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Approved Tech The Jones/Excron Family Blaster(s)

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Intent: To formally sub Darlyn, his Father (Meryl Jones), and Shoden's personalized DL-18 blaster pistol.
Image Source: Image stored here was made thanks to Vee (can't remember who she writes on the board) from both This and This
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


  • Manufacturer: Originally Blas-Tech Industries, modified by Meryl Jones, replicated by Darlyn Excron.
  • Affiliation: Darlyn Excron, Shoden Moz, Meryl Jones (NPC)
  • Model: Heavily modified DL-18 Blaster Pistol
  • Modularity: Can use either standard blaster gas canisters, or Tibanna-X.
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Blaster parts, Sonic weapon parts, Electronics, Tibanna Gas, Tibanna X, Durasteel


  • Classification: Blaster
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Pack, Gas Canister
  • Ammunition Capacity: 100 blaster shots per power pack, 25 sonic shots per pack. Gas canister capacity: 700 blaster shots.
  • Reload Speed: Slow
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Stopping Power: High
  • Recoil: High


  • Sonic under barrel blaster mode
  • Tibanna X modification
  • Red Laser Sight
  • Blaster Rail Accellerators
  • Unique engraving on blaster handle
  • Fire mode switch


  • Dual Firing: The fact the weapon has a stun and deadly fire mechanics native to blaster pistols, and the sonic firing mode, means that the weapon is suitable for a vast array of situations.
  • Sonic weaponry: Difficult to defend against without either force barriers or sonic-resistant armor, and it can be devastatingly powerful against unprepared targets.
  • Rail Acceleration: The blaster bolts are enhanced through rail accelerators, allowing the entry level DL-18 to carry improved stopping power. IN terms of just the DL line of blasters, it is between the relatively standard DL-18 and infamous DL-44.
  • Tibanna X: The weapon's gas cannister can be replaced with a Tibanna X cannister, allowing the weapon's bolts to be very nearly invisible to the naked eye.


  • Power Drain: The sonic blaster modification has put a serious drain on the power pack of the blaster pistol. IN fact, it drains it four times as quickly, making it more useful the fewer people need to be taken down.
  • Preparation: Proper preparation can negate some of the sonic blaster's effectiveness. Ear protection for instance can prevent even near misses from causing hearing damage or disorienting side effects.
  • Tibanna X: The 'invisible' bolts can still be seen, faintly, as something of an outline, meaning the bolts are not truly invisible. In addition, the range is reduced while using this type of gas, as it cools the bolts and causes the energy to dissipate much earlier.
  • Integration: The uniquely modified weapon cannot be integrated into technology that uses blaster integration.
  • Reloading is a pain: Due to the remodeling of the weapon, reloading the weapon is a slower process than normal. This can become a liability, as the weapon can temporarily be removed from the fight by simply forcing it to be emptied. IT also means the 25 sonic shots better end the fight.
  • Bit of a kicker: Due to the rail modification, the recoil is a factor more wild. The DL-18, especially fired quickly, already has a 'wild west' type of spray, that is to say wild and unpredictable at the best of times. At close ranges this may be fine enough, even with the increased problems of the rails, but as it reaches the further ends of the weapon's effective range, the problem compounds.


The Jones family blaster was, originally, a one of a kind modified DL-18 pistol owned by Meryl Jones, father of Aaron Jones (Darlyn Excron) and unknowing grandfather to Shoden Moz-Excron. The blaster was, originally, a solidly capable and rather popular weapon used by many smugglers, a few hundred years ago. Even so, the blaster was easy to acquire and modify for his own purposes. Meryl Jones added a sonic second barrel to the weapon, and the necessary components to change its fire mode, to be able to handle various situations such as Jedi, Sith, or any situation it may be more useful than a standard blaster. The barrel also had rail accelerators added to significantly boost its combat efficiency, so as to be more deadly and remain competitive in the growing in power universe. When he discovered Tibanna X, he added that functionality as well, as a potentially useful option, moved the red laser sight a bit, and finally gave the handle a unique engraving for himself personally. This weapon was accidentally left behind when he left Arkania, and was missing when he returned. Thus, he crafted a second weapon...

However the weapon he originally made was within Darlyn's possession. This DL-18 became a beloved tool, and synonymous with Darlyn himself. He even trained his adoptive daughter Shoden to use the tool, and after some painstaking hours he managed to recreate the weapon for her as well. Thus, three weapons, near identical with only slight variations on the engraved handle patterns, came into existance. Suited for just about anything, with the unfortunate drawback being the exacerbation of its wild nature, reload complications, and a serious case of mistaken identity. The family blaster is, and quite probably will remain, synonymous with both Jones, and Excron, for as long as the family stands.
Factory Judge
[member="Darlyn Excron"],

Hey there bud! Long time no see. Anyways, lets get started on this?

Darlyn Excron said:
Sonic weaponry: You cannot block and deflect a sonic shot with lightsabers, and it can be devastatingly powerful against unprepared targets.
As much as this may be true, can you please rephrase this to be along the lines of "Very difficult to defend against" instead of saying "Cannot block" I know specifically with a lightsaber it is impossible, but if someone where to use a force barrier, or have armor that could defend against this?

Haven't had anything that needed subbing 'till now.

Just to be clear I meant blocked with a lightsaber, very specifically. I can see that it might seem... broader than that. If it's alright I would like to clarify exactly how to word this out (sonic weaponry is a new toy for me after all).

Something in my head goes along the lines of "Difficult to defend against without either force barriers or sonic-resistant armor"? Probably phrased a bit better at the end, but I wanna make sure what's in my head sounds good to someone besides me.
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