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The party-arty insane so JUMP JUMP JUMP (open, The Underground)

[SIZE=12pt]Location: Bespin[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Bespin is not known for being a party place. Its reputation was in fact perfectly innocuous something that Rekha when she had first arrived was completely happy with. That was then. When pilots looked at Bespin from space it looked lifeless, it looked orange and sandy with the occasional white band circling.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]If you stood on the platform where the Underground Bar was and watched the night sky you'd wonder again why you were out this far, listening to the sounds as they knocked on the sky above them. It was a wonderous thing, and the slow music that made everything pull together for a single moment, classic.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha was growing lonely out here on the far reaches of Bespin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Now she wanted some company, people that came in knew how to enjoy the smells of a bar. This place the Underground Bar it smelled like a bar should not of sickening sweat, and spit but of grain alcohol. The air was warm and welcoming, the lights low lit to make you feel comfortable, sleepy even.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She recently joined up with the Underground, which she found ironic, the Underground Bar and the Underground.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]What does a bar owner do when they are bored?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Throw a party. So she put out some feelers and got some touches back. Great…stock the bar, bring in the food, saddle up the thranta, bring on the band it’s PARTY TIME. She give piece cantina band could play anything, and play they did. She wondered if they thought that she had gone off the deep end with the shindig she was throwing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She was a firm believer in if you offer free food, they will come.[/SIZE]

[member="Sam Turain"]
[SIZE=12pt][member="Veino Garn"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt][member="Eliza Steele"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt][member="Andrasta Sitra"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt][member="Remy Steele"]
Sam stepped through the door and looked around the bar. He'd not been here before, but had heard nothing but good thing. He saw [member="rekha kaarde"] behind the bar and quietly strode up to her and sat across from her.

"Might be a strange request, but can I get a coffee, a little sugar, a little cream...and because it's a party add in some chocolate?" He was a strange bird sometimes. He tried to not let himself drink alcohol, and so had gotten practically addicted to coffee. He kept his eyes on the bartender's eyes, though her body practically begged to be praised, he wasn't one to be crude.
Booze. Whiskey. Food. Women. These were a few of Remy's favorite things. The old Corellian loved a good time, and heard the bar owner was a pretty fine specimen of the female gender. That's really all he needed to know. Walking in, Remy had another of his favorite things in his mouth, a Sweet Theed Cigar. He wasn't going to change who he was, and besides, since he had just acquired his own bar, he was gonna see what potential competition did, so he could do it better.

"Corellian Whiskey," he said walking up to the bar. "Give me the bottle and two shot glasses. Maybe a bigger glass too, just in case."

He looked around for the owner, and when he spotted her, he raised his glass toward her, and smiled. Some hot shot was with her already, so he'd wait his turn. Certainly a more experienced man had a shot at a beauty like her.

[member="Sam Turain"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"]
The Corellian Rose (retired)
[member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Sam Turain"] | [member="Remy Steele"]

Eliza had let Remy go ahead while she took care of securing the Corellian Dawn at the spaceport. It was rare any more that the two Steeles traveled together, but the father and daughter had decided to take up the owner of the Underground Bar's open invitation to the members of the Underground to come and check the place out. So here they were.

The petite smuggler knew she was in the right place as she smelled her old man's cigars well before spotting the Corellian readying himself to pounce on the lady talking to a younger man. Eliza just rolled her eyes, then slid up next to him and whispered softly.

"You want me to get lost, pops... or is one of those glasses for me, hmm?"
[member="Ryn Duskhaven"] Rekha looked up, "Sure if you can drink I can usually make it, course chocolate is in the kitchen so..I'll need a minute to go and grab it" there were others coming into the bar.

A rather debonair looking older gentleman ([member="Remy Steele"]) was giving her a toast, she in turn picked up her glass and toasted him back. She looked back at Sam, "just in, hauling or picking up?" She was pouring the coffee. Every bar had to have coffee, it was what kept the customers thirsty, and when needed sober.

Rekha tried to notice everyone that came through the doors, and then came the task of learning their names, so she would start with the man in front of her, "I'm Rekha, what's your name honey?" Not everyone liked being called honey, and she'd know right off how he took it.

Just then she saw a petite brunette ([member="Eliza Steele"]) join the debonair older man, well now that could be a couple or something else...she didn't bet much lately so she'd hold any judgement till later.

What would [member="Dekkan Fray"] say to all of this.
Since Sam ain't postin I'm gonna kick start this again!

"Oh come now Lizzy, you think I got this glass for the brunette over there? Well maybe I did, but she's the owner, competition for the Afterburner. Might try to talk her into a merger......."

Remy slid the glass over to Eliza after filling it with whiskey. He also asked the bar tender to send a chaser over to [member="Rekha Kaarde"]. He younger man certainly seemed to be hitting on the owner, but Remy was patient and knew how to play it cool. A few years on Kessel only taught him patience. Lighting a Sweet Theed cigar Remy took a good healthy puff and released it before taking the shot and re pouring.

"Dammit she has good whiskey."

[member="Eliza Steele"]
The Corellian Rose (retired)
[member="Remy Steele"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"]

"Thanks, pops," Eliza answered with a roll of her eyes before she downed the liquor. Oh boy it did go down real smooth like.

"Maybe you should ask the pretty proprietor where she gets her whiskey from, hmm… " the petite smuggler said grabbing her father's Sweet Theed from his fingers and taking a puff for herself.

"Might start the conversation rolling and the clock ticking, if you know what I mean. And the only way to get a proper merger is to marry her," she winked with a chuckle, handing the cigar back to him before walking over to the dart board across the room.

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