“To our past, present and future prosperity."

Tags: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus ; OPEN

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Location: Reveries, Epica | Soundtrack: One For The Road

“Whiskey, neat,” Harvey said to the bartender before turning to lean against the polished countertop. He watched from the sidelines, keeping mostly to himself as he scanned the crowd.

This past year had been one of the busiest yet in the CSF. The Force was understaffed, underfunded, and - speaking from personal experience - under-regulated. He was, after all, a leading homicide detective bumping shoulders with the galaxy's premier mafia family. The Family. Harvey chuckled under his breath, trying to imagine what his partner, Lim Caliber Lim Caliber , would think of all this. If he weren't such a stickler for... well, the law, Harv might had brought him to Epica as a plus one. Loosen him up a bit.

He decided it was for the best to keep his friend in the dark, though. Better for business, and better for their relationship. Harvey drank away what little respect Lim had left for him a long time ago, and he'd even begun to suspect his partner was on to him. He chalked it up to paranoia and stress, but the feat of being found out still crept in from time to time.

"Your drink, sir," the bartender said as he passed along the glass. Harvey took it gingerly, giving the beverage a little swirl before bringing it to his lips.

The bitter burn and smokey aftertaste were enough to bring a warm smile to his grizzly face. He could never shy away from good liquor.

Tags: OPEN


Jai seemed to grumble a bit as he walked up to the nightclub, the Jawa Ki'tala following beside him,

"Did I seriously have to wear this suit? You acted like I killed someone when I was just going to go in normal clothes." Ki'tala adjusted her goggles a bit, quickly firing off some words in her own tongue as her friend looked back at her.

"And you're in your normal clothes. What do you mean no one pays attention to the..... Nevermind. I'm convinced you're hoping something else'll happen, but you have the wingman skills of a gundark." The Jawa looked like she was insulted, all a bit of an act, before making her way to the bar, credits in hand and he wanted a drink. Jai rolled his eyes a bit before walking up to the terrace, seeing Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , and Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron . He found a seat, and smiled as Mai spoke. He grabbed his glass, holding it up with a "Here here," before taking a bit of a drink himself.

He then looked around, giving a nod to Marcella. "Hope you actually plan on relaxing tonight, boss."

Meanwhile, at the bar, Ki'tala climbed on a barstool, dropping some credits and getting a Corellian Ale before downing it... surprising quickly.

Harvey Denson Harvey Denson | Open to others drinking
Nobody would make the mistake of calling Finnegan elegant, but given the choice between dinner and drinks? Oh, yes, the adventurer picked the latter without much in the way of hesitation. He wasn't necessarily fully part of the Family. From the sounds of it, they took their vows of allegiance and loyalty very seriously.

To the extent of burying people alive with alchemized scarabs if they betrayed their vows. Or maybe that was just a rumor, who really knew?

Finn... did not want to end up like that. But he was far too self-interested to declare his undying loyalty to anyone other than himself. So, instead he opted for the less profitable but far more flexible option of associating with them without joining outright. Sure, they would never trust him the way they trusted family, and certainly the most profitable jobs were out of his reach.

But Finn was just fine with that.

As long as they kept serving these drinks royally? He'd be entirely happy.

"You know, considering they are picking up the tab, why not order something infinitely more exotic than a whiskey?" Finn drawled over his shoulder towards Denson as he ordered himself a drink. "Corellian Starfire, Nar Shaddiaan Night, Tatooine Sunrise. They cost respectively two, a half and three times as much."

With a grin he turned towards the broody guy.

"Finnegan DeWitt, adventurer, archeologist and arsehole extraordinaire. And you are?" A quick glance up and down tagged him as someone who didn't mind using his fists every once in a while. Neither did Finn, but the key difference seemed to be that Finn usually caught them with his face and Denson ducked more expertly.

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)

"Fifty credits if you find a weapon," Lliara quipped as she stepped forward. The staves and blades had been left behind. A woman could feel naked without her army of injectors and implements to treat ally or foe to their due course. They weren't her greatest weapon, however. There were many tools at her disposal others would overlook.

