Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Living and the Dead [TSE]

Amaya Cardei


The ancestral home of the Sith, a powerful world steeped in the dark side where those who dare to call themselves Sith begin their lives anew. Today powerful Sith Lords arrive at Korriban each one seeking out their own individual agenda. Each one representing the Sith Brotherhood, a known organization within the Sith Empire and one that boasts some of the most powerful dark siders this Galaxy has ever seen. Indeed the call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead - Darth Sion said this once of Korriban. Darth Sion was correct for here amongst the dead lay the temptation of power for the living.

Whispers of the darkest of the Sith Lords echo throughout the Valley. Their power now manifests within the dark side that now binds them to the very earth in which they rest. The ancestral home of the Sith, where many aspiring acolytes choose to come wishing to make a name for themselves. Many do not survive the trials here, for Korriban is a treacherous place. A cold and desolate world where evil lurks at every turn, it is not uncommon to find the crematoriums burning well into the night and the scent of burnt flesh permeated the air. The bodies of the weak have no place on these hallowed grounds, most especially within the Valley of the Sith Lords.

Overlooking the Valley is the Sith Temple - reclaimed by the Resurgent Empire the Temple while ancient in appearance reeks of power. Here is where many great Sith Lords began their journey, and here is where many come to take part in their final rest. Today, the Brotherhood shall be called forth to cultivate and harvest the strongest among the acolytes here. Others of the Brotherhood will be called upon to find the Holocron of Darth Vulkanus an ancient progenitor of House Zambrano. He was a formidable Sith Lord during the time of the Cold War and the Galactic War. Lastly, the Sith Brotherhood must root out those weakest among them. For the coming days of the Sith Empire shall be fraught with adversity and weakness cannot, will not be tolerated.

Objective I: The Final Exam - Sith Lords have arrived to seek out new apprentices. Acolytes must now prove themselves worthy of apprenticeship or die trying. Complete the tasks given to you by your Overseers, Acolytes and do so knowing that each task will prepare you for the power you so desperately seek. Sith Lords, give these Overseers tasks for the Acolytes to complete. No task is too great, for if they truly wish to be your apprentice and prove themselves an invaluable asset to the Empire. They shall complete this task in earnest and if they are weak let them perish, for only the strong will survive.

Objective II: Knowledge of the Ancient - Brothers and sisters of the Sith Empire, those who have been proven themselves worthy of the title Sith. There is power with knowledge, we know this to be true and so it has been found that there yet lies another wealth of knowledge here. Darth Vulkanus, a progenitor of the Emperor himself has left behind a Holocron somewhere within the Valley. It is said that there are clues to this somewhere within the Tomb of Tulak Hord. Your task is to find this Holocron and return it to Darth Carnifex himself.

Objective III: Judge, Jury
and Executioner - There have been rumors that there are those among the Sith, acolytes, council members, and ranking members of the Sith Brotherhood... That some of those amongst us have betrayed their brothers. Weak minded men and women who think the better of themselves. Find them. Kill them. Make an example of those who dare to toy with the idea that they are above the Brotherhood. You may ask their reason why, but know that there is no refuge for them here. Inquisitors have traced several of these traitors to Korriban City. Your task has been laid out before you, carry it out with honor and you shall be rewarded.

Objective IV: The Will of the Dark Side - For reasons known and unknown, members of the Sith Brotherhood have arrived on Korriban. They desire not to take an apprentice or to seek out the Holocron of Darth Vulkanus, nor do they desire to be the blade of the Emperor. Instead, they are here on their own accord, and indeed members of varying groups with the Sith Empire have arrived on Korriban to do whatever it is they desire. [BYOO]


- Objective I: Acolytes will receive a specialized lightsaber crystal for their participation. Sith Lords who participate will receive a specialized metal in which they may forge themselves. Sith Knights who participate shall receive their choice of lightsaber crystal or metal.

- Objective II: Sith Brotherhood members who participate in this objective shall
receiveadatacron that contains the knowledge of either; a Force Ability or a Physical Ability. They'll also receive an 'archaeologist's speeder' to aid them in future digs/expeditions.

