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The Spacers Datacron

Welcome to the Spacers Datacron
Below are entries that contain useful information and lessons for any spacer who seeks to utilize the force. Please note that some lessons are incomplete, and not all material within is Lightsided.
Use with caution
Entry 1:

[Classification: Light Side/Jedi]
[Author:// Vassara Raxis//Text Mode:]

[File Begins://]

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.
These are the tenants of the Jedi Code. There are several variations of this code, but this is the one I decided to select because it fits me best. Now this is not to be confused with the Je'daii code as that is more ancient. This one is a modern excerpt, taken from the Datacron my surrogate master Karen Roberts delivered into my possession on Fondor.
Lets begin shall we?
There is no emotion there is peace: This line describes the mental state of a Jedi. As guardians of the light and all that is good sometimes it is very necessary to set aside emotion. If I allow myself to feel, I allow in passion and passion is the doorway to our darker sides. Some kill for love, that is passion. Some kill for glory, that is passion.
Emotions are not all bad, but in the throes of the force and when trying to walk the line as I do, it is best to leave them out. For example I hate the Sith, and unfortunately that makes it difficult for me to accomplish my duties. To combat this I must center myself in the force and forgo emotional thoughts when I make my rationales and decisions regarding these matters.
There is no ignorance, There is knowledge: This line denotes that as Jedi we must always seek the light and knowledge within. We cannot properly combat our dark desires within, if we ignore them and do not address them. Keeping in mind the Sith wilfully disregard Jedi teachings or anything that does not give them power. Here we see ignorance, blinding them and stopping them from accessing all of the force. Instead their ignorance puts them in one narrow band of the force, and destroys mind and matter when they use it.
There is no passion, there is serenity: Let go of your passion, your deep longings. These are paths to the Darkside. Passion as discussed above is a product of emotion. Emotion can stir you to make clouded choices. A Jedis actions must be pure in word and deed.
There is no Chaos, there is harmony: Indeed chaos leads to emotion and passion. As Jedi it is up to us to release the hectic currents of our current life and just stand still once in a while and reflect. The more chaos there is the more clouded ones mind becomes. Beware the pull of madness.
There is no death, there is the force: The force is the all seeing all knowing energy field which surrounds us and binds us. Without it we are nothing. Death is not the end, we come from the force and are returned as such in blissful harmony for the rest of our days. Rejoice at the end, for it is simply ascension.
Anyways these are my thoughts on the code. Keep in mind there are many different interpretations. Analyse what feels right for you and work from that. Hopefully this will help guide those who follow it, long after I am gone...
[End File:??]

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***Accessing File: Je'daii Code, Exert From The Writing Of: Zavzen Sae'ryx***
***Opening File***

***Warning: This Recording Comes From An Outside Source, Do You Wish To Continue? <Y/N>***
*** Continuing***

"My Master has recently taught me the code he follows: the Je'daii. This will be the record of my opinions of the code. I will first explore each line in detail, the first half of the line then the second if the line can be halved, if not then the whole line.

Firstly is the code itself:

'There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no fear, only power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of Light.
I an the mystery of Darkness.
In balance with Chaos and Harmony,
Immortal in the Force.'

The first line is 'There is no ignorance, there is knowledge'. The first half of this line 'There is no ignorance' disturbed me at first as it sounded like the code was dismissing ignorance. Of course ignorance exists for it is impossible for everyone to know everything, but examining it a second time I have drawn a better conclusion. I believe that this half of the line talks about how a Je'daii should dismiss ignorance and never accept it into their lives,to always strive towards finding more knowledge because if they allow ignorance to consume them they would become stagnant and unable to evolve, grow and adapt. A fate that all should try to avoid. The second half of the line 'there is knowledge.' talks of what a Je'daii should imprint in their mind, there is knowledge and there always will be more and that a Je'daii should never stop learning, never stop growing and continue to adapt. Overall I think this line talks about a Je'daii's fight against becoming stagnant.

