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The Shield of Aegis

Daughter of The Destroyer



"You wear the armor for your protection, but you carry your shield for the protection of others."
  • Intent: To design an advanced shield tech capable of various functions
  • Image Source: Destiny 2 Sentinel Concept Art [X]
  • Canon Link: Deflector Shield [X]
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Domina Prime [X]
  • Affiliation: Domina Prime
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Shield of Aegis
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, Beskar, Various other materials~


  • Classification: Multipurpose Advanced Shield Tech
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Electric: Very High
    • Cold: Low
    • Heat: None
    • Sonic: None
    • Acid: Average
    • EMP/ION: High
    • Radiation: Low

  • Shield is powered by energized Kyber Crystal
  • Versatile in design, condensing energy into singular combat shield or generating a large shield bubble similar to Droidkas~
  • When in combat shield variant, shield can discharge powerful electrical blast if used in a bash


SHIELD WALL: Designed exclusively to compliment the spartan-esque combat style of Domina Prime when in its basic combat shield mode the shield is incredibly dense and powerful, allowing for a blitz-like offense when complimented with a proper melee weapon. However, when enduring heavy fire from a specific direction the crystal powering the energy shield can further 'expand' the defensive 'cone' of the shield, generating what can be described as a bright 'wall' of energy from around the sides of the shield, allowing Domina to hold the line and push the charge while not only protecting herself but her squadmates who may be behind or beside her. Ideal for defending against firing squads and long range ordinance.

BASH TACTICS: A feature that can ONLY be utilized when the shield is in its basic combat form the Crystal powering the shield over time of being impacted and struck builds kinetic energy within itself which can be built up to then be suddenly and abruptly discharged in a opponents face during an offensive maneuver known as the 'Shield Bash', where striking the foe unleashes a wave of electrical discharges which can disorientate and send enemies flying back if struck hard enough with the shield, making it an effective weapon as well as defense against opponents who aren't used to such devices.

BUBBLE WRAPPED: A more unique design aspect of the shield is its ability to imitate the functionality of a 'bubble shield'. Probably best known in their application with droideka units during the clone wars, the energy produced by the energized Kyber allows the shield tech to, by sacrificing its entire energy reserves sacrifice the combat shield for a one time larger scale bubble shield that can withstand heavy explosives from grenades, missiles, blast from fighters and other heavier forms of weaponry that would commonly wipe an entire surface area on the field. Probably the shields most energy consuming feature, it can only be used once, maybe twice during a battle assuming Domina is able to re-energize and charge the crystal back to full power in order to power it. Used as a 'last defense' to protect not only herself from potential devastation but also her fellow mandos who may unluckily find themselves in the blast radius of an unforeseen sneak attack.


SPARTAN COMMITMENT: Dominas vambraces, unlike other mandalorians who possess all manner of attachments and tools on their braces, with this shield all four arms are incapable of utilizing ANYTHING else but this shield. No whistling birds, no grappling hooks, no hidden blades, no flamethrowers. To wield the shield is to commit to the combat style developed and cultivated by the Knights of Manda. Limiting her combat versatility and forcing her to go all in on shield combat against her foes, allowing clever enemies to eventually work out a solution to get around it rather than having to worry about other 'random surprises'.

DESTABILIZED CORE: The Kyber core Domina uses to power the shield is an unstable product experimented on and 'energized' with fusion energy which, while useful in producing sudden burst of highly potent energy allowing things such as the shield bubble and shield bash to preform effectively, it is also an incredibly unstable source of energy and if disturbed or meddled with can cause a devastating rebound that can damage or even kill Domina. The explosive potential of the crystal if damaged or destroyed is highly dangerous, making running this attachment a risk for those who know where the power source is located within her Beskar'gam

FORCED PRESSURE: The shield was created and designed specifically to withstand and resist heavy kinetic fire, blaster energy and heavy explosive either from rocket launchers or bombs dropped from above. A defense for 'physical' threats. Against the strange and bizarre powers of 'The Force' however the shield may be found severely lacking and may be easily taken advantage of by clever and observant warriors with the force who can quickly catch onto how the shield works and its exact functionalities.

SLOW MOTION: As is the cast with some shields, slow moving objects can easily pass through its energy barrier. In both combat form and bubble form while bullets and blasters may not be able to pass through its defense anyone willing to take their time and slowly slip a dagger through or simply 'trespass' into the bubble will find much success against Domina.

IONIC CHARGE: While highly resistant to emps and things that would potentially disturb its systems, if Dominas armor is damaged enough and the shield is stressed throughout a battle eventually ion charges and emps may be able to 'slip through the cracks' and cause the shield to behave sporadically, randomly shutting on and off or just completely glitching out.



"Come back with your shield, or upon it~"

From it's inception The Aegis was developed to be a multi-functional energy shield capable of both personal protection and the protection of a small group should battle become uncertain and backs are against the wall. Unlike other energy shields which tend to either be to small or to large for practical use, The Aegis utilizes three basic main variants that are used depending on the intensity of the battle at hand.

