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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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The Federal Assembly (Info & Roster)

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Lucas Gracin

Excelsus of the Howlaw Court


The Improved Hyperspace Protection Act 902 ABY [IHPT 902]

IC Information:

The Galactic Alliance is facing many enemies across the galaxy entering 902 ABY, Such as the Mandalorian-Alliance War and the Sith Empire's Incursions. Along with increasingly horrid rumors of Resurgent Maw Activity on the frontiers and even the Galactic Capital calls for the Senate to increase security and protection measures for the Alliance Merchant Flotilla to continue operations and free flow of trade without fear of enemy privateers and raiders disrupting the economic lifeline of the Alliance in a prolonged conflict.

OOC Intent:

The Protection of Trade Federation and Alliance Shipping from Hired Privateers and a chance for the Federation to expand their own army in response to these emerging threats.



"Senator Lucas Gracin of Veradune would also like voice his support for this bill. We may offer options for the defense of these shipments by way of our Valde's personal company, the VSF which was created for situations such as this."

Lucas Gracin

Excelsus of the Howlaw Court
Topic: The Galactic Alliance Militia Act

IC info: The Galactic Alliance is made of a large number of worlds with a variety of resources. Some of these resources are military power. This act will allow these worlds to contribute to the Alliance and benefit from said contribution.

In the furtherance of increasing defense and allowing planets to contribute in a productive manner towards the welfare of the Galactic Alliance, the Militia act proposes these articles.
1. Definitions
a. “Armed Force” means any body of members created for the purpose of waging war or doing battle.​
b. “Billet” means the actual role that a member is acting in regards as to what level of command they might hold​
c. “Common Rank” means any rank easily recognized as equivalent to another in either name or, more importantly, function.​
d. Designee” means anyone authorized by a higher power to act in that higher power’s stead.​
e. “Engagement” means any operation where soldiers might combat hostile forces.​
f. “Field Rank” means any rank that allows a member to be in the field as a combatant and does not include trainees or cadets who are not yet considered fit for battle.​
g. “GADF” means any armed force under the direct and sole command of the Galactic Alliance on a federal level, especially the Galactic Alliance Defense Force.​
h. “Member” means any individual within the military, whether that be planetary or federal.​
i. “NCO” means any non-commissioned member capable of holding command over others.​
j. “Officer” means any individual holding a commission for higher command within the armed forces.​
k. “Planetary Defense Force” means any armed force raised by a planet and not controlled by the Galactic Alliance on a Federal level.​
l. “Planetary Militia'' means any planetary forces integrated into the GADF for purposes of offensive operations beyond planetary defense.​
m. “Rank” means any designation of position within the armed forces.​
2. Any Planetary government at the discretion of its leadership may integrate its planetary defense force into the GADF.
a. Planets that integrate a portion of their defense force to the GADF shall be allowed the following economic benefits:​
i. A tax break relative to the size of the force offered​
ii. The GADF will pay for 45% of the militia troops’ salary or rate.​
b. Planetary Militia within the GADF will be subject to the following rules and regulations regarding Rank and Billet​
i. Planetary Militia will be billeted at the rank they held before integration if​
1. They are in command of forces solely composed of members from planetary defense groups, or​
2. They are at the lowest possible field rank and do not hold an Officer or NCO position.​
ii. Planetary Militia will be billeted one rank lower than equivalent GADF forces if​
1. There is an equivalent ranked GADF member and​
a. To retain their planetary billet would cause conflict in the chain of command, and​
b. GADF and Planetary Militia are present in an armed engagement.​
iii. Planetary Militia will be billeted one rank higher than equivalent GADF forces if​
1. They are acting in the sole interest of their planet,​
2. They are acting within their planetary system, and​
3. There is a GADF force acting as an assisting element​
iv. Jedi shall not be permitted to exercise authority over a Militia unit except by permission of that unit’s commanders.​
v. In the event that a militia rank has no obvious equivalent in the GADF, its members will be demoted in billet to the nearest equivalent rank​
vi. In the event of Planetary Leaders acting in a military capacity​
1. No member of a planetary militia may outrank the Supreme​
Commander of the GADF.​
a. All members acting as Militia, no matter their rank, are to be below the Supreme Commander in regards to the chain of command.​
2. No member of a planetary militia may undermine an operation’s purpose by force of rank unless given permission by the supreme commander or their designee.​
c. Planetary Governments intending to use the Militia act must Create a martial corps or branch to be known as the planetary militia​
i. The militia may be a Navy, an Army, or both​
ii. The militia will be subject to deployment on offensive operations for the GADF.​
iii. The militia may work alongside GADF forces to complete its missions.​
iv. The militia will be subject to GADF orders, including all legal orders from the​
Supreme Commander of the GADF.​
1. Orders received by GADF forces will be followed in accordance with​
section 2 (b). of this act.​
2. Orders given out of accordance with section 2 (b). such as those given​
by a person of inferior rank do not need to be followed.​
3. In regards to armament for integrated planetary forces, Planetary Militias shall fully equip their members with the tools required for duties in the armed forces.
i. This shall include​
1. Medical Supplies​
2. Basic Weaponry which at a minimum shall consist of​
a. A main weapon for use in general combat and,​
b. A secondary weapon for use in case of failing of the primary weapon​
3. Uniforms and armor that​
a. Shall designate members as a part of the appropriate military force that they are a part of and,​
b. Shall provide adequate protection in the event of combat​
4. One third of the rations required by members​
a. The rest of the rations shall be supplied by the GADF.​
b. Additional Rations provided by a planetary government shall be compensated at an agreed upon rate with the government of the Galactic Alliance or their designee..​
1. Equipment Necessary for the duties of a soldier during longer campaigns, and​
2. Training necessary to act as a soldier and survive in an active combat zone.​
ii. If a planet does not have access to the tools of warfare required in section 3(a)(i.) they may purchase these items from the GADF or its designees at an agreed upon price.​
4. Full integration
a. Members acting as integrated Militia may be allowed to act as fully integrated members of the GADF after a period of one year.​
i. Individual Integration shall be at the discretion of GADF’s chain of command and,​
1. Shall include approval from three ranks above the members current billet,​
2. Shall be done on the basis of good conduct and good faith between the two armed force and,​
i. Shall be done on a voluntary basis.​
ii. Integrated members shall be allowed to keep their arms and armament upon integration​
iii. Wages for Fully Integrated members shall be the sole responsibility of the GADF​
iv. Fully integrated members will no longer be a part of their Planetary force’s command structure.​
b. Planetary Militia Units may be approved at a company level or higher for full​
integration after a period of five years of service alongside GADF forces and at​
least 5 combat missions on territories outside of their home system.​
i. Unit integration will hold to the same provisions as section 4(a)(iii and iv)​
ii. Unit Integration shall be done only in agreement between the planet’s military leadership and the leadership of the GADF or their designees.​
iii. A planetary government may request compensation in return for the full integration of a Militia Unit.​
iv. The GADF will take full financial responsibility for a fully integrated unit​
v. Once Fully integrated, the MIlitia Unit will lose its designation as a Militia and become full members of the GADF.​
5. Militia shall not be used in operations against their home system.
a. This includes former Militia Units that have fully integrated into the GADF.​
6. During any engagement including GADF forces and Integrated Planetary Militia
a. The Highest Ranking GADF officer shall be in command, no matter the rank disparity between them and the highest Planetary Militia officer.​
i. In the event that there are no GADF officers available, a Militia Officer may take command.​
b. Section 6(a) and 6(a)(i.) also applies to NCO’s in the event that there are no officers present at the engagement.​

