Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Resource Rush | EOTL Dominion of Lothal


The mysterious Emperor turned their gaze towards the agricultural planet of Lothal. Even though there was a peace accord established between the Empire of the Lost and the people of Lothal, the newly ascended Emperor broke the peace treaty. He saw Lothal as one of the major planets necessary for achieving his vision of establishing a powerful army. Lothal was valued for its rich resources ranging from foodstuffs such as grain to Doonium: An important component that's used in construction of Star ships. The emperor gave the Lothal Protectorate and Solarus Fynch an ultimatum: Their complete surrender of the planet or face annihilation. The Governor and the Protectorate chose to stand their ground wanting Lothal to be an independent planet. The emperor in response gathered his troops and fortified a landing zone near the Lothal Capital City. The battle of Lothal has begun.

Objective 1: Mega Dome

Looks like that fool of the defenders was smart enough to get set up an energy shield engulfing the capital city preventing any orbital bombardment. Time to do this the hard way, enter the city, find the generator that's powering the energy shield and destroy it while engaging the Lothal resistance in the streets. Also, be sure to find that Governor and bring him to the Emperor: Alive. Civilian casualties are acceptable.

Objective 2: A Force to be reckoned with


Imperial Inquisitors have reported unusual activity radiating from the ancient Jedi Temple of Lothal. Such powers or artifacts found inside the temple could prove beneficial for the advancement of the Imperial Military. Enter the Temple and discover the source of the anomaly so it can be studied by the Empire.

Objective 3: Swatting Flies


The people of Lothal sent a hodge podge of starships and fighters with some dating back to the Rebel Alliance days. Their fleet was so pitiful that the emperor reportedly laughed so hard that he broke a rib in the process. All fleets, you're clear to wipe out this nuisance so the Empire can take the aerial advantage. Be forewarned, despite the older models, the Lothal resistance fleet more than makes up for it with ingenuity and creativity.

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Post: 1
Objective 1 - Mega Dome

The resistance the Governor of Lothal had mustered had been unexpected, to say the least. The people of Lothal were determined to put up a fight to maintain their independence. Understandable, given their history. They'd forced the Galactic Empire off their world long ago during the Galactic Civil War. Yet it would do them no good here. The Emperor had dispatched his mightiest Hand to spearhead the assault upon the capital city, and she would not fail to disappoint him.

Appointed command of the elite 501st Legion of clone troopers for the operation, Lyrani's forces had already engaged the Lothalian rebels manning positions around the outskirts of the capital, who were attempting to buy time for their forces behind the shield. Yet brave as they were, they were ill matched to fight the 501st. Clone Troopers, supported by AT-TE and AT-XT walkers were hammering their initial defences.

Lyrani herself led a spearhead assault through the centre of the enemy line, striking a bunker being held fiercely by their enemies, while supported by a platoon of Clone Commandos. Her red lightsaber blade moved in a flurry as she cut through the rebels desperately trying to fight her. "Is this it? Is this all the fury these rebels can muster? I am sorely disappointed."
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House Mecetti Exile Fleet
In Lunar Orbit of Lothal
Objective 3: Swatting Flies

Maldor stood on the bridge of the Obscurer, which had become the flagship of his little fleet since the vessel had been 'lost' during testing near the Obulette shipyards. An arranged hyperspace accident, designed to bolster his power while giving the House Mecetti Nationalized Industries a tax writeoff.

Power was one of the few things the Emperor seemed to care about.

The disowned scion of House Mecetti had a stern look on his face. This was not born of his anger at the emerging Lothalian ragtag resistance fleet.

No... he was unhappy with the Empire of the Lost's stance on Lothal.

The Emperor had chosen to break a treaty.

Maldor had no special dedication to treaties for their own sake. He did not believe honesty or honor served its own purpose, like some idealized principle of the universe. But these things did serve a larger, more pragmatic purpose. Keeping treaties meant keeping trust. Even ruthless conquering Empires needed trust.

People had to believe that the arrangements they came to would mean something. They had to have some sense of security in your behavior, and that certain inputs would result in specific outputs. If someone made an agreement, and kept to their end of it, but then were betrayed? Well, it made it unlikely that anyone would make an agreement with you in the future.

