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The Home of a Titan

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Laguz Vald"]

Alric stood at the window of a massive observation room.

The whole place was bare save for a single trio of what looked like poorly constructed plasteel chairs along with an equally horribly constructed plasteel table. The view that held outside of transparasteel was more than enough to make up for the crappy furniture however. Light years from where they were sat a quasar, yet from the relatively tiny observation room the dangerous astral phenomenon was more than observable.

Alric found himself staring at it.

Constructing Titan Station this close to such a phenomena was said to be dangerous, but Alric had assurance from scientists that the galactic even would not be any trouble, offering only a beautiful view for those on the correct side of the station.

Slowly he turned away from it and back towards the empty room.

This station as of yet was only about a quarter completed. Much of the vast space which the station would eventually enclose was still open to vacuum, and in reality only the 'spine' of the station was complete. For now that was more than enough however, and Alric had set today's meeting here for a purpose.

One was letting his close friend in on a secret, and the other was to test just how secret this place would be.

Without another moment of waiting Alric began to head towards the Hangar.

The unmistakable sound of high heels against the floor echoed down the long corridor, letting any Titan personnel in a 50 meter radius know that their owner was: 1) In a considerable hurry 2) Out of their league. They would be right on both accounts, too, for the woman strutting down the hall was nothing short of jaw-dropping. Modeled after a few of the current holovid stars, the redhead looked just familiar enough to instill a fake sense of comfort in the observer, yet still different enough to have that delectable exotic vibe to her.

The whole situation felt exotic, however. Weird, too, and somewhat dangerous, but Laguz liked danger; it sustained her when all else failed, and this whole curiosity was just another high for the shifter. It mattered little who was behind it, or what sort of business was expecting her on the station. All that was important to the hunter was the next thrill, and this place could certainly provide, if its location and the furtiveness of the owner were any indication.

The attractive, faux-female would wait on the rendezvous point, filing her nails with feigned disinterest while keen eyes scanned every inch of the hangar.
“Now what kinda game are you playing at Kuhn?”

Danger would mull aloud to herself as the Bane of Corsucant warped out of Hyperspace. Immediately, they were hailed by a fleet of Titan Industries best.

Weapons locked and ready to fire.

“Trigger happy aren’t you there boys?” came Danger’s amused reply a minute later, her drawling voice transferring over the encrypted transmission to the Commander in charge.

A slide of a datachip and then the respective highly encrypted transponder codes would confirm her identity and access.

[ Ms. Arceneau, my apologies. Coordinates are being transferred posthaste. You are clear to dock on hangar bay Besh - Isk - Nine. ]

“A pleasure, Commander Vsas.” Danger would reply, ending the call.

Slowly, the distant quasar was doing wonders for sensors. Had they not the specific coordinates it was likely that the station would not be found. It was a ballsy act.

Amusement would flicker over the Trade Queen’s visage.

Then again, Alric Kuhn had a pair of turadium balls. She was not surprised.

Within minutes, the Bane would dock on the slowly constructed skeleton of what would be one of Titan Industries finests pieces of ingenuity and the foundation for what was to come.

Alric Kuhn would be alerted to her arrival, and an expression of smug delight would dance over Danger’s face at the following thought of the last time she’d communicated with him two weeks prior.

it was ingenious really. A tit for a tat. Her serve a simple holopicture posing with the following words.

All tied up, can’t make it tonight.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Laguz Vald"]

Alric walked through the halls until he began to here the clicking echo of heeled shoes.

At first he thought ti was Danger, but then he realized that the stride was off, the sound of the feet clicking. It was odd how much you learned over time with a person, how you recognized every little thing about them, even the sound of their walk. Of course the most impressive part of Danger was not her walk.

Eventually he turned a corner, the curvature of the hall leading him straight to the clicking sound.

He came upon the woman of their origin, and immediately a smile crossed his face.

This was the third party that had been invited here, the other woman that would serve as a source of contact.

Danger would be arriving shortly, a small look at the corner of his glasses told him that her ship, or rather a ship bearing her aboard had just arrived within orbit of the station. He smiled, then approached the woman heading towards him. “Greetings!”

An odd almost alien way to say hello, but it sounded organic rolling off his tongue.
A small smile, a quirked eyebrow. The redhead cocked her head to the side ever so slightly as her green? Maybe with a speck of golden near the pupil? Ah, let's add a tad of brown in there too eyes traced the contours of his face, noting the well-trimmed beard and the oversized aviators. The smile widened just a bit.

