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Private The Spice Must Flow

Nar Shaddaa, The Palace of Darth Baucherous

The great throne of Darth Baucherous dwarfed just about anything else in the grand hall of the palace, deep in the underbelly on the dark side of Nar Shaddaa. The palace was fit for a Hutt no doubt, with ample room for both the gargantuan lord and his many courtiers, but one would not be decieved into thinking this was a Hutt palace just like any other. Its black corridors hosted the worst of the worst, and hidden in its dark corners were rooms host to the most vile debauchery in the galaxy, befitting their patron's title. It was the perverse desires of the criminal underworld, whether it be drugs, sex, or blood, that the Sith Lord catered to. Tonight however, just after the sun had set and the far side of the moon lit up like the shining jewel of the Hutts that it was, there was one angle of business more important than any other. Spice.

Much beloved, galaxy wide, and a personal favourite of the business men present, the spice trade was so much of the criminal underworld that it could fuel entire criminal dynasties, cause wars, and of course, settle them. But, as it had been lately, the stars were profoundly lacking in wars, and the Hutt cartels had done what they do best regardless of war and peace: profit. Alongside them was the only species in the galaxy that had learned to match the cunning and the greed of the Hutts: The Pykes. And the Pyke Syndicates loved Spice more than anything.

Unfortunately for all interested parties, the news was not going to be good. Baucherous had just been informed of the loss of a valuable shipment of Spice heading into Imperial territory, a veritable gold mine of new markets now that the government there was weakening. The major issue was that it seemed an enterprising warlord was less than keen on allowing his people the pleasures they deserved. As such, Baucherous had called an old business partner from the Pykes to sort out a solution.

When Daozu Pyke Daozu Pyke would be ushered into the throne room, he would find Baucherous atop his huge platform, a litter of beautiful Twi'lek slaves, both men and women, sitting around him, some idly, some actively feeding the giant hedonist huge chunks of indiscernable fried meat. The room around the Hutt Sith Lord's throne was host to dozens of tables with dancers, gambling, mountains of spice, and no doubt some of the worst criminals on Nar Shaddaa. Thats how Baucherous liked it. He had lived on Nar Shaddaa for five hundred years, and it was always the same. The Crown Jewel of the Hutts was like a beautiful garden that never needed tending. A Hutt here could grow old, fat, and wealthy off the workings of the society itself, without lifting a finger. A paradise. The Empire? not so much. Baucherous himself had never been, but reading the reports he could imagine how dull living under the Iron Fist must be, and now the Empire had taken things too far, meddling in his business. Didn't they have more important Sith to fight?

Tags: Darth Baucherous Darth Baucherous

Nothing succeeds like excess...

A thought that would keep into the caverns of the drug-fueled Pyke's mind as he calmly made his way to the throne room, the heavy scent of spice seemingly engrained within the very fabrics of his clothing. It was a herald, for some, and a harbinger of doom to many others. It all simply depended on the context...

The years since the Second Great Hyperspace War had been rather calm for Daozu, though peacetime wasn't exactly an ideal market. Violence was often incredibly profitable, so long as one had the mind for it. With peace came complacency, and with that... stagnation. Stagnation made one sloppy, and sloppiness was not something Daozu could afford. Thankfully, his contacts had kept his finger on the pulse, and with that, he had managed to maintain a fair amount of profit, despite the enduring quiet of his little corner of the galaxy.

Though, that may be changing soon, if the message from his old business associate was any indication. It had been some time since the gargantuan Hutt had reached out to Daozu specifically, as there were plenty of others within the ranks of the Syndicate that worked more closely with the Hutts. If Baucherous was asking for him, well... things just may be starting to get interesting.

The throne room was certainly a sight to behold, and though this was far from Daozu's first time visiting, he was rather impressed by just how much more grandiose and utterly sinful the place had become. It was no small feat for one as Baucherous to expand on his previously excessive habits, yet somehow, he managed to do exactly that.

Taking another large inhale from the spice flowing into his mask, Daozu looked upon the massive Hutt, his voice calm as the cold night sky.

"It has been too long. I see that business has been good."

His hands rose to his sides, motioning to the incredible chamber of debauchery and hedonism as he stepped forth.

"And your reaping of the benefits seems to have increased considerably, even by your standards."

It wasn't a comment meant to be a jab, but rather an indifferent observation. Daozu wouldn't ever dream of insulting a business partner, for in the underworld, one could not afford to burn bridges that weren't already broken.

"Perhaps I'll stay a while, and take part in the... festivities."

He too had his vices, after all.

