Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Galaxies a Small Place Really

Location: Infirmary, Padawan Home
Equipment: Weighted Padawan Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

There was always an air of pity when she was present in these kinds of places. The careful looks between the nurses, doctors, and the healers. Bacta wasn't the outright cure all everyone figured it to be it seemed. Not when everything you were born with was already a mess.

The breathing exercises had brought her lungs back up to capacity from the over use they had experienced. Being warned to keep from such excitement again through the entire process in many different words but with much the same meaning.

But they couldn't hide their emotions while they spoke, or at least they didn't care to.

Lossa was silent for the majority of her stay in the infirmary. Other than answering questions, there wasn't anything to speak about. No one to call. No one to lean on. The windows gave her a nice view outside at least. Better than the other hospitals. But that was the only blessing in her situation.

The technician came to greet her as the tray and instrument was rolled close to her bedside.

"Density test?" She asked, receiving a blank stare before a nod.

"We'll give you some fluids after and see about getting you outside to walk around. This should be the final test before you are cleared to go back to-"

"Just get it going please. I don't have anything metal on me and I've been off my supplements fortwo weeks." Her reply was snappish, and the feeling of pity from the technician had her eyes snapping shut from the burn of angry tears.

The next few minutes under the scanner was unsurprising, and with a few more words had her cleared to go outside at least. The final results to be determined at the leisure of those with more knowledge on the matter.

Like she hadn't been reading all of this material since she could on her own. Like she hadn't been figuring out what supplements let her go longer between resting and breaks, or these kinds of check ups. Had let her feel slightly more normal than usual. Her grandfather would have been rolling in his grave at the sight of her right now.

Fetching her robes and hearing aid, she covered herself up in the only thing that had promised freedom before heading out into the central garden for free time.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Concealed Lightsaber
Location: Meditation Gardens, Coruscant
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Briana sat cross legged, eyes closed.

She couldn't remember when she finally managed to get off the ground, but somehow during the meditative trance, she'd ended up floating. Medium rocks and small pebbles floated around her like an asteroid belt, inhaling through her nose as she worked on sending out her awareness, trying to reach beyond the confines of the gardens as the Force flowed through her, connecting her to every living thing within the vicinity.

The city world of Coruscant teemed with all sorts of activity, with life cropping up in the most unlikely of places, if one knew where to look. Beneath the smog filled skies she could feel the sentient and non-sentient creatures, the plants that tried to sprout through the tiniest cracks of duracreet, and every tiny insect.

Everyday, her connection became stronger.

Peace and calm were key, allowing her to reach further and further, stretching her mind to the greatest distance that she'd possibly ever gone before, until...

Something new threatened to break her connection, her mind suddenly filled with a barrage of worries and frets that pressed against her mental gates.

Briana waited a second, then two, trying to refocus her attention, but to no avail.

With a grunt of exasperation, the young Sal-Soren heir flipped herself neatly to the ground and softly returned the rocks to a neat circle on the ground, her eyes fluttering up to catch the source that'd broken her concentration.

"Lossa?" Her blue eyes brightened, widening to match her growing smile as she strode towards the Zeltron woman without hesitation, pulling her into a long-overdue embrace. "It's been so long! I thought you were still on Ossus?"



Location: Infirmary, Padawan Home
Equipment: Weighted Padawan Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

Her own worries had clouded her senses so thoroughly that she hadn't noticed who she was interrupting with her presence.

At least not until her name had been called and she spied the source.

"Br-Briana!?" She stammered, opening her arms instinctively.

Eyes wide, she was startled and only had mere seconds to brace for the incoming hug. She didn't have the chance to slide the concealed bag to her side. Not that it mattered when the hug was as tight as it was.

But it was nice to be hugged again, returning the hug tightly.

Lossa struggled to keep from a wheeze all the while, and was thankful she was in her robes rather than the infirmary gown.