The Mirialan stood patiently as the guards frisked her. Perhaps a little too thoroughly. "Not there," she leaned down slightly to whisper in the guard's ear with a smirk on her lips.

A slight shrug and a wave was all they got in parting. Poor things never stood a chance.

Her golden eyes swept over the crowd as Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus offered a toast for the evening. A passionate soul that one. Committed. The type that often broke physically before they did mentally. Seemed this cabal had a penchant for finding those with that knack. Not that anyone had solicited Lliara to test the theory of their loyalty -- an intriguing mental exercise, but rarely one that engendered trust.

"That goes for you as well," the black-clad woman purred over one shoulder while her fingers lighted on Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred 's other shoulder. "How's the refreshment?"

Her eyes slid over toward Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , whom Jai had encouraged to find peace in this gathering. The woman did look to be in need of a good distraction. "Life is short, and the work endless. Others can handle affairs elsewhere." Marcella would undoubtedly have a staff. Hopefully one she trusted to the tasked assigned them. Unless the planet was invaded, the toil of management could wait a solitary evening.

Lliara found a seat next to Jai and slithered into it with a smile. This was an opportunity to get to know one another, wasn't it?

Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron | Xiann Sivron Xiann Sivron

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

It would be his first visit to Epica, but he had heard much regarding the Families investments regarding the promising planet. He did look a bit petite this evening as he stood at the side of his plus one, being none other than his fiery Caporegime, Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , who was rather gifted in stature indeed. Growing tired of attending social Family gathering and being bombarded by cutsie couples and their overt affections, Kardek had lamented to Star regarding his distaste, suggesting that Denon might be too needy for him to leave it unattended. However, it seemed that something had already been brewing within the Capo… the possibility of Kardek becoming her very own Capodecina, a revelation that very much delighted the suave gunslinger upon having it tickle his ears. Admittedly it was an ambition that he had set his sights on, his ambition had quite an appetite after all. Star had then proposed that the two of them might accompany each-other to the Family dinner, allowing them more time to get to know each-other on a personal level. If the man was to become her right hand, then further vetting was surely in order.


The sassy smolderer sported a rather luxurious and elaborate dark red suit, utilizing some of the finest materials available on Denon, not to mention completely custom and tailor-made to his liking. Yes, it was safe to say that Kardek was taking a significant liking to the style and class of the syndicate, and tonight, Kardek wanted to be seen. The two of them walked right through the doors and headed for the balcony, engaging in some light small talk that had carried over from their trip. Kardek nodded to a waiter that was passing, quickly reaching over with one hand and procuring two glasses of wine, nestled in-between his fingers. He brought it back and offered Star one of the glasses as they walked up the stairs, the guards not daring to stop either of them, for they knew very well who they were.

"… and so I said; if you're going to throw a fight, you'd better know who you're stealing money from!" Kardek finished part of his story, having leaned in and spoken a bit quieter as they drew near to their many companions. It was right then that Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus began her toast, causing Kardek to pause and listen, holding his own glass up at the end in full agreement and taking a sip. His eyes caught Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora out at the peripheral of the group, seemingly in thought as she looked out over the majestic view. His gaze held for a second, then quickly shifted away as he began to assess the seating arrangements.

"Where would you like to sit?" Kardek asked Star, "It looks like there is a reservation for you at the center table. I don't think they would be terribly disgruntled if I joined you?" He smirked, offering a subtle wink.

Kardek then noticed Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron , quickly stepping over and giving him a rough pat on the shoulder, "Thayne! Good to see you buddy! Waiter!" He glanced back, waving the man over, "Don't let this man see the bottom of his glass!" The waiter nodded as Kardek slipped some credits subtly into the man's jacket for the extra trouble.

He then spotted Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred , offering him a pointed finger and a wink, "Jay! How are you?"

Kardek then reached over and squeezed Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva 's shoulder in a friendly gesture, "Lliara! Don't poison the drinks." He smirked, thinking he was rather amusing indeed.

