Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Zone


The Zone

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber

"No!" The soldier shouted, as Kahlil ripped apart the device that surrounded the artifact. The radioactive rock was still within, though unable to tap into the array. It's psy-waves now only reached the confines of the room they were in, still potent, but not far-reaching anymore. The man, furious with what he had done, turned to the Jedi Master and raised his rifle. There was no echo in the Force that warned Kahlil of imminent danger, but he was serious about his threat.

"What have you done?" He demanded.

"What you people should have done a long time ago." Valery suddenly stood beside her husband and offered him a quick smile. Her eyes then turned to the soldier, who stood stunned. How had she appeared from thin air like that? Another artifact, he imagined, but he wasn't certain.

"Who are you people?" He continued, his weapon still ready to open fire. "Do you have any idea what this means? The wish-granter will no longer be safe!"



"Jedi Masters. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt here. This machine, it's affecting everyone's minds. Think clearly on what you want to do next. Was that always your belief? Or was it a haze that this had given you? Lower the gun, friend." Kahlil gently turned his hand to the man and his gun. Mind tricks weren't much of his ability or purview, but now with Valery beside him there was no reason to fight. Not if they were going to surrender.

They at least deserved a chance to, if what he assumed was correct.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


The Zone

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber

With a clenched jaw and tense muscles, the soldier slowly began to lower his rifle. He looked Kahlil in the eyes, listened and considered his words very carefully. But a sudden tremor in the Force would warn the two Jedi Masters of his real intentions. In the blink of an eye, he raised his rifle again, the barrel aimed at Valery, and pulled the trigger. The crimson bolt illuminated the air as it carved through the air towards her, but Valery was too quick.

She raised a hand and deflected the bolt up into the ceiling, before sending a telekinetic pulse out to slam the man with his back against the wall.

"No!" he screamed, as he fell down onto his rear, "You have no idea what you've done." He looked at the two Jedi with a fury in his heart that Valery only recognized from encounters with extreme cults.

"You're never going to reach the wish-granter alive."


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