Worse, those that did make an agreement with you might easily betray you, knowing that it was only a matter of time before you betrayed them.

The Empire was burning a currency of trust that they didn't seem to recognize existed, and Maldor was helping them to do it.

There was no other option. The Emperor expected obedience.

Hopefully, at least that input would derive the expected output.

"Alert status. Shields at maximum. Ewar transmissions online. I doubt this will take long.

As soon as the enemy is at extreme range, give them a taste of our long-range turbolasers.

Perhaps they'll break once the first of their ships is hulled."

'Obscurer' Prototype Destroyer
'Darkfall' Customized Victory Class Destroyer
2 Raider Class Corvettes
2 Gozanti Assault Carriers
9 Squadrons of Tie/mg starfighters

The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost
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Objective 2: Opposition

A lone figure stood outside the temple, a solitary guardian amidst the vast expanse of the grasslands that stretched out before him. Plans to disperse the Jedi's efforts and relocate their operations had already been set in motion, but for now, Tirin remained steadfast in his duty to defend the temple against the encroaching forces of the Empire of the Lost.

Tirin, a Jedi possessing extraordinary esper abilities, gazed up at the swirling sky overhead, the weight of foreseen events heavy upon his mind. As an oracle, he had glimpsed the future through the eyes of other oracles and seers, witnessing the unfolding chaos that threatened to consume everything in its path. He understood the danger that lurked within the temple, a box of sorts, containing secrets that were better left undisturbed.

Despite his seemingly frail physique, Tirin exuded an aura of quiet confidence. His stance was resolute, his senses attuned to the subtlest of disturbances in the Force. To the untrained eye, he might have appeared unassuming, but beneath the surface lay a formidable power waiting to be unleashed.

With each breath of the cool air, Tirin drew upon his connection to the Force, finding strength in its timeless embrace. He was prepared to stand his ground, a lone sentinel guarding the temple's threshold against all who sought to breach its sanctity.

If the agents of the Empire of the Lost sought to tress pass here, they would certainly feel loss.
Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective 1 - Mega Dome

FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
IG-16 Blaster Carbine
IG-14 Blaster Pistol
4 Thermal Denotators


As soon as the dropships went through the barriers, they were greeted with a barrage anti-air fire. According to the chatter from Ami's helmet at least two dropships were shot down crash landing on the streets. A third was blown to smithereens, the inside of Ami's dropship was violently shaking like it was a high magnitude Earthquake. Ami looked at her fellow Stormtroopers who were gripping the upper railing for dear life. Even though she couldn't see their faces, Ami could tell that some of them were frightened to the point they would probably piss themselves. One Stormtrooper's hand was shaking so much that Ami was certain that it would fall off. Or maybe it was the violent vibrations from the dropship that was causing it?

Ami wanted to say that she desensitized to the constant shudders inside of a dropship, she's been a Stormtrooper for years and has been through brutal battles. But in reality, Ami was just as nervous as her fellow Stormtroopers, she felt helpless being stuck inside of a cramped ship relying on the pilot to get them to safety. She hated feeling helpless standing here not knowing if she was going to live or be engulfed in flames. Ami loved being in control of her life and her actions. If she fracked up, she would gladly pay the consequences at least she made a choice. But now all Ami had to do was to stand and wait...... the fracking waiting.

"We have new orders!" Captain Hondi barked at the Stormtroopers. "Those anti air turrets are giving our flyboys some trouble! We're going to land on the buildings and take them out so we can land the rest of our troops safely!"

"Never a dull moment," Ami muttered as Imperial Dropship landed on a platform. The doors opened revealing a bright light which was quickly taken care of by Ami's visor. She gave a sigh of relief as she exited along with the Platoon of Stormtroopers. Finally, solid ground and chit ton of targets to choose from.

"The Anti Air Battery is on top of that tower!" Hondi said. "It's guarded by the Lothal Protectorate, we'll need to fight our way and destroy it!"

"We're gonna need reinforcements sir!" Ami replied.

"Not to worry," Hondi reached for his commlink. " Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell and her Clones will be assisting us."

"Clones......" Ami gave a soft sigh in response. "Great......."

OOC: Open to everyone as well!
Tags: [OPEN]
Location: Lothal's Capital City, Commerce Centre.