He stepped back after his greetings to be with Star again, his eyes noting some new faces in the mix. The family was growing. As they walked past heading to their seats, Kardek extended a warm hand of greeting out to Xiann Sivron Xiann Sivron who was introducing herself to everyone. He smirked at her offer of services, immediately turning it back on her in an attempt to make her feel a bit more welcome, "Your services? Very well. I command for you to have a seat and enjoy the evening with us, Xiann." Kardek smirked, winking at the Twi'lek, "You're not just working for a new employer, my dear. You're one of us now."

Kardek then turned towards Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus with a knowing smirk, bowing with a bit of exaggeration, "Mai, you've outdone yourself yet again. Congratulations on a fine establishment."


Reveries, Epica

Samuel preferred to keep his loose connections as-is. Especially so when it came to The Family; it was never practical to be putting one’s faith, hopes, and dreams into a criminal syndicate. It was true that work more in-line with what he would take was plentiful with it, but nonetheless, he had his reasons. Asociality was a normality when it came to his profession. Connections were weaknesses. He knew this. And yet, despite this, he continued to operate the way he did, as of late.

The Bounty Hunter-slash-Bartender never was one for festivities like this. Big, crowded areas. People he didn’t always get along with. Potential dangers lying in wait, with anything like this susceptible to them. Groups he never truly found himself embedded in, no matter how appealing they make themselves seem. Perhaps he was bound to forever be an outsider to such - so long as he has what he has now, he does not mind. Nothing has been appealing enough to make him want to change that.

He was early with the red-and-black suit, as per usual, idling near the railing before the announcements and such truly began, lacking any sort of glass or such in his hand. He politely greeted Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus and Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora on his way in. He never liked to be late to one of these things, because that was a risk in itself. Tensions ran beneath the surface of a neutral facade. The only reason he attended is because his employers were, and maybe some ‘friends’. The man seldom found himself mingling, but urged himself to for the sake of acclimating to his new environment. Yet still, he would never forsake those paranoid instincts which had often, in the past, found themselves well-founded.

Looking over Epica, it was a nice sight. The newest place his employers had deigned to establish a foothold, that meant there would be work in the future - for himself, and for others. When the announcement was made, he politely acknowledged it, but there was not much enthusiasm to his movements. Always tempered, calm, brief - the man had never been seen emotionally charged thus far. Never doing more than he had to. There were some new faces. That mildly intrigued Samuel, to a point. One in particular drew his attention, after Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha made the noisy greeting and proceeded to the next person. The gunslinger seemed busy today. Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron , if he had heard the first part properly.

With a soft exhale to himself - as if to affirm; ‘Am I really going to do this tonight?’ - he would push himself off of the railing, with steps making their way to the table the individual was sitting at.

“I don’t suppose this seat is taken?” He would politely prompt to the other, as he came to a halt a short ways away.

Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron , Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha , Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred , Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva

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Kera had hitched a ride to Epica and made his way to the event without much hassle. To think, a week ago, he thought The Family was little more than an urban legend. Then after a particularly lively party, he was collected by Dominik Borra Dominik Borra who introduced him to this new world of crime. Not to say he hadn’t done crime before the Family. Kera was doing illegally smuggling long before joining up with the Family. What was new, was feeling safe without his trusty blaster pistol strapped to his hip, while surrounded by criminals. The level of respect, was refreshing. It was nice to not have to keep looking over his was definitely a nice change of pace.

So here he found himself, sipping a beer in the courtyard. Looking around to see who he would meet.
someone would be a fool to throw a fight like that and they certainly made a fool of themselves them

Stardust replied to Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha , a chuckle ending her reply as she caught the glass from him and angled as they made way up the staircase and past the guard to the balcony area where the heads of the family had set up. This was a night to greatly enjoy and with the hellmaker of all hellmakers as her plus one she felt rather in a good mood tonight among the flashy clothing and large crowd

The large green twilek was outside her armor for once in a hundred years, instead she wore a nice dress that was almost like a flame in the dark, truthfull it was one of the dresses she really liked and would put away for another event. As they came up to the table Stardust grinned and then chuckled

unless it's the Donna herself they can suffer your company a little, after all you should get used to this company and they you