The Combat shield variant, by far the most reliable and easiest to maintain is the main function of The Aegis. A large, round shield serves as a powerful energy shield that can deflect most manner of destructive attacks. While focused on her arms however the shield tends to be limited on just how much it can defend and deflect despite covering and protecting a large portion of the body, taking the shape of a large concave style shield often measuring between 80-100 centimeters. However, to increase its overall 'defensive range' the shields energy can be 'spread out' and formulated into a 'shield wall' defense which can defend comrades at her side from heavy fire should she need to push the line with allies on her six.

It's final function, a 'last resort' to defend those around her from what would normally be total annihilation is the shields ability to drain the crystals energy to generate a large, powerful bubble of energy capable of defending a small group pulled inside from devastating weapons such as missiles or heavy cannon fire from above for a short time. And while it may not be guaranteed anyone yet alone everyone within the shields protection will survive, their chances are a hell of a lot higher than if they had been struck without it.

In summery, The Aegis was developed and designed to teach Dima the value of protecting her kin rather than focusing on the bloodthirsty feral wrath she often displays in battle. Motivating her to stick with her squad and 'hold the line' and advance the push instead of ditching her teammates in search for 'worthy prey'.
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We have multiple issues. I love the idea but there is a lot to iron out.

  • Image Source: Destiny 2
We gamers may be a cultured people but we still need a proper image source linked to it. Some still don't know what Destiny 2 is, please link at least to the website or where the photo was found. Not the actual image link, where the image was found.

  • Manufacturer: Domina Prime
  • Affiliation: Personal Creation
Need to link your biography your name. Also Affiliation: Personal Creation does not work, please use your name again and have it linked to biography.

FEEDING FRENZY: The shield, strangely, when in combat form can 'gain' energy from being struck. The more powerful the strike or more rapid the damage, the more energy it can build, store, and eventually discharge on an opponent. However, fighters who see how the shield works will find that avoiding and refraining from 'feeding' the shield is by far the best way to render its special bash feature much less dangerous. If an opponent can resist the urge to keep striking the shield and avoid it then it becomes much harder for Domina to utilize its full functionality against her foes.
An Enemy figuring out how to not get hurt is not a weakness in this case, please remove.

Now the rating problem

  • Production: Unique -4 (-4)
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High 2 (-2)
    • Kinetic: Very High 2 (0)
    • Lightsabers: Extreme 3 (3)
    • Explosives: Extreme 3 (6) (Not an Applied/Accepted Resistance)
    • Electric: High 1 (7)
    • Cold: Very High 2 (9)
    • Heat: Very High 2 (11)
    • Sonic: High 1 (12)
    • Acid: Average
    • EMP/ION: High 1 (13)
    • Radiation: Average

      Total: 13 Over Rating
We have two distinct problems

First is that Explosives is not a resistance rating. Explosives are varied wildly from the usual fragmentation, thermal charges, cyro grenades, electromagnetic pulse grenades, seismic charges, proton torpedoes, plasma grenades....the list can go on and on but I think the point is across. No Explosives rating, it just does not work here. If asked on how to deal with explosives otherwise, use Kinetic and Energy as the ratings on it. That generally fixes that problem for shockwave and general explosiveness.

Second is that this is over thirteen points in ratings which is rather large for most. You need to balance it to Zero. Three can already be taken off by removing the rating of Explosives.

Otherwise from all I listed, this is a rather nice design. Ping me through @ listib hibin when done and we will go further over it.

Domina Prime Domina Prime
Daughter of The Destroyer
Listib Hibin Listib Hibin Heya! I edited most the issues you referred to out but i ain't make a factory thing in like...years i think and i am not familiar with the number system there. What exactly am i doing these stats your showing me i'm not all certain how to re-balance the stat sheet DX
You need to balance your ratings.

Production Ratings Scale:
Mass Produced: 0
Minor: -1
Limited: -2
Semi-Unique: -3
Unique: -4

Weight Ratings Scale:
Weightless: -3
Very Light: -2
Light: -1
Average: 0
Heavy: 1
Very Heavy: 2
Extremely Heavy: 3

Resistances Ratings Scale:
None: -3
Very Low: -2
Low: -1
Average: 0
High: 1
Very High: 2
Extreme: 3

This is how the ratings would normally go:

Production: Limited: -2 (-2)

Weight: Very Heavy (2) (0)

Energy: Very High (2) 2
Kinetic: Average (0) 2
Lightsabers: Very Low (-2) 0

Total: 0

When you do your ratings, it must at the end equal to 0 to be accepted. It is merely math at the end of the day and should be a good explanation and easy thing to look up later. It is also in the Technology Rules underneath Armor and most others, some even in Starship and even Vehicle.

Domina Prime Domina Prime
Daughter of The Destroyer
You need to balance your ratings.

