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Approved Tech The Lenico Talismans

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“Everything has a cost.”

  • Essence Transfer
    • The wielder is presented with two amulets/talismans, one is worn by the intended host and another by the user. Upon the death of the physical body of the user, their spirit will detract from their shell and be wretched from the grasp of Chaos. The spiritual essence of the user will be guided to the new host through the power of Sith Magic.
  • Essence Transfer: The power enabled the wielder's spirit to survive the death of their organic body by usurping control of a suitable receptacle. If the invading consciousness was powerful enough, it could override and expel the mind of the target body. However, it was nearly impossible to overcome a spirit already residing in a body, clones or strand-casts however were essentially blank slates able to house the will of another with ease.
  • Corrupting: The lure of the Dark Side is strong, it's influence clearly felt the moment one lays hands on the artifact. It was created from the dark arts of the Sith and it's powers to corrupt are painfully evident after being exposed to such dark power. Often those who come into contact with the artifact or utilize it will feel their emotions boil to new heights and their attempts at self-control is much harder than ever before. Each use of the artifact brings the spirit of the wielded from the brink of Chaos, their soul corrupted more and more with each exposure to the maddening throes of death. The flesh inhabited after each use becomes more and more half-dead and zombified as the Dark Side of the Force takes it’s toll. There is no way to undo this corruption, such is the price of longevity.
  • Force Light: The Ashla is the bane of all things connected to Bogan, any exposure to Force Light will shatter concentration or efforts of utilizing the relic.
  • Days Are Numbered: With each use of the artifact, a fracture occurs on it’s jewel. It can be used to cheat death three times before the relic shatters and is rendered useless.
  • Force Suppression/ Force Nullification: If subject to area rendered inert to the Force or having it’s own connection severed in such a way, the relic simply becomes a piece of jewelry until a connection can be made again.


Crafted by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis during the Second Great Hyperspace War, it was created using the knowledge gleaned from the holocron on Pillio and his travels on the barren world of Lenico with the Sith Lord Maestus Maestus . Content with the restored body willed-to-be at Korriban, the Dark Lord found little use for the trinkets before bestowing them upon Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen after the creation of a dark contingency should the Brotherhood ever succumb to infighting after his death and a personal will to be completed in the case of the latter.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Interesting one, creative. I really love it. However:
  • This is two medals/amulets, so it has semi-unique production rate. Please change it
  • And please add to the weaknesses what happens if the amulet is under Foce supression or Force Nullification effects.
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