With that she cracked a grin, she wouldn't of asked him on this night out unless she had a good reason to hell she probably wouldve stayed back to just observe not being very social in the party sort of way. Taking a seat she made a spot for him and nodded for him to sit as another twilek came up speaking of offering her services but what got Stardust was when the twilek had referred to them as employers and it causes Stardust to laugh a little

we are not just some business my dear, but however, your respect is highly noted...and your skills shall be kept in mind. I'm sure you'll find a good place among us

Her attention went to Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus as she got a proud smile upon her face and bowed her head in respect

you come far, and I'll see you go further, you make me proud mai

Nalah Tezan

Location: Reveries, Epica
Outfit: Here
Goal: Network, meet The Family, Dance with Mairead Again

When Nalah had first touched down in Hutt Space on Life Day, she hadn't expected to end up sitting across from a Capodecina in the Coruscanti Mafia, and she certainly didn't expect to hit it off with her so well. But, the evening had gone splendidly for her, drinks, dancing, planning elaborate and profitable crimes, everything she could ask for in a first meeting. So when an offer came across her holo-table for another evening of fine dining and subtle machinations, the Zygerrian just couldn't resist.

She arrived promptly, and in the best suit she could manage, opting for something a little more formal for the evening's proceedings, plus a suit was just easier for her to dance in. As this wasn't Nalah's first high-brow affair, she moved through the thronging mobsters with practiced grace, scooping a slice of seafood pate with one hand and an upscale cocktail with the other. She'd been missing the truly high life for some time, as she was between cons and her normal smuggling contacts had slowly been running dry of work. She needed a new angle, a new connection, a way to get the credits flowing again, and tonight offered ample opportunities for that.

By the time she was done with her appetizer, Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus had already stood up to begin a speech that was positively rousing, considering it was being projected over a Mafia party, and she was quick to raise a glass in kind.

"Salud." Nalah's High Galactic wasn't flawless, but she knew enough to salute someone she respected at a dinner gala. She wanted to approach Mai directly, but as the Capo already seemed to have her meeting card full for the time being, she opted to bide her time.
The club was off and popping. Swarms of sentients writhed amongst one another desperate for intimacy, an escape, whatever. Despite the admittedly good ventilation, the smell of sweat and chemicaled fragrances was strong in the air. The lights on the dance floor flashed and alternated to the thumping bass, the VIP sections were bathed in a cool blue light, too dark to allow those not invited to see inside. The music was…

“…kriffing loud.”

“What?” Ragos asked leaning closer over the table to better hear the dude across from him.

“I said this chit is kriffing loud!” A young Korunai man said, holding a spliff under his nose.

That was Jon. Dude was twenty, Korunai just like Ragos and had a messy mop of dreadlocks that kept falling in his face. He had two or three rings on each finger, a phat jewel studded krono on his wrist and a laid back demeanor.

Jon was Ragos closest friend from back on Nar Shaddaa. They met in lock-up and have been like brothers practically ever since, even living together on Coruscant. They were members of a street gang from Nar Shaddaa, The Killa Korunai. Ragos had only been a member for a little over two years and already worked himself to a top tier kriffing spot, going from basically the right hand of the OG main mutha sucka, to being trusted to bring their operation to Coruscant.

But today, Ragos and Jon were on Epica, in a crammed booth in the VIP surrounded by strangers. One of those strangers, a well dressed man in a dark suit sat on Ragos’ right and had an arm around his shoulders like they were old friends.

Jon and Ragos both were dressed to fething killing, ya heard? He was in a blood red suit jacket, open to his navel, no shirt underneath just him, and of course he had his chain around his neck. Jon was wearing a dual color suit jacket, orange and black over a white shirt. They was fly as hell, balling like the couldn’t fething stop.

The spliff passed through several hands before finally reaching Ragos. He took a long pull savoring the mind altering smoke and the effects it had. Instantly it felt like his perception had shifted, reality had slowed, and life became exponentially vast and yet somehow knowable.

He passed the spliff of avabush to a young woman on his left. She had hair black as the void and eyes so blue he wanted to swim in them. Her dark black lipstick matched her eyelashes that seemed to stretch on forever and complimented her sleeveless dark green dress. Tattoos of wild vivid colors raced up both of her arms. She was…

“You’re beautiful.” Ragos leaned over to tell her.