"Good evening, Mister Kuhn," she turned to fully face the tall man, her voice a satin alto that would wrongly lead the observer to assume she was a rather regular smoker. She pushed back a rebellious lock of hair from her forehead, tucking the fiery ringlet back behind her ear with a coy gesture. She peered at the corporate titan with slightly lidded eyes and took a step towards him, her business suit shifting along with her movements.

"A pleasure to meet you. I have heard... a lot about you," Laguz enunciated every word with care even as she offered him her hand, the elegant fingers weighted with expensive-looking jewelry. "I trust the third party is on their way?"

It was tedious — and rather annoying, truthfully — waiting on latecomers, even if time didn't mean all that much to the huntress. Punctuality was one of the few things that the shifter respected, and with every minute that passed, her respect for the last individual dwindled. Rapidly.

[member="Alric Kuhn"] | [member="Danger Arceneau"]
Timing was everything.

And Danger had it in spades.

The approaching steady tattoo of her familiar sway would foretell her appearance just as [member="Laguz Vald"] would ask the question about the third party’s whereabouts.

“Well… a girl has to make an entrance doesn’t she?” came her teasing drawl, crimson lips twisting in devilish pleasure that would start at the tall brunette’s form and then pan towards [member="Alric Kuhn"]’s aviators. Oh they would be well hidden behind the transitional lenses, but those blue eyes would certainly catch the rather saucy gleam in her emerald eyes.

Ahh, he was a sight for sore eyes. The minx would rear her head.

Typical Danger Arceneau, President of Arceneau Trade Company and a long string of subsidiaries under that umbrella corporation. Seemingly daring, confident, and a walking sultry night on stilettos and figure hugging blue vine-silk. Had to hand it to her, the woman knew how to wear slink.

Then again, the dress had been personally selected by one Alric Kuhn.


“Always a pleasure Mistah Kuhn…” she’d coo out to the Titan, a secret look passed between the two that would be far too subtle for anyone to catch.

“I beg your pardon on the delay... I was all tied up.” the smirk grew wider but then quickly turned into a cordial greeting towards the other woman.

Her graceful gait would draw her to a halt beside the female, and her hand would extend in formal greeting.

“Danger Arceneau… Miz…” an auburn brow would arch in cordial query.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Laguz Vald"]

Alric grinned at the approaching woman, his smile turning away from the other woman as his hand left hers.

Yes she was late, but it was excusable after being tied up for so long, after all there was important things to be done elsewhere. Alric shifted his gaze slightly between the two women. For a second he thought that he could notice a slight resemblance, though he quickly shook his head realizing that that was absolutely silly.

No one looked like Danger after all.

“I'm glad you could both make it.” Alric said after the other woman introduced herself. Of course this meeting was somewhat informal. The station was still incomplete and noises of construction ran throughout the hallways. Alric hoped that neither of them minded.
Her long fingers slipped from [member="Alric Kuhn"]'s grasp just as another, as of yet unfamiliar voice rang out across the hangar, and Laguz turned her head from the Titan to the newcomer. The businessman in front of the shifter certainly had a sort of rugged charm to his features, but it faded in comparison to the redhead sashaying towards them. The huntress only had centuries of experience to thank for not staring in open admiration, but a glint of appreciation certainly bled into her lavender eyes.

She took the proffered hand and gave it a firm shake, locking their gazes as she spoke: "Vald. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Arceneau." Her voice was warm, almost earthy as the words rolled of her tongue, and her eyes lingered on the redhead for a few moments more before she let go of [member="Danger Arceneau"]'s hand. One must not dally too long, after all.

"Shall we, then?"

With the pleasantries out of the way, the shifter was quite eager to see why exactly she'd been brought here. While both of them would probably make for pleasant company, Laguz wasn't too fond of mixing work and play unless she knew exactly who she was dealing with; since that was certainly not the case in the given situation, the huntress was content to keep the two merchants at an arm's length and maintain a strictly professional relationship for the time being.
A gesture would present itself for [member="Laguz Vald"] and [member="Alric Kuhn"] to please lead the way.

"Of course," she'd say, murmuring in a pleasant tone that spoke of hospitality. A glance would be spared over to Alric, a faint quirk of a brow that would relay, what is this all about?

Alisha'ven wasn't here with her, but to be frank, she wasn't quite sure yet why Alric had desired her presence. Well, that was a lie. There was one inkling, but that wasn't for polite company. Everything they did was held above reproach. Nothing could be, or would be considered out of the ordinary for two business associates of their caliber.

For all one would gather, Danger was here to invest in the station itself -- but this would deal into specific hidden and concealable prototypes like her telescopic grenade walking stick.

There would come a slight twist of her torso, left foot moving over the right as her slow and graceful stride would take her whereever Kuhn would see fit to lead.

