Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply The Search

On My Way To The Netherworld
Cordelia walked in a sea of faces at the transport station. There was Rodians, Ithorians., Wookiees, Selkaths, and all manner of species making their way to their different flights. The Young Girl in her black hood paid no attention to anyone slightly bumping her, her mind was on other matters. Seeing a bar that was serving hot broth, she made here way there. Taking a stool, she waited for the Droid with turquiose glowing eyes and white oval head to take her order. Sitting next to her her was a Elomin woman with ruby alin and yellow jasper eyes.

“It’s not safe to travel alone.” Said the Elomin as she drank from a silver cup. Cordelia paid the comment no heed, but the Wokan went on.
“You really should hire a guard.”
Coredelia turned, her blood res d eyes peeking beneath the shadow of her hood.
“I can take care of myself.”
The Elomin smirked.
“I am sure.. but there are dangerious outfits here. They are known to abduct people..”
The Young Marr tapped one of her Shoto saber hilts, its chrome shining in the lights.
She found this concerned citizen, if she could call that rather to prying for her taste. So getting up she dropped some credits on the bar and began walking down the terminal.

Outside the cieling to fliir windows was transports, long nubian chrome ships headed across the galaxy. She sensed someone was shadowing her, her innate Tsis’kaar sense signaling that footsteps were tapping the floor and following her pattern. She made for a cornor and hid behind a shield of metal as she watched the Elomin walk past in the crowd. The inter om rang,
“Flight 038 is delayed.. repeat Flight 038 to Alvaria is delayed.”

Cordelia sighed, it looked like she would be stuck here a little longer. It was at this moment she noticed two Duros with their round red eyes making there way towards her. One of them rested their fingers on their blaster pistol as the other spoke,
“Our Lord invites you to meet him in the Ahkar Club.”
The Young Sith squinted her red eyes.
“I have a flight to catch.”
They looked at her,
“It has been delayed.”
Cordelia had learned a from her older brother and father to never go anywhere with strange men, but the alternative was to make a mess in this terminal and possibly get hit with a no flight penalty.
Shrugging, she said,

The Two Duros escorted her across the terminal, their circular hats combined with her black hood made it look like she was a VIP, when they came to the kiosk outside the club, a pink Twi’lek with very white teeth smiled.
“Welcome to the Club! Have a good stay!”
Her chipper mood made Cordelia more concerned than her armed escort, what was she on Spice?
Inside was her worst nightmare, colorful lights, that kind of music meant to dull the soul so that you’d drink more. She hated these kinda of places, and hated that she was being coerced. Whoever this Lord was, she’d put him on her list.. her kill list.
On My Way To The Netherworld
TAG: Aziraphale Aziraphale
Mentioned: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

The Duros lead Cordelia into a back room where a gray chair with a v shaped back pointed out a window.

A voice broke the silence,
“What a suprise, a little Marr in my pond. This was the last thing I thought would happen when I awoke this morning.”

The chair turned and old man with a beard and a fogged eye stares at her. He looked like a Gammorean pig face if they were pink.
“My ears have heard the stirring of Lothcat feet.. word has come to me that The Marr Family is gathering.”

Cordelia crossed her arms. Her blood irises fixed on the hog faced man. She imagined the many ways she could severe his head and place it in his hands.
“Tell me Little Marr, what is your cousin up to?”

Cordelia leaned forward with her black locks, they were tied up and the bangs falling on one side of her face.
“Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

The Boss Lord laughed.
“You have spunk, but even with your power.. you cannot possibly succeed. Your magic is limited, you still need ships to travel the stars. I can cut that off and you’d be stuck in this pond forever…”

Cordelia smirked,
“Do you really want to make an enemy of my Cousin? Of the Sith? Have you heard what they have done to planets much larger and more populated then this?”

The Boss grimaced,
“For a Little Girl you sure know how to negotiate. But tell your Cousin this.. his progeny is not as safe as he thinks. There are serpents gathering and no one will be safe, not even him.”
It was in that moment that she realized what he was talking about.. the whispers in the Void, which read Dark Empire.

The Old Man rose up and smiled,
“Enjoy some time in the club on me. Just beware of the Rodian vintage, it is.. toxic.”

With that she was escorted back into the main part of the club. There she found a vacant black cushioned chair and sat. Her mind drifted to O and what they might be facing. There parents had been most cruel to caste them out. She only hoped Cousin Malum had taken her Brother in. The Marrs had to stick together…
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Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte

Aziraphale watched with an unblinking gaze as the woman with dark hair and blood-red eyes was escorted away, vanishing momentarily, only to be ushered back into the pulsating life of the club. The atmosphere was thick with tension, each observer unknowingly holding their breath.

Beside her, a voice, deep and smooth, practically purred into her ear,

"Are you lost, little girl?"

The words felt chillingly close, their whispered echo so real. But there was no one. Only the lingering sensation of a ghostly breath sliding across the fragile shell of her ear, leaving behind a trace of unseen menace.