"The second line is 'There is no fear, there is power.'. The first half of this line, 'There is no fear,' is a strong truth that I think all should accept if we wish to be at one with ourselves. There is no such thing as fear. Fear is created by our minds. This line speaks of trusting in the Force to guide, but not lead, us as well as tells the Je'daii that they should learn to conquer the illusion of fear with their inner power; this leads to the second half of this line - 'there is power.'. Gaining power quickly and suddenly is not bad like most would assume, it is the corrupting influence of this power that is so, if one had enough inner power, say enough to conquer the illusion of fear, they could control that influence and gain more power over there mind and start to conquer: arrogance, defeatism, and mental chains and began to shed those chains and strive towards evolving past limitation and begin to help the wider universe by gaining freedom of the mind and mental balance, mental peace.

"The next line is 'I am the heart of the Force.' and I believe that this line explains that no person is too small, everyone is apart of the Force and can affect it's flow in some way as well as being able to affect the lives of those around them.

"The line after that is 'I am the revealing fire of Light.'. This line talks about how a Je'daii must accept Ashla/Light Side into them to be able to reveal lies and injustice and to be a controlled fire, something to fight of the forces of evil. However I believe this line has a deeper meaning, a meaning I derive from the use of the word 'Fire'. Fire can guide and provide light and warmth, but it can also consume many things and end lives, I think that this is a warning to never let go of the shadows that must exist for the Light to be able to do something.

"'I am the mystery of darkness.' is the fifth line. This line explains how sometimes the darkness/Bogan/Dark Side is needed to hide truths that should never be know and secrets that must never be shown. The darkness is a comfort that allows you to retreat when things get bad. However this line also talks about how if you retreat to far into these shadows you become a mystery to the Light by losing contact with it and when you lose the Light all that remains is darkness, something that consumes everything.

"'In balance with Chaos and Harmony' follows and can be separated into thirds: Chaos, Harmony and both. Chaos is randomness and drive and passion all at once, it provides everyone with goals and drives by never letting their lives become monotone. Harmony is perfect and peace, it provides everyone with stability in their lives. However when you accept only Chaos you can never have a stable life, you must keep moving, never stopping, never developing bonds with those close to you, isolating yourself. And accepting only Chaos isn't the only bad outcome, if you accept just Harmony your life becomes peaceful and you loose the drive to evolve and begin to become stagnant while those close to you begin to move ahead, isolating you. It is when Chaos and Harmony are balanced that the best outcome is made as you are at peace with both sides of yourself: passion and serenity, drive and peacefulness, evolution and stagnation, Chaos and Harmony.

"The final line 'Immortal in the Force' talks about how after you are dead you will always be remembered by the Force in the ways you affected it and history and as long as your memory is immortal so is your soul.

"The Je'daii Code can be examined in more detail if we look at what lines relate to others. The first line talks about avoiding becoming stagnant as does the sixth line and the second line, however the sixth line talks about finding balance to do so and the second line talks about finding power to do so. The final line talks about how the Force will remember you in how you were a part of it as does the third line, where it talks about how everyone is a part of the Force. The second and sixth line talk about finding a peace with your mind and who you are. And the forth and fifth line link to the sixth line as the sixth tells the Je'daii to find a balance of Chaos/Bogan/Darkness and Harmony/Ashla/Lightness.

"In conclusion I believe that the Je'daii Code can be summarised using one word: 'Balance'.

These are the writings of my exploration of the Je'daii Code. This was Xavzen Sae'ryx. End Recording"


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***Accessing File: Force Crystal Creation***
***Opening File***
***No Audio/Video Available***

Force Crystals are really nothing more than highly compressed carbon that have been exposed to different flows of the Force over the long time of their creation. With the right amount of skill, direction and knowledge one could replicate these circumstances and create a Force Crystal attuned to themselves. This guide will aim to supply the needed direction and knowledge.

First: The Crystal. The crystal is, as previously mentioned, made purely of carbon that had been compressed and heated so much that it has passed the stage of diamond long ago. To create your own crystal you must replicate these circumstances. The way I did this was by using the Force to compress a large amount of pure Carbon I obtained for a week, using only the Force to keep me going. The location I did this was also important. I went to the planet Mustafar to make use of it's intense heat. The combination of me compressing the carbon and the heat of the lava was enough to make the crystal. However, that is all it would be if I left it at that and not applied the second aspect.