- Objective III: Sith Brotherhood members shall
receiveavibrodagger for their participation here. They'll also receive a crafting material of their choice; cloth, leather or metal in which to forge their own items from. Lastly, they'll have the option of obtaining an apartment here in Korriban City or in Kaas City.

- Objective IV: Sith Brotherhood members shall receive a crafting material of their choice; lightsaber crystal, metal or cloth.

All members shall get some sort of signature bling for their participation as well.
erial is unique to the Sith Empire, Apartments shall be created in the Codex for members, while other Factory-related items such as crafting materials, lightsaber crystals and the speeder are sent to the Factory. All of which will be given to members on the 3rd of August as a thank you for their participation in the thread!*


Darth Trellux

Gusts of hot, dry wind washed over the arid plain, kicking up clouds of dust and detritus that clung to the robes of the acolytes as they went about their duties. Hoods drawn forward to shield their more sensitive sensory organs from the acrid sandy deluge, they moved almost half-blind through the packed city

But then, as quick as it had descended upon the city, the dust storm abated.

Those accustomed to the chaotic coming and goings of the storms seamlessly transitioned in its absence, pulling back their hoods to reveal a myriad of unique faces united only in the commonality of their weathered features and scars. Some were self-inflicted, memoirs of ritual scarification undertaken to serve as written devotion upon their skin, while others had been earned in the fighting pits of the academy or out in the wastes by the native beasts that stalked the dunes and crags.

The scars that lined his body had long since faded, many were covered up by tufts of fur that grew across his rough hide skin. Trellux snorted once, clearing his wide nostrils of any lingering debris. His ears twitched as they were uncovered from beneath his wide hood, the thick cord-like muscles in his neck quivering as he shook his head side-to-side a couple of times. As much as he tried, he could never truly rid himself of these biological ticks, engrained as they were within his genetic code passed down from his distant primitive ancestors.

In contrary, the Nazzar that stood on the sand-pocked landing pad at the heart of Korriban City was the pinnacle of civility. His athletic body was swathed in black vestments, loose-fitting breeches tucked into leather shin-guards that ended right above each of his cloven hooves. Three tight cinces secured a smooth featureless cuirass over a shirt of banded metal and a Nerf-hair tunic, a great coat draped over both with a trio of metal binders affixed around his forearms. A tight garget was secured just below the neck, indications of sealing mechanism running along its edges in the absence of a corresponding helmet. A lightsaber, unadorned and simplistic, hung from his left hip.

Though wearing no true distinctive identification, the aura of authority that swirled about Trellux belied his Inquisitorial nature. Reports had reached his office about the possibility of dissent among the population of Korriban City, particularly those among the acolyte caste who were in training to become true Sith. It fell to him and his team to ascertain the veracity of these reports and put an end to any form of treason they may unearth during their investigation.

As well as execute anyone found guilty, as was their right.

Snorting one more time, Trellux departed the landing pad and disappeared into the city's winding metropolis.
There was always a element of Korriban that Darth Ledgermayne beloved. It was ripe with the relics, artifacts and teachings of old. So much history to be discovered despite its perilous nature. The sandy planet was a place that had be raided several times over and still it held secrets that even the Sith Empire itself did not fully know. Hidden knowledge that could increase and benefit the Empire outright. Such treasures seldom did not leap out at those around them. A search was always needed. Just as the Gutretee had discovered and honed in on the call of the Fell Star some time ago, so too did the acolytes and lords of the sith on Korriban for depths of power. Then there were those who did not wish to see the Empire grow. Traitors, cowards, heretics and the selfish. Bordering on the line of Sith and animal-like Dark jedi. All had a place within the Empire naturally but those unwilling to bend a knee to the Emperor and openly fought against such open subjugation? Could only be met with their Annihilation.

The lure of the darkside was always a constant threat and sooner than later all darksiders fell to its enticing hold. Sith included.


Wide eyes and gaping mouths gave expression deep within the ruins and tombs with in the Valley of the Dark Lords. A surge of twisted energy pulsed throughout the room siphoning the very air and dust into a dense fist. A black hole forming past the veil of physical sight. Spinning and twirling into its own entity the surge met only increase. The smell of ozone, burnt stone and fear wafted about the corridors of old. Then there was a flash of light that was next followed by a sound that could be best described as roaring falls fused with flames. A subtle sound, it was felt more than heard. Muffled by the screams and cries of agony before the familiar sound of the planets winds returned to ear.

