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The Labyrinthian - Ready for Submission

Alaysia Vacaryn

High Princess Glowsticks XI
  • Intent: To sub for the Triumvirate's de-facto Force Order and predominant religious order.
  • Image Credit: X | X | (Flag created by myself in Photoshop)
  • Links:The Second Triumvirate
  • Confracta
  • Mens Putredine | 'Maze'
  • Necropolis
  • Labyrinthian Robes
[*]Company Submission: N/A
  • Organization Name: The Labyrinthian, occasionally just called 'Labyrinthian'.
  • Classification: Religious Organization/Force Order
  • Loyalties: The Second Triumvirate
  • Organization Symbol: The Labyrinthian's logo is a golden eye on a black banner, which is pictured above.
  • Description: Labyrinthian is an ancient order who began with a single flower. A mandate by destiny, chosen individuals to unlock the secrets of a single bloom that brought the world of Confracta to a complete standstill by its discovery. Over time it would grow beyond tending to the Maze flowers which were suddenly so vital to culture and life on Confracta but would expand to other aspects of spirituality, such as the Force, and crusading against threats to their floral charges & their beliefs.
  • Headquarters: Necropolis, Confracta
  • Realm:ConfractaNecropolis [HQ]
[*]Domain: Labyrinthian is government-sanctioned by the Second Triumvirate's government and the individual governments that make up the Triumvirate (The City of Ifradel, the Illasian Aristocracy and the Cerevessian Republic), so it has undisputed domain over the entire planet of Confracta.
[*]Notable Assets:
  • Necropolis
  • Mens Putredine | 'Maze'
  • Hierarchy:Azoth(s): A council of eight identity-less Labyrinthian members known as the 'Azoths' govern the Labyrinthian. They report directly to the Second Triumvirate and serve at their government's pleasure, but are also deeply loyal to the light side of the Force itself. Those who ascend to the rank of Azoth shed their mortal identities and relations to serve a greater purpose; rebirth. They do not directly interact with the Maze blooms or most of the Labyrinthian population in general, except to perform consular duties and to make decrees.

  • Eidolon(s): The equivalent to 'master', Labyrinthian members known as the 'Eidolons' are senior figures who report directly to the Azoths. They are instructors to the younger generations, master gardeners of the Maze blooms, and skilled fighters in Form VI.

  • Knight(s): The equivalent to 'knight', Labyrinthian members known as the 'Knights' make up the majority of the order. Their name comes from the original 'Knight' who taught the ancient Labyrinthian how to use the Force, construct lightsabers and utilize Form VI in the time of the Old Republic. To be knighted one must show an exemplary knowledge of caring for Maze blooms, skill with the Force and Form VI, and loyalty to the Labyrinthian and the Second Triumvirate. Knights have lately been operating outside of Necropolis more often than ever, taking orders from the Triumvirate's military structure.

  • Scion(s): The equivalent to 'student' or 'Padawan', Labyrinthian membes known as the 'Scions' are the lowest members in terms of status. These are Force-sensitive (Or otherwise) members who are in training to become Knights, or who just operate as Scions if they do not possess a Force sensitivity. They are the primary workforce who care for the delicate Maze blooms.
[*]Membership: As the Labyrinthian is a planetary organization, there are around 1,000 members across the entirety of Confracta and Triumvirate space. 8 of those are the Azoths, whilst the rest is split between 50% Scions, 30% Knights, and 20% Eidolons.
[*]Influence: The Labyrinthian has influence so long as the Second Triumvirate does. They have sway over the entire world of Confracta but are bound to what the Triumvirate decrees.
[*]Climate: Labyrinthian is expected to feel cold or dark, but it is the opposite. It is, by design, an order of knowledge, respect and rebirth, and many describe them feeling as longtime friends or even family members upon first encountering. Death is an unknown here, for when you shed your mortal form they believe you join the living Force and go on to sustain Maze blooms, which is a form of rebirth and second life. The Azoths sometimes come off as rather cold, but you are at no risk of being harmed by Labyrinthian either on the outside or inside unless you pose a direct threat to themselves or their botanical charges.
[*]Reputation: This order is both loved and revered, to the point if someone is not buried by the Labyrinthian it is a shock to the population of Confracta. Force-Sensitive children are sent by families with honour to Necropolis to train as Scions and eventually Knights, for they know it is a sacred and necessary duty to keep the culture of Confracta alive. A Labyrinthian Knight is honoured in Confracta's society.
[*]Rules: Labyrinthian rules are fairly simple. As a member of the Labyrinthian; you are expected to live in Necropolis until you are Knighted, at which point you are free to come and go whilst maintaining a residence there. You are not to purposefully sabotage the efforts of Labyrinthian to train Force-sensitives and to train caretakers of the Maze blooms. Disturbing Maze blooms in any way is asking for a tribunal and expulsion, but there are no rules concerning execution or other grim punishments; they may tend to the dead, but they do not add to it unless they have to. Members of Labyrinthian are encouraged to form social bonds and relationships as they are aware of the mental strain working alongside the deceased can often bring and work to offset this with meditation and a sense of peace.
[*]Doctrines: Even non-Force-using members of Labyrinthian believe in the Force. To not is a contradiction of the basic core of Labyrinthian. Their knowledge of the Force and reverence for it is based off of the teachings of a lost Jedi who found their way to Confracta and were accepted into the Labyrinthian, and who would go on to be the only Azoth to possess a name in history-- 'Jendee', which was the closest the not-yet-fluent-in-Basic people of the time could get to saying 'Jedi' --and their skill with double-bladed lightsabers and mastery over Form VI also come from this lone warrior.
[*]Goals: The Labyrinthian does not need to expand out of Triumvirate space, and has no desire to. Confracta is their planet, and they intend to stay there and tend to their Maze blooms. However, that being said, Knights are being more often than not used by the Triumvirate as explorers and elite warriors due to their unique skillsets.
The Labyrinthian has existed for thousands of years. In different forms, yes, but always with the same intent; to tend to and harvest for Confracta's rare species of plant, Maze. Established with the founding of the First Triumvirate sometime after 3701 BBY, they would settle Necropolis, an already-then-ancient city of the dead that would be henceforth used to tend to the Maze blooms that could be grown on corpses. A few hundred years later and a strange warrior from the reaches of space (Something later to be identified, as more than likely, a rogue Jedi) would arrive on Confracta and find a place among the Labyrinthian, teaching it's Force-sensitive users to understand and use the Force whilst also educating on Form VI and the construction of dual-bladed lightsabers. These would become staples of the more militaristic arm of the Labyrinthian moving forward, as the order became both one of religion and one of the Force.

Following the plague and the Darkness, Labyrinthian rose when the Triumvirate called, ready and eagre to continue their mandated task that has been there's since time immemorial.

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