Alicia stood in the commerce centre found in the heart of Lothal's Capital City. As an agent of the New Imperial Security Bureau Alicia had been privvy to classified reports detailing the impending invasion of the Lothal system by the Empire of the Lost. She had infiltrated the city prior to the invasion and the subsequent erection of the city shield now that the planet was under attack. Before her the terminal played the stock markets of the planet where a host of businesses and corporations were listed on the planet.

Now that Lothal was under attack there were many opportunities that were now abundant and ripe from the taking. Investors- both native, and foreign- were dumping their stock on the market taking with them their credits out of the economy as they liked to flee from the Imperial invasion. This was a natural reaction in times of war. Smart investors, who had no idea what new tariffs, sanctions or law were set to be put in place by the new powers that be would pull out first, and cut their losses early before they were hit by something that would see them lose vast fortunes.

But the smarter investor, who knew who was coming into power, and what to expect when the invasion was complete would see an opportunity to buy low. The markets were crashing given the invasion as foreign investment funds from systems lightyears away pulled out, and natives who were intending to evacuate and flee from Lothal were selling everything now that their home was set for Imperial occupation. Alicia, who had once been an agricultural tycoon on Chandrila was now set to return to the agricultural sector on Lothal by buying up all the land, property, stock and rights that she could get her eyes on.

When she was through Alicia was set to be in position to takeover and once again assume her place in the Galaxy as an agricultural magnet. She even had a name for the corporation once the invasion was complete. In the aftermath of the Empire's invasion there would be the rise of Drey: an agricultural manufacturer, and distributor set to become the number one supplier of foodstuffs, fauna and supplier in the Empire.
Tags: Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih
Location: Imperial Siege Camp on Lothal's surface in the capital's area
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 1 - Mega Dome
Theme: HERE

Everything I have heard of Lothal in the past has been passing notes telling that this planet was an utter backwater. Aside from covering the Empire' rear from the far outer rim, I was shocked that the invasion of this world was ordered by the Emperor. We were on a war path to Kessel for some time now in order to take the resource rich worlds of upper Hutt Space. Lothal was strategic enough with its agri-world potential, however I saw minimal use beyond that point. It was a cow of a planet the Empire had no reason not to milk dry, yet I could scarcely call it a true priority.

The Empire held off on taking this world due to a treaty made with a faction strong enough to resist the us when were a mere remnant in the Tion Cluster surviving on Lianna. Now we dominated this region of the galaxy, and the age of the Lothal Protectorate has ended under righteous and efficient Imperial rule. The Governor of this world, thought differently however. Which means that this world had to be broken like other strong willed, and foolish, planets that the Empire came to before now.

The surface battle was quick and brutal, with the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Lost, the Iron Legion's gradual efforts of grinding down resistance movements were expedited tremendously. The Legion of clones had manpower, and a propensity for blitzing foes. The Iron Legion had battle-hardened, and brutally trained, men and women that have been transformed in a unified instrument of death for enemies of the Empire and my business. All that remained now was the capital of this forsaken, idealist planet. The shield made efforts from orbit impossible, but that would not stop a siege. Reports from the 501st said that the Legion was tearing apart counter offensives closer to the city while we in the trenches and camps rained hell upon them right beneath the protection of their shields due to carefully calibrated and angled artillery.

I stood viewing a holo map of the battlefield. A tank's engines roared by along the paths laid out in the siege camps with it moving along the line to its new position for an offensive our own. It was our job to keep pressure on these rebels. The Iron Legion's soldiers have held off multiple counter offensives against our lines within the two days this siege has been going on for. The 501st seemed to be doing well at dividing their attention between the inevitable doom my army posed and the quick lightening bolt that was Emperor's Hand's army. I looked at the chronometer by the projection. It was time for the artillery bombardment we have sustained for the past hour and a half to end. It was time we started a push for the city to tighten the noose around these rebels' collective necks. "Signal the 501st that the first charge has begun.", I grimly ordered a comms soldier stationed in the command center. "Yes, Supreme Commander."

I would walk out to inspect the line. Tanks were in position, and lines of infantry were already in formation. The Officers have been appointed well over these past campaigns with the Empire. "Patch me through to all radios. I want this to be heard in this entire vicinity."
"Yes, Supreme Commander."
I would speak in Basic to ensure that the enemy would hear this just as well as my own troops who understood Basic well.