Rebounding off the walls gently the essence of air swept what remained of those down the hall. Hissing sounded from blasters finding home on the floors below, their slightly new heated orange metal textures did not get along natural chills the tomb brought with it. Ruby red eyes inspected what remained, naught all but ash and the burnt imprints of a skeletal structures against sandstone wall and floors. Reveling in a short lived rush of sinister energy, The Sith Lord; Darth Ledgermayne took in the smell of his foes faded stencil like imprint through a non-existent nose. Simulated a restructured in his minds eyes he could see it all come together like the stroke of a brush apon a canvas. Burned flesh and bone. Burrowing a brow the crystalline figure lightly robed in darker shades of silk etched with Sith runes gave what seemed to be a sigh. Clothing hovering light inches away from dense red "skin", the sith pressed on ward. Thick leather straps wrapped around the torso and waist held various items the Gutretee needed on the field, But what stood out the most was the amulet he bore around his neck. Embellished gold trim with a dark faceted gem in the center.

Across the room lay a datapad. Screen cracked and systems needing a superior power supply. This was no doubt due to the coherent beam of energy that was expelled from what was now blackened a hand. With the same hand the sith clutched the Datapad and placed it in a leather pocket. Exchanging the bulky object for a slimmer and smaller one, a button was pressed activating communications.

" The Emperors will here is done. I will be returning back to the Dark Council chambers soon to complete my investigation." Ledgermayne stated.

Darth Vitium


An orange hue lit the sandy dunes of Korriban, its surface as marred as the day it was desecrated by the Jedi so many millennia ago - and so recently, too. It was cyclical, all things doomed to repeat - an emperor would rise, an empire would fall, the Jedi would gather, the light would scatter. It had been continuing for an eternity, from the dawn of time, and it would continue long after the dust had settled and the Sith and their counterparts were no more. It had been years since the rebellion of a fledgling Sith Order over the Stygian Caldera, a rebellion that had pushed her to an ideal would have seen the return of a true Dark Lord for the first time in nearly a decade - a goal that would see her betrayal and death through manipulation and deceit, treachery and greed.

Amber eyes surveyed the land, eyes held beneath a weary, albeit angry, brow and worn on a face as weathered as the very sands she stood atop. Framed by raven black hair, the woman's dress was as conservative as her choice in color - black robes, as clear a sign of sith in the age of the Galactic Republic's war with the One Sith as any. She felt the murder of upstarts, of pretenders, and miscreants that thirst for power and influence - but more than that, she understood the implications of this. Rebellious tenants to an empire, and on such hallowed ground, no less? Though the Sith she grew up with was of blind devotion to a single leader, there was no chaos in its house until those that acted as its leader's voice fell silent - and the silence of this empire was deafening. Where was the council, where was the circle of lords, the return to purer times, to a better time? What blasphemy was this - this imperial farce - that had replaced what she had dreamed of? Treachery had ruined her before, but there was no trust to be broken now, no weakness to exploit - no daughter to lose.

"I should have done it myself." She said, as she strode into the desert winds, obscured by sand and grit.

"A circle is incomplete without its beginning and end."
"The true test of blood is before the Allfathers~"


A chase after non existing dreams and hopes, the dream of fortune and fame to all be in your hand and control. It was a dangerous search and hunt, a dangerous world you would enter and chase your entire life to never find, die unhappy, unpleased and unsatisfied. Greed would consume you, kill your joy for life, your one and main reason to live was to find the treasure, the selected target marked with an X on the map. Never would you get far, never would you find what you wanted or were looking for. You mainly cast away your life for a chest of gold, a setup of dreams and hopes that were never real. Gold diggers and the like search for this their entire life. And if. If it existed and they ever found it, ever stood with it in their hands, earned and got the gold, the treasure and fame. What would they do with it? Where would they go, what would they live for? They found their dreams, they found their hopes, the lived out the life they searched, they stand with everything at hand, there would be no greed left, you would have it all, what should become of your life then? You lived only to chase the treasure, and you won it, you got the handsome girl, the gold and fame.