Across the dimly lit room, rich heliotrope-colored eyes glowered intensely from a distance. They studied her with a predatory calculation, the way a lion might regard a simple field mouse, evaluating every possibility, every move she might make.

Nearby, Aziraphale stood silent, his presence nearly a shadow, yet unmistakably imposing. Towering nearly six and a half feet tall, his long dark red hair cascaded over shoulders cloaked in inky black garb. The form-fitted gear clung to his muscular frame, obscuring the lethal arsenal integrated into his attire. His weapons, all painted a deep, matte black, melded seamlessly into the dark leathers, making them nearly indiscernible. Everything about him was absorbed into the shadows, except for a single intriguing detail—a hint of silver glinting beneath the edge of his cloak. What appeared to be wires or coiled metal cords looped at his hip, hinting at danger.

His entire figure, wrapped in a cloak that seemed to actively swallow the light around him, made the space he occupied appear darker, dimmer—an island of obscurity in a sea of club lights. The only break in his shadowy facade was the occasional flash of metal sheen form those cords below.
On My Way To The Netherworld
TAG: Aziraphale Aziraphale

Cordelia had rested her cheek on her hand as she waited in the seating area of the Club. She had intended to wait there till her flight arrived when a Voice disturbed her. Opening her blood eyes, she scanned the area and caught sight of figure in which darkness seemed to swallow light, even the color of annoying strobing colors of the club.

She decided to respond,
Lost? ‘Not all who wander are.. forget it,’ why are you creepily speaking to me from a distance?

The Little Marr.. wait did she accept that title from the Boss Man? It was patronizing and it took all her Tsis’kaar training to not fillet him with her shotos. Cordelia was really reconsidering public transit, first some Boss of the terminals escorted her where she did not want to go, now some very unusual being was talking to her with raspy creepy voice. It was like some message had been sent across the Ship Port, “Sixteen Girl! Looks helpless! Better make sure she is alright!”

Nothing agitated The Cousin of Malum more than be treated like a child, even if she was only an adolescent. There were times she wished an accelerant could speed her aging process so that everyone would take her more seriously. The only Big Brother she wanted was O of House Marr .

She waited for the voice to give its response, slot wasn’t like there was much else to do. She was bot a party gril like Twi’leks and freaks at the bar who exchanged kisses to get free drinks from perverts. Noelr did she have any intent of lounging with Boss Man and his threats. There was an urge for her to leave The Club altogether, return to the terminal and wait there. But then she remebered she had been followed.

Next time I am requesting Malum send me one of those fancy ships.” She said this to no one in particular, it came out in a frustrated tone.
Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte

It seems like you're exploring an intriguing interaction between two characters. Let's refine and expand upon the text to enhance the scene:
"You state the obvious yet ask the reason, pup," he stated simply, stepping up to her side. His gaze lingered over her, studying her features intently as if committing them to memory.

Approaching her, he stood a few feet away, his voice reaching her ears without his mouth moving—an unsettling sensation.
Something felt amiss. His voice, smooth and soft like rich velvet, contrasted with the strange disconnect between his speech and his lips.

"Do you always intend to live off the coattails of your betters?" he asked, this time speaking directly to her in an open manner. As he set his glass down on the bar, the noise of the music around them seemed to dampen and muffle, creating an intimate bubble around the pair allowing them a moment to speak and be heard with out shouting over the music.
On My Way To The Netherworld
TAG:, Aziraphale Aziraphale

Cordelia found the manner in which this voice spoke rather irritating. Calling her “pup” was enough to make her severe manhood or whatever cord made the being tick. At last the Creepy One revealed himself, rather handsome with red long hair, and yet she sensed this could be no more than a pleasing shape like her Sibling O’s female form.

The remark about her privilege also did not sit well and to this she offered a rebuttal.
Are we not all clinging to coattails? Whither legacies, or power passed on through generations? All of us are to to some extend beholden to betters. There is always a ‘bigger fish.” She paused a moment before finishing, “everyone chooses the big or small pond, if I choose the smaller one of Family, what dishonor is there in that? I am only sixteen. There is plenty of time to throw me in the larger ocean. Is that your purpose?
She had a Marr’s erudition, and she wielded it like a blade when she was stirred by snarky fellows like him. Though if she was honest with herself, she was rather sassy too. It was typical to see your own faults in others, the mirror effect could be humbling if one realized it, in Cordelia’s case the papyrus of her own hubris was blinding. Perhaps that was why she reacted so to this Stranger, they were guiding her to look at her own hypocrisy.
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Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte

A smile tugged at the corner of his blackened lips, a hint of amusement in his tone as he spoke.
"It's wise for families to keep a closer eye on their pups, lest they stray or fall prey to others. It's hard to protect what's precious if it's not kept close," he remarked simply.

