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Faction The Fate of Kalie Alverez [The Family, SIA]



The dark and dingy cell gave off an unpleasant odor that seemed to seep into her worn and tattered clothing. It was likely a mix of the blood, sweat, and even the feces of a dozen or more prisoners who had the unfortunate pleasure of calling it home before the Senator's habitation.

The days had turned into weeks, which had turned into months. What Tiresh had thought would have been a quick rescue had proven itself much more complicated, as it seemed the thick walls of the COMPNOR black site were lined with something that was blocking her signal from being transmitted properly to the SIA, specifically her good friend and handler Lyrrin Lyrrin . She had undergone some light interrogations up to this point, but luckily it was nothing terribly intense or intrusive… nothing that would have risked them discovering her true nature, which was that of a reprogrammed replicant.

But the greatest revelation had come some weeks earlier, when she had been transferred to another holding cell. Upon passing some of the other cells, her gaze had come across a person that made her heart almost stop in shock. Was it really who she thought it was? Her mind raced as she continued to walk at the probing of the guards to her new cell. She needed to be certain.

Once again, she found herself being taken back to an interrogation room. She was passing by the cell of the woman she had seen earlier… cell 33… and as she passed, she yanked hard on the chain that held her wrists and slid the view port fully open, looking inside with intense focus before the guard had time to react.

"Kalie!!" She cried out, hoping to provoke some kind of acknowledgment from the prisoner. But there was none. No acknowledgment of any kind. Tiresh's eyes widened as she realized the horrible condition the woman was in. She must have been there for a long, long time. And even though there was no response, those few moments were enough to confirm to the android that the woman in cell 33 was most definitely the woman that she had unknowingly replaced almost a year ago…

It was Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez ...


As the guards dragged Tiresh forcefully away, she felt a flood of both excitement and dread rushing through her. It was incredible news that Kalie was actually alive! But the excitement she felt was mixed with the revelation that, if she somehow was able to save her, her own existence… and identity… would never be the same. She would always be seen as the intruder… the one that no-one asked for and no-one wanted.

Despite this bitter truth, Tiresh pulled as close to the small window of the interrogation room as she could and re-transmitted her signal in the desperate hopes that someone... somewhere... might intercept it and attempt to save her… and not only her anymore… but Kalie as well.
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Tag: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene
Wearing: This outfit

What the heck are you doing Gemini? The pirate asked herself as she sat in the rear compartment of the lead Sciss fighter as it approached the drop point. it had been a strange month, giving birth to her baby had seemed to have already changed her perspective on things.

So the thought about it from the beginning. Her letter of marquee had her sailing freely at the edge Ashlan space raiding Sith supply vessels, it was easy money and her crew could handle it while she focused on tending to her newborn, dang that was a shock to the system. While doing so it was only prudent to check the bounty boards, for her own bounties and for the purposes of getting a valuable scalp on one of her raids. What she had seen though had suprised her.

Isla Draellix, the high profile Prime Minister had authorised a missing persons bounty, and quite a large one. For none other than Senator Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix . Intersting one that. While Cass doubted Isla even knew she was still alive, Cass had followed the progress of her little sister closely and marvelled at her rise to fame, it wasn't Isla's fault their parents were so awful. Cass even found herself quietly rooting for her when she found out she was in a relationship with the senator. But now this was the situation, the senator missing and poor powerful Isla Draellix unable to find her.

That is where Cass stepped in, normally she would avoid her family dealings like the plague, but she needed to do this, not for the money, but for her own personal goal. She wanted to be able to look her children in the eye and know she was a better person than the parents that had cast her out those eighteen years ago. She was a mother now, and the whole thing with both her and Isidor being imprisoned by the enclave also brought it home how awful it can be, and she worried for Isla having her hands tied by her position.

Cass had quickly got the bounty and liased with an Ashlan Juror Vaxis Vaxis About what information the Ashlans had, it wasn't a huge amount, but they were also sharing information with the SIA, it was all little breadcrumbs that added up to a trail. Cass looked at the people around her, the next people in the chain, the Family. She had taken this to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud who had shown interest in the mission, maybe she wanted Cass in her debt, maybe it was the senator, she couldn't blame her for wanting both.