Game over.

Life has ended, that's what happens. And a select few knew of it. Korriban was no Eldorado; no city of gold, no life of gold or purpose, there was nothing here. No gold, no fame, there was just the game, the tricking game to lure you into the danger of the Dark Side. The Huntress saw the truth, she could see behind the big screen on the wall, she could see how it worked. It was disgusting. That was all it was, it wasn't mighty or pretty, it wasn't gold, so many who ventured to this dark place had it all wrong. It was no Shangri-la, it was hell, Eldorado and dreams were just the display on the screen on the wall, now when you bought it, went into it, you were a part of the game. You were a part of the nothingness, the empty feeling that consumed you and so easily killed you in the constant strive for power.

Power for the sake of power. Cruelty for cruelty's sake.

But despite this, The Huntress still found it all so amusing. After centuries of being sealed away in the dark her newfound freedom was...thrilling. The galaxy had changed oh so much in her long absence and apparently much has changed since she was around. The Sith Empire was now...well, a great empire. It was odd to think about but still interesting to watch nonetheless.

And watch she did...from afar. A Birdseye view over the ancient valley as the Gothic woman dangled a leg carelessly off the edge of the crown of a great statue. Her keen eyes shifting back and forth from behind her crimson lenses as the enigma whistled whimsically. Tapping a finger on the stone as she swayed to the sound of her own song. Keen eyes flicking back and forth over the insects below, a silent spectator just waiting for something of genuine interest to unfold.

The Huntress was out of place here, a woman out of time and as a result she decided to stalk for now. After all, what was a wolf without a hunt?

She was sure worthy prey would turn up soon enough.

So exercise caution little lambs.

The Wolves were out to play~
A lone speeder sailed through the crisp Korriban air, headed for Korriban City. Its sole occupant commandeered the vehicle between rock formations and past the tombs of ancient Sith Lords. Just as the soft wind blew past him coolingly, the waft of the dark side on Korriban blew past him like a gentle, refreshing breeze. But there were some other things he was looking forward to even more.

Lykas Torvol had heard that there were traitors in the ranks of the Empire who were gathered here in Korriban City. Disgruntled and failed acolytes, as always, yet the rumours this time were intriguing in that they implicated higher-ranked Lords — even members of the Dark Council as well. And that made this a rather rare opportunity indeed. It was just as well, since Lykas had just wrapped up business in Dreshdae. And he had no problem setting aside a few drinks in the local cantina for an opportunity such as this.

Others were no doubt in this for glory or prestige; seeking out these traitors out of some patriotism for the Empire, or in the anticipation of some reward from the higher Sith Lords. If they rooted out such a traitor as a member of the Dark Council themselves, the rewards could be unfathomable... perhaps that seat on the Council could soon be theirs. For Lykas, it was different. He was here because it was an open season for blood and pain, for torture and unimaginable punishments that excited his own internal passions. Just the thought of being able to being able to utterly break these fools — physically, psychologically, emotionally — was making him giddy. And there would be nothing more satisfying than breaking a member of the Dark Council.

Lykas was familiar with all this, of course. He was a professional at administering the rites of torture, always relishing the moment his victims' worlds collapsed before their eyes, caving in once they knew they had nowhere else to run. Even better were the ones who broke prematurely, roped in by offers of plea bargains; if they confessed their dirty little secrets to him, they would get a lifeline — a chance to return to the Empire's ranks, perhaps, or get a new identity to restart their lives away from prying eyes. That would have been entirely possible for someone like Lykas to arrange, with his position in the Foreign Intelligence Network and his network of contacts in the underworld. But of course, there was never anything for him to gain by doing such things. It was always far more satisfying to watch their bewildered faces as they suffered the same fates as their treacherous comrades, their premature confessions entirely in vain.