"The artillery will end, and a charge will begin. You soldiers of the Iron Legion have dismantled foolish rebellions like this countless times over in service to the Empire. This battle will be no different. Grind down this foolish resistance that has lost its ability to threaten the Empire. Charge without relent, and without remorse.", I then cut the transmission before the charge began. Soon, sirens sounded off across the Imperial lines signaling the beginning of the charge. Tanks' motors roared to life as they began chugging across the battlefield to provide any coverage for the lines of infantry behind them. It was not hasty. It was slow and creeping. I wanted these rebels to see the doom approaching them. I would transmit to artillery through the comms trooper at my side in High Nelvaani, "Artillery squads hold fire until my command. Target areas that resistance armored units have charged from before, and remain loaded and ready until I say to fire." As soon as I clicked the comms off, the artillery squads loaded the cannisters in a near unison with peak efficiency I designed their training to bring out. While this was a battle on a backwater, it was a battle that I could proudly look at my army's evolution.

Outfit but bald and with his GLORIOUS moustache


4 TIE Fighters flew above Velran Kilaran while he sat on his deckchair with a tall, cool, glass of Jawa Juice on his hand. The Holoradio that was placed on the ground played his favorite music while Velran leaned against the chair observing the battle unfold from atop of a grassy field. The long leafy blades touching Velran's brown sandals. A squad of Eggtroopers surrounded him while Velran took a sip of his beverage from the red bendy straw. The Capital City of Lothal was under siege, the large blue energy shield that encased it was actually a ruse concocted by the Velran's genius.

By placing a fleet of Star Destroyers led by Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti in position to conduct an orbital bombardment, the defenders of Lothal activated the shield effectively encasing themselves in a jar, all Velran needed to do was to seal the lid. The ground force should be making quick work out of the Protectorate. It'll only be a matter of time before the shield will go down and the governor will surrender. All Velran needed to do right now was to relax and observe his handiwork.

Rifling through his pocket, Velran took out his holocommunicator attempting to get into contact with Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen . "Hey Kat!" Velran shouted. "I hope the attack is going well! Wish you were out here in the fields sipping on martinis and enjoying the fruits of MY labor. I hope those artillery batteries are set in place! I got good seats to observe the fireworks!"

Which Velran will use if the governor continued to play the fool and not surrender. The moment he chose to fight, was the moment that all of his people became soldiers and soldiers..... are expendable in the art of war.

The Sword of the Empire
Objective 2: A Force to be reckoned with

Customized IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor
HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle
IG-14 Blaster Pistol
Chainsaw Blade
x8 Thermal Imploders

Shov should be fighting with his compatriots at the capital city, he should be taking out the insurgent Lothal Protectorate who dared defy the Emperor's mercy. Being one of the original batches chosen to become an Imperial Paragon. An elite unit comprised of the most loyal soldiers to the Empire of the Lost and the Emperor himself. They were augmented to wear the massive battleframe said to be the most advanced in the galaxy. The Imperial Paragons were the beacon of hope within the Empire. They are constantly expected to win against extreme combat environments and are given the tools necessary to achieve those goals.

It was a proud moment for an aging soldier like Shov whose hope waned when the Empire was fragmented. Which was why when he was ordered by the higher ups to watch over a Sith prisoner named: Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate while she investigated the Lothal Jedi Temple, he was less than enthusiastic. The fighting was happening miles away from the Temple. Shov sighed feeling particularly small in his massive battleframe, the young Zabrak was standing next to him staring at the entrance. "You may be free to use the Force Sith," Shov said his tone of voice dripping with disdain for Sicarius. "But Grand Moff Kilran has ordered me to kill you if you even dare to think about leaving. You will serve the Emperor Sith for the rest of your life if necessary, now hurry up and open this door."