"I. I came to see what Coruscant was like. At the temple, I mean." Her reason entirely fabricated. The flimsy excuse her only life line against other questions.

She glanced backwards from where she had come, thankful it was a sort of maze to get out to the gardens.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were...out here. Practicing. What have you been up to?" The worries that had flooded her mind were gone, replaced with anxiety now.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Meditation Gardens, Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"And? What did you think? Are you staying?" The barrage of questions spilled from her lips faster than intended, a flush quickly rising in her cheeks as she realized she hadn't given Lossa the chance to actually answer any of said questions.

Pulling away from the embrace, she guided her fellow Padawan off to the side where they could sit and chat beside one of the many fountains that lined the courtyard, all of which were different shapes and sizes; some had water shooting out from various places along the sides, while others were simply columns with jets positioned at intervals around their bases.

"I returned a few weeks ago, myself." she admitted, "I come here every morning to practice meditation now, trying to build and strengthen my connection to the Force. It's harder than I thought it would be," she laughed, "Who knew being calm and peaceful would be such a difficult feat to master? Other than that, it's the same old, same old. What about you?"



Location: Infirmary, Padawan Home
Equipment: Weighted Padawan Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

Her answer skirted the truth when she was asked if she was staying. A fact she couldn't readily avoid for the moment and instead painted it in a different way rather than needing the medical facilities.

"Seems like a lot more people are around, and while I'll miss Ossus for the nature, it'll be nice to meet some people. So I'll hang out." She finally spoke, head swimming slightly to build up the reasons to stay.

The hug broken, they set off to find a spot to sit as Lossa gazed at the water fonts around the garden.

"I thought you liked tinkering with things? I know I read something about, uh...activity or active meditation or something like that. I don't remember what it was called now but it sounded like something that might fit better if sitting isn't working." Her eyes drifted left and down as she pondered on what she had read. It was something she had looked into a while back when it was stated her dance practice might have been along the same line.

The question about how she had been was unavoidable, and if Iris had mentioned their last meeting, she might as well broach the subject than let it float beneath the conversation.

"I've been doing better but not where I should be probably. I had...a panic attack with Iris on Ossus. But I've been working on that and some other things. She just, surprised me, and my body is dumb sometimes. I'm honestly surprised I haven't had more since starting as a padawan. Grandpa would be putting me through the ringer right now if he saw how I was doing. Grandma more so." She heaved a sigh at the thought of either one seeing her at the moment.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Meditation Gardens, Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Briana could agree with Lossa's sentiments about missing Ossus. The depths of Coruscant were not as easy a place to explore, nor did it have quite as many available ruins that she could spend her days around, actively salvaging for parts, without running into some sort of trouble. Not that she generally had to worry about those sort of dangers. Most would-be-thugs took a single look at the blade hanging on her belt, and smartly turned the other direction.

But hearing that Lossa planned to stay a while brought an unprompted smile to her face. "I know Iris will be excited."

"Active meditation sounds more up my alley,"
Briana agreed, tucking a strand of loose brown hair behind her ear, absently wondering why it hadn't been presented as an option to her already. "but I'm sure since Master Valery asked me to do it this way, that there is a reason." The old Briana would have gone marching to Valery the moment she heard there were other options. Now? Now, Briana was learning to trust the process, settling. Not quite as eager to buck. Valery was a powerful, wise Master. There was a reason why she was chosen as Sword of The Jedi. "Besides... I've always enjoyed a good challenge." Her lips curled up into a smirk on one side, then faded marginally while she listened to Lossa speak, nodding thoughtfully.

"Iris told me a little about the panic attack," her brows knit together in concern before leaning over to lightly bump her shoulder against her friends. "I'm sure you'll pull it together, Lossa, and don't worry about your Grandparents and what they think. Or anyone else, for that matter. You have to move at your own pace."


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Location: Infirmary, Padawan Home
Equipment: Weighted Padawan Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

Her expression rose at the mention of Iris, a smile appearing as she silently cackled to herself.

