Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Structure Name: The Star Lounge
  • Classification: Restaurant, Bar, Music Venue
  • Location: Uscru Entertainment District, Coruscant
  • Affiliation: Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc.

  • Accessibility: The location is featured prominently on numerous billboards throughout the Uscru District, as well as a number of spaceports, shopping malls, and Creative Arts districts across Coruscant. The location caters to both Middle- & High-Class patrons, while successfully drawing in spacers, Jizz lovers, and gastro-tourists from across the Galaxy. To find it, one need only follow the signs. Access is provided via its' own skybridge, affectionately dubbed "The Loroka Overlook" (Funding donated by the Loroka Family)

  • Description: The Star Lounge is a popular music venue and restaurant, known for its' delicious high-class cuisine and nightly events. Numerous high-profile folk bands & Blues/Jizz Wailers attend weekly, and the venue also has its' own star singer (A human female by the name of Neesa Loroka) with her own small cult following.

    Rumors in the lower levels & amongst the poorer neighborhoods of Coruscant suggest that a Crime Syndicate operates the venue in secret, concealing their machinations behind a well-crafted facade. Neither the General Public or the CSF has caught wind of these rumors, and the venue maintains all of its' licenses and records to the letter.

Main Room - high ceilings and wooden interior give the main room a spacious fine-dining atmosphere, and the comfortable lighting is gentle even on the eyes of light-sensitive beings. A waterfall adorns one wall and a large holoscreen another. The bar is situated in a lower section from the entrance, and an open area nearby is often used as a dance floor. The stage is across from the bar, allowing the entire room to view the acts without obstruction. Tables, chairs, and booths are available with the majority located up a single staircase; the upstairs area lends itself well to private conversations away from prying eyes and ears.

Kitchens - With a small, focused menu, the Lounge's professional cooks deliver consistent lunch & dinner meals to patrons. The Lounge prides itself on a balance of cost to quality and employs only the highest quality cooks from across the galaxy. There is a dry-storage room as well as a large walk-in freezer. Entry to The Family's primary headquarters is concealed in the dry storage area behind a false wall. A retinal scan and Ident-chip (imbedded in the hand) are required to simply open the door.

The Sanctum: A number of rooms connected by hallways and two stairwells. The Family has refurbished these areas, providing housing, a recreational area, a small armory, and an Operations Center which acts as communications and administrative hub. In an emergency, the Sanctum can be sealed off completely from the outside at the press of a button. Total, unrecoverable loss of all files can be completed at the flip of a switch.

Alleyway & hidden exit: The rear of the building may be accessed by a small alley, only wide enough to fit a single speeder. It is a dead-end, but long enough to allow a speeder to build up altitude & take off quickly if required. The alleyway appears dark & disused, concealing a camera high-up with a prime view on the mouth of the alley and its' expanse. Access to The Family's hidden headquarters is concealed in an alcove and requires bypassing a well-designed security system to access. The Family rarely uses this hidden door as an entrance, choosing instead to monitor it. Anyone attempting to gain access without prior approval will immediately elicit an alarm. The back alley is consistently spotless with no trace of trash or refuse.

The building possesses all standard features a restaurant & music venue of its' caliber could be expected to have, including a Jukebox for slow nights, restrooms with a valet attendant, a coatroom, a staff entrance, outside smoking area on the top floor, etc.

High (And well-hidden)

- Weapon Detecting scanners concealed over every public entrance and exit. Concealed weapons are generally allowed; open carrying of weapons is not. Offenders will be asked to return upon shedding their armaments. (Note: CSF Agents are exempt from this rule.)

- Between 1 & 12 armed Family "Goons" at any given time in the building and its secret areas.

(Intrusion Countermeasures; connected via network.)
Evo Quantumguard: A powerful, comprehensive, and nearly slice-proof Security Measure affixed to all important data-terminals & Network Access Points in the Star Lounge. This piece of technological wizardry by Aurora Industries secures the Star Lounge (and The Family's) Network by requires physical keys and bio-metric signatures for all registered users. Without these, the network is nigh-impenetrable.

- 2 Kakine Electron Walls, installed directly over the hidden entrances & exits to The Family Sanctum.

- 1 Togawa Intruder Detector, installed within the back alley exit from The Family Sanctum. Concealed in a locked metal case made to look like an out-of-use junction box.

- 1 Internal Security Camera, installed in the back alley to monitor the area.

- Six angry Tanuki Droids hiding in the trash bins strewn in the back alley. Yula Perl has modified these droids to act as robotic garbage disposals, allowing the Star Lounge to shave hundreds of credits a month from their City Trash Tax.

- A single D-13 "Athena" Class Assassin Droid (fitted with optional Photo-Optic Replicator & HRD Technology). The droid intermingles with the clientele, changing its' appearance on a regular basis to remain unpredictable. It is nearly impossible to distinguish from a real human, except by practitioners of Mechu Deru. It is capable of responding to any threat at a moment's notice.

The Star Lounge came into The Family after the building was purchased through connections with the Loroka Family estate; a powerful & well-known name in the Coruscant Entertainment Industry. The Loroka Family owns much of the Uscru Entertainment District, and while they are not involved in shady or elicit dealings (persay), they do have a say in much of how business is run in the various entertainment venues and events which occur in this high-class area. Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc. purchased the building and several floors below - closing the venue for a few months for "renovations", improving and remodeling the entire site, then re-opening to a star-studded party.

Over the past year, The Star Lounge has become an award winning restaurant & music venue. Neesa Loroka, niece of Halamont Loroka, has launched a music career with the help of the Loroka Family's connections across Coruscant, and the entire district has seen a rise in interest (especially after "The Flattening"). Through it all, The Family has maintained a steady control over the finer points of running the establishment, utilizing it as a base of operations, a safe-house, and a meeting place.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Hello! I really enjoyed reading this one! It's nice to see the Family back. However, there are two things before I can approve this:

Image Credit | For the second image you have, please link the image's Artstation page. Pinterest is normally only allowed if other sources aren't available for the image.​
NAKAIOMA Permission | Is Aurelius Baldor a character of yours or a different writer? If they are a different writer and they haven't give you permission to use what they've bought in a DM/board PM, you will need to purchase the assests yourself from the NAKAIOMA store. Otherwise, those 3 items will need to be removed from the sub and replaced with something else (if you want to replace them).​
Please let me know if you have any questions or give me a tag once edits are completed!
Ylla Caeli'runa Hi, Ylla! I'm so glad you like it, it was fun making this one! The image credit has been edited, replaced with the Art Station Page.

Aurelius Baldur is one of my Faction Staff, he purchased the items at my request for the sub because the site wasn't working for me. I have his permission to utilize them, it was a Faction purchase.

Ylla Caeli'runa

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Thanks for clarifying! Just so we don't run into future problems with you using the sub, would you mind adding a screenshot of him giving the Faction perms to use those items? Maybe next to the NAKIOMA purchase link?

After that, this will be good to go!

Ylla Caeli'runa

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud My apologies. Yes, him saying that on the post would count as permission. That was my mistake for not scrolling up to look at the actual post by him. I only looked at the acceptance post by the seller.

At any rate, thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding! Enjoy!


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