Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress The Family Rank & File


  • Unit Name: "The Goons" (Considered a term of endearment)
  • Affiliation: The Family
  • Classification: Criminal Syndicate/Crime Family
  • Description: These troops comprise the bulk of The Family's fighting force - the "soldiers". Members of The Family hail from almost every sentient race, though they are predominantly human. Male & female members may be found - Xenophobia/sexism is non-existent amongst them. They are The Family's shock troops; specialized, loyal, professional Criminals.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Equipment: The "Cantonica Keyboard" / The Spice Runner Special / The M-45 Heavy Blaster Pistol / Stormbaton (standard)
  • Combat Function: Soldiers in The Family are trained to operate in small, efficient packs. They will use guerrilla tactics to assault, retreat, distract, and surround opponents. They are accustomed to operating in confined spaces; often a hold-over from their combined time growing up fighting for their lives. They will fight dirty, using any means necessary to accomplish their goal of defeating an enemy. They prefer to ambush their enemies using overwhelming force & a high volume of fire.

    They will fight with their fists & melee weapons if necessary, but many of them prefer old-fashioned gun play. They are not afraid to attempt assassinations using silent weaponry.

    They do not typically require support, relying instead on their ability to strike quickly then disappear into the shadows. They will not engage in extended firefights unless absolutely necessary, as this is more likely to attract the attention of the authorities. If cornered, they will not attempt to take hostages (as The Family does not encourage victimizing the innocent) but if cornered & the hostage is an enemy, they may attempt to bargain. Threats should be taken seriously.
  • Indoctrinated: Completely loyal to The Family & willing to die for The Donna. They cannot be bought.
  • School Of Hard Knocks: Having grown up on the streets of the worlds they're recruited from, Soldiers in The Family are resilient, highly capable in a street fight, aggressive, and efficient.
  • Multi-skilled: Individual soldiers may possess a number of skills one might call "Criminal". Basic Demolitions, Lock-picking & Safe Cracking, Slicing, Pick-pocketing, and brutish thuggery are only some examples of the skills one may find amongst them.
  • "You talkin' to me?": Members of The Family take disrespect seriously. If someone insults a high-ranking member of The Family, members in earshot are liable to become... irrational.
  • Small in number, big in personality: Like any typical Criminal Syndicate, Members of The Family like to party. Due to The Family's recent return, there are not many soldiers available - but the ones that are, are proud to be.
  • ACABN "All Cops Are Bad News": Members of The Family tend to make themselves scarce whenever the Coruscant Security Force (or similar Law Enforcement Agency) is nearby.
  • Take anything you want, but not from me: Stealing from, scamming, or otherwise performing any criminal act against a Soldier in The Family is bound to draw their ire. (See "You talkin' to me?")

Each of the Soldiers employed by The Family have been hand-selected for their continued & reliable adherence to the Syndicate's tenets. Most were recruited from the poor, the convicted, the exiled, and the forgotten - The Family has given them a home & a purpose, and as such, soldiers in The Family are staunchly loyal. Some are childhood friends, a handful have children of their own, and all of them consider the work they do to be as necessary to the healthy functioning of society as Governments, Corporations, and Security Forces.
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