Between her and Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree , that little digital whizz, they had used secure records to piece together possible locations, then did whatever the family do to narrow it down to this one. Somewhere behind those walls was the woman whose name was written on the bounty sheet. The ship door opened and a blast if cool night air hit her, this was a dangerous mission, but she couldn't even tell Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene why it was his night on parenting duties, not that he minded looking after his new charge. She had not told anyone the specifics of why she wanted this bounty, yhe family connection, however tenous would just look bad.

There were two cloaked fighters here, one dropping off this team, crammed into the small vessel. And the other dropping a support team to cover them, track them, and provide assistance. This mission was dangerous, they needed to leverage every advantage they had against the elite COMPNOR guards. Shenhad absolute faith in her own abilities and those of the Family. As the ramp finished lowering she walked out and assessed the situation.


Gear: In his bio save for the Plasma eels and magma pebbles

He didn't know why he was sent here but Elafuh was adamant in his role here among the Family as such he had to assist wherever possible, In this case it was to save one of their own who was captured here, He was told to listen to those who are in charge and to follow their instruction and whatever role they wish for him. His Amphistaff coiled around his arm as he was in the second fighter as he double checked some of his gear and made sure his biots where in working order, Last thing he would need is them to malfunction mid assignment.

He waited quietly as ever until they landed when the ramp lowered he walked out taking in the environment and sticking with the group until a plan is given and roles are assigned, The place sounded fortified but he is working on limited intel until more is provided for him so that he can effectively carry out his role in this rescue, Hopefully this can go off without a hitch but as the old saying goes no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

Besides there might be some trophies worth keeping along the way as well, Information or technology alike not really a matter for him aslong as he did his duties and reaped the rewards.

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

Location: Safe in his ship; Blood Lightning
Equipment: Baby formula, Bottles, toys, baby supplies, blankets
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


The bottle had cooled enough to be of the correct temperature to be given to his son to drink, he looked hungry and it was feeding time. Isidor gently cradled the baby as he was fed. His first full night of being a dad solo. He can handle it, he can handle the unfortunate tasks too such as changing and cleaning spit-ups, his slacks and a very old shirt will have to do until he can get to the laundry room. Accidents happen and the poor mite cannot help getting a tiny upset tummy by rushing his feed.

Which also begged the question what are they going to do if he can't breathe type 1 like his mother or can't visit if he can? Or does he get a nasty chest infection like he did when he was so little? Isidor took a deep breath and calmed his nerves. This is a happy calm space, with a happy baby.

The night is going well, and his little bundle of joy is happy and everything was going according to plan the baby was now fed and burped. All there is to do is keep a very close eye on the tot, so he sat with his newborn just enjoying the moment. It was okay Cass didn't have to tell him what she is doing. The most important thing is that she comes back again, or so help him, he'll go into the Nether and pull her back out. That was something he will have no hesitation in doing.

Several of the crew visited to see the new family member with little sets of clothes, little knitted booties were the favourite along with the little hat with a little pom on top.. Keys were also a favourite toy, the little one loved them. Of course, these ones were plastic with bells in them. These were his when he was tiny, he kept ahold of them for years now, hand-me-downs were a thing and these were no different.

But then another thought hit him, their bundle of joy had no name yet, that would never do. But it has to be a name that fits. Reuven sprung to mind, he'll discuss it with Cass upon her arrival home, he also wanted to ask her sooner rather than later, because he may not get a chance to. But she was busy and he didn't wish to distract her, besides the youngster needs a cuddle as he was just about to cry.

<"Shh, shh, it's okay, daddy's here."> He cooed holding the baby close.

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Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Relan Dredec Relan Dredec Valery Noble Valery Noble
Wearing: This outfit

Cass gave the signal to move out and the group gathered up, it was going to be little walk to the prison, a fun one too, though a few inches of prison waste in the sewers. "let's hope that Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree is as good as she likes to think" Cass laughed, she had full confidence though, it would be insane for her to be here if she didn't believe Dedata could do what she said.

Cass had requested that the patrol patterns of each guard unit be subtly altered, not so much that any particualr group would question it but enough so this stretch of sewer had a nice 20 minute blind spot every hour. Enough time to get in, then they had 40 minutes inside the prison before their next blind spot to get out. What could go wrong, the CCTV in the tunnels also had to be dealt, Cass would have to assume it was, with Family Crew here she didn't expect any betrayals or failures.

