Nymeria Vizsla
Wolf on Fire
I suggest listening to this as you read.
"This world, this people, has been barren, decimated, weak, and in suffering for far too long. As matriarch or Kro Var, and the sole holder of past knowledge, I want to present to you all, not an opportunity but a decision. For centuries, the clans here have been left without the Shapers. Left alone and unprotected...crippled under the weight of the so called protectors, the Jedi. And by the Sith, were your guardians murdered. I want nothing more than to create a galaxy of freedom, not one where innocents are oppressed, and ruled. I desire a galaxy of peace...where governments are no more, and where there is no law. They think freedom is something you can take or give on a whim. Yet to their people freedom is just as essential as...air. And without it, there is no life. There is only darkness. So your clans of brothers and sisters and anarchy, are witnessing the beginning of an era of true freedom. I will forge a world without kings or queens, without borders or nations, where man's only allegiance is to himself, his clan, and those he loves. I will return to this galaxy the true balance of natural order. You must be hesitant though, I understand this much. As the great Airshaper, Giatsu once said; "Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." This decision I ask of you, is to break ties with those who have governed you in these times. And to let your natural order back, to let the Shapers lead once again!"
OOC: Welcome to the Shapers of Kro Var, as stated above I have outlined our mission. Of course we use the elements as our form of force powers. I am writing quite a bit for this, so lets hope for the best. And yes, I am aiming for major faction eventually.