"On to the two credit tour no?" she'd say, baring a seemingly cordial smile.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Laguz Vald"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric smiled at the women women. He shifted slightly, watching Danger for a lingering moment in her dress before turning his gaze onto Miss Vald. He nodded, and then turned. “Follow me please.”

The Station even though it was only half constructed was still massive.

Though only the spine of the eventual Titanic monolith was complete, more than a hundred rooms had already been created, and those rooms all stood nearly empty or only half furnished. Constructing a place as massive as this was no easy task, even for Titan Industries. That was especially true since this place was above all, a secret.

“Thank you both for meeting me here, I realize its a tad bit unorthodox.” He gestured to the station around them. “Yet there is a reason behind my madness.”

A loud clattering sound came from up ahead and Alric shifted slightly. “Looks like we'll be taking a detour.”

A chuckle escaped his throat and Alric moved down a different hallway.
An eyebrow climbed her forehead at the glances exchanged between the two, but the shifter kept her mouth shut for the time being. It was obvious that the two knew each other well, but she was content just watching their dynamics for now, storing the knowledge away for some undetermined point in the future. Every bit of information could come in useful someday, Laguz firmly believed that, and she'd never been wrong until then. Just had to know when to play your cards, and everything could pay off tenfold.

She followed behind the businessman silently, absorbing all that she could as they walked down numerous corridors. It was clear that the station was nowhere near done, and the huntress had to wonder, again, why exactly [member="Alric Kuhn"] had asked her to come here. With its location near a giant quasar — well, 'near' in space terms, of course — the place was impossible to find with any sort of sensors, and the only way to get there was if you had the exact coordinates.

"How delightful," her mouth widened into a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, and she subtly altered her cochlea and membranous labyrinth as they moved into their new direction, intent on analyzing the commotion. She wouldn't say anything, of course, but Laguz believed in being as prepared as one could be, even if going into unknown situations.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

“Indeed.” Alric said as he began to show the two lovely ladies which way they were going.

The station itself had more than a dozen paths to get to one place. That was not indlucing the turbo-lift shafts which weren't yet operational.

That was the trouble with being in a half finished space station that stretched nearly three thousand four hundred and twelve meters, there was a lot to see and a lot to walk through. Of course, half of the station wasn't even formed yet, still being built by a myriad of droids owned by Titan Industries.

“The station once its complete with stretch nearly three and a half kilometers from top to bottom.” He stretched out his arms comically. “With the diameter of the circular section being much the same.”

Neither woman likely cared, but at least it would fill in some conversation.
While Alric was about to play tour guide, Danger was… well…


Truth be told. She was bored. Why was she here if this was to take a tour of a station? Oh to be fair, it certainly had a spectacular view -- but instead of being able to chit chat with Alric freely, she was here with another woman and she had no idea why.

Impatience would settle over her brow, a subtle nuance that would not be picked up by the casual observer. Instead, her slow saunter would give the adequate nods and cordial smile as Alric would fill in the silence.

Meanwhile, her mind was already considering what she could have done with her valuable time. Green eyes would go boring holes at Alric’s hide.

He was likely getting back at her.

Alright… we can play games.

“How lovely,” she’d say, as if her compliment was to the station in it of itself. A thought would pass, what Arceneau was currently in the process of doing. That involved Empress Teta.

Oh it was a small low key operation, likely due to more in part Alric’s history. A side project so to speak.

The corner of her mouth would perk.

A surprise.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Laguz Vald"]

He smiled. Of course he was doing this to annoy Danger, in part anyway. There was a purpose to both women being here, a small proposition that he had in mind, a deal. Though Danger wouldn't have her time wasted either way, by the end of the day she would be so preoccupied she'd hardly have the time to thank him.

“It is, isn't it Miss Arceneau.” He grinned at her, winking slightly so that Laguz couldn't see.

He shifted down another corridor, then turned them into a stairway. As Alric began to climb he revealed why the station as actually there.

“Of course, the station is here for one reason. A secret testing ground of sorts.” He moved up the first few steps then looked at Laguz. “That is why you're here Miss Vald.”

No tests would be performed on her of course, that would be silly. Rather she would be the one testing things. Experimental technologies Titan was working on. Weapons and such things. Though there was a slight amount of negotiating to be done, and perhaps the inclusion of Danger in that deal.
She scowled inwardly at their shameless flirtation — for it was not that hard picking up on the suggestive undertones — but her expression remained neutral on the outside. It wouldn't do to slight her gracious host, after all, if only to maintain a good working relationship. Having a contact of his influence and power certainly wasn't a bad thing, and Laguz would never let personal setbacks get in the way of a potentially advantageous connection. She simply kept pace with the pair, all her senses peeled for any sort of oddity or suspicious activity.