His fingers curled around his assault rifle, even though this was supposed to be a Jedi Temple, Shov felt a shiver jolting down his spine. This was an unconsecrated place and he had a feeling that it was plagued with deadly forces.
Objective 2: A Force to be reckoned with

Sicarius breathed deep as she enjoyed fresh air on a planet for what seemed like the first time in a eons. She was still for all intents and purposes a prisoner and a not quite trusted asset for this latest rendition of the Empire. In truth Sicarius had had worse times in her life, and worse prisons. It was still a step up from being a sleemo Hutt's trophy prize. Truthfully Sicarius had even enjoyed the experiments and artifacts she had been assigned to by the mad man Velran. Still todays excursion was a welcome break from the enclosed environment of her lab.

Not that she was entirely trusted of course. She had been given an escort, really a prison guard on this prison furlowe. Shov Brald Shov Brald He seemed a capable sort for a non force user. Sicarius had almost expected an inquisitor or one of the famed Emperor's Hand to be her guide, but she supposed the man was formidable enough. Certainly well armed judging by his gear.

"I have no immediate desire to leave the Empire's services just yet. The Emperor's favor has proven quite useful to me and my work thus far." Sicarius told the warrior with a sardonic smirk "Besides without my lightsabre's it would be foolish to try to kill my way out of this."

Regardless it was a measure of maybe not trust but definitely a test. Investigating a Jedi Temple in the middle of a battle to take the planet. They had taken precautions of course, she was not allowed her lightsabre's but small steps towards further freedom nonetheless. Sicarius would never be a full convert to the Empire's cause, but she could be a cautious ally if she played her cards right.

Sicarius wasn't sure what either she or the Empire were expecting to find inside the Jedi Temple, but she had done research about how some Jedi artifacts could be corrupted towards a Sith's purposes. It was the origins of how and why Sith used red blades for one. The original Sith had corrupted a Jedi's blade to bleed for them. Although such original blades were rare, one had to kill a Jedi to obtain one, and despite their soft heartedness they were still formidable foes. Sicarius would kill to have such a lightsabre in her possession right now. At the very least she hoped she could corrupt a Jedi holocron.

Sicarius stopped her musing as they approached the temple and a lone figure stood before it. Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

"It appears we have opposition." Sicarius murmured "And who might you be?"
The Sword of the Empire
Objective 2: A Force to be reckoned with

Customized IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor
HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle
Enlarged IG-14 Blaster Pistol
Chainsaw Blade
x8 Thermal Imploders

"I somehow doubt that," Shov responded cooly noticing Sicarius' smirk forming on her lips. "You are definitely planning on killing the Grand Moff the moment he lets down his guard. Treachery is the way of the Sith."

He fought the Sith most of his life, Shov was certain that Sicarius would backstab the Grand Moff. Shov had to make sure that he would kill her if that happened. "I'm warning you," Shov said again. "Try something funny and I'll crush your pretty little head like a ripened fruit."

However, Sicarius' attention was towards a lone figure standing in front of Jedi Temple. Shov turned his gaze upon the man his brown eyes locking against his. Looks like this figure was waiting for someone to approach the Temple. Was he a Jedi? One way to find out. "Who are you?" Shov said moving in front of Sicarius. "We are here on important business, I ask that you stand aside or we will have..... issues."

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate , Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
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As Shov and Sicarius approached the temple, their presence was immediately sensed by Tirin, who stood like a sentinel, his gaze unwavering as he observed their approach. With a calm demeanor that belied the thoughts within, Tirin spoke, his voice carrying a weight of authority and wisdom.

"Welcome, travelers of the shifting sands," Tirin began, his words echoing with an otherworldly resonance. "Know that you tread upon sacred ground, where echoes of the past intertwine with the whispers of the future."

His eyes, seemed to pierce through the veil of time itself as he continued, his voice resonating with a quiet power. As he stood he was dressed in dark blues, rich violets and bore a red satin sash. His clothing looked as if it were fine materials much more akin to what one might see on a senator or other figure of state though it held a simplistic functional design.
"Who I am matters little compared to what I represent. I am the keeper of this temple's sanctity, I am the whisperer of forgotten truths. A seer of visions and a prophet of the unseen, bound by the threads of fate that weave through the very fabrics of time and existence. A harbinger of justice and protector of the sacred, sworn to defend against the encroaching shadows of ignorance and desecration."

He stated raising one hand first to Shov Brald Shov Brald and the second to Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate , his violet gaze bore into the depths of their souls, scrutinizing them with a glance.

