Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Voyage of the Shesmu


The Semsu made its way across the hyperlanes. Aboard was all assortment of souls, many of them enjoying their dens of inequity. They were completely unaware of their Host, and that they were to be part of a Feast of Time Immortal…

A section of the great converted Battlecruiser was isolated from the rest of the ship, raised above the
Majority of the vessel was the penthouse that requires a lift to reach, there The Host dwelt. His bed sheets were of shimmering scarlet and were strewn about from recent use.

Standing in a crimson robe, his chest bare, The Sith Spawn looked at the stars passing by, behind him arms of pale skin wrapped around him, a woman with long flowering black hair and eyes of deep yellow, she wore a fine black top and shorts.

“Did you sleep well my lord?”

The question was an amusing one, he never slept. That was part pf his Curse, and so he turned top look at her. His gaze piercing, though he said nothing. She joined him at a table of red cherry wood. Entering in was a Pau’un, who bowed his bald white head as he poured some red liquid in s goblet of silver with ruby gems in faceted circles. For the benefit of his guest, food was brought to table, an assortment of meats and eggs. The Woman began to feast on a Mudhorn egg and smiled as the shell broke. Vaudimir sipper his blood drink, seeing him not partake of the feast, she inquired,
“Are you not going to eat?”

His eyes of blue fixed on her with an expression of that denoted he found her query irksome and he shrugged. She kept eating as if his silence was not an affront, he gave her glances as if watching her enjoy the breakfast banquet gave him some mirth.

The Pau’un poorer some hot tea into vessel for her, and besring hus crosed from fangs said,
“Would you like another serving my lady?”

She nodded, her golden eyes kept looking at The Host who seemed occupied between glances with a red volume. Hoping to illicit a response other than his looks, she said,
“What are you reading darling?”

The use of romantic pet name garnered his attention, as he raised his eyes back from the page, and fixed on her.
Words.. just words.” (Quote of Sir Thomas Moore, Wolf Hall)

The fact she had illicited any verbal response seemed to give her a pleasure that he did not understand. He had not said much, and yet she seemed in ecstasy. As if it held some great significance. This made her lean over and kiss his cheek. He looked at her with an expression of mild irritation. This seemed only to encourage her thrill. He was beginning to wonder if she was daft and needed to be sent to infirmary and lobotomized.

When the meal was over he rose and levitated a pomegranate to his hand and sucked some of gelatin ruby seeds. The act of chewing was a sensation he rarely experienced, and when he partook of the fruit it seemed to stir Her to join him at the window. She was clingy which made him consider tossing her out an airlock, but those eyes held him from such course of action. He saw himself reflected in them, her actions of worship made him feel.. did he feel? What a curious word to describe sensations from passion to murder. So broad a term and yet he was confined to using it in this century. Taking some of seeds in his mouth he leaned and kissed her, his tongue spooning some in her mouth. She took them in and her eyes closed as if he had given her the most decadent of desserts.

When he lids re-opened he was gone. She looked arouhd the room and turned to the Pau’un who was cleaning table.
“Where? Where did he go?”

The Dutiful Butler replied,
“My Master has enjoyed this brunch with you. He wishes for you to come again.”

She was confused, she missed his teleportation. He now was in hidden room that overlooked her and the table. The Host raised his hands, his finger nails becoming points, and his eyes murky with blood. Looking in a mirror he saw a hideous figure, bald with gray and red skin, great fangs and teeth….

The Opera was arranged with careful consideration. The elite were sold scarlet tickets, and the great domed room with seats of sparkling gold was sweeped and adorned with souls. In a private box overlooking the entire affair was The Host, who had a blood curtain drawn. The Pau’un escorted The Lady with golden eyes to a box next to it.
She turned to the Butler who helped settle her in her box,

“Where is my Lord? Is he not attending?”

The Pau’un looked at her with a placid look.
“My Lord prefers to be alone for the music.”

She turned to see the Box next door, the curtain drawn.
Inside was a silver chair with straps of leather, Vaudmir taking a seat with a serene expression as The Butler came and began to fasten the straps around.


The Pau’un stood at attention, his Master did not often address him verbally and when he did it was to be treated as words from the gods.