She smiled at him but there was no mistaking the look of confusion on the woman’s face.

“Tell her : Sei Bellissima.The man with his arm around Ragos said.

Ragos repeated the words and the young woman lit up with a true smile this time. She placed a hand on his wrist and said something in her native language.

“She say grazie. It means thank you. She say you are beautiful as well. She is no wrong.” The man translated, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

Dude had to have been close to Ragos’ age but damn The Force he was rich or he at least liked spending credits like having them made him sick or something. They had to be packed a dozen strong in this booth not counting Ragos and Jon. The rest were all Epican, tan, tattooed, and fitted in clothes so expensive it made Ragos’ balling ass suit look like thrift shop chit. Ragos had watched as the guy with his arm around him, paid for everything, including half a dozen bottles for their booth.

“You have something for me, no?” The Epican man asked Ragos.

There was no mistake how Ragos on his first night on a planet he had never been to a day before in his life ended up sitting VIP with some rich local when the two barely shared language.

He had the dopest chit.

Ragos reached into a pocket on the inside of his jacket and pulled out a small glass vial filled with a white powder. Spice.

He handed it to his new friend and the guy looked at it like he couldn’t believe it.

“It is so…white.” He said, astonished. “Like snow. It’s…it’s…”

“Bellissima” Ragos finished for him.

That made the dude laugh and so it made everyone laugh. Untwisting the cap to the vial, Ragos’ new friend put a little of the powder onto his hand and inhaled it through his nose.

“Che bravo!” He exclaimed with a violent shake of his head. “That good chit. You try?”

He offered the vial to Ragos who did exactly what his new friend had just done, inhaling the spice through his nose.

“Hot damn!” Ragos said.

The rule was generally don’t get high on your own supply but since this chit was already bought and paid for, Ragos had no problem counting his credits and taking a sniff.

“How much of this can you get me?” The Epican asked.

Chit, Ragos should really learn his name.

“As much as you need, partnah.” Ragos said hoping he didn’t need too much. Ragos didn’t exactly move his operation to Epica.

“A ounce will do.” He said.

“Done.” Ragos agreed eagerly.

“Tomorow then we meet…here.” The man sent a list of addresses to Ragos data pad and pointed to the last one indicating where they should meet for the sale.

“First you go to these other place. Enjoy your time here in Epica City. You go to these place you tell them Vitaly Antantonio send you and you have good time, I promise.”

Vitaly! That was his fething name. How could he forget.

“Should we toast then to good business?” Vitaly asked.

“Hell yeah!” Ragos said “let’s get some fething shots.”


Location: Reveries, Epica | Soundtrack: One For The Road

Harvey chuckled at Finn’s comment, shot another gulp of whiskey, and raised his finger to order another.

“In my experience, if you need to say more than three words to order a drink, you’re doing it wrong.” He flashed the spacer a grin, followed by and open handshake.

“Harvey Denson,” he said, before coyly adding, “Coruscant Security Force.”

He was quick to follow the revelation with an assurance that he was on the books.

“Don’t worry pal, the Donna pads my retirement fund.”

Harvey tipped his glass in a mock toast to one of - if not, the - most powerful women in the galaxy, then knocked it back like it was tap water. He gestured lazily to the suits and gowns that mingled about the courtyard.

“What brings you to Epica?” the detective asked, a playful emphasis on the name.

“Besides the allure of free spirits and smooth guitar?”

Tags: Finnegan DeWitt Finnegan DeWitt ; OPEN



Location: Reveries, Epica | Soundtrack: Intro


"Thayne! Good to see you buddy! Waiter!" He glanced back, waving the man over, "Don't let this man see the bottom of his glass!"

“For fuck’s sake—“ Thayne muttered, curling his lips into a smile that read ‘single me out again and I’ll stab you with my dinner fork.’

He had no qualms with the man; After all, Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha was his handler. But Thayne preferred to skirt on the edge of noticeability. Was he at the dinner? When did he leave? With whom? That was his game.

