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Approved Tech The Infinite War Droid

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


  • Intent: The Infinites acts as the House L'lerim's Honor Guards and war droids, in addition to these, a significant part of their own army also consists of these.
  • Image Source: Viking commission; Headers: Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Class four
  • Weight: Very Heavy | 400 kg
  • Height: Average | 200 cm
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments:
  • Misc. Equipment:
    • Advanced Photoreceptor (Broad range of sensors, incl. weapons scanners; unable to perceive invisibility)
    • Standard 360-degree Auxiliary Sensor Suite (Thermal, Motion, & Metal Scanners.)
    • Standard Communications Suite
    • Personal Energy Shield
    • Magnetizable All-Terrain Legs
  • Resistances:
    • Plasmatic and Energy Weapons: High
    • Lightsabers and Disruptors: Average
    • Kinetic Weapons: High
    • Ion/EMP: High
    • Heat / Frost: Average

  • The Infinite droids are fairly tall and massive combat droids with tremendous weight. They are made of a material that is effective enough to catch most vibrating blades that they have a hard time cutting through them. Apparently, they are also quite heavily armored on the outside and they can even partially resist lightsabers. Manufacturers and designers have tried to design the best possible combat droid. For this reason, and because of their bodyguard duties, they also seem to oppose EMP. And heat and frost protection allows them to be used in any terrain. However, they are not versatile droids, they don't understand anything other than combat. In combat, they are programmed for two-handed weapons, be they melee or ranged weapons. But they can fight even with their bare hands and deal serious damage.
  • Extra armor: The frame is made of reinforced materials to make them even more resistant to as many things as possible
  • Strong: due to their height and weight they are able to exert a lot of weight, with which they can be very destructive in close combat
  • Tactics: several tactics are programmed into their code, they are able to switch to the right one on command, but they also recognize when which is the most optimal
  • Slow: They can be very massive and physically strong droids, yet they are slow due to their weight and movement. They are able to move at maximum human walking pace.
  • Big and clumsy: the armoured look is daunting, but the size of the droid is also quite large, which is why it isn’t really flexible because of this and the armor. This is why it is unable to perform fine mechanical movements. He excels mostly in crushing because of this.
  • One function: they are only capable of fighting, they are unable to perform any other task or function, their program code cannot be rewritten afterwards.

These droids symbolize the joint efforts of the clans and their old raiding past, when the soldiers wear heavy armor, and they attack trade routes and surrounding planets. The first versions were made many hundreds of years ago, so the development of these droids has come a long way by reaching this current form. They were intentionally formatted completely humanoid, it also matches in height and physique with what is standard for clans.

These current versions were made for only a few years ago and currently qualify as the standard version. Earlier versions can be found in a maximum museum, because only this kind can be found in the service of the House L'lerim and possibly the Eternal Empire. The Infinites are considered a dangerous opponent not only in far-fought combat, but also in melee combat. To symbolize the perseverance and fighting style of the clans, they are also very tough units, they can be deployed in any conditions. Everyone can shape their armament to what is best for a particular commander or terrain.

However, a huge disadvantage is that they are quite expensive to manufacture. This is also the reason for their limited presence in the army of the Eternal Empire outside the House L’lerim, and even there in support of the units where the units and men of the House L'lerim serve. They can be used only for army or for guarding and protecting buildings and people. They were previously manufactured in all three factories of Rocksolid Arms, but more recently the production lines of the factories on the Neelvan and Christophsis have been closed and shipped to Kalidan. Thus, the Vengard factory is now responsible for the entire production.
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