She pulled out her saber, the varperline crystal made it easy to cut through even the armoured bars and she opened the grate to let them in. The sewer was tall enough to walk though for the most part, but every hundred metres or so there were nautral choke points where the ceiling came low, designed to slow any escape as the runners would have to get down to a near crawl to pass. Luckily there was a small ledge that ran the length of the sewer so the team didn't have to crawl through the muck.

They ran for around ten minutes before, coming across several cameras along the way that blinked as though still fully operational, making Cass feel uneasy, but she knew they must be sending a false feed or guards would already be swarming them, so they continued. No guards were seen anywhere and eventually the team arrived underneath the prison. She could tell that by the sluice pipes either side that every so often opened with a quick poor of much, and sometimes blood. "We are cutting through the floor 100 yards, I have a micro holo projector that will simulate the ceiling to any curios guards when they return." Cass was actually enjoying this so far, maybe the high stakes just spoke to the pirate on a level she loved.



Location: Phaeda | Sewers
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Shadow Gear
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

Kalie had been found.

Ever since Valery learned that one of her closest friends had been replaced by an android of some kind, she had this feeling that the real Kalie was still alive, and out there somewhere. She couldn't explain why — perhaps it was just a gut feeling, but deep down she understood that the Force was warning her about her friend and the terrible state she was in.

It made her want to act immediately, but when intel came through about her location, she knew that wasn't an option.

So, rather than traveling to Phaeda to assist in the rescue operation as Valery Noble, she had prepared herself in her old Jedi Shadow gear and assumed her old identity as Aurora. The people she'd be working with wouldn't know who she was, and there was a chance even Kalie wasn't going to find out.

But it didn't matter — she just wanted her friend to be rescued from the hell she was in.

So deep within the sewers, she waited in her Cloak, making it impossible for any of the cameras to spot her, and even her allies wouldn't be able to see or hear her at all. But when Cass Gemini Cass Gemini was finally getting closer, Aurora stepped out of the Cloak and greeted the woman with a dip of her head.

"Good to see you here, ready to break in?" she asked, her voice distorted by the mask she was wearing. Geared up like this, her demeanor seemed somewhat threatening, but her stance was relaxed and she made no move to reach for a weapon.

She was here to help them.

He kept with Cass Gemini Cass Gemini as she moved through the sewers, he began to memorize where he was going so that he can easily navigate should he get separated she seemed to know what she was doing when he stopped he prepared a spy bug to head through ahead of them so that it can scout out the area whenever they start carving into the floor. He turned his head and for a moment took a defensive posture when the new arrival revealed themselves. He lowered his defensive posture only abit but kept on alert with them around.

They seem to be an ally but they only just met and ran in to her just as they where about to begin after all as long as they dont get in the way he will leave them alone

Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Valery Noble Valery Noble
Some distance away...

Ivory Stroud, Donna of The Family, sat before a bank of monitors in a cloaked ship over the planet of Phaeda. She had chosen to remain close-by to the support team, quietly monitoring their progress as they made entry into the COMPNOR-affiliated Black Site hidden in the hills. If anything went horribly wrong, she had a small team of her own on stand-by; members of her Family with specialized training & equipment, ready to provide support or extraction. As for herself, she'd chosen to forego the elegant attire she was famous for, and had instead chosen the attire of a Mercenary: a black tactical vest, cargo pants, laced combat boots, and a tank-top.

From elsewhere in the Galaxy, Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree was assisting in her own way - providing active support & running interference from a technical standpoint. As the mission ahead was extremely high-risk, Ivory had chosen (under advisement) to keep her profile & involvement to a minimum...

However, she'd wanted to be included, as she was footing the bill for not only the ships, but most of the Mercenaries, the equipment, and the reconnaissance portion of this operation. The Family had been hard at work for weeks; collecting intelligence through multiple sources, conducting reconnaissance patrols onto the planet, and quietly working to ascertain the location of the secret facility. This was precisely the kind of High-Risk/High-Reward Operation she enjoyed. At Cass' request for assistance, Ivory had jumped at the opportunity...

Not only to assist a friend in need, but also for selfish reasons. Having the friendship of an Alliance Senator was simply an opportunity The Donna could not pass up.