“Yes my Lord?”

The Host felt his hands contorting and his eyes were magnifying in pools of red.

Protect her..”

The Pau’un bowed his head slightly. The understanding was conveyed clearly as the first violin was strummed, the string softly rubbed by thw bow made Vaudmir twitch his face growing grayer, like a fog creeping across a plain.

The audience was in fine dress, they all clapped as the chorus began, and then a great orb of red light was raised like a moon above them, its dazzling light captivating, The Host felt his arms shift into long lanky extremities, the chsir shaking, the curtain eaving which drew The Lady’s attention. She rose to her feet in a white dress with gilded veil and was stopped by The Pau’un.
“No Milady, you must stay.”

The chair fell over and there was a sound of snapping wood, the curtain was drawn aside as a clawed hand reached towardsz the blood moon, a great mist of vermillion fell pm the crowds, and then beams of tentacle like shape steuck them as they drew from them into the globe, the people groaned as leaping down The Feral Rakghoul like creature attacked a Rodian, the streams pf red latching on to the Beast as it swept about digging its fangs into the napes, and necks. The Lady looked down in horror as the audience was drained by the Blood Moon and the Beast who went through the mezzanine with a swiftness of a Reek, and then down to lower levels where it drained the the rows leading to the orchastra, which had a cage with holes surround them as it descended beneath the stage, and sealed.

When the Feast had finished, The Beast stood where the condy tor had, and raising its clawe hands fo the sun above, the bolts of bkood descended and latched on to the Demon which howled. The Padt drew back her curtain, which made The Monster look uoward and open its mouth.

Inside she shivered as The Pau’un stood beside her, and held a great mallet.
“What was that?! Let me out of here!”

The Butler barred her way.
“My Lady, if you leave He will kill you. Already He is coming. We must hold out till He Turns.”

Age screamed, “What is he?! What the devil is he?!”

At the door there was a scratch, looking he saw the Blood Moon was now black. He took is mallet and said,
“Shhhn! Be quiet! My Lord is here.”

The door of wood tore off like a leaf drawn back by the wind, two great red eyes aopeared and the lanky figure with pointed ears and gray skin with spots of blood red all over in what apoeared to be webs. The Feral Lord eyes the Lady who screamed. The Butler ran and leapt in front.

“Forgive me Master!”

He swung the mallet, hitting the Ghoul across the head, that knocked it slightly. He then shouted to the Lady,
“Run! Milady! Run!”

She dashed in her train pit the door, her white dress flowing behind her like blossoms. The Beast walked on all fours as it recovered and eyed Its servant.

It leapt and knocked the Pau’un to the ground clawing at him, when outside The Lady tripped and knocked over a urn, which made a great crash on the steps. The Fetal Lord released Renard, and began prowling towards the door before sprinting off.

The Lady had made it to the bottom floor, when she heard the scratching pf foot steps in marble coming rapudly after, she made it into the center where the eclipsed moon hung and looked for an exit, then she saw The Beast crawling down the rows towards her. She slipped and now hung in the hoop beneath the lower part of the dress. The Rakghoul looking Sith Spawn now stepped on to the stage, and crept over her. She looking at its red eyes fainted. The Beast raised its hand which began to contract back into a pale arm and his face reshaping into the likeness of man. His bald head now had blond hair drape down to his neckline, and his bate chest of chistled blocks of flesh that showed he was fit. His burgundy trousers remained, the black under shirt tattered. Holding her in his arms, his eyes shifting to a lavender before turning blue.

The Pau’un came dragging the mallet, and fell in a seat nearby.


The exhausted Butler replied,
“Yes my Lord?”

Take her to my room.. and prepare a vessel. When she wakes, send her someplace where she can forget what she has seen.”

His face was greived and heavy with a weariness. The price of immortality was a loneliness, an isolation.

“I shall see to it my Lord.” Said the dutiful Butler.

Vaudmir took a garnet ring and placed it in her hand, a token he gave to every potential love. They all could not endure Beast, the Monster, which he tried to convince himself was an aberration, a curse, but deep down he knew better.. The Demon was Him and this fine and pleasing form the lie…
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