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The Gargantuan

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  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Hanger Bays
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Battleship Weapons
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Standard Living Quarters
  • Standard Damage Control Systems
  • Standard Life Pods
  • Standard Crew Comforts
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Standard Security Systems
  • Armored Vessel: The Gargantuan comes equipped with large amounts of armored plating across its asteroid hull both inside and out. Making the vessel able to withstand a large amounts of damage from either projectile weaponry or energy weaponries. Making it an extremely good vessel for going up against other battleships on the field.
  • Massive Armament: The Gargantuan comes equipped with a large amounts of armaments along its hull to protect against pirates and other crime organizations that might attempt to bring it down or storm its treasure vaults for a mighty profit. The gargantuan is more than able to stand up to others of the heavy battleship types due to the sheer amount of firepower available to its crew.
  • Defense Overload: The Gargantuan comes equipped with a large amount of shielding to protect it against projectile weaponry and energy weaponry that is thrown its way on the battlefield. The shielding systems overlap with each other to provide a tiered defensive system, allowing the crew to have a backup shield behind the first one should that one be damaged enough to fall offline.
  • Unparalleled Power: The Gargantuan comes equipped with isotope-5 fuel cells that allow the vessel to have unparalleled fuel capacity and engine power although it is slower than a normal heavy cruiser should be due to the immense cost of running and repairing the generators filled with isotope-5.
  • Devourer of Power: The Gargantuan might come equipped with many impressive features that make it more than a match for anything that comes it ways. But being such a behemoth of might requires the consummation of an immense supply of power to run the vessel. Making it an extreme weakness because of the constant need to recharge and stock up on extra generators to keep the vessel constantly operational. Power conservation is vital due to the risk of power failure in the middle of an engagement with another warship. Once the power has been drained operating its various overlapping shields and weaponry, the gargantuan is a sitting duck and more easy to blast into smithereens by an opponent.
  • Massive Engine: The Gargantuan comes equipped with a single massive ion engine that propels it forward on the battlefield. Although the engine is protected from sabotage from the overlapping shield system. If the shield system is gone or is too heavily damaged then their is a real possibility that the engine will be destroyed. Leaving the vessel a sitting duck on the battlefield with no way to move forward.
  • Low Hanger Space: The Gargantuan does have a considerable number of fighter squadrons withins bays, but compared to other battleships within the galaxy. It is lacking in significant fighter support to protect its more vulnerable area. Making it not suitable as a starship carrier which can limit its overall role on the battlefield to smash and fire.
  • Large Target: The Gargantuan is a large vessel that can dominate the battlefield. While it does have an incredible amount of defenses and aramants that make it more than a match for even the strongest of battleships. It is not overall immune from being destroyed if enough concentrated firepower is focused upon it. It is also difficult to avoid detection as it is instantly recognizable.

The Gargantuan was originally called the Jewel of Bolivar and was commissioned by the Qunaalac Hutt Clan from the Nal Hutta Shipyards. Intended to serve as the flagship of the Qunaalac Fleet in the event that Kor Qunaalac was invaded by outside forces and the over-growing threat of the Bryn'adul at that time. The Jewel of Bolivar was made using the hallowed out interior of an asteroid from the Nal Hutta Asteroid Field. Modeling the large vessel using small fragments of the Eye of Palpatine to get a rough outline of the capacity of such a monster. It took several years for the Jewel of Bolivar to be finished and was officially commemorated by the Qunaalc Kajidic. En route to the Homeworld of the Qunaalac Kajidic, the Jewel of Bolivar was ambushed by the bloody iron sunzs a group of raiders compromised of both Ologuren and Graug warriors. Kregdakka the Supreme Khaan of the horde would personally see the liberation of the Jewel of Bolivar from the hands of the qunaalac kajidic. Whose forces responded promptly due to the vessel being within the Bootana Hutta Region.
Both fleets engaged one another with the modernized fleet of the qunaalac battering into the ramshackle fleets of the Bloody Iron Sunzs. Kregdakka smashed his way through into the bridge and challenged the mutant trandoshan helmsman. The battle took place within the command station, while the lights of battle flashed outside the vessel. Kregdakka almost lost due to the sheer size of the mutant trandoshan and his immense strength even compared to himself. However fate would fortunate him when the vessel began to shake due to either starfighters slamming into the large target or a deliberate act by the qunaalac kajidic to smash the vessel into pieces to avoid it falling into the raiders hand. Kregdakka managed to slay the mutant trandoshan, keeping its head within his personal chamber built deep within the vessel.
The command of the Jewel of Bolivar would turn the tide of the conflict, as the qunaalac forces withdrew to lick their wounds. Kregdakka renamed the ship to the Gargantuan due to the massive size of the vessel. Turning it into a mobile fortress city for the Bloody Iron Sunzs. Serving as their homeplanet without actually being a homeplanet. Allowing them to drop out of hyperspace suddenly and then disappear without a trace once all the loot as been ransacked. The Gargantuan has since served as the primary flagship of the ramshackle fleet underneath the command of the Over-Tyrant of the Sardo'narru.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

Nicely made and detailed ship. But I have a concern, about the "Armored Vessel" in the strengths list. This wording suggests that the ship is invincible. Please rephrase to make it more understandable in terms of PvE / PvP and to reflect that this is not an invincible ship.
Submission Name: The Stormvermin
Link to Submission: The Stormvermin
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased.

Submission Name: The Quarter's Galleon
Link to Submission: The Quarter's Galleon
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased

Submission Name: The Gargantuan
Link to Submission: The Gargantuan
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased

Submission Name: Eye of Abonshee
Link to Submission: Eye of Abonshee
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased

Submission Name: Milvayne-Class Trade Warship
Link to Submission: Milvayne-Class Trade Warship
Reason for Archival Request: No longer planning to use this submission.
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