The second aspect: The Force. During the creation of the crystal I made sure to align the crystal within the Force while also attuning it to me. I shall first discuss alignment within the Force. To align the crystal in the Force is to flood it with the Dark Side only, making it a purely Dark item, to flood it with the Light Side, making it a purely Light item, or to flood it with both a certain ratios. This would be done to strengthen your connection to whatever alignment you chose as the more you use the crystal the more in tune you become with the chosen alignment. When flooding it with the Force you are increasing your connection to the Force, no matter what alignment. This is because every person has a unique Force Signature and when you manipulate the Force you imprint a copy of your signature. When you are flooding the crystal with the Force that has been imprinted with your Force Signature you are slowly imprinting the Crystal to you.

When you have completed both these steps, you will have a Force Crystal attuned to you.

However there are further areas that must be mentioned. The first fact is that it is possible to make the crystal a certain colour, and as such the blade, by manipulating what light frequencies can pass through the crystal. For further knowledge investigate colours. You must be confident when doing this though as one wrong move can shatter the crystal. The second area that must be mentioned is abnormal results when creating the crystal.

When you create a Force Crystal this way there is a risk of it going wrong. The first possible way is to compress the crystal to much. If you do this the blade, when activated, will be thinner than usual as well as have osculations of energy running down it, however there is no negative repercussion. The other abnormal result is achieved by failing to recreate the environmental conditions. These crystal will be unstable and when the blade it active it will be unstable with sparks of energy flying of as well as elctrical energy running through the blade. While this does more damage to the target the lightsaber will short-out often.

I hope this guide will prove helpful to someone over the years, at least.


***End Of File***
Accessing Entry: SORESU

[Classification: Form III/Lightsaber Training]
[Author:// Venris Helion//Text Mode:]

[Opening File]

Soresu, Form III, The Way of the Mynock, the Resilience Form.

The first thing to know about Soresu is that it is a purely defensive form that focuses upon non-aggression. It was devised first as a countermeasure against blaster weapons and eventually became an all around defensive technique that is reliable, efficient and simple compared to more complex and acrobatic forms. The user utilizes as little energy as possible in order to force their opponent to expend their own energy in a futile attack against an unbreakable defence, and then take advantage of their opponent once they make a mistake.

Primarily, Soresu involves maintaining a stance with your weapon held close to your body, elbows locked and utilizing tight motions to parry various attacks. In combination with subtle dodges and movements that rely less on flashy and powerful attacks and more on careful and precise evasion, this style can allow a single person to fight off numerous opponents at once. The fabled Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi mastered this form to a degree over thousands of hours of combat and training during the Clone Wars that he was rumored to be able to walk through a heavy firefight and not take a single hit.

The weakness of Soresu is that it relies solely on defending and only attacking when an opportunity presents itself. Less conventional Jedi would later seek a way to combine the efficiency of Soresu with a more aggressive style of fighting in the form of Ataru and Shien. The traditional implementation of Soresu is to redirect blaster fire or draw out a duel until your opponent becomes clumsy with fatigue, and then strike only when you see an opening. While ideal in theory, this form is only as effective as the warrior who utilizes it.

A user of Soresu must place themselves 'within the eye of the storm', maintaining a calm and focused attitude during combat and remain undisturbed by anything going on around them, allowing them to easily adapt to any scenario. With great training and improvisation over time a fighter who uses Soresu can learn when to appropriately counter attack after forcing their foe to waste their own energy, but one should always remember the second most important aspect of Soresu.

The goal is not victory, but survival.

As a defensive form, Soresu is often ideal to use when on the defensive and at a disadvantage so as to ensure one's own survival even if it means sacrificing a possible victory.

The opening stance of Soresu has the user hold their blade back over their shoulder in one hand while holding out their free hand towards their opponent. Their dominant foot is kept braced back and their other foot extended forward.

When properly applied an executed, Soresu can allow a single individual wielding a lightsaber to fight off dozens of enemies wielding blasters, or at least several other swordsmen. While it may seem to be a backward thought to rely on a defense as a good offence in this day and age, you should consider how it is more beneficial to survive and fight again rather than charge in and get yourself killed, hence why Soresu is a valid and often very useful option when in a pinch.

If you wish to learn on the more aggressive variations of Soresu, look to the forms of Ataru and Shien.

End recording.

[File Ends]

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