Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The rescue of the throne


Nomkneer after the coronation had decided to go on a world wide excursion, he was going to visit the poor villages and the run down towns to see what was needed to help them progress and visit some old friends from his past travels. The new king of Atrisia was somewhat careless as in that time that he was gone a new threat came to the palace. A man named [member="Darth Novus"] came into the palace with 200 non-force user followers and took over the palace. The palace is now on hold by them and Nomkneer now needs to siege his own home to recover it from the pest that is trying to take it from him.

He now returns to his palace with his general beside him [member="Arabella Darkhold"] in an attempt to recover it back. He called out 600 Atrisian soldiers that currently surround the palace. All with lightsabers stand strong with courage in their hearts and hatred in their minds towards the one that made the mistake of challenging the honor of Atrisia and the chair of the new king.

Nomkneer having been general for over two years he knows all the secrets to the palace. He makes a special command.

"Activate Lockdown"

All Exits to the Atrisian palace were shut and all entrances as well in an attempt to starve them until too weak to battle or death. The Atrisian doors were made out of alchemized durasteel that would not be cut through with lightsabers meanwhile all inner palace systems would shut down while all gates were shut.

[member="Txon Taronyu"]

Txon Taronyu

[member="Nomkneer"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Darth Novus"]
When Txon saw the approaching enemy horde, he was standing on top of one of the palace's towers, dressed in the black clothing his teacher had given him. The clothing was slightly restrictive, but Txon didn't mind. He had been told by his master that danger was coming, and that he was going to be called upon to defend the place that had become his home. Txon was more than up to the challenge. The enemy force was large, but chances were that they had never before faced an Anatasi warrior. He was a wildcard, a grey area, and that gave him an advantage. They would look at him and see nothing but an untrained Sith apprentice carrying a blue lightsaber. In truth, he was a warrior that had been fighting before his seventh summer. He may not be fully trained with the Blessing of the Ancients, but his martial skill was more than a match for any enemy he would encounter today.

Txon heard rather than saw the doors close. He leaped down and found that his path back into the building had been closed up tight. Drawing his saber he tried to beat his way in, to no avail. Txon felt rage building in him. He had promised his master that he would lead his troops into battle. How could he do so if the doors were shut? The rage grew to such heights that Txon yelled and plunged his saber into the rock of the palace beneath him. Pulling with all his strength he carved a great hole in the stone big enough for him to fit through. It would not allow his troops to charge to glory as he had planned, but it would allow him to reach his teacher to plan their next move.

Dropping down into the palace, Txon raced for the tremor in the fibers of his Blessing that would lead him to his teacher. He finally reached the man and stood before him.

"Teacher," he said, "The enemy approaches. Somehow they have locked down the palace. I was able to break in by cutting a hole through the roof, but there is no chance that we can do such a thing on such a scale as to allow our legion to charge. What is our plan?"
He smiled, having been prepared for the fight for days. He stood in the assassin armor that he wasn't sure how he had, hidden blade strapped to his wrist. His hood was flicked up and the mask of colt sat over his face. He'd never had the privilege to defend his home from invaders. He eyed the men lined in the throne room beside him, each and every one of them armed with a weapon, mostly blasters with a few axes and maces in between. Each and every one of them knew the risks, each and every one of them knew the danger they were in, but they would fight until their last breath.

"You will all fight valiantly today, each and every one of you will give it everything you have."

His words cut like daggers, the mask altering his voice to sound in this way. Slowly, he turned on his young apprentice, nodding to him. He would do well in this fight, he would survive for a while, if not the entire battle. Slowly, Colt watched him for a moment, crossing his arms behind his back. He wasn't joining the charge, he felt someone special in the force, someone that would hunt him down. It caused him to smile again.

"You will lead the troop to the control room, unlocking all of the doors. These doors in here are weak, they will be destroyed by your blade"

He stopped, nodding.

"Leave three men in the control room, seal the door. While the rest of you fight, these three men need to close certain doors to lead the leader to me"

He nodded again to his young apprentice, waiting for him to lead the troop away. Upon the movement, he would reach to the sky, calling upon the force. Alter Environment was a great force power, one he'd used many times before. The Atrisian sky would blacken, rain and lightning filling the sky. He would quickly flick his hand down, the ground shaking underneath him, underneath the palace and underneath the enemy troops. Alter Environment was a great force power, Colt able to keep the force upon the quakes and the storm, the earthquakes getting harder and harder.

[member="Txon Taronyu"]
[member="Arabella Darkhold"]

Txon Taronyu

[member="Darth Novus"] [member="Nomkneer"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"]

Txon nodded and raced from the room, waving at the assembled troops to follow him. He hurtled down the passageways until he reached the control room.

"You three," he said, pointing to three soldiers in turn, "Unlock the doors and prepare to follow your lord's orders. The rest of you, follow me."

In a classic Anatasi tactic, Txon spread his troops throughout the palace in small pockets of about ten to fifteen each. These small pockets, which he referred to as warbands, would only engage with the enemy when they were approached. Txon knew his men had the advantage as long as they were inside the palace, where they could glean cover from doorways and the like. He directed them to plant explosives as traps on the main entrances. He took his best shooters to the roof, where he directed them to begin engaging the enemy as soon as they got in range. He himself took an elite corps of ten of the very best men he could find to the main entrance, where he directed them to lie in wait until the snipers engaged, then begin firing on the enemy, aiming for officers first. If any of the troops engaged someone with a lightsaber, they were to contact Txon immediately and fall back to a better position.

A true Anatasi battle would be to charge in and meet the enemy face to face, but Txon knew that his men were not Anatasi. They could not be expected to fight as the Anatasi did. He would allow them to take the cowards way of attacking at range, he would fight blade to blade when the time came. As he watched the enemy approach, Txon felt the adrenaline begin race through his veins. He held the silver cylinder of the light sword in his hand, eagerly waiting for the time when he could truly test his skills in battle. Today, for better or for worse, would be a day to remember.
Arabella looked up at the palace usurpers having found a way to come in and take it from them. The staff had to be crazy with fear and uncertainty. The concubines probably all jumped out the high windows by now.

Arabella looked over at [member="Nomkneer"] , "That did not take long" She had to laugh, with the palace on lock down that meant but as soon as she spoke the ground began to shake and rolle beneath their feet. Arabella put out her hands to steady herself, she looked around at their soldier, uncertainty, "Hold steady..." Would it stop she did not know but she knew her home world wasn't subject to such activity, this was the work of the ones within the palace.

Bella began to look to the foundations of the castle, they might have locked them in but if they continued to rock the castle it might fall and crush them. She smiled, and she knew she should not have. "Circle the palace no one gets out, wait for the command to enter, your Squad Leaders will have the required codes. Go NOW!"

General of Atrisia, yeah fancy title.

[member="Txon Taronyu"] [member="Darth Novus"]
Nomkneer having done that, used force sight to take a gaze at the surrounding areas inside the palace. He ordered wakkers with heavy ion artillery to point at the front gates and everything that looks suspicious.

As he did he waited for them to open the gates. Making sure they were constantly gazed upon using his powers.

"They are moving to activate the doors. Any minute those gates will open, when they do send hell!"

Nomkneer had constant watch upon them using the enhancement of the baneful scythe hat was given to him.

"Call out all legions! We are taking Atrisia by force! Call out the S.O.R.I commandos and get me online with master Erebos and Ultimatum. Im bringing all the toys."

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