Reaching out, Ivory tapped the holo-screen in front of her, switching one of the views on a screen beside it to highlight the Recon Drone her operative, Kruhlaish Kruhlaish , deployed. A slight scowl creased her otherwise-beautiful face, but she said nothing.

She'd expected the SIA would get involved... but she'd expected more from their quiet offer of assistance than a single operative. It would remain to be seen just how much the Alliance would be willing to work with a group like The Family.

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Valery Noble Valery Noble Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene

Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Valery Noble Valery Noble Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Kruhlaish Kruhlaish

There use to be coping mechanisms that helped to distract the SIA agent from the tortures and the constant pain she experienced, but such methods had grown stale within the first couple of months. It was as if the pain had become a part of her, and the torture was simply routine at this point. Her body knew the drill… and besides the daily rations of food, it was the only thing that served to mark any progression of time.

After six months, the torture had stopped. It seemed that her captors had lost interest in her, which surprisingly brought her closer to the breaking point than the intentional torture methods they had used… the pulling out of her finger nails… the knives in her leg and side… the brutal beatings that left her body numb and convulsing uncontrollably due to the lack of proper nutrition and the loss of blood… none of that had truly broken her. It was the silence. The emptiness of every day… of every week… of every month…

The nothing…

That is what sucked whatever was left of Kalie's soul out of her. She hung there silently, all sensation completely lost in her hands and arms… waiting to die, but unable to meet death. Alive, but was she really?

It was about nine months in that she started to lose her mind. Murmured chants could be heard echoing eerily down the hallway of the cells…the occasional laugh that was quickly silenced due to the severe pain it caused her. And sometimes… singing.

Her gentle, smooth voice would fill the chambers with melodies and songs that no-one had ever heard before. Songs she had written years ago when she was young and lived on the shores of Lujo.

But eventually, the songs faded.

Until there was nothing that ever came from her cell. Nothing. For months. Was she still alive? About a month ago she had stopped eating entirely, her frame growing weaker and weaker… thinner and thinner… and she hung there. In silence. No movement of any kind. Her captors would check in on her on occasion, genuinely surprised that she was still alive… well... at least she still had a pulse… And she still had the weakest of labored breaths.

A year...

But she wouldn't have known how long she had been there. It might as well have been an eternity. All hope had faded long ago. All her bitter tears had stopped flowing... And all she wanted now was to die. To forget. To move on into whatever might await her.

Whatever it was, surely it was better than this.

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Tag: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Valery Noble Valery Noble

Cass stopped, slightly startled and looked at the shadowy form of the woman she would not know to be Valery Noble Valery Noble . She, could feel in the force that thia was an ally. She grinned with a certain malice. "I was born ready for this kind of game, I'm Cass." The newcomer did not look like one of Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud s Family, but masks could be deceiving. This woman was potentially SIA, in that respect she would be thankful for the help and not ask any further questions.

She sent a signal to Ivory as they prepared the breach into the facility "You good up there guardian angel? We are preparing to breach, wish us luck." She looked at the ceiling above and closed her eyes, she had never liked relying on the force, it seemed like a cheat, but she needed every advantage she could muster today. Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Was next to her when she opened her eyes and ignited her red light saber. "Its now or never, the room is clear, I will enter first and check it out."

Cutting through the ceiling of the sewer she used the force to gently remove the stone and replace it with the holo emitter. Then she shimmered as her personal cloak masked her and she climbed up in to the room above. It was cold up here, a grimy shower room clearly intended to clean prisoners on mass. Large hoses hung limply from one end of the room, and hoops on the floor marked where the prisoners would be restrained, it was vile in her, and it smelled musty.

She moved around in utter silence, trying to get her bearing from the maps. There was no guards, not even evidence of guards, she doubted there was much need for regular visits to this room with everyone chained up in their cells, it is why they had chosen this as the infiltration point. Above her was a a pair of cameras, eerily blinking as if active as Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree fed them a false feed to mast the presence of the rescuers.

After a few moments she called back down that the coast was clear and invited the others up. The high value prisoners were kept in this wing, another floor upward and further towards the centre of the facility, the balcony above was probably the best way ro ascend, rather than looking for stair wells. That balcony was a strange position, and had what looked like bipod mounts on the edge. It was then that Cass noticed the bullet holes in the walls of the shower room. Clearly this room served more than one purpose. Cass had known it from the start, but now it could not be more apparent. Failure meant capture, capture meant death.



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