"Ah, I see," she offered him a small smile, her lips parting just enough to show off a row of perfect teeth. "Let's hope you can handle the sight of a woman manipulating a large gun," Laguz flashed him a cocky grin, schooling her features into submission a fraction of a second later.

She followed the corporate titan upstairs, completely undeterred by her choice of footwear; she'd worn the guise of a deadly female humanoid more times than she cared to remember, thus mastering the use of heels ages ago. On more than once occasion Laguz had also learned that they made for unexpectedly efficient weapons, should one find themselves with no better alternative. Waving away her memories of bleeding necks, the shifter focused back on her two companions.

"What type of weapons are we talking here?"

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
“ long as you don't point them at me we should be fine.” He flashed her a matching grin, though his tone was half serious.

The stairway was metallic in nature, not at all fancy or in anyway decorated. Upper levels of the station would be different of course, this would be designed as a home away from home for Alric, as such he would need something a little bit more...nice. This part of the station however would likely remain this way.

“Titan produces all sorts.” He began to explain. “Blasters, slugthrowers, bombs...”

The list went on for some time. “If you're willing, all of these will be at your disposal. With specialty items produced as you see fit.”

For a moment he briefly glanced at Danger, wondering if she was getting the hint of things, why she was included in this conversation instead of just being told to arrive later.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
[member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Laguz Vald"]

At this tidbit, Alric would perk Danger's attention from her datapad. Curiousity would span watching the duo. It would be of no consequence that the following prototype would be a sort of hidden stun grenade.

But this was a telescopic variant of a sonic stun staff. Aptly named -- Telescopic Stun Staff

It would work much like a a C-14A stun grenade, only it would be outfitted in a hidden compartment on top of a walking cane. It was extendable up to approximately a meter and a half in height, allowing for the length to be adjustable based on the necessity of the user. It had the the aim of incapacitating rather than killing the enemy. It had a metallic sphere that would appear to be crystalline and it was designed to be recovered, recharged and reused -- but would work in that a sudden downward push and press of an activation switch will send the grenade up into the air.

There it would hover at about head level before bursting out in a wave pattern up to a five meter radius. Kneeling and ducking under will prevent the wielder from getting attacked by the shockwave in it of itself. Versions of it came in echani graphite, making it durable but a bit heavier than phrik but not as much as beskar.

"Such an interesting selection you have here Mistah Kuhn..."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Laguz Vald"]

“Well, Titan Industries is known for producing interesting things.” Alric said with a smile.

That was oddly not an innuendo or flirtation either. Titan Industries was quite literally known for producing interesting things. They were the only corporation in the galaxy that produced Yuuzhan Vong bio-technology. They were also the first corporation to make Power Armor and half a dozen other products never before seen in the galaxy.

Funny that.
“Of course...” He stalled for a moment as a construction droid loudly stomped by them in a hallway adjacent to the stairwell. “Were not the only ones are we Miss Arceneau?”

He smiled at her, then continued the ascent.
Now we're talking, her plump red lips spread into a rather unsettling smile, showing off her perfect teeth as she listened to the businessman. His words were music to her ears, weapon after specialized weapon making her almost giddy with anticipation. The titan had taken his sweet time to finally explain why she'd been brought here, but all of her pent up frustration was forgotten the moment he mentioned custom production. She liked the sound of that.

"I trust you have the appropriate test environment to... try out these products?" she inquired softly after the two merchants were done exchanging their charged words. She wondered for a few moments why the man hadn't arranged for two separate meetings; it hardly seemed like the two had anything to do with each other, and their purpose for coming to the secret station couldn't be more different. Or could it?

She perked her ears again, trying to read between the lines as the two bandied playfully. Still, Laguz knew far too little of their personal lives to be able to tell what all of that was about, so she simply resolved to wait until she could get her hands on those guns. She was an easy woman to please; well, at the moment, at least.

[member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Ah, well it seemed the woman was interested.

He supposed he could have just allowed the Sons to test his new products, he supposed he could have allowed anyone to do it in fact, but there was an advantage to bringing in an outside contractor. A third eye was the name really, someone to give a third opinion.

“Of course.” He said in answer.

The station was massive after all, they had to fill three kilometers with something. It wasn't all going to be training grounds and storage space. Some of it was testing halls and recreational halls, though with people like the Sons of Titan aboard the two were much the same.

“We even have a few of these weapons aboard.” A smile crossed his face. “Perhaps more than a few.”

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