Today would be no different. There were traitors today — fools and weaklings who, for some inexplicable reason or other, had decided to think themselves better than the Sith — and Lykas was going to break them. No one would be safe.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Vitium"]

It was a familiar sensation that had brought Vanessa planet-side. She had known about the surge of Sith back to the ancestral homeworld of the biological people who had originated the name, though she doubted that there was really that much to retrieve from the homeworld. Her intent, however, was to head to the Valley of the Dark Lords and acquire the tombs which were placed within, those that belonged to the greatest of the Sith within. Though long looted of any articles, their carvings, their designs, and their sarcophagi had for the most part remained rather sacrosanct despite the repetitive passage of time.

At least, that was her original intent.

The familiar sensation was not altogether different from the time Vanessa encountered Darth Ayra, her former lover and apprentice, though this one was arguably a good deal stronger. It was of an individual who Vanessa remembered fondly, especially so given her past union with the body that the spirit now resided in. So it was that Vanessa had rented a speeder bike, her robe-wrapped form riding away from the settlement and heading into the dust devil-ridden dunes of the Korriban desert. The sensation had proven so strong that she had no choice - she had to see if it was what she thought it was.


Charlyra Araano


A hum of the lightsaber as it moved swiftly through the air. The clash against another blade, and another red blade against red and from Charlyra's sulphuric colored eyes she watched her opponent move. Easily recognizing his body language he all but telegraphed his move before he made it, a side step followed by an up sweep motion relinquished his hand from his body. There was a sickening sound that came from the young acolyte's body but it was silenced within the next moment. There was no room for the weak here, the show of dark side corruption evident on Charlyra's face. Once a Jedi, now a Sith she had long since found that by exploring the dark arts there was freedom.

More acolytes stepped forward to challenge her, and she relished it.

She had lost to a Ren on Kaeshana, and was recovered by a mysterious Sith Lord before finding herself alone in the galaxy once more.

It had only been a year or two ago that Darth Avacyn came across Charlyra and took her on as an apprentice.

Between Mygeeto and Korriban, Charlyra had trained, continued to train.

Three acolytes stepped forward, and three more would perish of that much she was certain.
Laying eyes upon a being and noticing the brimming and untapped power they carried through Force, it was as precious as it was rare. Those were the ones who would shape the Sith of tomorrow as they would persevere through all that crossed their path.

The day Darth Avacyn laid her eyes upon Charlyra, that brimming power was unmistakable. The Sith Lady had found someone capable of achieving greatness, someone who could become so much more than what she was then. Charlyra was someone who had left behind the Light much like Avacyn herself and within the Darkness she had flourished. Nearly two years later, Avacyn's apprentice had lived up to her potential. Although there was much left to learn, the progress she had made up until now was a clear indicator that Avacyn's assessment of her was right. There was no doubt that one day they would be equals as Ladies of the Sith.

As Darth Avacyn approached the site of the duel, she watched as Charlyra mercilessly eliminated her opponent, ending the fight in the most decisive manner possible. She nodded at the sight in approval and just mere moments later more opponents made their intention to duel the Knight known. Whether it was to impress Avacyn and any other onlooking Lord or Lady or simply to seek out the rush of battle, it made no difference. They did not know what they had done by challenging Charlyra.

"I arrived just on time, it seems," Avacyn called out from where she stood. She was intrigued to see this play out.

[member="Charlyra Araano"]

Darth Trellux

To be an alien in the Sith Empire was to be one of many, not so numerous as the Humans and Near-Humans who made up the bulk of the Empire, but it was not uncommon to see aliens of a hundred different species mingling about. A Nazzar fit in rather well, though his choice of garb and the weapon on his hip made his affiliation known to everyone who glanced at him out of the corner of their eyes.

Force User.


As he traveled down into the Kintik District of Korriban City, the weird looks were all the more blunt. This was where the city's underbelly lived, a festering hole shielded from the glamor one might have witnessed when flying overhead. Tapestries and tarps blanketed the spaces between buildings, casting the streets into perpetual twilight. Shafts of sunlight illuminated portions of the street, but little else. The harsh rays revealed grizzled faces, weathered by hard work, war, or disease.

"I don't like this place."

A snorting grunt of apathy, "I've seen worse."

"Maybe for a too-big like you. Too much sand, gets everywhere. Harder to hide."