Production Ratings Scale:
Mass Produced: 0
Minor: -1
Limited: -2
Semi-Unique: -3
Unique: -4

Weight Ratings Scale:
Weightless: -3
Very Light: -2
Light: -1
Average: 0
Heavy: 1
Very Heavy: 2
Extremely Heavy: 3

Resistances Ratings Scale:
None: -3
Very Low: -2
Low: -1
Average: 0
High: 1
Very High: 2
Extreme: 3

This is how the ratings would normally go:

Production: Limited: -2 (-2)

Weight: Very Heavy (2) (0)

Energy: Very High (2) 2
Kinetic: Average (0) 2
Lightsabers: Very Low (-2) 0

Total: 0

When you do your ratings, it must at the end equal to 0 to be accepted. It is merely math at the end of the day and should be a good explanation and easy thing to look up later. It is also in the Technology Rules underneath Armor and most others, some even in Starship and even Vehicle.

Domina Prime Domina Prime

Ok so...the weaknesses i put on i think give me like...9 points? And with the bonuses i have left from the stats i think i used 8 of the 9? Is the math right on the new stats i put or am i still off i think i did it right but i also failed math class every year of my school life so i'm not exactly confident in myself lol.
Unique: -4
Energy: 2
Kinetic: 2
Lightsabers: 3
Electric: 1
Cold: -1
Heat: -3
Sonic: -3
Acid: -2
Radiation: -1

Total: -5

You are not at Zero. Take a breath and take your time, open notepad or take a piece of paper, put it down side by side with numbers with a tally. It helps out, how I do it manually.

Also the Weaknesses used to be a rating buff has to be severely damning, it cannot just be a small thing. A lot of weaknesses never even reach a rating bonus where it counts in points and some Factory Judges will see it differently each time, meaning it may not even be accepted.

To give a Severe Weakness Example...

Armor Lock: If someone hits the rather exposed Armor Lock switch, it will freeze the person in place in statis and remain motionless. While not being able to be harmed, it will make the person a non-factor for an entire hour and can get an entire army around him once the Armor Lock breaks. This Armor Lock cannot be reactivated for 24 Hours.

One Shot, One Glory:
It can only be fired once, never can be reloaded. Due to its sheer weight and size, it is impracticable for any soldier to carry more than one. This also makes it nearly ineffective in attack vehicles.

NOT THE ROCKS!: To simply put, stabilizers was not a thing. Anything other than flat terrain will result in this speeder flying off into a random direction, spinning out and most likely totaling the racing speeder in a few seconds.

Fly Through the Hanger!: The opening of the hanger bay also leads into the vast interior of the Star Destroyer, allowing for many vulnerable and crucial components to be destroyed for those daring enough to fly into the heart of the enemy. This can lead to the swift destruction of "Insert Star Destroyer Name Here".

Domina Prime Domina Prime
Daughter of The Destroyer
Unique: -4
Energy: 2
Kinetic: 2
Lightsabers: 3
Electric: 1
Cold: -1
Heat: -3
Sonic: -3
Acid: -2
Radiation: -1

Total: -5

You are not at Zero. Take a breath and take your time, open notepad or take a piece of paper, put it down side by side with numbers with a tally. It helps out, how I do it manually.

Also the Weaknesses used to be a rating buff has to be severely damning, it cannot just be a small thing. A lot of weaknesses never even reach a rating bonus where it counts in points and some Factory Judges will see it differently each time, meaning it may not even be accepted.

To give a Severe Weakness Example...

Armor Lock: If someone hits the rather exposed Armor Lock switch, it will freeze the person in place in statis and remain motionless. While not being able to be harmed, it will make the person a non-factor for an entire hour and can get an entire army around him once the Armor Lock breaks. This Armor Lock cannot be reactivated for 24 Hours.

One Shot, One Glory:
It can only be fired once, never can be reloaded. Due to its sheer weight and size, it is impracticable for any soldier to carry more than one. This also makes it nearly ineffective in attack vehicles.

NOT THE ROCKS!: To simply put, stabilizers was not a thing. Anything other than flat terrain will result in this speeder flying off into a random direction, spinning out and most likely totaling the racing speeder in a few seconds.

Fly Through the Hanger!: The opening of the hanger bay also leads into the vast interior of the Star Destroyer, allowing for many vulnerable and crucial components to be destroyed for those daring enough to fly into the heart of the enemy. This can lead to the swift destruction of "Insert Star Destroyer Name Here".

Domina Prime Domina Prime

Alright i edited the stats again.

And oh man what uhh, what stregnths/weaknesses should i look at i tried to balance it right without making it seem insane or anything
I thank you for this but I have been brought something to my attention over this submission.

After reviewing some footage on Destiny 2, this is almost a blatant one to one copy of the entire Sentinel sub-class. Normally this is caught but I have not played this game probably since it first came out and glanced over it. We do not allow one to one copies.

There are two options here, one is to be moved to Pre-Factory so it can be worked on to prevent it from being exact one to one. The other is for me to archive it. I will let you decide on how this goes.

I am sorry for not noticing this sooner but exact copies of abilities and use from an exterior game to here is just not allowed.
Domina Prime Domina Prime

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