"But I wonder, what could have caused the insatiable Lord Baucherous to call on me? Surely it must be a matter of considerable importance..."

And in need of discretion, though the very mentioning of such a need would prove to be, well... indiscreet. In the midst of his speech, Daozu would send another long puff of spice into his mask, taking it in as he leaned his head back. Yes... he would have to remain, at least for the night, for Baucherous certainly knew how to host a guest. And besides...

Moderation is a fatal thing.​
" Daozu Pyke Daozu Pyke ! How good to see you," Baucherous spoke in a deep baritone Huttese, "get this man whatever he wants, he likes his spice!" he rorared to no one in particular, but those servants who knew immediately began scurrying to bring even more food, drugs, and women into the room. Such a declaration was so common in the Hutt's palace his servants had begun to wonder if everyone really did like spice, or if Baucherous was merely pushing it on every client and guest that arrived.

"You and your kind are more than welcome here, Pyke, but I must admit I am buttering you up. You will not like what I have to say." the Hutt waved his small, fat arm gesturing for another piece of meet, which a Lethan Twi'lek lumped into his gullet and quicky snatched her hand away to avoid it going down too.

I believe last time I spoke to your people, it was in terms of millions. I saddens me to say... the product I promised to be sold and distributed on Dubrillion has been... seized, for lack of a better word, and pray it is just that. However, it would not surprise me for the Imperial schuttas to have crashed the ship straight into the damn ocean."

Tags: Darth Baucherous Darth Baucherous

His opulent display of hospitality was one of grandeur, perhaps on a level that one may perceive as less than endearing. But to Daozu, well... he knew the language of the underworld all too well, and despite the genuine nature of his greeting, there was always the ever-opportunistic tone. Not that it would offend Daozu, of course. He had long grown accustomed to the innerworkings of the criminal underbelly of the galaxy. It was funny, though... such actions would be not so uncommon in say, the courts of the senate. Yet, in the underworld, such actions held more water. To offer one such favors was more than a matter of saving face. It was a matter of business. And with that, Daozu would receive the offers in kind.

"Please, Lord Baucherous. While I do appreciate the gesture, I would like to think that we are well beyond buttering."

It was said in a friendly tone, but the Pyke's demeanor clearly changed to a less than jovial energy.

"Imperials, you say?"

The Imperials hadn't been historically good for business. Their heavily regulated lifestyle made it difficult to move within their lanes.

"How much spice are we talking?"

It may have been an obvious answer, but Daozu had been on the peripheries of Syndicate operations for so long that he almost felt out of touch. His hand reached for a blaster that wasn't there, as if he were ready to kill the failure where they stood.

"You must forgive me..."

Another strong puff of spice bled its way into his nostrils.

"Such news is... grave indeed..."​
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Baucherous cracked a smile,

"You are quick to defend what is yours, your people's love of spice. Unfortunately to say, the shipment was estimated to bring in five million credits. Pissed down the drain, effectively. My little spiders have been working overtime trying to figure out what happened. It seems as though we were underestimating the power of the Empire." the Sith Lord's tone was sly, with almost a tinge of respect for his enemies. In a way, despite the size of the issue, this gave him an otherwise barred opportunity to see into the Empire. He doubted the Pykes would see it quite the same way, but 5 million credits was an extreme lowball compared to what a full scale operation spreading into the Empire would be worth. The Darth's best hope was that Daozu puffed just a little more spice than him and remained calm.

"There is a name that keeps coming up from my people... some upstart military governor trying to piece the Empire back together... what do you know of Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan ?"

Daozu Pyke Daozu Pyke


Tags: Darth Baucherous Darth Baucherous

The Empire... there it was again...

The relentless pursuit of order amidst the chaos of the galaxy had been a thorn in Daozu's side for some years, much like the so called crusaders of Ashla that once held sway over the Tingel Arm. The loss of potential profit had been, well... disgusting. Nevertheless, Daozu would do his best to find the upside in a deal gone wrong, for in missteps, there was always opportunity.

"My people defend profit. It only happens that spice is one of our larger avenues of that."

The words were said with his usual indifference, though he took the opportunity to move a couple of steps closer as he spoke.

"Korvan is... not someone I know as much about as I would like. I know he was quite the prominent Imperial, but I'm sure you know they tend to keep their secrets close to the chest."

His mind drifted for a moment, his hand igniting another surge of spice into his mask as he pondered their options.

"I have heard that more recently he has begun engaging in maneuvers that... may be more amicable to our goals..."

He appeared to be rambling, as if he were verbally mulling over the situation.

"Perhaps, instead of contending with them... we can come to some sort of..."

Another puff of spice filled his mask.


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