The news anchors in the Core hadn’t coined him as the Ghost of Dromund Kaas for nothing.

“It’s nice to see you, too, Kardek,” he said as he accepted another glass of wine. Thank the stars there was wine.

“I don’t suppose this seat is taken?”

Thayne shook his head as he nudged the chair away from the table with his boot.

“By all means,” he said, taking a sip of the freshly-poured wine.

“Thayne Tameron,” the assassin supplied before he was asked, although he was certain everyone on Epica knew his name after Kardek’s glorious announcement.

Tags: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha ; Samuel Exel Samuel Exel ; OPEN



"To my bosses, my colleagues and my associates, but more importantly, my family, thank you for all coming here tonight. I am very proud of my little bit of Epica and I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.

It is a great honour to have been brought into this organisation and to be a part of its ongoing success.

So please enjoy yourselves this evening and avail yourselves to the pleasures on offer before retiring to the nearby hotel, who's proprietor has assured me that my guests will find just a pleasant and inviting as my own establishment.

To our past, present and future prosperity."

"To our past, present, and future prosperity."

The woman seated at the table was dressed all in black - attired in a business-suit which equally accentuated her position amongst the gathering & her athletic feminine figure. A tight black skirt which settled at her knees was paired with a duble-breasted suit-jacket buttoned in the front. Raven-black hair cascaded down her back, having been lovingly braided intricately in a style reminiscient of Alderaanian Royalty, and atop her head sat a wide-brimmed black fedora which draped down at an angle to conceal part of her face from view. Hanging from her neck on a length of fine chain sat a small purple stone set in a rough clasp; the stone itself shimmering with a violet glow - matching her eyes - as-if it contained a fragment of living fire all its own. Upon her left hand, a simple silver ring with a black stone set into it.

The Donna brought the glass of wine she held aloft to her lips & sipped.

Around her, the buzz of conversation grew to near-deafening volume. With Mairead & Kardek making their rounds, Ivory flashed each of them a pleasant smile individually... pleased to see they'd come into their own. A gentle breeze blew across the rooftop dining area, ruffling one edge of her wide-brimmed hat - to-which she ducked her head slightly, concealing her face.

A beautiful young woman - a Twi'lek, not unlike Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae but with the loveliest blue skin, approached the table & paid her respects.
“Never let it be said that Xiann Sivron does not pay her dues.”

The Donna turned her head upward, reserved in quiet confidence in her place at the head of the table. She addressed the Twi'lek woman directly, raising her own wine glass, returning the toast. "Multi-talented, it seems. How delightful. Please, young lady... join us." then offered with the same glass one of the empty chairs at the table.

For a while now, Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora had been keeping to herself, quietly overlooking Epica City in all its grandeur. Ivory had taken notice that her Caporegime seemed somewhat aloof, and quietly - through her deep & well-hidden connection to The Force - she could sense something was bothering her soon-to-be Underboss. A few minutes before she stood up, she watched Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus breeze past on her rounds - checking on Marcella before moving on. While the rest of the party continued, The Donna - quiet & content in her own world - reached out in a languid fashion & retrieved a nearby bottle of wine from the table. Then, she scooted her chair back - standing to her full height, and smoothing her dress down.

With the bottle, and an extra glass in hand, the Boss of Bosses left the table behind, moving quietly even in heels, to approach Marcella from behind.

Ivory would set down the bottle and her own glass upon the ledge of the balcony overlooking the city, and lean against the railing, alone, beside her Capo. Their conversation would be for them alone.

As the pair gazed out over Epica City, Ivory took a moment to study the grand chapel in the distance... taking in the twinkling evening lights of the elegant backdrop & smelling the warm night-wind. Gently, she reached out - resting a hand at the small of Marcella's back, and glancing side-long at her.

"All work & no play, my dear, makes one old before their time."

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Location: Reveries, Epica
Objective: Host a party
Tags: I think I got everyone in the post

As Mairéad breezed around the room from person to person, she couldnt help but notice Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora seemingly lost in her thoughts and without glass or smoke. Grasping a long stem she walked over and offered it to the caporegime and smiled softly. The pair knew each other well enough that she didn't even need code sign she simply raised her eyes in a way that asked "you OK?"