"Iris caught me already. And we had a bit of fun before putting things to right." She didn't feel the need to explain more than that as the reason for not explaining was brought up in the next breath.

Her smile turning to a dour stare.

"She probably knows best. But wouldn't hurt to mention it maybe. Learning the basics and all that. Definitely not just a stick in the mud." Her tone shifting into sarcasm at the last few words before Brianna brought up hearing from Iris about Ossus.

Thankfully nothing more than what she had shared.

The silent hope of avoiding that topic gaining some light to it as she nodded along. The shoulder bump was met with a lean into Brianna, enjoying the touch.

"I know. I just don't want to let them down because I can't keep it together. Nana Sanna wouldn't be pleased that I couldn't make it through the basics. But mom and dad understand I suppose. Or at least they've made sure to tell me that anyway." She explained with a tiny shrug.

"So other than meditating what have you been up to? You get that ship flying right?" The smile returned as she switched topics again.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

A curious brow rose at Lossa's mentioning of the two of them 'having fun', remembering exactly what kind of 'fun' the two of them had gotten up to in the past. Briana let it go. They were all a little older now, and she was sure they'd done the responsible thing in the end to make sure things were put to rights.

"I'll pass it by her for sure Lossa, thanks." Briana could tell from Lossa's expression that it was taking a lot for her to be cordial about it, having never been able to fully see eye-to-eye with Valery whose personality clashed wildly against the Zeltrons.

The mood seemed to shift after the topic of Ossus was brought up and she could see the hesitation on the other girls face, though she reciprocated the bump by leaning into her. She fiddled with her hands in her lap, taking every bit of willpower in her to not push or ask questions, to drop the subject entirely for the other girls benefit. If Lossa wanted to expound on it, then that was up to her, though at the mentioning of her grandmother, the other brow lifted to meet the one already raised. "Sanna?" she repeated, hmming to herself.

Was it possible? She tried not to stare, then shook off the thought. No. That was ridiculous. There were likely thousands of women named Sanna all across the Galaxy. Maybe she was starting to buy too much into the whole, 'will of the Force' nonsense. "That's my Grandmothers name, too." Briana mentioned, as casually as possible. "Well, was. Never actually met her. As far as anyone knows, she died a while ago. Small Galaxy, huh?"



Location: Infirmary, Padawan Home
Equipment: Weighted Padawan Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

The wide smile shifted to one of plain mischief as Briana did none to well to hide her worry.

"We cleaned up. Iris and I did." She offered reassurance before the subject fell to the wayside. At least had been allowed to. It wasn't hard to see Briana ignoring the urge to ask, and she appreciated the chance to not talk about it even after mentioning it.

At least until the name drop.

Lossa blinked, astounded at the coincidence of the situation.

"Probably a weird coincidence. People like imitating noble families after all." The smile was sarcastic as she heard footsteps behind them.

"Miss Aureus. We are about finished with your perscri-" The doctor didn't finish their words. Lossa standing with haste and trying to get them to be quiet as best she was able to. Her hand rising to cover their mouth while making every loud noise possible to distract from any medical terms.

"IT WOULD BE REALLY NICE TO HANG OUT AGAIN JUST LET ME KNOW WHEN IM GONNA GO DEAL WITH THIS REAL QUICK GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR MEDITATION!" Lossa informed Briana as she pushed the doctor away from the clearing and towards the medical wing again.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

A flurry of events transpired before Briana had a chance to react to any of it, leaving her standing there alone once more with mouth half agape. Her mind whirred with several questions, rapidly entering and leaving her mind, all of which would have to wait for answers as the Zeltron fled with animated haste, leaving a dumbfounded Briana to recover in her wake.

"Aureus?" She found herself mouthing, stuck on that name. Pocketing her hands, she stood and allowed a long exhale to escape her lips.

What were the chances?

...Will of the Force, indeed.



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