OOC Info: This act should make it easier and more explainable as to how certain planets might be able to contribute militarily to the GA with acts such as bringing troops onto a battlefield that are made up of that planet's military.​
Topic: Vote of No Confidence

IC info: The current leader of the Galactic Alliance prematurely ended a session of the Senate and made the decision to relocate the Capital by executive fiat, ignoring and silencing those Senators who had concerns about doing so.

If this representative democracy is to retain legitimacy, our current leader must be replaced.

No one can be allowed to show such disregard for the representative democratic process and continue their leadership over a government intended to embody such principles.
Topic: For the People Act
IC Information: For the first time in many years, the Galactic Alliance faces total destruction from multiple sides. With the undead army of the Sith marching along happily in the Stygian Caldera and the Dark Empire emerging from the void and seizing control of Empress Teta, Prakith and Tython, it is clear that a new dark age has fallen over the Core. Every right we have fought so hard to defend is now under attack, and it is incumbent upon the Senate to take drastic action in the name of the people to defend our democracy.
OOC Attachments: Bill Text
Topic: The Pan-Alliance Relief Act (PARA)
IC Information: The Alliance is facing a refugee crisis projected to be it's most brutal since the time of the Second Galactic Hyperspace War. To ensure the Alliance continues to make good on it's promise of providing for all it's citizens, and to combat the flow of refugees from the Core Worlds, a bipartisan coalition of Senators has stepped forward to propose an overhaul to the current system. The bill includes the establishment of SELCORE as a permanent Senate Committee, oversight programs to foster refugee cities on various planets in the Alliance, adoption of innovative housing and bacta production technology, and centralization of the GA's currently-scrambling relief efforts.
OOC Intent: To make a bill that everyone can maybe finally agree on, and put the GA's RP money where their RP mouth is. Born from this thread. (Also, so I can finally submit my first bill, despite being a senator for two years)
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