"Perhaps you're not a mischievous little wanderer, perhaps it's not your fault you've been neglected and uncared for. That's the flaw of a family that doesn't understand its role or purpose," he continued simply.

"You don't seem happy to be here, so why stay, little pup? Is your yip worse than your bite? Not everyone has the luxury of family or friends; many walk through life and death alone," he concluded.
On My Way To The Netherworld
TAG: Aziraphale Aziraphale

Cordelia felt a fury rise up in her, she wanted to draw her shotos and answer him with a swift stab. But his logic was infallible, why had no one come? Why was she in this terminal so vulnerable. As he contemplated this she felt he blood eyes become downcast.
I hate that your right.. I sent word to my sibling that I was coming.. and no answer.
The Little Marr shivered a little, had she lost favor in the sight of O? Why hadn’t Maluk sent someone to collect her? The mofe she let the Creepy One’s words oscillate in her head, the more she felt alone.
Teting to het back some resolve, she appealed to a reasoning based on speculation.
They are just busy.. that’s it! They have pressing matters to attend to! That is why they have not come!
She was grasping at straws to justify why she was alone. And here was a soul or whatever it was offering a counter narrative. Telling her she was not being cared for, that her family had failed. She tried to bury the notion in her teen mind, but logic was hard to put in a mental grave, “facts were stubborn things.”
Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte
Aziraphale couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Cordelia's plight, but he also couldn't resist injecting a bit of levity into the conversation.
"But fear not, my dear little pup. If your sibling doesn't show up, perhaps we can start a club for wayward souls. We'll have matching jackets and everything. Who needs family when you have fellow terminal-dwellers, right?"

Aziraphale's smile widened as he continued, his tone now laced with playful sarcasm. "But fret not, for you're in luck. As it happens, I find myself in between existential crises at the moment, with all the time in the galaxy to spare. And lucky for you, my services as a guardian angel are available for hire."

He leaned in conspiratorially, his voice dropping to a mock-whisper. "For a nominal fee, of course. After all, protecting a little pup like yourself from the big, scary world out here isn't exactly cheap. But fear not, for with me by your side, you'll be navigating these treacherous terminal waters like a seasoned captain. I can make sure you make it where you're going and you can have your family who's all but forgotten you foot the bill."

With a dramatic flourish, he gestured towards the chaotic hustle and bustle . "So, what do you say, little pup; Do we have a deal? "
On My Way To The Netherworld
TAG: Aziraphale Aziraphale

A “club for wayward souls,” that was rather poetic. Cordelia had to admit this Being was to her great suprise sympathetic or at the very least good as mimicing sympathy. The truth is she normally would hesitate to make a pact with a stranger, but recent events with The Boss Lord and the Stalker had made it clear that as a Marr, she was vulnerable. Cordelia was skilled, but it did not matter how good you were at fighting, numbers always overwhelmed, while you expended energy another could attack with full strength while their partner recovered, it would help to have someone watching her back.

Agreed. I will take you into my services and you shall be payed.
Another reason to make an alliance was to ensure this Person, were they a person? Was not hired by someone else to hunt her. There were those in The Kainite who would want her as a hostage, and the Eternalists if the eldritch stories could be believed would be a fate worse than death, well more proper undead. There was of course The Jedi, though she did not fear the Paladins of Light, they had codes of conduct that prevented them from devising the most nightmarish of tortures.
Sitting then she ushered her hand to an empty seat to The Handsome Man, or Sephi, he had pointed ears, so she was not sure, he could be Aetharian or another race.
Formal introductions are in order I think, I am Cordelia Marr. You probably knew that, but I think its best to not assume. What is your name?”
So diplomatic, at times The Cousin of Marr could seem twice her age, speaking as someone who ought to be in The Senate. Other times she sounded like a sixteen year old brat, which was not too long ago in this discussion.
Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte

"Taral," Aziraphale echoed, his voice carrying a weight of loyalty. "You can consider me your protector until such time as you deem my services unnecessary."

With a subtle gesture, Aziraphale released whatever manipulation had enveloped the surrounding area, allowing the sounds of the world to gradually seep back in, dispelling the eerie silence that had cloaked them.
On My Way To The Netherworld
TAG: Aziraphale Aziraphale

Cordelia gave a furrow of her lush black eyebrows,

“Taral, I am glad to have you in my service.”

As she said that the intercom rang,

“Flight 038 is now boarding.”

Looking to Taral she said,

“Well now my Protector, its time for you to show me what my Cousin’s money has paying for.”

She said this was some sass, she could not help it. His presence made her rather attuned at being her more snarky self. Whither thay was a good thing, well time would tell.

She stepped out of the club tp be met by the two Duros who walked past her as if they did not recognize her, a relief to be sure. Back in the terminal, she looked at the boards to see what gate Fligjt 038 was at,

“Let’s see, Gate L.. which is..”

As she looked at the screen she felt eyes on her, not Taral, but that woman before who was approaching with a serious look on her face, she was reaching in her coat for something…

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