Out of one of the Inquisitor's coat pockets emerged a small rodent, about the size and appearance of a small mouse. A bandolier criss-crossed its small chest and was connected to a belt that encircled its middle torso. Tools and other useful instruments were currently hooked on them, bound by small magnetic grips. This was a Nezumi, one of the Empire's most hard-working, tenacious, and loyal member-species despite their diminutive stature and benign appearance. They had found great purpose in the ranks of the Saaraishash with their leader, [member="Tabigarashu Madara"], having personal relations with the Lord Inquisitor himself!

"I have no doubt you can make due," Trellux muttered low enough so only himself and his compatriot could hear, "Since when has one of the Koushou Clan let fear outweigh their curiosity?"

The Nezumi gave a narrowed-eye look that spoke too well of the creature's indignance at the Nazzar's words, its chest puffing up as it retorted. "Koushou Minkin never backs down from discovery!"

To drive its point across, the Nezumi known as Koushou Minkin hopped out of the Inquisitor's coat pocket, scampered down the fabric, and bounded across the thin layer of sand covered the cobbled streets and up a drainage pipe. From there it worked its way through a small grate and into a nearby structure, no doubt in an effort to discover something that could aid the Inquisitor in his hunt for subversives in the city. Despite himself, Trellux couldn't help but chuckle as he continued walking.

Sometimes it was too easy to coax the little Nezumi into action.
Objective II - Treasure Hunting for the Emperor

She always found a trip to Korriban to be rather pleasant, an exercise in one of her passions. Being the daughter of a history professor, adopted or not, the Lady of Secrets had a fascination with the ancient history of the galaxy and had amassed a large collection of artifacts and tomes. But today's expedition into the Valley of the Dark Lords was on behalf of the Emperor [member="Darth Carnifex"]. Rumors had abounded that one of his family's distant ancestors had left behind a holocron of lost family secrets and powers. The Emperor desired this lost repository of knowledge and Taeli had been more than willing to travel to the Tomb of Tulak Hord to uncover clues of its final resting place.

"Be careful," she said to the Adepts and other members of the Sith Empire that had accompanied the Lady of Secrets here. "K'lor slugs and tuk'ata likely are stalking the halls of the tomb, not to mention traps to deal with looters. Proceed cautiously, but if you find something interesting... feel free to claim it."

Her team consisted of members of her own power base, the Order of Shadows, along with archaeologists and Sith acolytes and knights hoping to win her favor, and that of their Emperor. They had brought plenty of supplies with them, along with equipment for their tomb delving. All in all, it was going to be an enjoyable day for her.

Charlyra Araano


Darth Avacyn had indeed arrived right on time, the three acolytes encircled Charlyra. There was a glint in her eyes as they did so - a smile that tugged at the corner of her lips. One seemed unbothered, the other two got nervous and launched their attacks. On instinct she stepped back and blocked one blade with her own and back kicked the second. Both staggered backward. They charged once again into the fray, the Chandralian held her ground this time she brought her blade up and pushed the first opponent back and used the Force to push the second one back.

Her eyes glowed their signature magenta hue as she watched the electromagnetic lines come to life, once these used to bother her but now. Now she could see them and pull at them with ease. Charlyra's hand curled into a come hither motion as she drew the hilts away from their owners hands, all three opponents found their blades not of their own. They would will them back but Charlyra's will was stronger. In an instant the training blades were sent back to their owners the stun wasn't enough to kill them, knock them back sure.

What came next would kill them.

She focused on her chain lightning attack and watched it flourish coursing through each victim, one after another.

"Anyone else?"

No one stepped forward.

Charlyra had spent the last two years enduring Avacyn's training, and harsh task masters there at the Academy. This coupled with her experience with the Order of Fire on Tygara, along with the previous battle experience of her youth. It made Charlyra quite lethal and in some ways more so than the typical acolyte on these grounds.

[member="Kaalia Pavanos"]
Objective I: The Final Exam

Centuries had passed since the last time the Lady had stepped foot upon the red sands of Korriban. Five of them, to be precise, and the memory was still as clear in her mind as a fresh wound was to the flesh. Pain lanced through her senses and she welcomed it, reveled in it as she stood atop what remained of an old academy building.