"Hark and Heed my words; For my vessel echoes that of eternity, resonating through the corridors of fate's cruel design. You will not find treasures here to fulfill your desire and further your self interest. You will only sew woe and decay should you venture where you are not welcome."
His violet eyes were set ablaze with an intensity of righteous indignation.

"And who are you who dares to demand that I, the guardian of this sanctum, stand aside?" Tirin's voice rang out, tinged with veiled rebuke.

"By what right do you believe yourselves entitled to make such a demand?" he continued, disdain dripping from his words. "This temple is my domain, my sacred charge. I will not yield to the whims of interlopers who seek to defile its hallowed halls."

Location: Lolthal
Objective: Meet Velran
Tag: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Equipment: In bio


"You are a very strange man Velran Kilran Velran Kilran , of all the command posts I have visited, this certainly stands out." What was she doing here? Did curiosity really need settling that badly? She had no care for lothal, beyond it being a minor vassal for the alliance, what was it, a dusty little world with very little of use on it. But the guy had been persistent, she had to give him that... so many messages over the past few months. Some seemingly purely of professional interest relating to the rallymaster of Clan Saxon, some.... more personal, offering her attention. It was flattering but unnecessary.

"Interesting seige tactics, not how I would have done it, but that's me. Do you expect that they will cave quickly?" She did have a little concern that a protracted seige could have significantly poor consequences for the innocent civilians inside the dome, for all her ruthless efficiency, she usually sought to avoid unnecessary non-military loss of life.

A starfighter flew over them and Celt moved closer to the moustaches man, she looked at the hairy creature that inhabited his top lip. If he had any chance of lavishing her with attention, and it was a small chance regardless, then that would have to go. Who wore a moustache? It wasn't the 880's any more. "My ship is in orbit, your people have been hospitable. I'm sorry to say I have not deployed any Saxon resources at this time, but the invite was very gracious." she laughed. She was here to meet the man, not involve herself in another battle that had nothing to do with her people. Her helmet hissed as she unclipped and removed it, allowing her red hair to fall out and down her shoulders. She looked at the helmet and the boarhead sigil before looking back at Velran. "You know the alliance are going to be pissed about this yeah? They have no regards for distance, in their mind the galaxy is theirs and any that don't dance to their tune are not welcome in it." she shrugged and clipped her helmet to her waist before grabbing a drink and sitting by the moff.


Location: Lothal High Orbit - Lothal System
Objective: Swatting Flies
Dialogue Legend: “Galactic Basic” │ <“Imperial Basic”>
Call Sign: Miracle One
Tag: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

Bella, of course, was aware of the circumstances behind the Empire’s arrival. In spite of the fact that the Togrtua was only a TIE pilot (although the newest Baroness, at that), she knew what treaties meant. And so, in knowing that this particular treaty had been broken by the Lothal Protectorate (at least, that was what she believed), who had discreetly supported rebel movements in Imperial space, Bella held no reservations regarding the ferocity of the Imperial justice that was set to come down on Lothal.

In her mind, the Protectorate had brought this down upon themselves.

“They have Uglies. A lot of them.” Bella hissed with barely-veiled disgust over the comm channel that she shared with her two wingmates—Ensign Naria Zanales and Junior Lieutenant Reina. Both of the women were talented pilots who had been placed under Bella’s command after she was made Baroness of the Empire. However, while the Togruta had been impressed at their combat and simulation records, she knew that their skills and mindset would need further refinement, if they were to survive and thrive within the demanding mission profiles typically given to elite pilots.

“Easy day, then.” Naria answered, her tone carrying an uncautious pride that quickly set Bella off.

“No, Ensign.” Bella cut in immediately, before Reina could speak. “You may maintain your distaste, but do not contaminate it with vanity. As inelegant as those machines are, any one of their pilots could vaporize us all in an instant.” She continued. “We will engage them as normal. Fall into screening pattern Cresh-2 and form up around the Obscurer. We will wait for Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti to release his TIEs before committing to an attack.” She finished.

“Aye, Commander!” Naria and Reina chorused, before quickly maneuvering their TIEs into a screening formation. All the while, the Baroness opened a comm with the captain of the Obscurer, before sending him a quick transmission to alert him that her element of elite TIEs was at his disposal.