**Marcy's distant gaze was interrupted once more by the arrival of Mairéad, though this time the distraction was met with a glass of wine~ a warm reminder of the quality of current company. "Ta'," she received the glass, returning a warm smile to her Capodecina, the very person who'd been instrumental in running her regime over the past few months; "Mm.." she understood what those eyes meant, "I'm fine~ just.. reminiscing about the past year.. so much change in such little time.."

She grasped at her glass, taking a sip as she peered into Mai's eyes- convinced that she'd understand what she meant for time had changed everybody in different ways, Mai' included. It was unusual for Marcy' to discuss such trivialities, but in such good company how could she refuse a moment of recollection.

"How's about you?- This might be one of your finest gathering's yet!" **

Mairéad smiled, it was true that much had changed, she tapped her glass gently with that of the Caporegime "Here is hoping mostly for the better. This year has been such a whirlwind hasn't it, but dont think i would change any of it."

She might have probed further but Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud was fast approaching the railing. She turned to thedonna and greeted her warmly. "Good evening Ivory, you look gorgeous as always, I hope everything is up to your tastes." she got a feeling that the Donna wished the attention of her Capo so excused herself before continuing. She had many people to greet.

Moving away, she looked around at all the others, she spotted Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha walking in with Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae she smirked as she watched how her adopted mother was around the handsome rogue, she knew that body language. She walked across to greet them.

you come far, and I'll see you go further, you make me proud mai

"Mai, you've outdone yourself yet again. Congratulations on a fine establishment."

"Thank you, I am really happy with how everything is going" She addressed Stardust before turning to Kardek "And congratulations to you for out dressing us all." she put her hand on his upper arm in a friendly gesture and leaned in looking like she might kiss his cheek before whispering. "And trying to woo your superior... how shocking..." she pulled away with a playful smile on her face. "It's great to see you both, make yourselves comfortable."

This was all very good fun, she thoroughly enjoyed being the host. She leaned down between Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred and Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva , two people she had recently seen combat alongside and placed her hand on the shoulder of the former, "Welcome both, I won't trouble you for long, but hope you enjoy your dinner." She leaned over and made similar small introduction to Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron and Samuel Exel Samuel Exel before spotting the two newcomers. Xiann Sivron Xiann Sivron , a very pretty young twi'lek woman and of course Nalah Tezan that Mairéad had personally invited after meeting her recently. She had been impressed by her style, the Twi'lek already seemed to be making her own introductions, so she approached the relatively quiet Zygerrian woman.

"Welcome to Epica," She said proudly to her newest associate, Nalah. "I'm very glad you made it. I like your suit, very classy, I think you will fit right in" she offered whilst raising her glass to tap in welcome with the woman.

**joint post text provided by Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora
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Still I sing bonny boys

Location: Reveries, Epica
Objective: Enter, stage left
Tags: Open

Public establishment or not, paid gig or otherwise, Bedlam knew how to make an entrance. Or perhaps it was more apt to say he knew how to not. The shrowded jester had a tendency to just appear where he was unexpected. From just out of the peripheral, around a corner, from the ether, who's to say?

Curiosity drove the fool not unlike a moth to a flame. Details in decor were not lost on the fool as he took in the tables and those gathered. Dinner parties were charming little monsters. A performer's dream, with the right crowd, overly stuffy with the wrong. But perhaps more importantly, they were a treasure trove of secrets ripe for the taking. A who's who could be found in the seating arrangement, credit signs clung to every accessory, each with their own subtle (or not so subtle) intention. The Bedlam found such delight in the puzzle piece each event brought. There was always a mystery to be solved, a thread to pull. For this one, by example - who or what would call for such a lavish gathering?

The fool was starting to draw his own theories. clocking conversation partners and body language where he could. At the moment, he was content to remain the observer, unopposed to being approached himself. For the moment, however, there were still puzzles to be solved before he had a working grasp of the full picture.

How very curious indeed.



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