The planet was ever the same. Relentless in its progress through time; while the viscous, slithering darkness rose up to welcome her home with a suffocating embrace. The memories were intense, the visions floating to the surface as if she were in the audience of a performance. Love, power, and the ultimate betrayal...the hallmarks of every cliche holodrama, sliced as deep as they had all those centuries ago. The slender fingers of her right hand flexed, tightening into a fist as they rose to press against the scar that marred her chest.



Korriban was a place to be immersed in the darkness and learn to wield it. And while she had been slow to it as a much younger woman, she had learned eventually.

Trust no-one.

Kassándra sighed, finally losing the rhythm of her deep, steadying breaths. This maudlin reverie would simply not do. She had come to Korriban with a purpose, alongside the others of the Brotherhood, many of whom were new faces to learn and levels of power to appreciate. There would have to be introductions made, especially to the Lady of Secrets, should the time present itself.

For now, however, she sought out the burgeoning sources of power. Those still malleable and burning to prove themselves. It had been too long since she had taken an apprentice, and she had a great deal of knowledge to impart. A faint smile flitted across her features, lending the crimson cast of her gaze a wicked quality as she stepped forward off of the crumbing peak of the structure.

Simply because she could, the Lady slowed her descent with a touch of the Force, a snap of lightning greeting her boots as they touched down. Most of the tuk’ata who had been nearby scattered, save for one. A smaller beast, that limped over to her outstretched hand. She had always had an affinity for the beasts, and rested her hand upon the creature’s head. It stayed at her side as she strode forward, speaking to it softly in a dialect that hadn’t passed her lips in a very long time.

There was a sharp, metallic taste to the air, akin to the feel of her lightning storm, and it drew her toward the tombs. Something called to her senses, and the Lordess canted her head to the side as she followed the Force as it bid her.

Hakai Shizukana

Objective I | Korriban, Surface


~ It had begun as a whisper. Little more than a gentle rush of air, as the wind. Over time it grew from a whisper to a whistle, a whistle to a howl - until it could no longer be cast aside or suppressed. From an unscratchable itch to a near driving pain the void called out. It beckoned and refused to be denied, it would have its pound of flesh. ~

The small shuttle had traveled without harassment as it coursed across the stars of Sith Empire space. As if a path had been carved out for it, moving pieces shifted from its path to allow it to continue silently onward towards its destination. Korriban. The man piloting the vessel knew the planet's name, a lingering ethereal voice echoing in his mind. Equal parts excitement and trepidation about where he was and what he would find sent adrenaline coursing through his veins during his descent. Fear was the wrong word for what he felt but perhaps it was the one he should have been. Navigating towards the surface his vessel received further instructions, landing coordinates.

It was an unusual sensation as the man rose from his pilot's chair, collecting little more than the short tanto and a small waterskin before treading towards the boarding hatch. He was vulnerable, no longer a lone wolf but a wolf surrounded by wolves. Bigger, badder wolves. What awaited him upon his arrival, he could only guess. The cryptic messages he'd received indicated a trial of sorts, perhaps multiple. What was clear is that he was no longer the master of his fate, but a mere acolyte of his destiny.
"Vulkanus?" He asked, tossing a half bitten plump fruit to the side so his hound Groom could devour it. Groom was home, this was where Mythos found him decades ago with the help of [member="Darth Erebos"]. This is where it all began, the birth of his power, The Axe of Adas and his hound and his allies.

"Yes My Lord the very same. His holocron is sai-"

"I am aware what the communications said, I don't need thy resumes." He spat, grabbing another plump fruit and devouring it hole. His eyes narrowed, from his pocket he produced a small clear pouch with ash inside.

"This is all that's left of the master of fire, I was there whe-"

"I am aware of the battle in Atrisia my Lord, I don't beleive I need thy resume of the battle again" Said his Anubian consort Anok-eh, shooting him a very rare smirk. Mythos returned the smile and they both let a chuckle escape their lips. Mythos sat upon an ancient throne, specifically the throne of Marka Ragnos in the Tomb of Marka Ragnos that he had taken and cleared in his days as an Acolyte.