Outfit but bald and with his GLORIOUS moustache


It was about time the major representative came. Velran craned his head gazing at the mandalorian named Melt Baxton. "Wait....." Velran thought. "It was Celt Saxon Celt Saxon . I was too busy enjoying the slaughter that her name slipped my mind."

Yes, the young Celt Saxton was one of the leaders of the other main Mandalorian faction: The Enclave. They were brutal, ruthless, and hated the Galactic Alliance. Velran always admired the Mandalorians, they were flexible, was able to think on their feet, and they were always unpredictable. Traits that Velran not only shared but expected out of his troopers. However, Velran found the Mandalorians unfocused with their goals only to fight for glory's sake. But with the Mandalorian Enclave, they hated the Sith and the Galactic Alliance and waged war against the latter. They even won 3 battles in one day. When word of their victories, reached Velran he knew that he needed to secure an Alliance. The Mandalorians were tools at the end of the day valuable tool akin to a Hammer. Velran learned quickly that the best way achieve his goals, is to stand on top of others.

"Ah Miss Braxton!" Velran gave her a wide grin. "Welcome to Lothal! You came just in time for the fireworks!"

Multicolored explosions dotted the capital city in a way reminded Velran of an exploding star he watched on the Holovids. They were beautiful in the way they died stars burn bright before quickly fizzling out. "It's good that Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti was able to clear the skies for your people to land!" Velran said. "If you want your fleet to join in on the fun, you're more than welcome!"

Celt removed her helmet revealing a pale young woman with long red hair. She was a looker..... for a Mandalorian. "What a beautiful way to start our friendship." Velran said as she sat down next to him, "Warm weather, great drinks and-"


Verlan snorted through his large moustache and took a deep breath. "Remember what Ikris Kresad Ikris Kresad told you." he thought. "Sorry! Lost the happy! I'm calm! Very, very calm!"

A wicked smile spread across his face, it was forced though and Velran his cheeks were twitching rapidly. "But the truth is Celt," Velran said. "I don't care about what the Alliance thinks! They'll act all outraged from their glass towers and then go back to brunch. I'm here on a galactic conquest and these..... Lothal stink creatures spat in the face of the Empire. I'm here to make an example of them."

Objective 1 - Mega Dome

NISB Combat Armor
Suppressed SMG

"We meet again," Lutin approached Alicia Drey Alicia Drey from behind he was cladded in NISB combat armor with his helmet off, his suppressed SMG was attached to his hip. It had been a while since their last mission, normally NISB agents would go months or even years before they see each other again. To find Alicia in the middle of a battlefield no less was surprising.

"No offense," Lutin started. "But I think the stores are closed at this time."

The battle in the Capital City had been slow thanks to many Anti Air turrets placed on the sprawling skyscrapers. They were applying a lot of pressure to the dropships and caused plenty of casualties. Of course, the Lothal Protectorate were conducting guerilla strikes on the ground force. "Truth be told," Lutin said. "I don't understand why we had to rush into a shielded city. It'll be better if we set up for a long artillery siege, we had all the time in the world. But this new Emperor is impatient."

He sighed, looking at Alicia. "So, what are you up to?" He asked.

Sicarius raised a quirked eyebrow and a small smirk at Shov's assessment of her motives. Sicarius would certainly kill the Grand Moff if the opportunity presented itself, but she had no cunning machiavellian plan on doing so. She meant what she said about having found the Empire's resources useful to her studies and experiments. She was hoping that sooner or later preferably sooner she'd be able to perform a live field test about some of her implementations of spreading viruses. She'd had some success with hive mind insectoid Spawn, but recently she'd been intrigued by the animation of the dead.

Sicarius scoffed at Shov's meaningless threats. It was a shame such a handsome specimen was so antagonistic against her. In other circumstances she would have enjoyed a more intimate relationship with him. It helped that he reminded her of her Master of course. Shov could have been an interesting distraction to pass the time and relieve the boredom of her imprisonment.

"Now now, no need to be so adverse. You and I could have some fun in the very near future. Don't worry you can keep me chained if you like. I'll even keep the collar. I'll start a new fashion trend."