Around them bodies, bodies of creatures and bodies of humanoids. Around Mythos a swarm of Pelko Bugs that fed off his force signature, the Nexus of his Axe and the fountain of power in his neck: The Eye.

"You left something here Magnus? You forgot something?" The Anubian asked, slowly becoming more comfortable speaking with the Sith. Mythos looked at him and then around them, the place looked the same, abandoned since they had come. Darth Erebos was alive... he knew it, but no matter where he looked he could not find him.

"No... I was looking for someone." The melancholy and pain was palpable in his voice. The Anubian chose to remain silent and let Mythos silently mourn.
One of the most lethal lessons an acolyte had to learn was which battle to fight and which were to be avoided. When Avacyn began teaching others in the ways of the Sith many years ago, it did not take long for her to see how easy it was for those she taught to grossly overestimate their abilities. This flaw in their perception of self was often quickly corrected after their first humiliating defeat, though many did not live to learn from their mistakes. Overconfidence was paired with arrogance and when they pushed too far, the one they targeted was rarely merciful. The weak and foolish had no place among the Sith, after all.

Charlyra's three opponents, too, got to learn that lesson only in their final moments. Lightning surged through them and took with it their lives, each becoming an example to the group of onlookers that had gathered around the fight. She hoped it would be enough for them to not suffer a similar fate. There was only one way to make sure, however.

"Nobody? I can personally assure you that a victory would be an incredible feat that will not go unnoticed."

Not a soul changed their mind.

"Good. Let this be a lesson in how to pick your battles. It will save your hide more than once."

With the spectacle having ended and the crowd dispersing, Avacyn went to approach Charlyra, nodding as eyes met. "You had little trouble getting to Korriban, I hope." The Sith Lady knew it wouldn't be long before various acolyes would try to draw her attention, something she wasn't particularly looking forward to. It interrupted her business all too often, but for now it seemed there was nobody with the gall necessary to do so yet. "Have I missed anything of note?"

[member="Charlyra Araano"]

Charlyra Araano

"Indeed," Charlyra concured with her master and continued. "There seems to be a bit of a treasure hunt - a holocron here on Korriban. Acolytes have scattered to either find it, or lap at the feet of Darth Arcanix."

The Sith Acolyte crossed the training ground toward her master and gave a bow of respect. Around them the desolate feel of the world enveloped the pair - Korriban was where many began and where many came to end. History aside, Charlyra was eager to show her training. Overseer Hassan had not been kind and towed the line more often than not. An effort put forth to ensure that the acolyte would be ready for the trials of the Sith. "Did you have a particular task for me, master?" She was straight to the point and matter of fact in her words and tone.

They would no doubt make their way to the Academy itself. There Charlyra was certain Avacyn would either give her assignment or speak on other matters. Perhaps - Charlyra thought for a moment it would be time to become part of the Valkyries. An organization that Avacyn herself founded not so long ago, and then there was of course the matter of other acolytes vying for the Dark Lord's attention. Something that the acolyte had hoped that her little demonstration would at least keep at bay for the time being.

Although it would not be so unusual for a Dark Lord to take on more than one apprentice...

[member="Kaalia Pavanos"]
"Interesting." Avacyn herself had been on a treasure hunt of her own for some time, which had paid off very recently. The treasure was a powerful artifact that could open a portal into the Netherworld and with it, ancient texts describing how it was used to carry souls to their final resting place. She had not yet ventured into the Netherworld herself, electing to not mess with powerful forces without reason.

When her apprentice asked if there was anything Avacyn desired of her, it was met with a small nod. "I do. Walk with me," she asked of Charlyra, with expectation she would comply. Their destination would be the academy, though they would not make their way there in silence. There was something Avacyn wished to discuss and it was an important decision for her apprentice to make. Charlyra had grown to be a capable warrior and it was time she was given a place to put her abilities to use.

"I shall get to the point," Avacyn explained while the two walked. She had never been one for unnecessary chatter when important business was concerned. "You have learned much from me and now, I say it is time for the next step for you as a Sith." Her head tilted towards Charlyra. "I offer you an opportunity to take your place among the Valkyries."

[member="Charlyra Araano"]

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