Sicarius frowned at the superfluous greeting of the man standing in their way. Typical Jedi foolishness and nonsense. Jedi believed themselves to be so pure in their self righteousness, believing the Force has given them sacred tasks to defend others or in this case defend a sacred site.

"Well now. A Keeper of the Temple Sanctuary. A Whisperer of Forgotten Truths. A Seer of Visions. A Prophet of the Unseen. A Harbinger of Justice. A Protector of the Sacred." Sicarius snorted with contempt dripping off the syllables "That's a lot of lofty titles and claims for a glorified security guard.."

"I too seek Knowledge. I believe your temple holds some."
Sicarius returned with a smile. "Another time and place I'd have been happy to duel you for it and put you in your place. "

"Fortunately for you that I currently don't have any."
Sicarius admitted "My Friend here however has enough weapons for the both of us."

Sicarius took a step behind Shov and gave him a gentle shove forward.

"Sorry to Shove you Shov" Sicarius cackled "but hey you're the one that insisted I shouldn't have my lightsabre's."

Sicarius began to gather and harness the Force using the time that Shov as a distracted gave her.

Shov Brald Shov Brald Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
Tags: Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni
Objective 1

As Alicia was reading the recent agricultural survey for a farmland found several kilometres south east of the Capital City, a familiar voice crept up on her. Of course, Corveni could never creep up on her, at least in her mind. The Force was a constant companion and therefore a friend to warn her of impending danger, or, in this case, the familiar sense that came with the NISB operative she had worked with in Hutt space.

"I am in the process of buying land, and property all over Lothal," Alicia replied. She had felt no need to lie, and held no shame for capitalizing on the Empire's attack. "I have been here all week preparing for this. If the Empire is going to annex this world to make use of it's economy then I don't see why I shouldn't profit from the action?"
Location: New Lothal City - Lothal
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Objective: Mega Dome
Tag: Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen

The DuPorcelen Iron Legion and the 501st were on the move. For her part, Ivixa watched from her elevated vantage point as both forces pushed deeper into the city. Opposing them was a haphazard, yet well-armed force of milita soldiers with a few small armor companies composed of a number of Imperial-class repulsortanks and troop transports. The force represented the teeth of the Protectorate’s militia, but it was also one of the last remnants of a military that had been thoroughly battered over weeks of battles across the capital continent, before being forced to retreat to the city.

“This is Rominaria Seven. Reporting enemy tank movements through grid sector Cresh-24, moving into Besh-24.” Ivixa transmitted to the headquarters of the Iron Legion and the 501st. “Transmitting coordinates now. Seven, out.” She added, knowing that it was one of the areas that the artillery squads had pre-sighted in anticipation of an enemy counter maneuver.

With that, the tiny sniper gazed down her rifle’s scope and set her sights on the moving armor column.

Even she was not above looking at explosions.


House Mecetti Exile Fleet
In Lunar Orbit of Lothal
Objective 3: Swatting Flies

"Five squadrons of 'Ugly' starfighters moving forward. Sir, this is only a fraction of their force of starfighters. We're getting some of them with long-range fire, but they're generally too small and maneuverable for turbolasers to have an impact, and they're still too far away for laser cannons.

However, we may be in range of their proton torpedoes in... ninety seconds."

The notice from the signals officer came shortly after the Baroness had signaled in. Maldor nodded at the report, and then gestured for him to be put on comms.

"Baroness, my compliments to you and your elite squadrons. I am launching Tie/mgs now.

While Mecetti pilots are good, I know that yours are more experienced. I'd like to move my fighters into point positions to draw the enemy into an attack upon their formations. Then I'll order them to peel away and scatter, hoping the enemy gives chase.

This will allow you to pick apart any who fall for the bait."

A classic lure maneuver. It might cost him some fighters. But the elite squadrons under the Baroness would be able to obliterate the enemy easily if they were foolish enough to fall for it.

"I should note that I believe they've sent their worst fighters up front to probe our strength. They have significant forces in reserve. After we cut apart this rabble, I expect more serious resistance. Be ready for surprising competence with the second wave."

Maldor had commanded ships in a half-dozen different major engagements, now, and he was quickly becoming a seasoned fleet commander. Hopefully, the Emperor would take note. He was in the field personally today, and this was Maldor's chance to make a mark.

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Bella Bella
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